MTL - The Last Apostle-v6 Chapter 196 dispute

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Seeing these monsters approaching quickly, Du Yuqi smiled:

"Don't be nervous, if I guess correctly, the usefulness of these large robotic spiders is not for combat, but for service plumbers. The debris around us is transported by them. Go, uh, well, I do n’t guess at all. First of all, you do n’t see these large machine spiders very fast. If they are used in combat, they will be easily destroyed by long-range firepower. Second, you will see them. The forelimbs are not like combat at all, but more like welding torches and shovel. "

"In other words, then we now have good news and bad news. The bad news is that the zero-organization group of people have mastered our movements. The good news is that they really seem to be stretched by the power in their hands. Now, even this cleaning robot is dispatched to intercept us ... "

Suddenly at this eve:

"That also illustrates one thing. The Zero Organization seems to be in a hurry now! So even these non-combat tools are dispatched to delay our actions. It also costs to make these gadgets? In such a way, at all costs Come to fight for the delay of several minutes, so that we can fight against the cost of time, can we block the line of vitality we have escaped? "

Du Yuqi smiled and said:

"Well, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, anyway, we have to kill these cleaner robots before we talk."


at the same time,

In the control room of the Isabella,

The copy of Norton's face appeared on the central screen, in an indifferent tone:

"Start summarizing the losses now!"

A man trembled, saying:

"According to the current summary of the news, although the voltage of one million volts has been restored in the Heiba ​​area, the gate of sigh and the steel forest should have been damaged. In addition, the entire black jail area has been damaged. It's terrible, the **** prisoners are madly disrupting, destroying, setting fire, as pervasive as a group of crazy octopus monsters! "

"Because the possibility of the sighing door being breached from the inside has not been considered beforehand, there is no emergency plan. The current situation can only be said to have closed a series of corresponding exits in advance, limiting the actions of the guys "It won't cause much harm, but it will take some time before the riots have subsided."

After hearing the man's report, replica Norton said coldly:

"Just being able to keep losses within a certain range, next."

At this moment, an angry roar came from a distance:

"Your incompetent bacteria, moldy onychomycosis, low-level amoeba! My laboratory has been spoiled as if it had been stung by a hundred bull head monsters. It is terrible that you do n’t send it now. Come to catch these prisoners? "

The voice was not someone else. It was Dr. Morrow. Obviously, the biggest victim of this escape was him, but he could only decide on his own one-third of the acre. Mixia set herself before her sleep. Much of the power is given to Norton, so he can only roar now.

Hearing Dr. Morrow's words, the replica Norton said lightly:

"I have heard your request, but I do not accept it, because the prisoners in the laboratory area are already in the middle of it and it is difficult to escape, but there are still a small group of guys who are about to escape our control."

Morrow growled angrily:

"But these hard-to-run guys cause incalculable consequences to my laboratory every second. The results of my research are being ruthlessly trampled on! They are like a group of young bulls in heat, destroying their visibility Anything you see that causes tons of harm, do you have any brains ?! "

Replica Norton Road:

"With regard to your last question, I suggest you turn now at 73 degrees, and then go forward 85 steps to the elevator to the 12th floor and enter the top secret research room, where you can see mine One of the brains immersed in sodium hypocitrate and high-performance nutrient solution ... and then I will invite you to drink a glass of lemon wine, except for that, the next one. "

With the copy of Norton, the connection was quickly disconnected and connected to the other end, and a calm voice came over:

"I'm Dadarian, the guard, and I'm in charge of the interception of three other prisoners. The prisoners are very cunning. They seem to know the structure of the Isabella well, so they found out a usual fundamental There will be no escape route, and now I have launched an emergency plan to let their actions die. "

"However, the most important part of the emergency plan: it takes eight minutes to re-open the abdominal armor valve. Now I have put the last power I can allocate in my hand-the spider-shaped robot to clean the sewage pipes. I went out, but the use of these robots from the beginning of the design is to clear the sewer ..... So I am not optimistic about the current situation, I hope to send me reinforcements, not too much, according to my calculations, only need Just delay them for a minute and ten seconds. "

Replica Norton replied:

"Sorry, I do n’t have enough reinforcements for you now, but I can solve your current problem. Under normal circumstances, it takes 7 minutes and 58 seconds to reopen the abdominal armor valve, but in the mode of energy input overclocking, Reopening the abdominal armor valve will shorten this time to three and a half minutes, is there any problem? "

Dadarian Road:

"No more."

At this time, Dr. Morrow's untimely voice sounded again, and the sound was full of disdain at the ear, which is called the ability to pull hatred strongly:

"Hehehe, this is an excellent solution to the problem! The abdominal armor valve of the Isabella was designed by myself. Reopening it when the energy input is overclocked will directly open the core of the abdominal armor valve. The efficiency is permanently reduced by 65%, and there is even a 27% probability that it will be completely burned, and it is almost impossible to rebuild the core of the abdominal armor valve. Your decision is equivalent to using exquisite delos royal bone china Go smash the mouse, the mouse may not die, but the property will be lost! "

Replica Norton faintly said:

"The three people who fled were not rats. One of them was a well-known master Xi, and the other Goblin had a high degree of priority, even with a strong negative state, even though his skills were average. This person is also difficult to resist. This guy should have gained strength from the mutant Terra stones. As for the last person, the Du priest who is very much valued by Lord Mixia, this person now looks like it may be Kahn's pawn, If you can't figure it out from him, you can figure out the mystery of the life and death of the first apostle Kahn. I am highly skeptical now. It is estimated that the door of sigh is broken and it has a great relationship with this person! "

"It's too much to deal with these three people no matter how much! So my decision does not need you to question ~ ~ Yes, Dr. Morrow, there is one thing I must remind you, yours A message has just been issued in the laboratory. A B-level important person has died, and her death was 30 minutes ago. Before she died, she crushed a thing that seemed to be transmitting information to the outside world. You have Didn't expect the chain reaction of this event? "

Dr. Morrow issued a series of giggle:

"There aren't too many dead ants like that. It's really a trivial matter."

As the two talked, the lights on the entire Isabella dimmed, and then a "humming" sound came from somewhere, and it sounded like it was stepping on the throttle. After the end, the car's engine screamed exhaustedly.

Immediately after the replica Norton said:

"The abdominal armor valve has begun to overclock the energy and will accelerate the closing speed. The previous closing progress was 58%. Then the expected closing time is 37 seconds. According to the image just transmitted, the three The prisoners have just gotten rid of the entanglement of mechanical spiders. Even if they are moving at the fastest speed, they will take a minute and ten seconds ......... this means one thing, the mouse entered the cage.

There was a round of applause immediately, but the replica Norton frowned immediately, because he received another unwilling news here, that is, warehouse 3 was attacked, and warehouse 3 was A place to store loot! The key is that the warehouse No. 3 is far from where the prisoners fled, and it is logically not to be affected.

This illustrates a very important thing: the deepest hidden spy was attacked on Warehouse No. 3 and had nothing to do with the prisoner! !!

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