MTL - The Last Apostle-Chapter 21 Inquire about whereabouts

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Du Yuqi took a deep breath and said with 忐忑 mood:

"I, before I was called, I was doing things with a good friend. At that time, I was totally unprepared to be called. Ahem, I can even say that I have never heard of such a thing at all, so I faced When summoned, I was at a loss ... I was involved in a passage, and then came here, before I lost consciousness, I seemed to see my friend was involved, you know his Where are you? "

When Xi Mingxi heard Du Yuqi's words, she immediately said:

"Ah? Did you come by using the summon channel? It seems that my runes did not draw wrong this time! What shape of the summon channel did you come over? Round? Square or flat? How long did it last? What light? Oh right, what kind of sacrifice altar do you see? What sounds did you hear when establishing the contract at that time? It is said that the **** of the contract will use dragon to speak when the mood is good .. .....? "

I saw this little girl crackling through a lot of questions, and all of them were not related to what she wanted to ask. Du Yuqi's face was blue, but at this time, the uncle instructor came out to help, in Ming Xi He patted his head and whispered:

说 "Say the point! Can't you ask these little things later?"

Xi Mingxi was shocked, and the grievances in her eyes said:

"But this is not a trivial matter. With these materials, this self-made summoning circle can be improved in the future ..."

It ’s okay for her not to mention this file. When she mentioned this self-made summoning circle, even the instructor of Gorath couldn't help but shudder ... The power of the explosion of the circle was witnessed by them. It is also this time that thanks to the true God, let the enemy share the power of this out of control array explosion, but what about next time?

Instructor Gagoras and the others secretly vowed to ban Mingxi's research in this area.

At the same time, Du Yuqi has uttered countless sentences in her heart, giving the little girl Mingxi a label of "academic naturalness". Fortunately, there are some reliable people, and soon, Zhou Qian's answer made Du Yuqi's heart fall to the ground and got a satisfactory answer.

It turned out that the summoning team was out of control at the time. After the big bang, their team was not the first to be touched, but it was also touched by the aftermath, which caused considerable confusion and scattered personnel. In addition, the weather was turbulent and scattered at the time. The mutant monster raided and was therefore scattered.

Even now, there is still a scattered team wandering outside, but at this time they have been contacted. Among this team, there is a person who is very similar to Du Yuqi in dress and clothing, if there is no accident , Then it should be Zhao Qiuyu who entered the world with him. If there were no accidents, the team would come and go in the afternoon and the two would meet.

When I heard this news, Du Yuqi was also very happy. After all, there are four great joys in life. The bride is the next sentence of a virgin. He didn't sleep well last night. At this moment, when the sun was shining warmly, he felt drowsy and fell asleep on the grass next to him.


He didn't know how long Du Yuqi slept, and suddenly felt like he was woken up by someone. After he got up, he suddenly said:

"Is my friend here?"

He was awakened by an acquaintance. It was the gunner Duize. Although the two had known each other for a short time, they supported each other on the battlefield and relied on each other. The friendship established in this way was very strong and intimate. Laughed:

"Not yet, mainly because the weather seems to have changed again, and it will rain again. If you don't have the sun, you can't sleep on the grass anymore. It won't be a joke after you get cold. Rest assured, your friend is here. I will definitely call you at that time. "

Du Yuqi sighed in disappointment. At this time, he watched Duize walking in front, but his hands never stopped. He actually disassembled and reassembled the revolver. He was curious:

"Your gun ... it doesn't seem to be quite the same as the gun in my mind."

Yes, in Du Yuqi's conception, the power of a hot weapon such as a firearm is definitely higher than that of a cold weapon, but he has previously seen it with his own eyes. Three consecutive shots of Chi Goblin, who was able to escape at a rapid speed ... this power is indeed much weaker.

Xi Duize's answer was to dumbfound Du Yuqi:

没 "Yes, I can probably understand your doubts. Presumably, the guns where you come are powered by gunpowder? And there is no magic."

"Powder powder? Do you know gunpowder?"

Du Yuqi opened her mouth halfway, he didn't know what to say!

And Duize picked his goggles with a muzzle and groaned:

"唔, I think about it, the composition should be saltpeter ~ ~ sulfur, charcoal?"

"......." Du Yuqi was completely speechless. "You, how do you know?"

Xi Duize shrugged:

"Don't you think you are the first person to be summoned from an exoplanet? The summoner of Arad has existed for at least tens of thousands of years, and the intelligent creatures summoned from the other exoplanets can be It's countless. What's weird about some information circulating? "

"So, then, since you all know the existence of gunpowder, why not use it ...?" Du Yuqi became more and more confused.

Xi Duize spread his hand:

"Because it is useless, saltpeter, sulfur, charcoal ... Maybe the names are different, but the same thing can be found on the Arad continent, just mix them in proportion and ignite. It's useless at all. "

Du Yuqi:

"How could this be?"

Xuan Duize said:

"The rules of the planes have deviated, so the laws of matter have also deviated. The Great Magister has studied this problem for a long time. Different planes have different laws, which can play a role in your plane. The formulas and rules are not necessarily useful here. In simple terms, coconut trees can survive in hot places, and they will only die when they are covered by snow and ice. You should understand? "

Du Yuqi said:

"Of course I understand."

Xuan Duize said:

"Then gunpowder is the coconut tree, the hot place is your world, the snow-covered place is the Arad continent ~ ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are in ~ ~ Please read for mobile users.