MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 85 Mermaid (3)

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The hotel will not provide new clothes. Gu Huai has to wash the clothes that have been soaked in the sea before, blow dry with the air ducts in the room, and continue to wear them. The next day, I took a ride back to the city from the bus stop near the seaside park. There was no accident on the road. Gu Huai smoothly returned to his memory home.

It is in a community, this district is regarded as the urban village of C city, and the development is relatively lagging behind. This can be seen from the building.

The houses are all looking old. Gu Huai took the stairs to the floor where his home was, stood at the door, and found the key in the trouser pocket that was lucky not to be washed away by the sea.

As soon as the door was opened, Gu Huai could see the whole picture of the whole room at a glance. It was quite small, but it was enough for such a space to live alone.

When the environment has no choice, Gu Huai has always been comfortable with the situation. The accommodation conditions have not said how bad it is. It is good to get used to it, and then move out when you have the ability.

The first thing that Gu Huai returned to his home was not to open the script on the single bed. Instead, he opened the drawer and counted how much deposit he had left.

A penny can stump a hero. Gu Huai now owes more than three hundred yuan borrowed from a stranger. His rent this month has not yet been paid. Gu Huaigang thought so, not long after a fierce filming of the door rang.


The door was shot even with some vibration, which was the result of vigorously taking the whole palm.

I can almost guess who is going to take the door. Gu Huai scratches his cheek with his fingertips, and the look naturally opens the door.

The person who shoots the door is the landlord's wife of the house. It is more than forty years old. It is a middle-aged woman who will play friends with mahjong or go to the square dance if she has nothing to do. The little girl who was next to the landlady was the youngest daughter of the other party. When she saw the door open, she ran into the door.

"Gu Huai brother, you didn't promise to sign me last time. I brought my storybook over. Would you sign me on this page?" The little girl with short shoulders turned the book over to The title page, then the story book in the hand is raised to the youth.

At this time, Gu Huai had not had time to respond, and the landlord said coolly on the side: "Man is not a big star, what signature?"

As a landlord, Qian Lan still knows a lot about the tenants in her house. The youth in front of her is indeed acting, but it is estimated that she is running a dragon. She has never seen each other's face on TV.

When the little girl heard it, she was very unhappy and slammed her feet. The righteous resentment retorted: "Gu Huai’s brother looks better than the big star, and he will definitely be better than them."

And she felt that the youth seemed to be getting better, and it was a little different from what she saw a few days ago... The little girl looked up at Gu Huai and squinted at the idea.

If defined by the fan type, this little girl can really be regarded as the powder of Gu Huai, which is one of the few fans of Gu Huai.

But my little daughter, the landlord had to let the other party finish the signature first. When the little girl happily returned with the storybook, she asked in a dry and succinct tone: "Your rent has been dragged this month." A week, is it going to pay?"

After the landlord went to the door to collect debts, Gu Huai and his expression gradually expressed an apology, and then handed over the last cash deposit that he had just pulled out of the drawer. "Because I have not been able to find a part-time job for a while, I am worried that I will finish the payment." After living, the living expenses will not be enough, so I have been in arrears for so long. I will give you the rent on time, I am very embarrassed."

The young man suddenly became so polite, and he also actively explained that he had made a mistake. The landlady was a little uncomfortable. In the past few months, the other party was in arrears of rent, and every time she asked her to come to the door to remind her, and the youth in front of me always taught and did not change. Qian Lan did not like the other side, but the situation made her very surprised. .

"I am not the kind of person who does not talk about feelings at all. Sometimes, if it is really difficult, take the initiative to come to our house to explain the situation, I will give you some time to grace." The landlord has been on the board since The face was slightly softer and it was no longer a s form.

If the young man is so polite in the morning, knowing that he wants to explain to others, she will not say that she has not given her face a good look because the other party has defaulted on the rent.

"Well, thank you." Gu Huai nodded, slightly bending the eye.

The youth will be beautiful, and after the blood is awakened, the eyebrows will add a little more singular beauty that is unclear. Now with its slightly curved eye, this unique beauty is fully exerted, and people can't help but put their eyes on each other.

After that, the landlady took her little daughter away, and looked down at the story book that she was hugged by her daughter as a baby. Although she doesn't care about the entertainment scene, the actors and stars she saw on TV really don't seem to look better than her own. It means that the other day can really be a big star...

However, the landlord still feels that this possibility is very low. She has seen the young acting for several years. Until now, she has not mixed up any famous names. Instead, she is very poor and desperate. It is better to find individual serious work.

Sending away a Buddha, Gu Huai can't help but feel a little headache. He remembers from his original memory that he has no deposit left, but Gu Huai did not expect the deposit amount to be as small as this. How much is left.

The audition is tomorrow, if he successfully wins the role and completes the signing, he will get the pay, but he promised last night that he still swears today...

The situation is a bit embarrassing, but Gu is still unable to return the other three hundred dollars.

"Sorry... I promised last night that I will pay you back today, but there is a temporary situation. I may have to pay back later."

It is a stranger who is a lifelong person. I can't talk about trust and distrust. Gu Huai sent this message to the other party, and looked down and prepared for the person who was treated as a fraudulent person by the other party.

At this time, in a restrained and luxurious high-rise residence, there were more than 20 people sitting quietly in the spacious conference room. The atmosphere was very serious. Obviously this was a very important meeting.

The content of the meeting is not important, not to mention it. The form is serious and solemn in any case. This is the common example of the meeting of the non-human association.

"Mumbling -" SMS ringtones.

The serious atmosphere of the meeting was broken by the sudden ringing of SMS messages. Under the eyes of everyone, I smiled very nicely and waved to everyone. "Don’t worry about me, our family is always the boss, you are the boss." It will be fine."

Among the more than 20 people at this conference, in addition to the leaders of non-human races, there are also the capable men of these leaders, who are the men sitting in the right front of him.

The man sitting in that seat looks very beautiful, the eyelids are habitually squatting, and the cold eyebrows not only show the cold air, but also show a heavy pressure and natural deterrent.

"Oh... it’s a small fish." The boss was in front of the meeting, but when the subordinates opened a little behind, they didn't have any conscience and uneasy about their actions, and they quickly responded with a mobile phone replying to the message.

His boss doesn't care about his lateness. He makes a small difference, and the other party will certainly not care. As long as you don't care for your own boss, you can be considered lawless to a certain extent.

"It doesn't matter, it's only three hundred. You can't return me. If you have a tight hand recently, would you like me to borrow some more money?"

The ethnic gossip can still play such a distant relative relationship. The most important thing is that he feels that the young man he met is quite close to him, so he is willing to be a big man.

However, this question of swearing is of course rejected by the youth who do not know where they are. When they refused, they expressed their gratitude to him again.

In the face of such a kind-hearted person who should even describe it with silly white sweetness, Gu Huai can't think of the other reason for the stranger to be a stranger. He can only send a few special good cards to the other party.

After the text message was exchanged, I picked up the mobile phone, but I still didn’t care much about the speeches made by various ethnic representatives at the meeting. In his view, the content of this meeting is nothing more than arresting non-human beings who violate the rules of the association in the human world. It is not too big a thing.

When the meeting is over, I am a little nervous after I am behind my own boss. "Boss, boss, I told you, I am late for a reason. You are not angry, I am late, but Why don’t you ask, I..."

"No interest." The person walking in front is still squinting at the eyelids, and the cold and long phoenix reveals a cold and cold light, including the sound is also obviously giving a cold texture, which is just like the cold and beautiful face.

"I met a small fish halfway..." insisted on saying this sentence, and he also specifically emphasized that "it is a very beautiful little fish. It should only be awakened soon. The more magical thing is that the other party seems to be Awakened by personal will."

"No interest." There was no emotional ups and downs in the voice, and the three words were repeated in a cold attitude as a response.

Ok. He closed his mouth and gave up the idea of ​​causing curiosity from his own boss. He would have liked to say that he couldn't see which beautiful fish was the blood of the family. Even he couldn't see it. This made him feel very strange.

I really don't know what is in this world to make my own boss interested. For so many years, I still feel that I can't understand each other. When his boss was alone in the courtyard, he looked far away, and sometimes there was a feeling that the other party seemed to be trying to think about something important.

The meeting ended here, and on the side of Gu Huai, he was lying on the bed and looking at the script. In the eyes of a professional screenwriter, Gu compiled that the script in his hand was not able to score 60 points according to his standard, but as an idol drama, it was actually qualified.

The script is a modern background. The role he wants to audition is the male number three, and the character setting is... the gangster.

In the true color, Gu Huai used his index finger to scratch his cheek. He was not worried about the audition tomorrow.