MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 70 White chessboard (fifteen)

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After the bad social workers who intend to create a vicious incident are collectively controlled, there are also people who attempt to provoke resistance.

However, this part of the person was unloaded in the next second, and before he was helped to pick it up, he temporarily lost his ability to do it.

"Young man, it’s time to get acquainted with the current affairs. When you were caught a few decades ago, you are caught and the people who are trying to resist are terrible to know." The black suit that unloaded the other arm said this. I didn't have any expression on my face, but when I saw the dark-haired boy who came out of the crowd, he suddenly changed his face and looked a little nervous.

However, the teenager still went straight to his side, and the nervous expression on the face of this black suit could not help but increase it.

The hand that unloaded the arm made it seem uncomfortable for the young master to see it. He blamed him for not thinking that he should directly stun the person, which saves trouble.

At this time, there were nearly one hundred people wearing black suits on the spot. There are also other people on the top of the high-rise building not far away, who are responsible for performing special tasks. For most people in the roller coaster waiting area, they are The heart is still jumping, and the mood is not smooth.

"Okay, the scene has been controlled. These unruly things are quickly taken back and continue to press the bottom of the box." Liu Cheng reached out and patted the shoulders of several people next to him. It is always good to have nothing to happen, but even if it is like this They now have a headache and explain to their young master...

Then, from the entrances of the roller coaster queuing area, more than a dozen black suits were dressed. The people who had been forced to retreat to the corners were still in the same place, except for the ones coming out from the crowd. Other than a teenager, everyone else looked at the scene with a panic.

Although a group of people who are arbitrarily arbitrarily possessed the knives have already been restrained, they still dare not move. The reason is also very simple, because a group of uniformed black suits in front of them are too... too much pressure. .

And looking at the face is fierce like a kind of suffocating, people can not easily dare to provoke.

The same feeling does not only exist in the eyes of ordinary people, but the bad social workers who are currently subject to the other side also have a feeling that they are not being blacked out, and this feeling is still very strong.

"Zhao Shu, you..." Gu Huai and his two friends and two other new friends went to the black suits who are controlling the scene. They are all family members. Gu’s expression is inexplicably subtle.

When you are subduing others, your skills are as fast as you are. It’s hard to ignore the enthusiasm that has not yet fully converged. Gu Huai looks at his uncles and always feels that he is still in the slightest Some reactions in the state are not over.

Zhao Xun and the next brother looked at each other and raised their hands to wipe off their foreheads. Then the tone was somewhat blunt and dry. "This morning, some of the brothers at home came over to the capital, then...and they said they wanted to come to the playground. So we came here, I didn’t expect it to happen..."

"Hey, in short, it’s great that the young master is fine." Hard to pull out a reason, Zhao Xun finally nodded and said the concluding remark.

Gu Huai: "..."

Seeing the face of the boy in front of him is still a rather subtle look, another black suit next to him can't stand down, reaching out and pulling Zhao Xun back, pressing down the voice in the other side's ear: "Lao Zhao, you are saying this. It’s too fake, the young master is definitely not convinced.”

Zhao Xun stiffened his expression and pushed the other side forward. "You go, then you come."

The black suit that was pushed to the front to face the teenager had already brewed the next sentence, but when the teenager’s sight came over, Chen Er suddenly stuttered. "Yes, it is like this... Gu Ye gave our brothers a holiday, brothers After discussing it, I decided to come to Fujing to visit the young master, the playground... the playground happened to come."

Saying that it is a group of black suits that have not been suffocating on the savage, this time, they seem to be quite cramped in front of the juvenile. They are cautious and afraid of explaining the situation, watching this scene, with the Chu Yu and Shao Yang next to the juvenile. The two really felt that their chin had to fall.

Although this matter is really unclear, this group of black suits now show a cautious attitude towards the juveniles and the fierceness of the people they used to make a living. The contrast is so great that the people who are around are a little embarrassed.

The situation at the moment is really not suitable for talking about things, and the points are clearly prioritized. Gu Huai immediately nodded to the black suits who were looking at him carefully. "This will be said later."

Seeing that the young master nodded, the black suits put down the hanging heart, but then they heard the words ‘after that,’ and they continued to squint in their hearts.

Hey, they don’t want to lie to their young master, but frankly...

In the past, this past experience on the mixed road was not glorious. They also wanted to be the heroes of their own young masters, like the anti-drug police. If they are frank, can they not be a hero?

However, at the moment, it is really important to get things done first. A black suit walks back to Liu Cheng’s side: "Liu Ge, how do you deal with these people, do cough - cough and cough -"

Following the old habits, this black suit almost uttered the word 'make it' in a mouth. When I saw the teenager who was watching this side, I suddenly remembered that they had already been good, and could not say such words in front of the young master. It turned into a strong cough at the mouth.

Liu Cheng took a picture on the other's head. He didn't have a good air. "How can I handle it? Give it to the police. 110 has not already played."

When the voice just fell, the people who were subdued tried to resist again. Of course, this resistance was a very ruthless repression.

"Dare to walk by the river, why didn't you prepare for the wet shoes? Boys, you can't do this mentality. Let's go to the prison." Zhao Xun glanced at the restless people and said with a blank expression. . I blame these people, they don’t know how to explain it to their young masters.

In such a serious and vicious incident, the people who maintain the public security naturally came very quickly after hearing the news. Only after a while, the voice of the police car whistling from far and near.

Because it is a group incident, the police force sent is relatively more. However, when the police arrived, they found that the scene was still calm, the people who committed the crime had been subdued, and there were no casualties on the scene.

Fortunately, the police officers rushed to the heart and sighed at the scene. After seeing the scene, they finally breathed a sigh of relief. But in front of this group of people wearing uniforms in black suits...

I always feel that there is something wrong with them, but these people are the heroes who are brave in this incident. They can’t be misunderstood because they are too fierce and the whole team is stressed.

"Thank you very much. In addition, I hope that some of you will come to the bureau to help me make a record." When the subordinates successively put the prisoner into the car, the person in charge of the captain came forward to make this request.

At this time, the criminal who was about to be put into the police car struggled particularly hard. "I have to report that some of these people are illegally armed. You should arrest him and even catch him."

"Fake, police comrades, you can ask if these people have seen them, or you can search us." Liu Cheng spread his hands, his look does not move, this move he has no defense, has been in the past few decades White mixed.

The next person refers to some ordinary people who have not left the scene. The police officer who took the criminal suspect asked the person who was holding him: "Then you talk about who it is."

Once he got the ability to move freely, the man immediately reached out and pointed to another black suit next to Liu Cheng. "He, he!"

The person pointed to was Zhao Xun, and the captain of the police officer just moved his eyes away, and his expression could not help but become subtle. It's not because of anything else, just because he just saw the rabbit tattoo on the back of the other hand.

This... Although it is fierce, it is not something that others can decide. What is fierce is probably their illusion. They should not have any prejudice against others.

Formally searched for a body, did not find any illegal items, the police officer nodded to the other party, and then forced the non-stop prisoner into the car.

Only one of them went to help with the transcript. After the event ended, all the black suits on the scene silently followed behind the young masters.

"Birthday change, we can give you another day. Ah Huai, you have to do something you want to do now." I’m a little confused about what is going on now. Chu Yu’s big smile is very wit. Shaoyang, who is still in a state of unclear fog, is ready to leave and give time to his new brother.

The other's family background is probably not simple. This is not simply about money, but other...

However, according to the reaction of the other party and the surrounding black suits, Chu Yu estimated that his new brother is not fully aware of his family background, and the latter seems to be trying hard to let the other party know.

Gu Huai lived in the Shen family, and Chu Yu pulled Shaoyang together, so the four-person group temporarily separated.

On the way back to Shen's home, Shen Yan did not leave his hand from the wrist of the young boy. The cold eyebrows also kept hanging. This incident made him realize that one thing, if he wants to protect important treasures, his ability is not enough. He needs more power and financial resources.

Arriving at Shenjia, today, Shen’s father is out, and Shen’s father is still busy with work. There are no other people in the hall except the housekeeper and several servants.

Commanded the housekeeper and servants to go to other places first, and now there are only Gu Huai, Shen Yu and a group of black suits left in the hall.

It is only a teenager who has no sense of oppression. The black suits in this hall can't help but slightly lower their eyes and dare to face the sight of their young masters.

This is more uncomfortable than looking at them with a blank expression. The group stood motionless, and the black suits who were inconsistent with their eyes raised their eyes from time to time to carefully look at the expression of the teenager in front of them.

They now have a hunch, and some things are afraid that they can’t really go on...