MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 46 Qi Ling (11)

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In the family of the real world, the Wei family had become a monk of these comprehension families hundreds of years ago because of a monk who was cultivated by Jin Xian. However, Xu’s position in the immortal world is not so conspicuous. In recent years, his actions have only been quite satisfactory. The only thing that has been with the Wei family this time has surprised many people.

After all, in the eyes of many people, they thought that the Wei family should be married to Shen, so that a strong alliance would benefit both parties.

Of course, Xu Jianeng is known as one of the family of comprehension. It is also a certain foundation. However, there is still a big gap between Wei and Shen, and it is no wonder that some people will be surprised at this wedding reception.

But when you think about it for a reason, the outsiders who were surprised at the beginning almost found a reasonable reason...

Xu Jia’s palm jewels, Xu Wei, even if they haven’t seen it before, the well-informed monks will hear such rumors, Miss Xu is a rare beauty, and there is no lack of praise for its beauty in the realm of comprehension. .

Everyone knows that the Wei family’s lord is the one who loves his only son. If the son is folded for the beauty, it is not surprising that the Wei family decided to kiss Shen Jiajie.

Most of the monks who were arranged to live in the mansion thought so naturally, but they completely ignored the question of whether the two sides were happy.

During the two days before the wedding banquet, Gu Huai was not idle. He swayed the area where Xianlai Island was free to explore, but unfortunately did not find any valuable new thoughts.

Xianlai Island is a place to be a blessing, which is why Gu Huai was interested in this place. The formation of Dongtianfudi is often related to its location. Its advantage is to attract the aura of heaven and earth, making this area a place for cultivation.

It is achievable to create a hole in the sky, and it is the idea to edit the island of Xianlai, which is roughly a circle. However, he still has not been able to find a solution for the problem of aura regeneration.

The intention to come to Sinlai Island is not a wedding banquet, but as Gu Huai said before, by the way, I have a lot of fun, anyway, they have come.

The main house of the Wei family is now draped in red, and this bright red color clearly shows the festive atmosphere of the wedding banquet. The number of monks of all ethnic groups invited to the wedding banquet is large, and the enthusiasm of the celestial world today is probably the highest peak ever.

At this time, among the rooms of a relatively secluded courtyard in the Wei family's main house, a group of people from the Xu family gathered here.

"Miss, you are better off." The pretty waitress gave Xu Wei a look at the eyebrows and persuaded him. "Weijiazi is like you said that he is a bit unsatisfied, but his identity is there." If you marry him, you can also enjoy the blessings, and then are still caught by your family when you escape."

Xu Wei tried to escape one night before the wedding. It took a little time for the Xu family to take back the person. It was not just the Lord who just took the eight-lifted sedan and moved from the Wei family main entrance. The substitute that had to be chosen for this emergency.

The real Lord has just been caught back soon, and is now in this room.

"I want to sell my daughter, do you want to sell your lady?" Miss Xu, who was forced to wear a bridal outfit, raised her eyebrows and her expression was anger.

Why did the Wei family who saw her, she would have to marry? A younger brother who doesn't ask for further education is still not tall, and she wants to marry her. Isn't it a shame to compare the two people to each other?

"You are not afraid that after I marry the past, I will give the baby son of the Wei family a dead hand. When I want to climb the Wei family, I can't climb this high-rooted branch. Instead, I will end up with this deep hatred. The whole family has to suffer." Xu said The more difficult it is to cover the anger.

But in the face of the performance of her own lady, the young maid sighed. "This is not the homeowner. You will not do this. You will dare to let the Wei family lose face when you escape the marriage. But the Wei family will let the two dead." This kind of thing is not endless, you can't bear to do it."

“There are a lot of people invited to this wedding reception. Now the owner is using your physical discomfort as an excuse to fight for this small remedy. When the slaves give you a good makeup, you have to go to the church.” As a personal maid, since childhood Serving Xu Wei, this maid has a feeling of getting along with her own lady. She does not want Xu Wei to be forced to marry someone she doesn't like, but this is no way for the owner to order.

Silently let the maid give herself a good makeup, and wait for the maid to stop the action, Xu Wei whispered: "But your lady is still unacceptable."

The maid still didn't react. In the second after Xu Xiao's voice fell, the expression suddenly stayed, and the body was fixed in place.

Already escaping once, the few people on the top of the Xu family have to do the corresponding measures in order to prevent Xu Wei from escaping again.

There was a group of guards surrounded by guards around the room, and a corresponding ban was laid. The monks inside the house could not escape by the technique, but fortunately, when the Wei family tried to brag about her how powerful the Wei family was, it was mentioned. Go to the dark passage of the government in the Wei family. Just in this room, I found out that Xu Xin immediately acted.

The bride is not feeling well. The temple needs to be slightly delayed for a little while, just waiting for the moment and not forgetting the time. The guests did not think that there was anything. Originally, there was no such thing as a rule in the world of comprehension. When it was not good, it would be like that. There is no real benefit.

The Lingzuo occupied a table at this wedding banquet. The spirits in the previous group were basically there, except that Gu Huai, the master of the team, was not there.

After a few quarters of delay, sitting bored, Gu Huai got up and walked to the courtyard in the main house. Originally, when he got up, the rest of the same spirits stood up together, but in the end these spiritual people sat down in the face of his black line.

After sitting down again, Xie Mo silently left a mark on the boy, combining the effect of tracking and damage rebound, and then nodded slightly.

Treasures should be out of sight, even if they are only for a short time.

The anti-injury in the imprint is not a common anti-injury, but a ten-fold effect of the anti-injury. If someone attacks the juvenile at this time, the situation on the spot is very likely to happen.

With the imprint of the oldest existence of the spiritual family, coupled with the defense of the body's clothing, Gu Huai is indeed unharmable. However, both the imprint and the defense ban have the same loophole. If the attack is not an attack but a ban, the two protections will not take effect.

And Gu is now facing this situation. A very beautiful woman tied him up. Instead of really tied the rope, she used some kind of restraint spell, and then he was taken to a house. In the room.

"I'm sorry, but I really have no other way..." The bride who was replaced earlier was given a small boy who was **** by her own innocence. Although Xu Wei was squatting, she continued to hold it. action.

In view of the younger body shape of the boy, even if he had such a heavy clothing, he couldn’t see it. After the boy in front of him quickly put on the bride’s suit, Xu Wei applied some obstacles to the other side.

After coming out of the dark passage, I saw the teenager who was single in the courtyard. It was seen that the other party was only a Mahayana period, and the height was not too different from himself. Xu Wei could not help but move his mind.

If she escapes directly, the family will find in a few quarters of an hour that a great chance will only repeat the mistakes of the first escape. And if you tie a person to temporarily replace yourself, you will be able to get more escape time.

"The technique applied to you will be lifted after a while." The magical spell that was previously used on the maid was also lifted out of the Thai half. Xu Wei said to the young boy several times, sorry, then she pressed again. The agency left the secret road.

Not long after Miss Xu Jia left, the maid who had been stunned by her expression suddenly returned to her like a dream. I didn't know what was going on. The maid thought that she had made a slap in the face. When she came back, she saw the young lady who was sitting on the bench and silent.

It is not difficult to understand the blind eye method, and some spiritual power can be collected in both eyes. Of course, the high-level phantom spells are not so easy to see through.

But at this time, there was no such consciousness. The maid only thought that her own lady was finally willing to listen, so she did not speak and stimulated each other.

And at this time, the door knocking of the reminder time came, and the maid took a quick look at the door, then took the time to put the phoenix crown on the head of the woman sitting still, and finally covered the red hijab.

At the venue where the wedding banquet will be held, the invited guests of all ethnic groups have already attended the meeting. After waiting for a few quarters of time as the organizer said, the guests present on time will see the two newcomers who will be going to the church.

The bride was led by the Xu family. All the people in the room did not feel inappropriate because of the discomfort of Miss Xu.

Looking at the bride in front of Feng Guanxia, ​​Wei Jiagong’s face hangs a smile on the face of the spring breeze. He fancy the Miss Xu’s lady. In fact, he knows that the other person is not looking at him, but he can’t see him. What is it called, people must marry him after all.

After waiting for the boy to come back, the spirits sitting on the table actually want to leave and find someone. The wedding banquet has officially begun, and the young master is still absent. The presence of the Lingzu is ready to leave without a face--

Until they saw the moment the bride was present.

You don't have to know what the obstacles are, and the existence of the soul mark allows these spiritual people to recognize their own little masters in the first place.

Both the bridegroom and the bride were present. After the two newcomers stood in a good position, the prime minister in charge of the shouting voice screamed: "One worship..."

The prime word's 'land' word could not be said. Some sudden horror pressure caused the monks in the field to suddenly become stiff, and the backs were cold and difficult to move. They saw the two newcomers. In the middle, the bride will hold the ink robe monk in his arms.

The face of this ink-robed monk was pale and beautiful. At this time, it was a expressionless expression. With cold and cold eyes, he looked at the prime minister who was just about to call ‘a heaven and earth.’

I watched this scene with a stunned look, and everyone at the scene was at the moment.

Isn’t the spiritual family going to get rid of it? ?