MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 23 Black Knight (23)

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Washing and changing clothes in the compartment, Gu Huai saw that his ear tip was a little red in the mirror, and he felt a little hot when he reached out and pinched it.

Put a flower like a white rose on the handle and put it in a glass bottle with water. Gu Huai put the bottle on the side of the window sill.

Looking at this flower, Gu Huai would think that the silver worms of the past were careful to pinch the squid, and slowly put this ornamental item in the other character’s personality that would not be glanced at him, just because he I mentioned this thing yesterday...

The Zerg hands can be used as ruthless and cold killing weapons, but the picture of the delicate flower branches is unimaginable. Just as there are two kinds of extreme incompatibility, they suddenly come together, and under the fierce and brutal, an incredible one is born. Gentle.

If this scene is seen by people of other races, it will probably be shocked to let go of your eyes.

The heat of the ear tip has disappeared. Gu edited and then touched his neck. The trace on the top is not obvious and should be eliminated soon.

Whether it was this flower delivery or the previous form of cubs fluttering into his arms, Gu Huai has clearly realized that the silver worms are trying to find a happy feeling, and kissing is also.

In the Zerg, the meaning of kissing and jealousy is special.

The reason for this is that the Zerg sometimes gives another cub to the hair during the cub period, combing the hair for the other person. Of course, it is only for those who like and want to be close.

In adulthood, kissing is still an important means for the Zerg to express a good impression on the object. Therefore, even if he was kissed to the neck side, Gu Huai felt nothing from the series of actions of the silver worms, but the other party expressed his love to him.

This is not a clever way of expression. On the contrary, it is the most straightforward one. However, this makes Gu Huai feel the feeling of being moved into the center.

"Dear system system." Before leaving the cubicle, Gu Huai shouted his own system in consciousness.

"Well." Do not interfere with the way the host uses customs clearance. The system that is basically in a bystander state should express its existence.

"I think I might talk about a relationship." When I said this, Gu compiled and scratched his cheeks. Although it is possible to speak, but can take the initiative to say this sentence, in fact, it has been basically affirmed.

The system seemed to be silent for a while, and after a few seconds, I used the sound of no ups and downs to say: "Be happy with you."

At this time, looking at the customs clearance value that has passed more than half, Gu Huai asked: "After you say that you become a "king", can I get anything I want, including the ability to return to the world I have experienced? ”

Each plane world has a customs clearance time limit. If the 100% clearance value is not reached before the time limit is exhausted, it will undoubtedly be judged as a customs clearance failure. At this time, it will automatically deviate from the current plane. If there is a time limit within the time limit, there will be two choices, one is to immediately transfer to the next plane world, and the other is to choose the stay time in the remaining time limit.

No matter which of these two situations, he can't stay in this world for a long time, Gu Huai knows this very well.

He first accepted the game because he didn't want to be the protagonist in the tragedy script so early, but Gu Huai did not have much obsession with whether he could go back to the original world.

After all, in the original world, he is the type of person who is full of family and not hungry. Without a family member, there is only one intelligent robot in the house.

"Of course." The system came back with a certain, low voice like someone pressed the black and white bass keys.

"I like it very much." Micro-bends said this sentence to his system, Gu Huai went out from the compartment.

In the original world, when working as a screenwriter, in order to find inspiration, I often travel around, and Gu Huai did not feel lonely. But after experiencing the current world, he feels that he probably can't do it anymore because he has already experienced the feeling of having a family.

The Zerg are important family members, and to Yalves, Gu compiled to admit that he was moved.

Whether it's falling in love, talking about half of people missing, or being passively leaving home for some reason to worry about family, this is a very bad behavior.

So I want to win. Have the same goal as before, but in fact, until now, Gu Huai really has a winning heart.

"There is no need for such a lot of people, Kapaliya, you just stay here." The Zerg, who seemed to be going out with them all, was stopped. At this time, these high-level Zerg were looking at them, and Gu Huai could not help but show helplessness. expression.

But if you really travel with such a well-trained Zerg elite, you can imagine the degree of swaying, especially if there is a military leader inside, and it is estimated that you will be noticed wherever you go.

Will not defy the will of his own king, the part of the Zerg soldiers who were stopped, then used the envious eyes to see the small army that can go out with the youth. They also want to be the followers of their own kings, and where to go.

When I took the exclusive transportation of Minor, and when Alger went to set the flight route, Gu Huai hugged the ball in his arms, the tail hanging down and the wings smashed down.

Not to mention adulthood, that is, when the cubs are interrupted when they give a good impression to the object that they like and want to be close to, they can be depressed for a long time.

"Oh." Inexplicable from the current state of the baby in the arms to associate with the adjective of grievance, Gu Huai did not hold back the bend of the eye. After saying this, he reached out and slid on the rounded back of the cub.

Followed by, Gu compiled this very slowly thought that he used his hand to give each other a smooth hair, in the opposite face seems, seems awkward ... will also be understood as expressing love?

Then, when he was on the abandoned planet, the first time he touched the other side, was it...?

“Hey, hey!” The young man ran through the white fluff of his back. The young man picked up its pale gold erect, and the silver tail moved slightly.

If you face a person you don't like, it is impossible to let a zerg cub crouch in the body to accept the swaying hair. The combing of the hair can only be done by oneself or someone who likes and wants to be close.

At this time, in the trade zone not far from each other, two human officers and a Zerg squad composed of more than ten higher Zerg are deadlocked with a human force.

The trade zone is the busiest and bustling area on the Mino Star. There is no doubt that the flow of people is so large that sometimes some streets will be crowded. In such a place, if something happens, it is easy to attract people.

The onlookers must also be divided into objects. Humans and Zerg are on the opposite side. People who generally care about life points will not want to look around. However, Minor Star clearly stipulates that it is not allowed to engage in war. Goblin has control units in all key areas of the planet, so there are still many people who are secretly watching.

Standing in front of the human army, the human general, the shoulders of the military uniforms are particularly conspicuous, the epaulettes representing the ranks of the generals, and the generals of this rank in the entire Earth Federation are only seven.

This general is the owner of the Shen family. This time, Minor Star is bidding for a finale on behalf of the Earth Federation at the Seiser auction.

During the mission, I felt that I felt like I was dead in the hands of the Star Thief. I didn’t say it. I saw my son staying with the Zerg, and it was like shopping together. This made Shen Qiu’s suspicion Is it true that the old eyes are dim?

Not a young man, but only to the middle age, some time ago led the army to win a beautiful victory, this meritorious human admiral now has doubts about his own eyesight.

"We have no treason, uncle, don't use this look." The Shen family and the Niscar family are world-connected, and the relationship is very friendly. When Hammer was in front of the human admiral, his attitude could not help but bring a little bit of swaying, more relaxed than when facing his father.

Except that there is no superior order to let people go, the higher Zerg following the two human officers does not interfere with what the two guests want to do. The conversation is of course random.

Although this zerg squad has only a dozen higher zerg, the human army has a quantitative advantage, but they can't take people away when they can't fight. They can only take advantage of the momentum. And this advantage is quickly lost -

The Zerg reinforcements came very quickly and looked at the Zerg troops that were approaching their own side. Humans think so.

Admiral Shenqiu certainly did not think that the two would have the possibility of treason. He saw a human captive in the nearby Zerg army. He asked: "What conditions are needed to return the three captives to us?"

The nearby Zerg army is undoubtedly an elite force, and it can be seen at a glance, but the attitude of the human admiral is still quite stable, and the position is not chaotic.

Three. Upon listening to this number, the two human generals knew that their high-ranking superiors had misunderstood something, and quickly set aside their negation.

The human man put his gaze on his own king and found out that all the higher zerg in this Zerg army had a warning posture in an instant, which was completely different from the posture that was just peaceful.

The feeling of this gesture change on the human side is very obvious, as the atmosphere suddenly becomes tense.

Without letting this misunderstanding and tension continue, Gu Huai stepped out of the guard circle of the higher Zerg, and stood in front of this countless general in the Earth Federation, calmly and naturally extending his right hand to the other side, "I represent The Zerg talks to you, Admiral."