MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 2 Black knight (2)

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"Oh..." A moment of spiritual connection.

"Hey! This group of bugs are all drug-seeking?! Reporting commander, the right-wing line of defense is about to be broken." The scouts who shuttled on the front line urgently reported their changes to the situation.

It turned out that they had forced the Zerg to step back and it was only a matter of time to see victory. Just now, this group of low-level Zerg with a δ level suddenly surged in combat power, as if it was irritated to the extreme, and the group madly rushed back to them, directly tearing a crack in their right-wing line.

What kind of enemy is the most terrible on the battlefield, and it is undoubtedly a class that is not afraid of death.

Every Zerg is a natural and excellent soldier. They ignore the pain and do not fear death. They have no mercy on the enemy.

Even more troubling is that the Zerg forces are far more powerful than other races, and they are absolutely obedient to superior orders, never questioning and asking.

"Talk about what happened, are these lower zerg on the planet not confirmed to have no command?" The man in the military uniform will tighten his eyebrows and his right hand will make a heavy hammer on the battle room table. The loss of the ground forces far exceeded expectations, and it was not a good mood to switch to any other commander.

The chief of the staff screamed that they couldn’t answer. From the information obtained before the war, these low-ranking zerds did not have command, they were very loosely arranged, and they could not even be called a unit, so they could start the area one by one easily. Break it.

But now, this group of Zerg suddenly united and did not say, but also suffered a major stimulus, and directly gave them a collective violent.

"Retreat first." Forbearance and forbearance, the young commander finally issued this order.

Once the retreat command was issued, the ground forces that landed on the planet would no longer be in a hurry with the Zerg, who was in a violent state, and they were looking for an opportunity to evacuate.

What surprised them was that these low-ranking Zerg did not pursue them, but instead spread them out in a battlefield, like...

It is like looking for something.

This situation is not normal, but at this time the commanding evacuation of the human generals did not pay much attention to this anomaly, he is more thinking, how to capture this resource-rich planet.

In fact, the Zerg's anomalous performance does not only exist on this planet. At this time, all the races that fight the Zerg should be aware of this in all corners of the dark and innocent stars.

But no matter how human beings or other ethnic groups in the vast interstellar world, they did not pay much attention to this anomaly.

Suppose they pay more attention to each other, to trace the cause of the abnormal behavior of the Zerg or to report the situation, and perhaps to unearth a truth early.

In a short moment of spiritual links, all Zerg have received an important signal -

Their kings have just been born and now they need their protection very much.

At this time, far away from the abandoned planet of a remote galaxy, the original dark cave was illuminated by the light that penetrated from the outside.

I didn’t realize that I had done anything inadvertently. In the cave, the young and dark-haired young man was sitting in Anan. He was guarded by a group of Zerg soldiers, and even the food was watched by countless pairs of eyes.

What makes Gu Huai somewhat aphasia is that he can feel the nervousness of these Zerg soldiers on his 100,000 points while eating.

"...they are they treating me as a child who can even eat and eat." Naturally, I learned to perceive the conscious feelings of these Zerg soldiers. Gu Huai couldn’t help but say something to his system, and continued to eat while he was eating. eggshell.

Yes, just eat the eggshell. Milky aroma, crispy.

"In their eyes, you have just been born, it is a cub." The system is cold and voiced to tell the truth.

Gu compiled a speech without a word, according to the facts, he really just ‘broken shell’.

The narrow space that he had tossed for a while before was actually the interior of a white giant egg. He was nursed and hatched in this white egg, and now he was born with a broken shell.

“Full.” As soon as the eggshell was eaten for one-sixth of the weight, Gu Huai felt a sense of fullness, and there was a wonderful feeling that was difficult to describe.

It's a bit like the warmth of the energy, so comfortable that he wants to squint and curl up.

Through the friendly reminder of the system, Gu Huai knew that this was a very good nutrient for him. He did not expect the effect to be so immediate.

In the end, the mind is not a real cub, Gu Huaike does not enter the standard mode of the baby who eats to sleep and sleep.

In the eyes of the Zerg soldiers who watched the youth, their king was so small. After eating the things, they were already very sleepy, but they were still trying to keep their eyes on their sleep...


This vocabulary does not exist in the Zerg, but this is the current psychological feelings of this group of Zerg soldiers. Not everything is used to destroy this purpose, as the existence in front of it is different.

Once accepting the identity of 'crib,' Gu Huai’s attitude towards perceiving the surrounding Zerg’s kindness to him is not so entangled, and now he’s been stared at by so many double eyes. Not up.

These dangerous creatures, which seem to be full of threats, are not malicious to him. Even when they start chasing him, they are completely chasing after the meaning... Since they know their current identity in the system, Gu Huai Understand this.

"They are afraid of losing you, but they will not limit your actions."

"Oh, I know." Gu Huai responded with a voice in his consciousness. At the same time, he called out the information panel that the system provided him. In the most conspicuous place at the top of the panel, there is such a column in the sky -

Customs clearance: 15%

How did the 15% value come from?

According to the rules of the game that Gu Yan knows, achieving 100% clearance in each plane world requires him to deduct his role identity to the extreme and achieve the highest achievement worthy of praise.

There are more than one way of deducting role identities. The choices are different, and the achievements are naturally different.

For example, in the current world, taking his status as a Zerg leader, leading the Zerg to conquer the interstellar estimate can be regarded as the highest achievement, but Gu Huai denied this method of customs clearance from the beginning.

"The shell has only increased by 5% of the customs clearance value, and the other 10% is where?" He blinked his eyes and wiped his sleepiness. Gu Huai tried to ask his own system.

The reason why it is ‘try’ is because, so far, Gu Huai has not yet fully understood the attitude of the system towards him. It sounded cold to him from the tone of speech, but before he did not hesitate to satisfy his request for clothes.

"You have established a spiritual link under the stimulation of pain, and the link time is less than one second, but this is enough for all Zerg to know your existence." The system answered the truth.

"The link time is too short to make it possible to determine the specific location. If this continues, they will turn every planet to the bottom."

Is this still available? ? Gu Huaiwei’s drooping eyelids leaped wildly. “Dear system, let’s talk about it. Next time you have this important thing, do you tell me?”

After a few seconds of silence, the system did not answer this question. It was not cold or hot: "The Zerg above the gamma level has normal wisdom and will not look for you in a big way. Others will not care so much."

Have to calm down the rioting insects. Because there is a truth that the smell of the person is sad and the tears of the person are in front of Gu Huai, the Zerg does not have an 'alliance' in the entire interstellar. No ally, no matter how many enemies, especially with the human side from the old era to the new era, all completely dead enemies.

Knowing what he is going to do now, Gu Huai turned his gaze to the Zerg who was looking around him.

The previous spiritual link was established unconsciously. No one taught him how to do it. This is his innate ability.

"I'm fine, don't you um... don't be angry?"

At this time, Gu Huai looked up at the head. The body of these Zerg soldiers was so huge that he had to raise his head so that he could face their eyes.

The lower Zerg does not possess much wisdom. They are good at fighting the enemy and will not hesitate to execute the superior command, but the thought is usually very simple.

Although I don't know the language and can't respond with words, the Zerg in this cave still has a clear reaction. These huge horror creatures bowed their heads to the young black-eyed youth, and they tightened into a thin line of erects. The forefoot, like a serrated blade, also hangs down, and it is completely out of combat.

"Oh." Gu Huai approached the front of the Zerg soldier closest to him, and raised his ankle and patted the zerg's forearm.

The zerg's ability level is higher than the surrounding ones. If he is not here, this zerg will be the leader of other Zerg soldiers around.

The Zerg, who was photographed by the young man's forearm, made a small squeak and deliberately lowered his body, seemingly to make it easier for young people to touch it. And it instantly adjusted the angle of the forearm to drop, sharply sharply avoiding, in order to prevent young people from encountering.

This zerg, which is a dangerous creature from the outside in appearance, is still motionless. The young man is lowered his head and obeys like a large dog facing the owner.

It still works.

The short-distance spiritual link was successfully built, and Gu Hua tried to expand the scope of the link and consciously choose the target. He does not need to stop the rioting Zerg soldiers, as long as he can appease the unit leader of these scattered insects.

“Reducing mental exhaustion is a wise choice.” The system looked on the side and made a comment, adding a reminder that “all countries have exploration fleets. Although this planet is an abandoned planet, it belongs to remote galaxies, but it is not an absolute safe place. ""

In order not to attract the attention of all parties, it is necessary to prevent the low-level Zerg soldiers who only act instinctively rush to the planet, but if you want to ensure safety, it is necessary to have enough guarding power around you.

Ten seconds. Just after completing the stoppage work for the lower class Zerg soldiers, Gu Huai clearly felt a deeper sleepiness than before, and it was like someone in his mind constantly urged him to close his eyes.

The ability to limit ‘baby’, even the innate ability to control, is not yet mature at this stage of birth.

I still have spare time. Gu Huai did not ignore the reminder of the system just now, resisting the heavy sleepiness, he caught the brightest spot in the spiritual field before he fell asleep.

At the same time, in the Santa galaxy ruled by the Saqi people, a unilateral overwhelming battle has just ended.

This is a race that is considered to be the strongest individual combat power. At this time, it lay down on the ground, and all of them have completely lost their fighting power.

The only person on the scene who can stand and be able to move normally is in the center of the battle circle. From the shape, it can be quickly judged that this is a Zerg and a higher Zerg.

The higher zerg possesses an appearance similar to that of humans, but the unity of the eye is erect and retains a certain zerg characteristics.

Like the high-ranking Zerg in the center of the war circle, in terms of the normal aesthetics of human beings, the other side undoubtedly has an unusually beautiful appearance. It's just that the contour lines of the face and the softness are not matched. It is a cold beauty without temperature.

The militant smile has not completely disappeared from the face of the Zerg, and he is now squatting with his chin, with impatience and sorrow to the blood on the tip of his tail. From afar, it is like a dangerous beast that has just finished hunting but is still unfinished.

But in the next second, the higher zerg suddenly stopped moving.

"..." is the sound of breathing.

From the shallow and even breathing sound, you can hear that the sound owner is probably sleeping. Even though the other party has not said a word, the silver worms that just ended a fight are like being touched by the beard's cat. The child is getting up and down.


An increase in irritability can lead to sabotage, but the enemy that can make him 'destroy' in this place is gone.

"Oh." The militant smile gradually disappeared from the face of the silver worm, and after a cold look, the pair of good-looking skins showed a bit cold.

The spiritual link is the second time for this silver worm.

Nature and instinct seem to have lost their utility in this higher Zerg, and there is no way to stimulate the other party's surrender, but when they hear the shallow breathing that is conveyed in consciousness, Arvis is once again provoked an inexplicable irritability. .

At this moment, another adult Zerg male wearing the same black military uniform walked over.

"Boss, there are more and more soldiers in the fleet who want to leave. What do you think is going to be done...?" I waited until the silver worms had no smile on their faces before they dared to come close to ask this question. Alger truthfully stated The current situation.

Then the spiritual link is too terrible, and Alger knows this very clearly because he has the same shake in his heart.

The Zerg society is undoubtedly a pyramidal society, but the Zerg in the lower class will not have any dissatisfaction. On the contrary, they unconditionally surrender to the superiors.

This is determined by the nature and instinct of the Zerg. In other eyes, it is sometimes very difficult to understand.

The only difference in their race is that the lower Zerg has a choice for the superior. There are four higher zerg zerg in the Zerg, and the difference in surrender objects leads to differences within the Zerg.

All along, whether it is an outsider or the Zerg itself, the concept of the higher level of the Zerg is also the top level of the Zerg power, but now there is a fact telling them that this is not the case.

"You don't want to?" The silver worms were expressionless and they couldn't see the anger when they asked this sentence.

Alger started to spread his head. "It’s not so easy to betray this kind of thing. If you don’t speak, I can only endure it."

Fortunately, the time for the spiritual link is short, otherwise you can't hold back or say two.

In the above sentence, Alger only thought about it in his heart, but then, the silver worms in front of him said that they would directly jam.

"Then I will fulfill your wishes."

The tail of the silver worm family as a high-risk weapon is not consciously tilted up when saying this, and the other party’s idea at this time is very rough and simple. As long as you see the one that is calling him, it will be very easy to solve the irritated feelings that are provoked -

If it is too big, it will be destroyed.

Read Chrysalis