MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 19 Black Knight (19)

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There is no exaggeration technique used, and the number of warships assembled on this air port is not mentioned first. As long as everyone who knows the Zerg Legion knows, the fleets that are now present at this location are all elite fleets in the Legion.

Which of you is like being invited to visit, it is more like seeing how to look at it is to demolish other people's homes!

No matter which ethnic leader travels, they have never seen a **** of this size. The corners of the mouth are slightly pumping, and the two human generals now want to raise their hands and cover their eyes just like the young black-haired youth not far away.

However, the mood of the two is of course different. They feel that they have no eyes to look at, but the young people in front of them are probably helpless.

"Shen, your treatment is better than me, I thought of it today." Although the gap is not obvious, but this differential treatment is still real, Hamer always has a reason to care.

"Well, how?" Shen Mu glanced at his companion.

"Your hair color, as well as the color of the eyes, may look like it?" The human general said that he touched his blond hair. If he went back to Earth someday, he might consider dyeing his hair black.

"You mean..." Without saying anything, Shen Mu moved his eyes to the young black-haired youth sitting on the shoulders of a Tak worm, and suddenly there was a feeling that he could not refute.

The Zerg is completely unconditional and eccentric to his own king, and this kind of eccentricity and favor has no bottom line, so that outsiders can feel it at a glance.

The size of the fleet is indeed too large. If this brings out the home, Gu Huai thinks that they will be considered to be doing things when passing through some galaxies.

Under the arguments compiled by Gu, the fleets of the various regiments reluctantly removed two-thirds of each, but the size of the fleet is still several levels higher than the average escort.

"Then I will wait for you to return to Tussex." There is still a need for a military commander to sit on the side of the map. The heads of the 3rd and 4th regiments are now half-down to the youth, and their backs are straight, but The head is low hanging.

If allowed, all Zerg will want to be the followers of their own kings. Where do the young people go, where is the reality and the ideal is inevitable.

The young man sat on the shoulder of a huge Tucker worm, and the two human generals followed, the first time they were so close to the Zerg’s Yula warship, a living, self-aware biological warship, let alone wait. Will have to log in to the inside.

"Hey, hehe...hey..."

After approaching, I heard the sound of the continuous sound from the warship, and the two squatted.

This kind of sound sounds a bit like a part of the fuselage, but it is said that the Zerg’s Yula warship will also have a failure.

Just emerging the idea, the two heard the voice of the young black youth in front. "Hey, let's go to Minor."

The entire hull vibrated under the visible range of the naked eye, and the two human generals looked at each other and silently.

OK, they choose to accept this setting.

After logging into the interior of the battleship, the two were arranged in their respective rest rooms, but since they were allowed to visit all locations outside the command room, how could they still sit still.

If you visit the village, you will not have this store again. This is the Zerba exclusive Yula warship. If you don't take advantage of the opportunity, you will feel sorry for yourself.

In the warship command room, Gu Huai is now groping his own abilities. Above his forefinger's index finger, a space vortex to be described by miniature is spinning quietly.

It is the ability that is naturally acquired after waking up. Although the principle does not understand anything, Gu Huai feels that he is free to manipulate this ability.

“Completing the first advanced growth is to say that I will not want to sleep after I have finished eating things?” After listening to the system’s reminders, Gu Huai’s hand poked the space vortex and turned to his own system. Asked one sentence.

System: "Yeah."

It is an advanced step in sleep state. At this time, it is impossible to consciously control the abilities, but Gu Huai feels that his abilities that were released at the time were patiently and carefully guided, which made him very comfortable at the time. Feeling like a beggar in a warm dream.

With a silver tail on the waist, Gu Huai is completely used to this. Thinking of the comfort of being patiently guided by the power, he went back to see the silver worms behind him, and then once again unprepared into a magnificent gold.

In addition to carrying light and shadow, in this magnificent gold, Gu Huai now only sees his own reflection. When confronted with it, this pair of pale gold erects is like being removed along with light and shadow.

Waking up on the abandoned planet for the first time after falling asleep is also the pair of eyes, the situation is not too much, the feeling is very different.

"Hey." Seeing the young man returning to him, Yalves, who was sitting on his body with his tail, suddenly bowed his head and kissed the young man's cheek, "Ahuai."

The face of the silver worms is undoubtedly extremely beautiful, and under the cold expression, it adds a bit of abstinence, but at this time he is close to the cheeks of the young people with a gentle and docile attitude.

When a dangerous beast shows a docile attitude and wants to please, it is very difficult to resist.

"Hey?" From the young man's cheeks slowly kissed to the lips, the kiss on the edge of the young lips is with a tentative meaning, and Yalves lowered his eyebrows.

The low voice of the silver worms echoed in the vicinity, and was confused by the overly focused gaze in the pair of pale gold erects. The editor could not respond until he felt that the lips were warm and soft. The things fit and rubbed down, and the lower lip came with a feeling of being thin.

After using the tip of the tongue to describe the lower lip of the young man, the silver-haired worms squinted like a satisfied, "Hey."

"..." Even if I recovered from the magnificent golden color, I don’t know what to do. Although the soft things that have just been attached to my lips have already retired, Gu Huai still can’t forget it so quickly. Kind of touch.

Just like the other side is going to arch in his arms in the form of cubs, now kissing like this is also to express the meaning of seeking happiness...

Being ignorant is because you are not interested in most things. Arvis is not not good at speech, but he usually does not have the patience to do this.

But some things must be expressed in words.

“He likes Ahuai.”

About the next second after the silver worms said this sentence, Gu Huai was behind him, his body could not help leaning back on the back of the chair, and the legs were more than just the body like a fat man. Round to the young.

Probably to practice this ‘like’, this white plush and round cub smashed the two hind legs, which were basically invisible, and intended to enter the youth’s arms.

It’s hard to resist, it’s impossible to say that there’s no movement at all, and the other’s current behavior is too fouled... I haven’t been able to digest that sentence yet, and the other person has turned into a cub form to distract him. Thinking of this, Gu edited and refused to reach out and poke the soft flanks of the cub on the leg.

However, the gesture of this poke only made the cub look up and snorted, and it looked like a well-behaved obedient.

Small short legs. Seeing the other side trying so hard to pick up the hind legs and want to lie on their own body, Gu Huai stretched his hand and pinched the crow's front paws with the meat pad temporarily, and then hugged it.

As a love-zero experience person who has never talked about love in the original world, even if he has changed his life in the world, the love experience compiled by Gu is still zero. But he can clearly know that he is moving, and when he is kissed by the silver worms, he can't resist anything, and the object can't be changed to someone else.

The micro-space vortex that was created not long ago has long disappeared in his own time. Now on the battleship, Gu Huai is not good at studying his own abilities, so he simply studies the body structure of the baby in his arms.

The door of the command room opened when the wings of the small dragon wings were being edited in the arms of the baby. As a confidant, Alger has the authority to pass this door.

When I entered the door, I saw such a scene. Alger had only one idea at this time. No wonder his boss would have to send them all to the command room.

"Reporting that the warship is sailing at full speed, but it will take about forty-one moves to reach Minor." Before approaching the exclusive seat of the battleship commander, Alger was extremely young against the black-haired youth in the seat. In the arms, a young cub with a silver tail is half-squatting down.

In view of the fact that there are two humans on the battleship, of course, the most important thing is that since the body of the king is not suitable for continuous movement, the forty-one movements must be separated, so that the sailing time will inevitably need to be lengthened.

Exploring the movements that touched the wings of the cubs in his arms, Gu Huai nodded and responded: "Now this speed is ok."

Just give the other party some time to prepare, if they directly tear the space to pass the past, probably there will be a little fuss, after all, they replied here that accepting the invitation is just yesterday.

The galaxy of the Sutasha Empire established by the Goblin is far away from the core of the Zerg, and is even longer than the distance from the remote abandoned planet to Tuse Star. Without continuous movement, It took nearly five days to arrive.

"Red..." From the perspective of space, the surface of the planet that the warship is approaching is mostly composed of red, white and dark blue. When seeing red, Gu Huai is curious about the plants of the planet.

The trees on the map are all black, and they are extremely hard-working Tamu trees. At present, no flower species can survive in the map. However, Tusestar is not lacking in food supply, and neighboring planet is a resource-based planet dedicated to producing various resources.

A considerable number of Eurasian warships have assembled a large fleet that is approaching the airport of the main city of Minor Star Center.

For important locations like the airport, there will undoubtedly be a monitoring site for the area of ​​the planet's alert zone.

"Beep, beep-" If a fleet wants to land in an airport that is not part of its own power planet, it needs to open information verification when entering the warning range. After the defense network verifies the information, it will identify whether it is allowed to enter, and in the first time. Give corresponding feedback.

The staff at the monitoring site is a shift system, and now it is a bright day, where the goblins of the day shift are originally in a state of leisure. After all, Mino Star is a SSS-class planet, and the Goblin is a race that belongs to the neutral faction all the year round. Over the years, the Minor Star, the first trading planet of the Stars, has not even seen a small-scale war.

There is new information feedback, but this is a normal thing in Mino Star. As a famous trade planet, the airport has countless star ships every day.

"Which ethnic group of customers is coming, I really hope to be a big customer..." A green skin goblin in the monitoring site slammed a pipe, and the chair sitting on the rocking chair looked at the virtual panel casually, then The last word of his sentence was stuck in his throat and could not be said.

Black battleship group, Yula warship.

Even the baby pipe fell on the ground and didn't feel it. The goblin almost touched the alarm with a hand shake. After he finally resisted it, he remembered it. Before he talked to them, he said that Zerg would be invited to visit in the near future.

I heard the words “There will be Zerg invited to visit.” The goblins in the monitoring site all agreed at the time that they were mistaken. Of course, the staff at the airport were in the same mood.

“What big customers are excited about you?” The goblin, who was responsible for monitoring another area, glanced aside as he heard the sound of the pipe falling off the ground, and then he suddenly stood up.

The black-pressed battleships are getting closer, and the closer they are, the clearer the image of the warships reflected in the monitoring station.

This is a visit -? ?

Had it not been clear that the above instructions were received earlier, the goblins of the monitoring station alarmed when they saw the black-pressed battleship group at first sight, a true literal alarm.

"So many, the location of the airport does not know enough, and even the destroyer-class warships have -" Do not understand the characteristics of the Yula warship, this goblin is now pressed against the side of the communicator, "Let the air port that Free up a special reception area, and then make a broadcast, or it will definitely cause panic."

This is the most correct approach, but even if the situation is broadcast in advance, the turmoil in this area is still inevitable.

Black pressure on a Zerg exclusive Yula warship group landed on their own planet, and asked if you are afraid.

There are many races on the Mino Star trade, and on this planet, any race in the Stars is likely to appear. Once, the ‘any race’ here did not include the Zerg.

Shortly after landing in the airport, the various ethnic groups who were still in the vicinity of this area watched the icy black Eurasian warship gliding over the top of the head. This feeling is simply described as sour.

The Zerg and the Goblin established a friendly relationship, and the people who witnessed the Zerg fleet landing on Mino Star have confirmed this idea.

Big news.

As a direct contact of this news, the various ethnic groups on the Minor Star have had two shocks inside. Although there is turmoil, it does not cause any panic. This is because of their trust in the goblin race.

Goblin is responsible for the personal safety of all customers who trade on their own planets. No matter what hatred between the two customers, no one is allowed to exchange fire in the area of ​​Minor, and the first-handed party will receive the army from the goblin race. s attack. Over time, it is forbidden to engage in war on the trade planet, which is basically a default treaty in the interstellar.

In this era of extremely fast information flow, it was not long before the Star Network was full of discussions. It is worth mentioning that this matter of saying that there is no Zerg option on the personal registration information registration form has been resolved a few days ago.

Although the races other than the Goblin in the Twelve Stars are still unable to understand the Zerg’s intentions for a while, they will not lose their meat if they add more options.

What they are more concerned about now is, what is the specific status of ‘Gu Huai’ in the Zerg, and the existence of a name that they have never heard of before can suddenly sit on all the planets of the Zerg –

Above the head of the army, that should be the existence of the monarchy.

"These goblins didn't mention a word in the previous meeting." The other 11 ethnic representatives who participated in the last Star League meeting are now basically in a state of itch, but they really can't do the other's practice. What opinions.

They did not say anything, and the other party chose to be silent even if it was silent. Holding a word without saying it, but doing things almost the same, in line with the goblin's style of acting.

"Respected... Dear Lord?" From the first Yula warship under the berth, I saw a young man who was black from the hatch, waiting for the goblins who were preparing for the reception work here. Then, in front of him, this ship is indeed a Zerg Yula warship.

Knowing that the other party is misunderstanding, Gu edited his hand and touched his cheek and chin. Being born is a form of adulthood, and the body in this world is the same as his height, appearance, and anything else in the original world.

There is really no Zerg character in him. Knowing that his appearance is too deceptive, Gu Huai is not surprised that he will be mistaken for human beings. There are two living examples in this battleship.

If you can look back like a silver worm, then he probably knows what his Zerg form is, but he doesn't seem to have this ability... Think of it, Gu compiled and temporarily put this idea in the brain. Rear.

I didn’t pay attention to what the creatures in my arms were, and regarded the youth as human beings. The goblins waiting to be received at the airport were only holding pets in the other hand. Followed by the warships is that the Zerg is right, things are not mistaken, these goblins are relatively relieved.

Zerg and human beings are deadly enemies with a long history of enmity. To be honest, it is very shocking to see three human beings from the Zerg warships.

Alger was responsible for dealing with these goblins. When he heard that the air port was insufficient and he had to install so many large-sized warships, he replied: "Understood, we will let Euler narrow down."

Then, after the Zerg in the battleship all came down, in front of many goblins, the original destroyer-class Yula warship was transformed into a small exploratory ship, and the other Euras battleships also reduced their size.

"..." What is this magical black technology? ? The goblins who were present were shocked.

Due to the instructions issued by the superiors, the exception allows a large number of fleets to log in, but when they are greeted, they still have to ask and record the reason for the login.

"It's the escort." The gaze moved slightly to the black-haired youth who were guarded by the Zerg soldiers in the center, and Alger answered it for granted.

"...OK." The throat was so hard, and the goblin who was in charge of the question was still in the head.

Whoever leads out will bring a **** of this size, I don’t know if you are going to dismantle other people’s homes!

At this moment, the brain waves of these goblins are completely synchronized with the two human generals.