MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 134 Song of Destiny (End)

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The exhaustion of ability from controllable to uncontrollable is only a very short period of time. When realized, this situation has completely exceeded the control of Gu Huai.

Gu Huai originally relied on sleep to recover from the bad situation that appeared on his body. But then the coping method became less useful, or it was a drop in the bucket.

The expression of lethargy is the instinctive reaction of the body in coping with the ability to fail. In order not to let Noah and other sub-rules worry, Gu Huai later disguised his situation.

Looking at the youth and finally slowly returning to health, the will of the world in the thousands of faces is very happy, and the young people can be the most important thing for them.

"When Ahuai is getting better, I want to bring Ahuai to this plane world." Noah raised his finger and pointed to a plane that was not too conspicuous in the image. Then he bowed his head and kissed the young man's cheek. It squinted like a big cat who was only scratched his jaw.

The pointed plane world is actually a gift prepared by Noah and other sub-rules. In the thousands of planes, this plane world is not the most eye-catching, but it is actually the most beautiful one.

There is no war in this plane world, the creatures born in the world are in harmony, and the flowers that young people like are growing everywhere.

Going to other planes in the world, this is something that Gu Huai has never thought of before, because he is used to staying in the High Hall.

The cheek was kissed, and Gu Huai moved his eyes to Noah, who kissed his cheek. He hesitated to respond to this question, but under the gaze of the other person’s eyes, Gu Huai finally sneaked his head. ""

If you know what you can't do, you shouldn't promise it. You promised it. It is to give the other party hope and let the other party down. This is a very bad behavior.

At this time, the youth signaled that the head was slightly lower, Noah did it, and then he got a kiss from the youth. Although the young man only touched his cheeks, the soft touch made Noah evener his eyes.

Young people should be able to get better soon. From the rear, embracing the youth, the face of the cold and supreme rule is more like a dragon that hides the treasure of love into his own cave. The gesture is particularly satisfying.

But the more the other party is, the more it makes Gu Huai feel reluctant.

I am reluctant to leave, and I can't imagine how the other party will be after I leave.

Maintaining camouflage has become more and more reluctant for Gu Huai. If the ultimate result of exhaustion is only its own demise, Gu Huai can accept that all things will die, and even he is no exception, but the problem It’s the price of things far more than that...

Before the extent of his own ability to exhaust beyond the controllable range, Gu Huai actually found a way to solve the problem, but this method is only equivalent to nothing for him.

I erase all the 'rules' that I have created, and recover all the forces that maintain the rules. If Gu Huai does this, he can smoothly stop his own demise and let himself survive.

In any case, it is impossible to do this. Gu Huai completely rejected this method from the beginning.

But if he dies, the ‘rules’ of losing and creator will also die, and it is almost a dead end in front of Gu Huai.

What to do before I let the rules I created... my family continues to exist. In this almost incomprehensible death, Gu Huai found the only way to live.

The replacement, he needs someone who can replace his position.

The planes have different levels, and below the highest plane are the first-level planes. In this type of plane, under the extremely harsh and accidental conditions, some people who have the ability to reach the threshold limit of the plane will appear. These people can reach the most basic conditions to take over his position.

It is certainly not enough to reach the most basic conditions. It is also necessary to pass a higher level of screening to confirm that the other party has the qualification to enter the high hall.

The failure of ability cannot be stopped. In a very limited time, Gu Huai has arranged everything with his remaining power.

Taking advantage of Noah and other sub-rules, Gu Huai set up a trial level for future successors based on a number of plane worlds. He named this test in the name of 'King Game'.

The person who wins the game through trials will become the "king" and acquire the 30% of his remaining power, replacing him as the new master of the High Hall, and also the new manager of the thousands of planes.

The "King" has the ability to create rules. It is entirely reasonable to take over the second rule of his position to create new rules. But at one point, Gu Huai has made a rigid restriction on his future successor.

He allowed the second king to create other new rules, but did not allow the other party to erase any old rules. This restriction was hidden, but the restriction was silently imprinted from the moment the other party participated in the game. Above the soul of the other party.

Even if the other party successfully passes the final test, if the limit is reached, the opponent will be judged as disqualified on the spot.

It is not an easy task to screen out a replacement that is qualified in all aspects, and it may take a long time. Before the emergence of the replacement, the existence of the 'rules' needs to be maintained by force. In addition to the 30% of the forces to be handed over to the replacement, Gu Huai left all the remaining forces of his order to the rules he created.

The power of these orders will remain on him and will only be dissipated. It is better to extract all of them and exchange for a chance that things that may be valued by him will continue to exist. This is what Gu Huai can do for the latter.

The King's game needs to have a supervisor and a ruling. The selected person is Noah. Of course, there is also the selfishness of Gu Huai. If there are several qualified participants in the same time, Gu Huai puts the power of choice. Noah's hand, let the other party choose by their will.

In general, Gu Huai is the second king who hopes to eventually become his successor to be better at what he values, and there is no other requirement.

These arranged things will be conveyed to all the first-level planes when they disappear, and also to all the 'rules', and on the day of the last thing, Gu Huai wants to rest alone. By, one person stayed in the bedroom.

After extracting all the extractable forces and completing the final arrangement, Gu Huai felt the gradual disappearance of his existence.

I can't bear it... but there is no better choice. Gu Huai turned his head to look at a small flower placed beside his pillow. He had promised to send him flowers, and he would go to a plane with the other party. world.

Ming knew that he would quit, and Gu Huai couldn’t help but nod.

Have been staying in the High Hall for a long time, lonely? Gu Huai has been unclear about the answer to this question, but now that he is about to disappear, he has figured it out.

It can be said that there is, or can be said no.

Loneliness is when he doesn’t know the word yet, and when he knows it, it’s time for him to be beaten up and down by Noah like a chicken, even if he knows What is loneliness, the other side has no chance to give him a feeling.

It is a feeling of being pursued firmly and enthusiastically by one person. When I always see my reflection from the beautiful pale golden enamel, Gu Huai actually feels that the heartstring is slightly moved.

If the plane world is destroyed, the sub-rules of the world will not be affected. But the reverse result is different, the sub-rules die, and the plane of the plane will collapse and destroy.

In the communication content arranged by Gu Huai, he only attached some truths, such as telling him the ability to fail, and indicating that this event will lead to the destruction of many planes, so find the replacement and so on.

As for what is really for, Gu Huai does not mention it.

"Oh." The body became translucent, and Gu Huai blinked at this moment, and he whispered the nickname that he had taken to his lover in a half-joking manner. The eye tip was still unconsciously bent down. .

The nickname of the other party is particularly cute, and Gu Huai has always liked it.

It was like feeling the voice of the youth. At this time, quietly waiting for the cold figure in the center of the temple to frown, and Noah looked at the direction of the hall.

There are treasures of his beloved.

With this idea in mind, Noah continued to hurry and waited quietly in this place.

But this time, he did not wait.

Did not wait, nothing, this time, the youth did not even leave him with any direction to chase.

"Ahuai...?" Where did he go, why didn't he, and turned a deaf ear to the received content, Noah repeated and searched every corner of the hall.

Why not?

No matter how far away the young man is left to him, as long as he can see it, Noah will certainly not chase after chasing.

Even if the young man refused to look back at him once, he would not smile at him once, and he would still catch up and say to the youth many times.

This is what he was destined for when he first saw the young man at the beginning of his birth.

In order to protect the world, the youth sacrificed themselves in advance. The sub-rules of the world are so thought after listening to the contents conveyed by the youth, and they have no other sense of joy from the occupants.

Why is the security of these planes world changed with the youth, and for the long time since the management of the plane world, as the sub-rules of the world will first give up the idea of ​​discarding these plane worlds they manage, especially It is a first-level plane.

Young people are more important than the world. No matter which sub-rule of the world of the plane is such an idea. To put it more bluntly, the world is not comparable to the youth. They try to manage the world just because they want to make the youth happy and want the youth to see more beautiful and beautiful things.

If it is not for the world, young people do not sacrifice themselves in advance, and perhaps the youth can find a solution to their problems in the rest of the time. This idea alone is enough to make each sub-rule disgusted with the plane world it manages.

But they can't do this because these worlds are things that young people want to protect.

As a trial supervisor and arbitrator selected by the youth, Noah has the power to add additional rules to the game. Noah has only added a rule that no matter what kind of change occurs in the plane world, it is not an abnormal situation, except for the case of the plane rule.

The young people gave Noah a very high power in the setting of trials in order to prevent his successors from being bad for the old 'rules', but the development of everything is obviously not as expected by the youth.

Noah throws all the participants of the game into the world of the nightmare difficulty. If there are a few particularly stubborn resistances, let the sub-rules of the plane make a point change to the plane world of the opponent.

Xia Zuo was one of the original participants. After the two sides cleared the two worlds, Noah personally broke all the roads in the world of the plane.

This is aimed at the former, but Noah has never thought of hiding. All his actions are in line with the rules of the game, and there is no need to hide.

I think that I am not strong enough, so I can’t find a young person. In the long time that all the participants were judged to be unqualified as a trial supervisor and arbitrator, Noah’s body has undergone a qualitative change. .

This is like a change. Noah's ability is strong enough to break through the limits of the highest plane. He has since become a completely independent existence, and the sub-rules of other plane worlds can continue to exist in accordance with Noah.

The seats in the center of the High Hall are exclusively for the youth. They do not need other "kings". During the game, the world will of all plane worlds acquiesce in Noah's behavior, and they are very happy to help Noah eliminate the players.

"Hey, I want a birthday present." Standing next to the empty seat in the center of the temple, the owner of the cold figure said this sentence low.

In the distant past, he had received such a very precious birthday present, but he lost this piece of love treasure, no matter how you find it.

The rumored to find the world of the plane innumerable times has become the habit of Noah. He observed the images of thousands of planes as young people did.

Speaking of birthday gifts, Noah remembers that his knowledge of the word 'birthday' comes from a plane called the Earth, and he is now observing the plane world.

This is only a low-level plane. The creatures in this plane are just ordinary creatures without any supernatural ability. Due to various factors, the 'human' living in this plane world has basically no possibility of breaking the plane limit. .

It is a very ordinary world with a dull color. After observing a few eyes, Noah commented on this plane world.

Nothing worth watching, Noah is ready to simply sift through the world of this plane, but when he sees a figure at a glance, Noah has stopped his sight.

The beautiful young black-haired youth is working, and the corner of her eye is slightly stunned by the physiological tears that linger after she yawns. Later, the young man put his head down and put his arm on his arm.

This figure instantly formed all the colors of this plane world in Noah's eyes, and he could no longer remove his sight.

Looking at the figure, Noah saw her own destiny again.

Putting the soul into several planes, Noah and other sub-rules that are delighted by the joyful arrangement of the trial place for the youth.

They will take the youth home. It is with this in mind that Noah ‘appears’ in front of the youth.

"Welcome to the Kings game."

Being able to wait is a very happy thing, because it means that the person you love is still back.

This is a thing that Noah understood after a long time.

The world and him, the youth chose the world, and Noah thinks so. But if, in turn, let him make a choice, Noah will not hesitate to abandon these plane worlds for the youth.

In the first world of the world that the youth experienced, Noah heard a completely different cry from the ‘self’ that had just shattered in the white egg and other zerg cubs.

"Hey, hey..." The silvery tail behind him was slightly tilted, and the zerg, who had just broken the shell, looked around with its round, pale gold erect.

It is here.

"Hey!" instinctively screaming, this Zerg cub subconsciously seems to remember someone who called it like this.

Here, the Zerg cub makes a sound to let the person it imagines hear, and maybe the person hears the sound and will come over to find it.

It is incompatible with other zerg cubs that are snoring. This is only the stag cubs with silvery small tails and pale gold erects looking back and forth in the cold caves where they are broken. "Oh..."

I dare not leave too far because it is afraid that the person will not find it when he returns.

In the last world of the face that the youth had just experienced, the humanoid weapon, also called 'Noah', demanded that the young man choose him at the last moment. Young people have doubts about this request, and Noah is very clear about this.

But no matter how many times the youth chooses the world and abandons him, he also...

The idea failed to continue. In front of Noah, the figure of the youth finally appeared again in his coveted seat.

At this time, the young man in the seat suddenly stood up and approached the cold figure who was watching him silently.

The soft touch felt by the lips made Noah slightly stiffen, but in less than a second, he immediately reached out and firmly closed the youth who came close to him, so as not to let the latter feel Uncomfortable, but definitely unable to break free.

At the same time, I learned that the youth has finally returned home, and the thousands of faces have become very lively in an instant, and all the world will be excited.

"Silly..." with some helplessness in the tone, and retrieved the memory of being the first king. Gu Huai now almost understands what the Noah said to him in the world of the last face. meaning.

The world and the things that are valued, Gu Huai chose the latter, but he could not let the other party know the truth at the time, because it is likely to let the things he valued choose to self-destruct.

The miracle happened twice. First, he did not completely die out after losing his ability. Second, Noah found him in the thousands of planes that he had theoretically become inconspicuous.

The young man wanted to explain this misunderstanding, but from the moment he just dropped his voice, he was hugged by his cold figure and bowed his head to his lips, and pressed directly to the throne in the center of the temple.

This is not a unilateral feeling. When you ask for it, you can clearly feel the youth's response to yourself. Noah has slightly narrowed his eyes.

His knowledge of the 'beautiful' thing is due to this person.

His cognition of the ‘beloved’ thing is due to this person.

“He likes Ahuai.”

From the beginning of the public image, to the end of all things.

The author has something to say: This article will be finished here, and the editors will be happy forever together 0v0

I want the little angel of this article to move to Weibo to vote, open the seal, and count the number of people.

Weibo name is the wine cellar, you can vote in the top of the microblogging

If it is determined, the relevant information of the individual will also be placed on Weibo.

Finally, I will ask for a adoption column and a new pit. The new pit is the "Nursing Maintenance Association".

Thank you all the way to support the little angels, goodbye, oh 唧=3=