MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 132 Song of Destiny (1)

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The reward for winning the game is distributed to the youth. At this time, in the highest position above all the world, there is an icy figure waiting quietly in the place closest to the throne.

Silver hair, this figure stands quietly beside the empty throne, and the pale golden enamel on the beautiful face hangs down. What is shown on the other side is a beauty without temperature, but still has a thrilling beauty.

The thing reflected in this pair of golden urns is the throne. In fact, Noah is waiting for the young man who will appear in this seat, and is also the original owner of this throne.

The cause and effect of all these things goes back to the far-away past. On the side of Gu Huai, who won the game reward, the latter is retrieving his lost memories. The old traces of the past are re-screening in the youth brain like movies. With.

The planes have different levels, but at the beginning of everything, no matter whether the high-level plane or the low-level plane is empty, there are very few planes in the world.

Even the existing world, which is hard to form, is not a complete world. It is extremely unstable and may collapse into the original chaotic state at any time.

The reason for this is that these worlds lack the 'rules.'

Seeing that many of the world are striving to grow, but they have collapsed in the absence of core conditions, the young people who watched thousands of planes in the High Hall have the idea of ​​creating rules for these plane worlds for the first time.

So in these planes, there is the birth of the first complete world.

Creating a world is creation. There is no difference between creating the second, third, and fourth. Before the number of planes in the world is enough, the daily activities of the youth in the High Hall are to create the world.

In the supreme hall where there is no day and night rotation, the concept of time is very vague.

The passage of time is extremely insignificant, but it can be clearly seen that the various empty planes have gradually become very beautiful, and the world of different forms has actively grown up in the plane, like the thousands of stars dotted with darkness.

All the planes have become lively, and the young man is sitting in some cold seats. This high hall is empty except for him. When observing these plane worlds created by himself, the youth The eyes are serious and very gentle and soft.

The rules in different planes are different. These rules belong to the second-level rules. The aliases can be called sub-rules or treaties. These 'treaties' are the most important factors for maintaining the world order of the plane and making the world of the plane good. .

However, after a period of time, the youth discovered that he only created secondary rules in these planes, and the world formed by the rules was still unable to achieve complete stability during development.

Although it is only a very low probability event, in the thousands of planes, there are indeed several worlds that have grown quite badly in the case of treaty maintenance.

"It's not your fault." Whispered, the young man tried to slow down his voice.

The ordinary creatures in the world of the world can have self-awareness, not to mention the many sub-rules created by the youth.

They are equivalent to the world will of the world, occupying the development of the plane world, and these sub-rules created by the youth are very fond of getting close to the youth.

The instinctual love of creation for the Creator is taken for granted. They strive to manage the world and maintain world order because they want to make the youth happy and want the youth to see a more beautiful and beautiful world. This is a gift they give to the youth.

Why are there corresponding treaties, and some worlds may still have disorders, and young people reflect on this issue.

It is not enough to standardize the development of the world in the world of treaties. It is necessary to add another...

It is necessary to aim at the essence of all things and to create the main rules applicable to all planes, including the current temples, or the supreme rules. This is the conclusion that the young people have come to after thinking about them.

The creation of the main rules is much more difficult than the sub-rules. It is not an easy task. The young people have spent considerable effort on this matter and eventually succeeded in creating it.

However, at the time of final confirmation of the creation, some inexplicably, the youth suddenly made a decision that was not planned.

Because this time created the main rule, which can exist in the High Hall, so when the youth looks at a few empty and cold temples compared with other planes, he may have given himself the essence of the rules. Formal thinking.

This idea can't be said at the beginning. It can be said that it is very accidental, and it happens suddenly under the influence of many subtle factors.

When he decided to do it, the youth was not a person who liked to hesitate, so he quickly set about practicing his ideas.

"You are Noah."

The ruler was given a form, and when this was done, the young gentleman said this to the figure in front of him.

The scene at the time of its birth was a very vivid memory for Noah. This was the first voice Noah heard. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was standing in front of him. A young black-haired man who has bent a beautiful eyebrow.

Attention was attracted to the youth, unable to move away from sight. Noah instinctively watched the young man in front of his eyes. His eyes clearly reflected in the figure of the youth. After a while, he nodded silently to the youth.

His name is Noah, and there is no doubt about the gentle voice he heard. Noah remembers the name that the youth gave him.

"I am Gu Huai, you can call me... call me Ah Huai." Although there is no experience of getting along with others, Gu Huai also knows that it is important and necessary to exchange names.

A Huai. Noah did not follow the name, but was born shortly and was given the highest form of form. He still used his pale gold to silently watch the young black man who spoke to him. The cold and beautiful face was expressionless, but he Another time I turned to the youth.

"Hey." Gu Huai did not use this word consciously. After the reaction, the young man simply put his hand on the head of the cold figure in front of him.

It’s really awkward, and he said something obediently nodded to him. At the beginning of the birth, the ignorant state made the other party behave a bit like a newly-crushed cub. Considering this situation, Gu Huai will subconsciously give a softer tone when talking to the other party.

Although in terms of morphology, the cold figure in front of the eyes is completely the shape of an adult male.

When the syllable fell, Gu Huai raised his hand and touched it on the other's head, and he planned to take it back, but something happened in the process.

When the young man touched his head, he slightly picked up the pale golden scorpion, and when the feeling of being touched on his head was gone, Noah caught the hand that the young man wanted to take back.

The left hand was just caught halfway back and was caught. Gu Huai was slightly stunned at this time.

The strength of the other party to catch his hand is not very big. Gu Huai originally wanted to pull out his hand, but he saw his reflection from the nearby golden scorpion, and the other party was watching him seriously. Gu Huai could not help but dispel this thought.

There is nothing to catch a hand, so thinking about it, Gu Huai continues to grab his left hand by the person watching him.

"This is the highest position. For the time being, there are only two of us. I will bring you familiar with the environment."

The young man led the way, and Noah, who caught the young man’s left hand, followed the young man step by step, reflecting the back of the youth.

Although it is the highest plane, this plane is not as colorful as other planes. If the rest of the world is born with a colorful picture, there is only one high-level plane. The color is very monotonous.

The palace is very large, and the white tall stone pillars support the sacred hall of the atmosphere. The walls are engraved with some complicated and special patterns.

It’s not that this hall is not good-looking. It’s just that the color is monotonous because it’s so lonely compared to other hot planes, but the only two people living in this hall are not. This feeling is all right.

Like the mother of the chicken leading the chicken, the young man with the Noah behind him is familiar with the environment of this high hall.

I was convinced that the ‘rules’, like the babies who had just broken the shell, first adapted to the high-level environment. Gu Huai finally brought the other party back to the center of the temple, that is, he usually observed the world of each plane.

Did not sit on the seat that was a bit cold and cool, the young man raised his right hand that was still free, and the image of the thousands of planes appeared in front of the two, like a beautiful and magnificent picture.

"It's very beautiful." Gu Huai pulled the cold figure that had been squatting behind him, let the other side stand next to him, and then he made a slight bend to say this.

Pretty...speaking is ignorant, but Noah, who is the rule of the world's highest in all planes, is actually omniscient and omnipotent. He knows what the word 'beautiful' means.

This is a word that expresses praise and praise, and is used to praise a good thing.

"Yeah." There was a kind of cool texture in the voice. Noah's single voice was very light, and the face was still faceless. His gaze was only slightly distributed to the world of those planes, and soon all moved to the youth.

Beautiful, young people look great...

Noah’s first cognition of 'beautiful' things stems not from the magnificent world of the stars, but by the young black-haired youth next to him. This cognition makes Noah unconscious. He quickly smashed his pale gold.

He likes to look at the youth, and there is no reason to say that Noah just wants to do this.

Chasing with the line of sight and following the pace, this basically constitutes all the colors of Noah in the long period of time.

One is instinctively chasing followers, and the young man who always walked alone in front of him has long been accustomed to having a man like a chick with a nestling complex, running around behind him, spinning around him, and not knowing. From what time, when the youth is walking, they will take the initiative to put a hand over to the 'chicken cockroach' who likes to follow him.

It was he who created the other side and gave him the form according to his own wishes. Gu Huai believed that he had the responsibility to lead Noah.

"Like this, they will follow you." Hands-on teaching, Gu Huai is teaching Noah to communicate with the sub-rules of other planes in the world.

The youth who created themselves are in love and want to be close to each other in obedience, and to Noah, the supreme rule, the sub-rules of the world of thousands of planes, that is, the world will be completely obedient.

Noah is actually born by the youth, and he has not actually used it. But in the face of the teachings of the youth, Noah is still squinting at the youth and listening quietly, showing the look of a baby who listens carefully.

"Yeah." Ying said that he learned, and the high-level rule with no expression on his face was slightly below his head, as if he was waiting for something.

I didn’t let Noah wait for a long time. The young people who heard the other side’s low voices habitually raised their hands and touched each other’s soft silver hair. This is the meaning of praise.

The world willingness to face the world is inevitably a little instigating at this time, and the expressed feelings are very envious on the one hand, but also happy on the other.

They are sub-rules. Even if they have a real form like Noah, they can't enter the high hall. The link with the youth's consciousness is the only way they can get close to the youth. Therefore, they can actually touch the youth and get the youth reward. Noah, they will naturally feel envious.

But the other party can accompany the youth in the High Hall, which also makes these world wills happy.

Young people are too lonely. Perhaps young people have never had this kind of cognition, but these world wills are such an idea.

People who have not experienced warmth will not know anything about the cold. The same youth who used to live alone in the High Hall will not know about loneliness until he feels the feeling of being accompanied.

However, Noah is now just like a little chicken, and she is around the youth, and there is no chance for the youth to feel lonely.

"What do they say to you?" Even whispering, this makes Gu Huai a bit curious.

From another point of view, this also means that other sub-rules are soon familiar with Noah, which is undoubtedly a good thing in Gu Huai's eyes.

The supreme rule that was asked by the youth about this problem moved his fingertips in a unknowable manner, responding with a cold, but very low-pitched voice: "They are teaching me how to manage the plane."

The phrase he now says is called ‘lie,’ the first time since he was born, but Noah is not trying to deceive the youth.

These world wills are teaching him how to care for the youth, and he wants him to stay with the youth so that the youth will not feel lonely. Noah has carefully recorded all the words.

Chasing and chasing, guiding and being guided, at the beginning, the relationship between the two is such a relationship.

When young people observe the world of the plane, they often do not only observe their overall development, but also go deep into observing the creatures that have been nurtured in this plane world, and are full of interest in these creatures that display a variety of attitudes.

And one day, the situation is a bit special.

While observing the creatures in a chosen plane world, the young man turned his head and looked at the cold figure that followed him. After repeating this behavior a few times, the youth concealed a low cough and pressed the corner of the mouth unconsciously.

There are many groups in the image that look like a round cub, and the fur looks very plush. The point is that these young cubs are behind the hairball group that is slightly larger in front, and where to go, which makes Gu Huai can not help but compare these cubs with the supreme rule next to him.

Of course, there is no similarity in appearance, but when it comes to the behavior of where to go, the two are almost exactly the same.

Capturing the curvature of the corner of the young man's lips, Noah looked at the corner of the youth for a moment.

Whenever the young man bends his eyebrows and smiles, Noah feels that he will watch this person forever.

The youth is very beautiful...

When smiling, like the warm fire in the cold and darkness, all the dull black is burned out. This warm color is more beautiful than anything else, and Noah can always hear the sound of his heartbeat.

The ones in the image are screaming in the mouth of the little follower, which makes the youth suddenly whim, and he half-jokingly half-jokingly after using his low cough to cover his lips. The cold figure next to him said: "Give you a nickname."

Just to say this, Gu Huai certainly does not really want to force the other party to take this nickname, although he does feel that the name of '啾啾' is quite cute, but the name and the cold and cold image of the other party are not Too much match...

Gu Huai was still thinking about it at this time, but the cold figure in front of his eyes had already bowed his head, which made Gu Huai slightly stunned.

At this time, Noah Wei lowered his eyebrows. He bowed his head and gently kissed the young man's lips before the youth reacted. "Hey."

By actually feeling the soft touch of the lips, Gu Huai really stopped at this moment.

Because the distance is too close and the breath overlaps, after the kiss is slightly retired, the young figure is still reflected in Noah's pale gold.

He looks at the youth as if he is watching his own destiny.

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