MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 130 Mechanical heart (20)

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The so-called heterosexual space is a closed space that is created by the surgeon with his own ability and is independent of the main world. This is the ability that only the magician above the big magician can have.

The size of the space created depends on the ability of the surgeon. The space environment is freely controlled by the magician. In this independent space, the manufacturer is undoubtedly the master of the entire space.

After trapping the youth into the space, the lich who dispels the disguise and reveals the true form will soon enter an unscrupulous state of mind, staring at him with space and **** scarlet eyes. The escapeable prey does not kill the other party directly.

This kind of mentality is also a bit like a cat catching a mouse, because the confident prey can't escape, so before the prey is killed, the lich who thinks it is the hunter has a playful attitude.

This is the space that he dominates and controls. In this space, he can slowly let the human youth in front of him fall into despair, appreciate the fear of the other person's face, and then kill the other party when it is enough pleasure.

And when he took the young man's body out of space and made the mechanical creatures clearly see it, the latter would completely lose his mind. Even if he does not do it, the plane world will be destroyed by these mechanical creatures.

"I don't want to kill me, don't you still do it?" It has already understood the true identity of the Lich in the blink of an eye. Gu Huai looked around the space and the sound was steady.

What kind of mentality the enemy is now is not difficult to understand. Although there is not much direct contact with the other party, Gu Huai has a little understanding of the other person's personality.

The enemy is very obsessed with becoming a master, so when the other party thinks that there is a mistake in the perfect layout, the other party will easily be unable to hold back.

Now that the other party took the initiative to run to him to show his identity, it is just proof of this.

"Ahuai..." The system is usually cold and has no ups and downs. At this time, there is a clear fluctuation. In order to comply with the rules of the game, it cannot use too much power in the plane world. But in the face of the immediate scene, the system can't do nothing.

No matter what kind of change in the plane world, this is what the game participants need to face and solve on their own, and it happens to be a change in the fate of the participants.

Destiny is not accidental. If the participants die under the change of circumstances, this can only indicate that the other party is not suitable to become a "king" and can not blame others.

At the beginning, Noah deliberately added such a rule to the game because it was because of this rule that it could eliminate others for justified reasons.

However, since the change does not belong to the abnormal situation of the game, according to the established game rules, the system now has no reason for direct interference.

Hearing the voice of his own system, Gu Huai responded quickly to appease.

"Are you so anxious to die?" The lich became a half-body of the mechanical structure and looked normal. The other half was really scary to cry young children. Behind the voice, this humanoid but unrecognizable twisted creature lifted the right hand that had become a white bone, and waved several cold and cold attacks to the youth.

This is a kind of rebellious psychology. The more the attitude of the youth in front of the eyes is flat, the more the reaction is not in line with their own expectations, the more the owners of the current space do not want the young people to die so easily.

The attack that was thrown did not hurt the youth. Just as the real energy pierced the youth's clothing all the time, the latter was nailed to the wall, and the magic formed a cage of restraint.

This kind of different space is not completely flawless. Gu Huai did not say anything at this moment, did not make any struggles, and only observed the surrounding environment with his eyes.

Speech is to delay the time, the current space is an environment that is not good for oneself, and Gu Huai is not impulsive to immediately start with the other party. The magic cage that binds itself is not difficult to break free. The real trouble is how to get out of this alien space.

Why do young people in this situation still seem to have no fear in this situation, Xia Zuo will put the top of the staff with dark gems in the top of the bound youth, like a smile: "I can kill you now, but It’s perhaps more interesting to kill you directly than you, and let you see the process of gradual destruction of this plane world?"

The dark magic gems are on the forehead, as long as the owner of the scepter launches an attack, it is absolutely fatal at such a distance. But even if his life was threatened, the expression on Gu Huai’s face did not change at all. He only looked calmly at the lich who was distorted in front of him.

The overall environment of this heterogeneous space is like a cell, but the young people trapped at this time obviously do not have the self-consciousness as a prisoner, and they are very good at words and deeds.

"Since you don't plan to kill me immediately, it is better to give me some questions before killing me." Gu Huai particularly exalted the word "good" and deliberately used this word to guide each other's psychology.

Gu Huai still has many questions about the enemy in front of him. He is very willing to take this opportunity to confirm something to the other party.

Treating this young man’s sentence as a pleading, he believes that this act of youth represents a slap in the face of a sorcerer who admits to himself, and that he will be willing to meet each other’s pleadings. Points.

"What do you want to ask?" Xiazo took the staff back and looked at the youth in front of him as if he was quite embarrassed. He couldn't help but feel a little pleasure.

The existence of a high-ranking one once said that he did not qualify as a "king", but if he is really ineligible, how can the person in front of him lose to him?

"Ark plan... Noah, their initial procedure should be tampered with by you?" Gu Huai measured and calculated the current space vulnerabilities and spoke to the other side without changing his color.

"This is the case." For this question of the youth, Xia Zuo nodded and nodded, admitting very simply and calmly.

In the last world, he said to the youth that he has prepared a better stage for the other side in this world. The Ark plan is the most important component of this stage.

"In the world of this plane more than two hundred years ago, I used the thousand-faced orbs to disguise as human beings and became a member of the Ark's research team. I successfully sneaked into the team and won the position of chief engineer." Xiazo does not I would like to tell the truth to the young people in front of me. Anyway, it will take a long time for the other party to die. It is his kindness to let the other person die.

The rule of the soul will be the most powerful person in the world of the plane with independent power. When discovering that humans have successfully produced the first batch of mechanical creatures, Xia Zuo began to pay attention to human plans, and the Ark plan was When it was formally proposed, he decided that 'Noah' would be the final creation of the plan.

The actual Ark plan did not call this name at the beginning. It was originally a code-named K plan. The name of the Ark was the official name given after Xia Zuo was the chief engineer.

He deliberately named Noah, the final creation of the Ark plan, which had to be said to be a malicious act.

According to the plan originally envisaged by Xia Zuo, the mechanical creatures created by the Ark plan will kill all the living things of Ay Zeya, which of course includes the youth in front of him.

No matter which ethnicity the other person came to in this plane, he could not escape the ending killed by mechanical creatures.

The death of a young person means that the task of customs clearance has failed. Even if the former is lucky enough to escape, and all the other living bodies of Ay Zeya are extinct, the current plane world is equivalent to ushered in collapse and destruction, and the other party's mission will also be judged as failure.

"But they didn't kill me as you wished, the plan fell through, and it took a lot of effort. Are you not very disappointed?" I almost blurted out a sentence that was 'not angry,' and the editor said that the latter part of the sentence was slightly Slowly slow down, after considering it, I still slightly converged my own words, lest I just start talking and irritate the other party.

There is a weak place in this alien space. Gu Huai continues to delay the conversation by talking. At this time, a miniature engineering device is quietly inserted between the fingers.

This is one of the few engineering items that Gu Huai screamed a while ago, and the magic energy interference device.

Even if the young people adopted a more euphemistic statement, this sentence is enough to make the lich who is distorted in shape slightly gloomy.

This is the biggest failure in his plan, but the mechanical creatures made of materials such as metal actually have feelings, and this emotion actually goes beyond the procedure and is ridiculous.

I don't think that a bunch of cold metal will have the ability to generate emotions. The most straightforward idea of ​​Xia Zuo is that the 'rules' are cheating for the young people in front of them.

The mechanical creatures produced by the Ark plan are all reluctant to kill each other. In the case of knowing the procedural instructions, they desperately use various excuses to delay the execution of the program.

Even Noah, the perfect creation, had a hesitation when he first saw the young man in front of him. This hesitation made him fail to meet the young man when he met.

I didn’t get started, and I couldn’t get any more. It’s just that I’ve seen a few things like this, and I’m getting along for a while, and even a cold humanoid weapon that doesn’t have a heart that beats is so easily captured by the youth, completely abandoning the program that should have been executed.

Because of the reluctance, these mechanical creatures took the initiative to find excuses, including the subsequent obedience of the youth to stop attacking other races.

Avoiding the program by changing the name of the family, this is not a good thing, mentioning... The sorcerer's face with a distorted shape looks more sullen and horrible.

At the time of the meeting, Xia Zuo was certainly a supporter of the Lich family, and he tried to control his expression.

The original intention of setting up the program was not the case. The youth in front of him was completely drilling a logical loophole. This is an irritating thing.

But if you show anger in this matter, you will appear to be being played by the youth. The lich tightens the staff with the right hand that has become a white bone, hiding the anger in the scarlet eyes to the bottom.

"It’s just a small mistake. The Ark plan only has the right to be a pastime for me. Even if there is a mistake, it doesn’t affect anything.” Xia Zuo maintains a smile and smiles. Like you are not the meat on the cutting board now, anyway, I have to let me slaughter. It doesn't make any difference later. Isn't it?"

Gu Huai did not bother the other person's self-satisfaction, only to confirm another thing. "There is another problem, you have another Ada crystal..."

Having said that, Gu Huai moved his gaze to the dark magic gems that had just arrived on his forehead, presuming: "Is this one set on your staff?"

Since talking to Sage in the recent past, Gu Huai has basically determined that his enemies still hold another Ada crystal in his hand. This magical gem is impossible to make it possible to support the other party to control the entire undead army. Necessary medium.

On this issue, Xia Zuo had a little bit of vigilance at the bottom of his heart, but the arrogance and extreme self-confidence of the young people who had been trapped as a prisoner still made him want to give a young man an answer.

"As you think." The young man has a good mind, even as an enemy, Xia Zuo has to admit it.

"You can't seem to be surprised to see the enemies behind the undead army appear in the parliament, but if you find me long ago, you can't do anything. I have answered two questions for you, now it's your turn. The Lich waved his staff to create a cold throne, and he sat up and squatted.

29,13... Calculated in my heart, Gu Huai roughly explored the weak position of the current space, but still more accurate and more insurance, Gu Huai continued to swear with each other, "Whenever the parliament makes any resolution, the undead are like Knowing the movements of the Confederate in advance, although you disguise it as a coincidence, the same coincidence is too much, and it is normal to be suspicious."

The troops dispatched to the deep snow gorge happened to collide with the elite team composed of the Necromancer in the canyon, and the whole army was annihilated. This recent coincidence made Gu Huai doubtful.

Gu Huai put the tip of his thumb on the switch button of the engineering device between the fingers, and it is almost... ready.

"The means of harming others and self-interest is not mentioned. In fact, I would like to know what kind of resentment is so unwilling to make you want to transform yourself into what it is now." Gu Huai and the sorcerer's distorted sorcerer's eyes are facing each other's eyes. In the case, Gu Huai can clearly see the enemy's dissatisfaction with him.

The Lich race is also a living body in the current plane world. It has a flesh and blood body. The trait of this race is that it has a very high affinity for dark elements.

The lich who is in front of Gu Huai has completely stripped his life from his body, and transforming his body into this form is probably to make himself more compatible with Ada crystal and to transform himself into a part of the medium. Supporting the entire army of the undead, giving the latter endless regenerative and reorganization capabilities.

"In order to win, you can't stand this thing?" There is no direct answer to the question of the youth. Xia Zuo said after a sneer, "Not everyone has the same privileges and preferences as you, others want to get themselves." Everything you want is desperate to climb to a higher position."

Privilege, preference. Capturing these two words, Gu Huai remembered... When the other side was in the world of the last plane, he also asked him a question related to fairness.

Because he felt that he had been treated unfairly, the other party was particularly dissatisfied with what he considered to be a privilege, and he was not willing to let him go through such a smooth customs clearance, so he obstructed it at all costs.

According to this statement, the cause of the whole thing is still on his side. For this problem, Gu Huai was a bit unable to judge.

Gu Huai is really not ashamed of the other means, but also can not bear to the family members who are paying attention to him. If you can see the other side wanting to fight for fair treatment, this kind of appeal is justified.

"Not so." The system directly denied the enemy's statement, and said in a cold voice: "Ahuai does not care what he said."

It is the other party's greed to get something that does not belong to oneself, rather than it does not give fairness, the other party has been turned upside down from the beginning.

"Oh... there is only one "king". "And it will never accept the second one.

This is obviously only a matter between it and the youth. Those who are self-inflicted into chaos and destruction are not qualified to demand fairness.

"Then I can only say a word of embarrassment."

Whether it is or not, Gu Huai does not intend to let himself die here, the voice is down, he pressed the switch of the micro-engineering device sandwiched between the fingers.

The magic can interfere with the device, and its utility, as its name suggests, creates a small range of magical interference fields at the moment of activation, and instantly invalidates the imprisonment magic of Gu Huai.

Gu Huai stood up straight, raised his hand and rationalized it. Because it was pricked by several magical spells, it became a little messy clothes, and the movement was not urgent.

"You-!" The lich was completely gloomy and stood up from the icy throne. He pointed the staff of Ada Crystal directly to the human beings who dared to resist and decided to give the other party a more substantial lesson. .

However, when the attack is issued, the lich finds that his powerful magic is completely inseparable from the youth. The burning flame spewed out from the magic gem will disintegrate as soon as it approaches the distance of one meter from the youth.

This powerful and powerful magical attack finally looks like it is just a fireworks. The thunder and the rain are small. If it is not the right atmosphere, this change is really quite a bit of dramatic effect. Of course, this thing is holding. The lich's expression of the staff became ugly and ugly.

"What have you done?" Is it cheating? Xia Zuo can't always suppress things in this direction in the first time, but in theory this level of intervention is not allowed, this is a rule that 'Noah' personally added.

"Don't think too much." Gu Huai lit up the magical interference device on his hand, put it on the finger with the engineering device that turned the magnified ray into a ring shape, and then shook it in front of the other side, "I It is a courtesy to confront you."

"This is the world of magic and technology. You can't forget that because other human beings are not there." Gu Huai added this sentence again. Gu compiled now can't help but be a bit suspicious. When the lich in front of it was disguised as a human being, how did it mix the position of the chief engineer...

Knowledge is power. This sentence is especially applicable in this plane world. You can see all kinds of engineering props and mechanical corps that human beings have developed.

However, Xia Zuo was indeed the chief engineer who was obtained by improper means. He personally liked the pure power of magical energy and was not interested in engineering.

"Your engineering installation can't always be effective." The Lich gloomy pointed out the deadly point in the youth. He was not interested in engineering, but he didn't even understand the basic theory.

"You can't escape this space, peace of mind, let's die." The distorted lichish tone said coldly, he waited for the magical energy in the young hand to interfere with the device failure. Once the device failed, it was the death of the young man. .

Gu Huai is not magic. He knows the principle of magic. Manipulating magic is also a matter of handcuffs. But it is too stupid to use magic and a lich who owns Ada crystal. Gu compiled that he would not do it. This stupid thing.

First, destroy this space and say it.

"This can't be as you wish." As soon as the voice fell, Gu Huai took another piece of work to complete the work. The engineering device that had not been tested was taken out from the inside pocket and changed back with the magnifying ray. Original size.

Gu Huai has already measured the weak point of this space. Now he can solve it with a magical light, but it is in the moment that Gu Huai lifts his large-caliber engineering weapon with more than half energy. The space suddenly violently vibrated.


During this period of intense vibration, the barrier of this heterosexual space is like a cracked mirror, and in a few seconds, the crack on this mirror gradually enlarges and deepens.


The ‘mirror’ seems to be overwhelmed at the end. After a loud bang, the weak space measured by Gu Huai was broken into a huge void.

In the empty position, there is a figure of a humanoid weapon with a cold face and a beautiful face.