MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 126 Mechanical heart (sixteen)

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Let a small army of mechanical creatures and a human being enter the city of Og, and the people of this united city are now in a state of tension.

Last time they put mechanical creatures into the city because the superiors were convinced by the young human beings, but the mechanical creatures that were next to the youth were very old. They didn’t need to worry too much in the guarding city of Og. How much water can be pulled out by mechanical biology...

This time it is different.

This small force in the city does not say that outside the gate, there is still a whole army on the edge of the Ogilvy security perimeter. According to their size, the Allied soldiers of the Allied Forces could not help but reflect that the Mechanical Legion was to launch a general attack on them.

The huge army on the edge of the alert does not seem to be advancing. The attention of the people in the city is temporarily placed on the team that is being welcomed into the Chamber from the spacious street.

To say which race has the deepest stereotypes about mechanical creatures, there is no doubt that it is an elf. After the destruction of the human race, the elves are the most invaded and destroyed by mechanical creatures.

First, the eternal flower as a sacred object was robbed. Later, the territory was almost lost. The defensive devices of the Holy Land were destroyed. The tree of life that gave birth to their elves was almost destroyed.

This is a serious matter that will kill them. Even if the elves are naturally in love with peace, it will be angry to be forced by such step by step.

Now for these elves, the human youth in the mechanical biology team has become their entanglement. Judging from the situation of the last war, this human being is undoubtedly their benefactor, but the other side is now working with mechanical biology.

Because of the desire to repay, the elves used to vote in favor of the youth when the parliament proposed to send the concealed troops to Kellno to rescue the youth.

Some city people look at the youth as if they are looking at the traitor, and they perceive this gaze. An N2 mechanical creature with an azure light on an electronic eye simply holds the youth on his shoulder and then turns his head. With it, the eyes that illuminate the faint light stare at the city people one by one.

If the youth do not want them to fight again with other races, they will not think about peaceful coexistence.

The execution process destroys these races, packs the occupied territories and treasures into gifts for the youth, builds a more magnificent and vast kingdom, and then they will cast a seat for the youth to sit comfortably, so that the youth can sit happily. Above.

This human youth has what kind of natural magic for these mechanical creatures. The high-level leaders of the various groups who have observed this scene silently think about this question quietly.

They can't figure out why, in so many human beings, only the youth in front of them are exceptional. When the mechanical creatures attacked other humans, they were not soft at all.

But these cold and unremarkable mechanical creatures have shown their maintenance to the youth. The act of taking the youth to sit on the shoulders is on the other hand warning them that they are not allowed to cross the protection circle.

When they arrived at the discussion hall, everyone looked at the mechanical creature that only let the young man sit on his shoulders and carefully placed the youth on the seat. Then the mechanical creature stood behind the seat of the youth. Looking down at the young man who is sitting in the seat of the Chamber.

Noah's face sat sidelessly next to the youth, while other humanoid machines were also surrounded by young people. At this time, it did not seem to be aggressive.

The Chamber of Deliberation is a sacred hall. It seems quite quiet at the moment when everyone just finished sitting. Because of the addition of mechanical creatures, the atmosphere in the Chamber of Deputies becomes subtle.

"The flower of eternal is the sacred object of the elves, and now the original is returned to the original." Gu Huai took the lead to break the silence in the Chamber of Deputies. According to the semantics, he took out a faint radiance from the self-made space ring. The flower and push it to the direction of the Elf prophet.

In the foresighted scene, I saw the young man being covered by the humanoid weapon next to him. The Prophet of the Elf was actually the most incredible person in this series of events.

His foresight has never been wrong, and the scenes that appear in the foresight must have happened. In the case of the failure of the rescue of the hidden troops, how the human youth in front of us survived, and these mechanical creatures changed the attitude towards the youth because of what, these two things are worthy of their deep thought.

The elves present were not only the prophet Norma, but when the elves in the outer seat saw the youth taking out the flower of eternal, their eyes were almost straight, and they wished to bring the holy things of this family back to their holy places. For the go.

The mechanical creatures really promised to give them the Eternal Flower so easily, and the elves who were there were simply not convinced.

The return of this sentence is said by the human youth in front of us, the other party can represent the will of these mechanical creatures?

Everyone is suspicious of this snack, but after the youth voice is behind, the surrounding mechanical creatures are indeed uncontested, including the cold-faced humanoid weapons next to the youth.

The sentimental tokens were gone, and the humanoid weapons that were peeked at by everyone squinted at the eyes, and although the emotions of the indifferent face did not show any emotions, his eyes followed the eternal flower. Until the flower was taken back to the hand by the Elf prophet, the arc at the corner of Noah's lips became a flat line.

Although this did not raise an objection, it seems that it is not very happy.

The members of the various ethnic groups present at the scene are not bad at seeing the power, and of course they will not see this. And some people who happened to be at the right angle saw that the young human being on the seat was swaying and shaking the hand of the humanoid weapon next to it, and the latter then held the hand of the young man, and connected it to the body. The icy temperature is like a lot of digestion.

No. Noah did not care about robbing the sacred objects of other people's races as his own sentimental tokens. But before he came to Og, he had already promised the youth.

The humanoid weapon, which was swayed and shaken, settled down after holding the hand of the young man. The line of sight was also taken back from the prophet of the Elves, and changed to the young human beings.

This human youth can indeed represent the will of these mechanical creatures. By this moment, members of the various communities in the Chamber of Defence have confirmed this.

The flower of eternal is originally the thing of the elves. As the youth said, the things belong to the original owner. After the flower of the elves, the prophet naturally did not say anything to thank the words. He just nodded and followed the topic of opening the meeting. "You said that you want to talk about it. I want to ask you what kind of specific ideas you have."

Talking and speaking is easy. How to ensure peace in the future is the biggest difficulty. Even if the two sides can sit down and talk calmly, the members of the Calderin parliament are still in a state of contempt.

Gu Huai did not want to wrap around the ring. He repeated the guarantee he had earlier to remind the people in the room. "Before I said, if the matter is over, the right to dispose of Noah and other mechanical creatures belongs to me. You can't do it. Any investigation. It should be under this premise, I hope that you have not forgotten this matter."

If you want to pursue the ability to be investigated, the young man’s claim is not only to maintain mechanical biology, but also to give the Calderin Parliament a step. The leaders of the various ethnic groups in the seat are silent at this time, and the right is the default of the youth.

The next thing that Gu Huai will say is related to the Ark plan.

Regarding the Ark plan, the members of the various ethnic groups in the seat know that there are not many actualities. This point was earlier that Red Dragon Geral also said to Gu Huai. Because it is a plan that has been listed by human beings at the highest level of confidentiality, the Calderin Parliament is hard to find any clues even if it wants to trace it. The relevant information has basically been destroyed.

Before Gu Huai was caught in the territory of mechanical biology, the content of the other boat plan could only rely on speculation, but now he has put together the plan content.

"Mechanical biology will strictly implement its own procedures. The content of the Ark plan should have been to create mechanical artifacts that can protect human beings and win conflicts for humanity." When it comes to this, Gu Huai has already seen some people’s doubts. Look, did not stop the words, Gu Huai continued to say the words: "Before the Ark plan, humans have produced a lot of test models, that is, those belonging to the basic model. This discovery was still told by Geral. Mine, so I think the Calderin Parliament should agree with this."

“I was rescued by the old model robot from the frozen warehouse under the ice cap.” These old models were friendly to me from the very beginning, and they saved me from the energy left. As test models, they are friendly to humans, and I think this is enough to confirm my first words.” Stated the fact that Gu Huai looked around the leaders of various ethnic groups.

This statement to the youth, the people present at the scene really can not refute. Since the extinction of mankind, other races have been attacked by mechanical corps in succession. After the various ethnic groups joined together, all the mechanical creatures were regarded as enemies, although some people actually discovered that the old models of mechanical creatures did not actively participate in the war.

Human beings are not stupid. Of course, the original intention of making mechanical organisms cannot be to destroy themselves. Although the consequences are inconsistent with the original intention, the content of the plan that the youth said should be correct.

However, the word 'original' added to the young sentence always makes the people in the room feel that they are not feeling right.

According to the original idea of ​​each ethnic group, the mechanical creatures that the Ark planned to manufacture should be out of control, so they would counteract human beings and endanger them. But the young people now specifically mention this matter, as if they were telling them that this is not just a matter of losing control...

"In the initial process of the mechanical creatures created by the Ark plan, all the races that destroyed Ay Zeya were set. The first object to be destroyed was humans, and the second was the elves. Others are omitted. As far as you are concerned, you should understand that such a program setting cannot be the original content of the Ark plan. It must be someone who has moved in it." Who is this person hidden in the dark, Gu Huai understands, change the angle It can be said that the human being in this plane world was ravaged by him.

In order to prevent him from successfully clearing the world of this plane, his enemies have spent a lot of pains.

As soon as I heard the words of the youth, the members of the various ethnic groups in the room were shocked. The first thing they care about is not who the person in the Ark plan is, but what the youth said.

The young people said that mechanical organisms will strictly enforce the procedures. They also said that in the initial procedures of these mechanical organisms, there are plans to destroy their races. Since it is destined to be hostile, can this peace talks be established?

"This is an error procedure set by someone who is not sympathetic. I personally think that such a procedure is not necessary for execution, but the procedure of mechanical biology cannot be cancelled without cancellation..." Huai Dun’s voice.

So what is the significance of this and the bottom? ? When I heard this, some people in the seat of the forum were more and more unable to sit still.

Just as everyone was about to stop, Gu Huai said the solution: "There is no solution. There are loopholes in the logic of setting up the program. It is only necessary for the various families to make some changes in form."

"What do we need to do, you can say it straight." The king of the dwarfs pulled his own big beard and the tone seemed relatively relaxed. Just a formal change, there is nothing unacceptable.

At this time, Gu Huai gave a low cough and tried to calm down. "It's very simple. Just change your name..."

Change the name, such as the Elf family renamed the Moon family or whatever other names, as long as you clearly use the name of the "Elves", you can do it.

The members of the various tribes who heard the youth discourse in the Chamber of Defence were obviously stunned at this time, because the solutions proposed by the youth were too light and simple, and they did not match what they had imagined.

What is this magical operation -? ?

Read Chrysalis