MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 117 Mechanical heart (seven)

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The attack on the Elf territory by the machine obviously made everyone in the Calderin parliament unprepared. Fortunately, in order to prevent the mechanical legions from breaking through various ethnic forces, the leaders of the various ethnic groups led the tribes to set up magic enchantments in their core territories.

This magic enchantment prohibits outsiders from being transmitted directly to the territory, and the engraved alliance is not subject to this restriction. By transmitting magic or specially manufactured transmissions, the Allies can quickly rush to support.

"No, they must be directed at the tree of life... The last time they didn't succeed, these mechanical creatures would not give up easily." The tree of life is the source of life for the elves, and after learning the news, in the city of Og The elves are naturally the most ugly part of the team.

The last large-scale attack on the elves by mechanical organisms was almost a hundred years ago. The bad scenes at the time, the presence of the elves did not want to recall.

At that time, although the mechanical creatures did not succeed in destroying the tree of life, they forcibly took away a sacred object of their elves. Even the innate peace-loving elves, they are extremely resentful of mechanical creatures.

Once there was a history of the destruction of the source of life, the guards set up by the elves at their entrance to the Holy Land were naturally incomparable. It can be said that more than one-third of the elves' squadrons are guarded around the Holy Land, and the Holy Land has placed a number of defensive institutions. Once foreign enemies invade, various magical curses will be activated.

"Let's go to Kuta, we'll keep up." Gu Huai patted the arm of his R-03 robot and then put the newly made magical augment on his left wrist.

The members of the Vanguard team have already rushed to the Elf territory in the first place. Gu Huai is now working with the large forces of the parliament and stepping into the conveyor.

From getting the news to integrating the troops to support is only a matter of just ten minutes. Everyone in the Calderin parliament never thought that the invasion of the Elf territory by the Mechanical Legion would be so rapid. Only in this short period of time, mechanical creation has broken through several layers of defense on the periphery of the territory, and it has entered the Holy Land.

This is an overwhelming offense...

Even if you don't want to admit it, this is a fact that everyone can't deny.

The use of conveyors for large-scale transmissions took a while, and when the large parliamentary forces arrived at the Elf territory, the elite guards at the entrance to the Holy Land had been tripped over.

The defensive organs have already started, and there are traces of cursing and cursing in the various departments of the powerful and horrible scenes. In front of everyone, the army formed by the icy mechanical creations is still huge, as if there is no damage.

"How could this be." The guards who had been tripped over included the vanguard of the Calderin Parliament, and the Allies who followed the scene could hardly believe their eyes.

How can this be? ! If the mechanical legion can easily break through the heavy guards of the Elf territory, then it is difficult for the other party to play with them casually? ?

There is no reason why the other party has overwhelming power but has only been dealing with them. This is totally unreasonable.

In spite of such a fearful situation, the Allied forces chased the first time in the sacred land of the elves that had been broken, and immediately began a round with the mechanical army.

"It’s annoying, this time it’s not coming to you to play.” Frowning his eyebrows because of multiple obstacles, Sage turned his eyes to the old tree in the innermost part of the Holy Land. This is the mission of his mission.

This mechanical corps is composed entirely of N-type robots. It is a new type of creation made by the Ark program. Its combat capability is qualitatively different from that of the old models.

According to the ability, the N-type robot can be divided into three levels: N1, N2, and N3. Among them, the N1 model has the same form as humans. Apart from the lack of life reaction, they can hardly see the difference from human beings. The N1 model is also the most powerful N-type creature. A batch.

"This is a monster at all..." The humanoid machine that saw the head was violently bombarded with instant cursing magic, and the magic had no bottoming trend. The Allies were very uncomfortable with this scene.

The gap in individual combat capability is too great, and the other party is not a living body with flesh and blood. It will not hurt and bleed at all. This battle is extremely unfair.

The support forces of all ethnic groups have already arrived, but even so, this joint force seems to be difficult to stop the continued advancement of the mechanical legion, and according to this trend, the latter will soon approach the tree of life -

“Can you give me a way to go?” The family was very strong and didn’t get hurt, which made Gu Huai breathe a sigh of relief. Gu Huai knows that his family is now a party to the invasion and belongs to the unreasonable side, but he still has such an idea.

At this time, the "Ahuai..." system called the name of the young man, and he was hesitantly in the low and cold voice.

In less than a second, Gu Huai meant the words that the system did not say, but he still insisted on his choice. "I know, but I don't think that person can really destroy anything."

There is a problem with the Ark plan, which is certain, so the new mechanical creatures created by the Ark plan will destroy humanity...even to destroy all the ethnic groups in Ay Zeya.

This can basically be determined by the arrangement of the enemy, in order to prevent him from clearing the world of this plane.

Gu Huai took a look at the customs clearance value he had just reached 15%. He turned his eyes to the red dragon next to him and waited for the other party's answer.

"I can change back to the original shape of the dragon, and you will fly over, but what do you want to do in the past?" Geral did not dare to agree easily. The youth in front of him was the last human being. They also counted on the other side to study ways to stop mechanical organisms. .

"If you want to save the tree of life, then it will take me past, or it will be too late." Gu Huaiyan responded in a concise manner.

Looking at the battle of his own defeat, and the pleading eye of the elf leader next to him, Geral bit his teeth and changed back to the original form.

Before riding on the dragon's back, Gu Huai first comforted a dozen of the mechanical creatures around him, so that they would stay in the same place.

"Beep." The mechanical creatures that were pacified by the youth were imitating the nod gestures, and the obedience should be the requirements of the youth. They will be obedient and will not walk around.

The flying speed of the dragons was very fast, and Gu Huai was brought to the forefront of the front, and when the red dragon landed at a certain height, Gu Huai jumped from the dragon's back.

In the center of the battle circle, suddenly a life from the sky, this is not a rare thing, Sage did not care at first, until he heard more and more of the same family issued a burst of monotonous sound.

"Beep, beep, beep-"

Because it is a family, Sage is very easy to understand what these monotonous voices are expressing, but because of this, he is puzzled.

What the surrounding tribes express is an extremely contradictory emotion, and the reasons for the contradictions are unknown.

In order to investigate the cause, Sage took the attention from the tree of life to the circle of war. When he saw a young black-haired man standing in the war area, he was in a stalemate.


I saw this at a glance, and Sage locked his gaze to the young man in front of him, and all the mechanical creatures in the battle circle did the same.

The mechanical corps that had been violently attacked suddenly seemed to slow down the attack. The Allied forces, which had been struggling to support, finally got a breather.

The fish that slipped through the net... staring at the young black-haired youth who appeared in the center of the battle circle, all the mechanical creatures that invaded the elves' territories were the idea.

Destroying humans is the first plan set in their initial procedures. The youth in front of them are the fish that slip through the net. According to the procedure, they should kill them immediately.


But such serious mistakes and omissions should be solved by their commanders themselves, they can't do it.

Quickly find a suitable reason to be able to say it. Sage confessed to this common idea of ​​himself and his neighbors.

So now he has to tie the youth back... No, it’s to take it back.... Bring it back.

After finding the right reasons, Sage is ready to implement his own ideas.

The red dragon, also arriving at the center of the battle circle, immediately realized that all the mechanical creatures around him had passed toward the youth, which was fulfilling his previous concerns.

It’s over, and sure enough, these mechanical creatures will not let go when they see humans...

On the side of superiority, the Mechanical Legion quickly grabbed their target characters back into their own army. Although it is said to be retrieving, one target person has no resistance. Second, the mechanical creatures that brought the youth back to the army did not actually use force against them.

Because young people do not have resistance, they do not need to use force. This is the reason that mechanical creatures find themselves.

Sage looked at the young people who were captured by the soldiers. He felt that they should go back to the city of Kellno.

Human beings should be on top of this task than destroying the tree of life of the elves...

Yes, human beings are more important. It is more important to bring the youth back to their commanders.

Once again find the reason to convince myself that Sage is ready to retreat.

The red dragon that first discovered the situation certainly wants to come to the rescue, but it is too difficult to save people from the encirclement of a number of mechanical creatures. It can be said that it is impossible.

"Don't worry about me, let them take me away, so the life tree of the elves can be protected." Gu Huai shook his head to the red dragon who wanted to save him, and passed the voice to the other side. This sentence.

Before he was about to be taken off the scene, Gu Huai was on the humanoid mechanical track at the forefront of the army: "I have family members over there, can I take them with me?"

"Ah...oh." Although I don't know why I have to agree, Sage looked at the young man's sight and saw more than a dozen old models of mechanical creatures. It's not a difficult thing to think about it. It should be down.

The speed of the retreat of the mechanical legion was as fast as the speed of the invasion. Before the Allied forces reacted, the enemies they had just resisted had just evacuated the sacred land of the elves, like the ebb tide, leaving them to remain in the same place. .

What happened... How did these mechanical creatures suddenly retreat? ?

On the occasion of everyone, Geral came up with a heavy expression to tell the story.

"Does he know that those mechanical creatures will see him and will give him priority to take him back to the city of Kellno, so that my family can save the tree of life, so they take the initiative to sacrifice...?" said an elf soldier. Out of this speculation, and when he spoke out, he actually believed the three points first.

Some people have put forward such a statement, which sounds reasonable and reasonable. The elites of the Allied forces have almost immediately agreed with this view.

"Our elves owe him a favor." The Prophet Norma of the Elves said this.

"Prophet, you can predict the future, Gu Huai, he is in the end...?" Geral asked, and after a few days, he was very good at the youth, and did not want the other party to have an accident.

The Prophet Norma was silent, and he narrowed his eyes and calmed his mind to mobilize his abilities. The next second, the prophet's back was stiff and the body took a step back.

"..." could not describe the scene that he had seen. After the prophet calmly calmed down, he opened his eyes and shook his head at Geral.

"This..." Geral's face was even heavier, and the prophet shook his head. It was the meaning of a lot of fierceness.

After the red dragon walked a few steps away, the Prophet Norma adjusted his mind and took a deep breath.

Very scary pair of eyes...

The icy light golden color, which does not have any feelings that belong to the normal living body, and the masters of these eyes are putting their hands on the neck of the human youth.

How can the situation in the Elf territory continue? On the other hand, the mechanical corps retiring from the Elf territory will transfer to the city of Kellno with the transfer magic after leaving the enchantment.

Before returning to Wang Cheng, Sage suddenly stopped at the gate of the city, and he was hesitant in his heart.

Wait a minute...he really wants to hand over the young humans who have been brought back to the commander, and the commander doesn’t know how to deal with each other...

If you follow the plan, the youth will be executed...

This...he really wants...

In fact, not only is Sage alone entangled, but other mechanical creatures returned by his peers are also entangled in this problem. The direct result is that such a huge army is stuck in the gate of the city.

This degree of anomaly is easily detected by mechanical organisms in the city, so there will soon be robots coming to explore the situation.

"How is the mission done, Sage?" The humanoid machine that came to the city gate was Ansair, one of the leaders of the mechanical creatures, and a friend of Sage.

"Well... the result turned out to be a failure." Sage replied honestly.

Sage's answer made Ansel stunned, but it was not possible to pursue this problem. The latter was stabbed in the spot by the human youth he saw in his eyes.

"You... how do you bring back a human?!" is the object that must be killed, but Ansair has been slow to start.

Gu Huai, who has been surrounded by a group of mechanical creatures, is well-dressed on the arm of a mechanical creature. Compared with the surrounding mechanical creatures, the young people seem to have a relaxed attitude. .

It is inevitable to take the youth to see the commander, because they can neither let go, and it is impossible to hide a living person in this king city. After several hesitations, Sage took the youth to the palace, and Ansier followed.

The commander estimated that on the astrology, when the messenger went to ask the former, Sage looked at the young man standing nearby and hesitated: "The commander decides on your disposal, we..."

What to do, what if the commander really wants to kill someone... They... can they escape with the youth? ? ?

God made the idea like a ghost, and Sage and Ansier both tightened their bodies. They didn't know what such an idea represented, but they knew that their current thinking was against their program.

At the time when the two men became more and more struggling, there was an icy figure in front of them.

As the most perfect humanoid weapon created by the Ark program, the figure that appears in front of everyone has a strong sense of existence that cannot be ignored. It is a natural and a sense of oppression of the superior.

Silver hair and light-colored gold plaque, since it is the most perfect human-shaped weapon, the word perfect is not only reflected in the ability of the other side, but also in appearance, the outline of the five senses is a chilly beauty.


The figure of his own commander appeared in front of him, and Sage and Ans Elton had a slight breath of breathing. The palace that was originally quiet was now silent.

But soon, a voice broke the quiet atmosphere in the palace.

"How do you deal with me?" Looking at the cold figure, Gu Huai took a step closer to the other side and then asked about the question.

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