MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 112 Mechanical heart (2)

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When Gu Huaigang regained consciousness, he felt that he was staying in a warm environment. This place was very dark and could not see the light.

Still a confined space... Gu Huai touched a hard object when he reached out and it should be metal. Unlike the warm environment, this metal is still cool and cool.

At the moment when the young man who did not know the situation reached out and touched the metal plate, the mechanical creature that received this touch felt a little bit of a stiff body and looked down at his ‘belly’. The original unobstructed data flow even had a tendency to be tangled, and it was completely unwilling to move at random.

“Beep, beep—” Older models of robots are generally not equipped with language modules, and the mechanical creatures looking down at their stomachs emit a very monotonous sound.

The other mechanical creatures who heard the sound on the scene quickly dragged their bodies of different damages to their companions and took a few steps to make the same sound with the other party.

Although he couldn't hear the outside world, when Gu Huai just touched the cold metal plate, he could feel the surrounding space vibrating a bit.

Just happened to meet the agency...

The idea just came out less than a second. The piece of metal that Gu Huai had just touched suddenly shrank upwards. The bright light that penetrated at this moment made him squint. At the same time, Gu Huai I feel that the place where I am lying is moving outwards automatically.

By the time this movement stopped, Gu Huai finally adapted to the light. When the eyes were completely opened, Gu Huai slammed into a dozen pairs of eyes that were faintly blue and bright, and belonged to the eyes of mechanical creation.

"Beep...beep..." The same monotonous sound, the difference is that these mechanical creatures are now slowing down the speed of the sound, they are gathered together, looking down and just being sent out from the companion's 'insulation room' Youth.

In addition to doing other actions alongside the look, the mechanical creatures made of cold metal were used to scan the youth several times with their electronic eyes. There are no facial features that can make expressions. These mechanical creatures inexplicably show a gesture that can be called a serious and serious attitude in the eyes of ordinary people.

Young people look healthy and have no wounds on their bodies. The low body temperature just after leaving the freezer has now returned to normal.

However, the judgment of human 'health' is very complicated. It is far from enough to evaluate from the appearance, but there is no medical robot belonging to the C model...

Gu Huai was smashed by the scene he saw. He is still lying on a metal plate, and when he is facing up with more than a dozen pairs of electronic eyes, he is sitting up from this metal plate.

Seeing the young man sitting up, the blue light on the eyes of the mechanical creation around the youth suddenly flashed. Young people are very energetic, they analyze and judge.

It is clear that these mechanical creatures are not meant to attack themselves. They are even a little nervous about him. Gu Huai has already reacted from the slightest, and now he tries to reach out to one of the mechanical creations.

The body of this mechanical creature is quite large, and the metal parts of the body have been damaged in many places. Some shells have even been pierced through the surface and appear to be ragged. Even so, the threat of this mechanical creature is not reduced, because its two forearms are bright and heavy beam weapons, which is obviously a dangerous thing that is prohibitive.

This mechanical creature was the one that had previously opened a large gap in the thick ice. Now it saw the youth reaching out to it, so it instinctively made an act.

Due to the damage of the parts on the body, the friction of the metal parts will cause less good noise when moving. This mechanical creation slowly extends the left arm of its higher integrity to the youth, allowing the youth to sit on its arm.

After completing this work, the mechanical creature emits a flat-synthesized sound, and the line of sight continues to look down at the precious things on his arm for a moment.

The human body is different from them, very warm and soft, contrary to their cold and hard body.

Gu Huai raised his head and the electronic eyes of this mechanical creature illuminating the faint blue light for a while. When he heard the other party’s monotonous sound of 'beep, beep', Gu Huai started carrying himself in this mechanical creature. I touched my arm and made a slightly curved look.

Other races are also flesh and blood, but only humans... No, only the touch of the youth in front of them makes them feel warm and soft.

Sitting on the arm of this R-03 robot, Gu Huai saw the confined space he had just waited for. It was in the belly of a mechanical creature, and the inner structure looked a bit like... baking room.

Suddenly there is an illusion that I am freshly baked food. Gu Huai paused in sight and his mood became subtle.

This kind of mood did not last long. Gu Huai quickly looked around at the height of the environment. He knew nothing about the background of this plane world and needed to understand it as soon as possible.

The surrounding mechanical organisms do not have language functions. Communication between them relies on data flow, and people cannot communicate too complicatedly. And Gu Huai also could not find useful information from himself, the original master's memory is a blank.

I don't know what the youth are doing. The mechanical creatures present are carefully observing the youth's every move. This is their important treasure.

Looking around, Gu Huai initially judged that this is a long-abandoned building. The furniture that can be seen has accumulated a thick layer of dust, and the lamp is very old.

The building should have been subjected to a large-scale attack. One wall was broken open and a large hollow. Through this large hole, the outside world looked at it. Gu Huai saw the world formed by the ice, and the outside was the glaciers that could not be seen.

Very cold, although the cold wind did not scrape in, the low temperature is still really sensible. Still can bear, Gu Hua tried to adapt to the temperature, did not let himself show the same.

Just then, a relatively small body of mechanical creatures came over with a piece of clothing, which gently put the dress on the young man, and then made a partial head movement, "beep."

This was left by the human beings who lived in this fortress. Although it has been for many years, this special warfare suit can still be used.

This kind of combat uniform has the function of keeping warm from the low temperature. If you wear this dress, the youth will not feel cold.

Seeing that the young man put on the clothes he had handed over, the smaller mechanical creature apparently stunned the blue light on his eyes.

The light that penetrates through the window is very bright for Gu Huai, who just came out of the enclosed space, but after he adapts, the current environment can only be said to be not dim, and there is still a long distance from the bright.

“Is there a room for storing materials, files or books?” Gu Huai whispered to the mechanical creatures around him. Although the latter could not answer in words, they could understand what he said.

Manipulating the body to make a nod gesture, using the arm of the young R-03 robot to start moving his heavy body, steadily toward the place where the young man hopes to arrive.

Information storage room, this room is on the basement level of the fortress.

Other mechanical creatures present at the scene also consciously followed behind. For a time, various moving sounds echoed in the abandoned fortress where there was only one living creature.

"Sorry, you don't have permission to enter..."

"Boom--" did not wait for the synthetic electronic sound to finish the prompt, the closed metal door was destroyed by a beam of light, and the alarm sounded immediately after it, but there was no guard at all in the abandoned fortress.

After doing this, the blue light on the eyes of the young R-03 robot was slightly dimmed.

There are not many energy sources available, and the mechanical creatures that used this abandoned fortress as a temporary residence have been very frugal since long ago. But if they are to satisfy the wishes of the youth or to make the youth comfortable, they will not calculate this energy consumption.

Humans need at least one small lamp to read a book in a dimly lit environment...

The mechanical creatures gathered in the data storage room watched the young people take down several file bags from the bookshelf, swept the dust on the table and chairs with the file bag, and sat up, seemingly ready to start reading the materials.

The lamp in this storage room is no longer usable. I have been thinking for a while. The young R-03 robot has just carried his arm to the side of the youth, and then condensed a front of its beam weapon. Not too big energy beam.

This should be a small light.

The mechanical creatures present were thinking like this, they stayed quietly in place, silently watching and guarding the young black-haired youth in front of them.