MTL - The King of Special Warfare-v7 Chapter 553 : Miss Shaoqing

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Li Tianlan once had a very deep impression on a hypothesis.

He had forgotten that it was a few years ago.

That time he took Qin Weibai to go shopping in Huating, on the busy pedestrian street, Li Tianlan leaned on the back of the bench, Qin Weibai trotted over with two cups of milk tea, bent over to feed him the milk tea.

There are many people on the pedestrian street.

It was precisely because of the large number of people that Li Tianlan really felt the creepiness.

Because of the eyes.

It was a look projected from all directions, mixed with jealousy, bewilderment, sourness, surprise, helplessness, and extremely unwilling but unable to say anything.

Very wronged, but also very aggrieved.

Everyone who passed by him and Qin Weibai at that time, especially men, would look at Li Tianlan in this way.

Such eyes If there are not many eyes, it is actually very cool.

At that time, it was a refreshing feeling that my wife earned me a lot of face just by relying on her appearance, figure, and temperament when neither of them knew each other's identities.

But if everyone looked at him with this look, it would be very uncomfortable.

Naturally, Qin Weibai's charm does not need to be said.

So no matter where he went that day, Li Tianlan would almost always be surrounded by such eyes.

At that time, Qin Weibai sat on his lap after drinking the milk tea, put his arms around his neck, giggled and said that if eyes could kill, he must be riddled with wounds now.

Since then, Li Tianlan seldom took Qin Weibai to go shopping, and even if he went to go shopping, he usually found some high-end places with relatively few crowds.

But Li Tianlan remembered this assumption.

If looks could kill...

what was that like?

Li Tianlan always felt that this assumption was a bit nonsense, meaningless at all.

But until now, he came to Annan on behalf of Zhongzhou, signed the Tiannan Treaty, and participated in this banquet. When he felt that everyone in the banquet disappeared at the same time and he walked out of the lounge, he really realized It's a fact.

It turns out that eyes really can kill.

All eyes in the banquet hall were on Li Tianlan.

Those eyes didn't look like knives, they didn't stab him full of holes.

Those lines of sight contained chaotic and indescribable emotions.

Anger, tension, panic, resentment, anticipation, excitement...

All kinds of emotions become substantial weapons at this moment.

These emotions carried endless messages, and all the messages hit Li Tianlan's mind at the same time, causing his entire consciousness to explode completely at this moment.

Various emotions and a lot of information rushed into Li Tianlan's mind.

Every strand of his consciousness, every strand of thinking, and every feeling is occupied by various emotions.

Thinking and consciousness are completely lost without the slightest resistance.

The memory suddenly became confused.

Li Tianlan covered his head and took a trembling step forward.

In the lounge, Thor's body tensed up suddenly.

There was hardly any hesitation, completely out of instinct and conditioned reflex, his body suddenly rushed forward, towards the door of the lounge.

The strength of Thunder Realm completely exploded.

Accompanied by his somewhat frightened roar: "Tianlan!!"

Before he finished speaking, his body directly hit a transparent barrier at the door.

Li Tianlan's sword intent left in the lounge fluctuated slightly, and directly bounced Thor's body back completely.

His body was thrown into the air, and he was thrown backwards on the sofa.

He seemed to be completely stunned, and lost all his strength for a moment.

Because it was within his line of sight.

The first time Li Tianlan appeared in the banquet hall, he staggered as if he had been hit hard.

Then he took a trembling step forward.

No symptoms.

His figure disappeared into the banquet hall very abruptly.

Why? Where did you go? have no idea.

That kind of disappearance was unusual, but it was too natural.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded.

Thor's breathing rhythm was completely out of order.

He stared fixedly at the place where Li Tianlan disappeared, and at the banquet hall outside the lounge.

ten seconds.

One minute.

Li Tianlan did not appear again.

It seemed that he just took a step, and then completely disappeared from this world without making a sound.

The pantomime in the banquet hall is still going on.

Everyone seems to be communicating.

But there was a very strange smile on everyone's face, and they stared at the banquet hall, their eyes became more and more empty.

This time Thor wasn't terrified.

For no reason, a trace of indescribable tyranny and anger rose in his heart.


He muttered to himself, his eyes were red, and he went crazy to attack the barrier that surrounded the lounge.

He was bounced back time and time again, and rushed forward time and time again. Although the internal protection of the sword intent was mild, the gap in strength could not be made up. Thunder God's impacts made more and more blood stains all over his body.

At a certain moment, he suddenly turned around and kicked Li Songping in the stomach.

Li Songping flew up like a cannonball, and was bounced back by the sword energy and landed in front of Leishen.

Lei Shen seemed to have lost his mind, and beat Li Songping indiscriminately, swearing constantly.

"Calm down first."

Ma Si grabbed the furious Thor, smiled wryly and said, "Shuai Li must be fine now, Although I don't know where he went, but what he left behind The sword energy is enough to explain the problem, and what's the use of beating him now, it's obvious that he doesn't know about it."

Lei Shen took a deep breath and stared at Li Songping.

Li Songping was already frightened to death, and with the pain on his body, he couldn't help but tremble.

"I don't care if you know what's going on..."

Lei Shen stared at him, his eyes were like breathing fire, with extreme tyranny: "If Tianlan really has an accident, I will let you all Annan be buried with him. What is the impact and what is the price, QNMD!"

The sword energy surrounding the meeting room suddenly shook for a moment.

Thor's whole attention was completely attracted.

at the same time.

Li Tianlan's figure appeared in the banquet hall.

Appeared in a...

Raytheon, Marthe, and Li Songping are in the banquet hall that they can't see at all.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall was lively and enthusiastic, and there were voices of talking and laughing all around.

Li Tianlan sat on the sofa, holding a glass of wine, quietly looking in the direction of the lounge.

Surrounding him is a large circle of Annan ladies who are extremely good looking and figure.

Li Tianlan remained silent, thinking silently.

A famous lady in a red evening dress quickly walked up to Li Tianlan, looked at Li Tianlan, and said with a smile, "Miss Shaoqing, you have a good figure. Li Shuai will definitely have a good chat with you when he comes out..."


Li Tianlan scolded with a smile: "They have the original version with a top match, how can they appreciate a low match like me?"