MTL - The Immortal Emperor Returns-v2 Chapter 904 Athena!

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In the eight-horse disk star array, the power of the star spirit is constantly bursting out ... Three western deities are penetrated from time to time through some parts of the body ... blood splatter ... worried.

They were scared ... began to startle in shock ... Now they can no longer care about the power of the astral spirit, condensing the **** body ... it would be nice to be able to go out alive.

A terrible thought suddenly popped into their heads ... wasn't Hades pitted?

Hades was cruel ... greed ... despicable ... but this time he gave up such a good opportunity and turned himself away, which is so abnormal ... not his style at all.

The three began to panic ... things are scared to think about ... thinking terrifyingly ... this time Hardis's performance really has too much to consider.

He wanted to kill the three of them with the power of the East ... so that he could squeeze into the position of the Lord God?

They had to go back alive ... Hades asked for it.

The three began to say good things ... began to cry ... they were not gods at all ... the death was regarded as the half-step fairy emperor in the east ... there was no ability to communicate with the spirits ... if they were dead ... Then the clouds disappear completely ... the next sun god, **** of war, and sea **** will emerge to replace them.

This is the time of the ancient war ... why didn't they participate in the war ... that was the battle of the immortals ... they came up with the presence of cannon fodder ... still staying safe at home.

Huo Qilin sneered, and said, "Three ... It's not that we don't want to help you ... It's because we love nothing to help ... No one can break this group except Chu Xiandi ... No, your **** of haha Dis can ... or should you call him back? "

"I ..." Poseidon just opened his mouth and was suddenly pierced by the power of a star spirit, blood splattered ... the weapons were shaken.

"Don't think about how to survive ... talk less, do more ... protect your head ... don't care about the head ... that fishing ... be careful of your back ..." Yan Wushuang drama abused.

"No matter who you are ... Star Spirit is by no means what you can touch ... Since it is here, you will always stay on the land of the East ... don't want to leave alive." Jinghong said indifferently.

"Beast Oriental ... you will be punished ... you will be punished by God ..." God of War growled angrily.

Huo Qilin and others sneered again and again ... These Westerners are such virtues ... Once they knew you were useless to them ... they would immediately show their ugly face.

What these three so-called deities don't know is ... It is not the East that is punished ... but the Western world.



Boom ... A huge palace collapsed and turned into ruins ... this is the Temple of the Sun.

Western warriors watch from afar ... Watching the Temple of the Sun destroyed by Hades's palm ... All stunned ... Is this Hades crazy?

Is this a battle for the gods?

"Heaven ... Why are you?" Most of the servants of the Temple of the Sun died ... horrifiedly looking at Hades ... Now the Sun is not there, who can be his opponent.

Although they were angry one by one ... but they dared to escape from the dead ... Although the **** of the ninth is not among the twelve main gods, it is also a god, not that they can offend.

"What I want to say is ... from now on, there is only one **** in the West ... it's me Hades." Hades took a furious smile and shot it with a smirk.

Rolling black gas swept through ... A terrible handprint roared and fell.

There was a bang ... The mountains and rivers collapsed ... The sky shattered ... The sun god's servants were all turned into blood mist ... The three most precious sun **** trees in the sun temple were taken away by Hades.

This Hardis is naturally not the real Hardis ... but Chu Xun.

The eight-horse disk star array is controlled by him ... the so-called gods enter the large array ... don't want to live out ... As for the so-called servants of the gods, leave it to the dear wife to solve the problem.

The external worries have not been resolved ... these **** western gods have caused him civil strife ... then blame him for being ruthless ... this western martial arts world ... without ten thousand years, don't want to recover again.

Can't help ... just don't mess with me ... trouble doesn't matter ... just a fight.

It's just that this time you hit hard enough ... Let the western world have civil strife for thousands of years ... Hades, you have set aside this black pot ... Wait for the other gods to be born, and you will wait for the crusade .

Chu Xun just doesn't have time ... I don't know when other gods in the West will be born ... or wait for them to be born and shoot them all, then the Western martial arts world will never have the possibility of rising again.

This is already the third Sun Temple ... These so-called gods are not all fools ... At least this Sun God is very clever ... It is because of suspicion that three Sun Temples have been built, both of which are The guise ... only this is true.

As the so-called Three Rabbit Caves, this Sun God knows a little Eastern strategy.

But it doesn't matter ... he still has time to find the real palace.

Next ... Temple of War.

Although those western warriors were frightened ... but they were curious ... Where did Chu Xun come when they came? Want to see what this **** wants?

"He seems to be the Temple of Thousands of War."

"It's over ... Nether God is going to start a battle of the gods."

"The God of the Underworld has always been excluded from the Twelve Lords ... It seems that this is a grudge ... The Sun God is not there, and who can stop the God of the Underworld."

"We were crippled by the Chu Demon King in the Western world a century ago ... It was so easy to wait until the gods awakened ... but don't let civil strife happen."

But ... reality gave them a slap in the face.

Booming ... Dark air covers the sky ... With terrible strangling power ... The entire temple of war has been turned into ruins ... None of the servants in it escape.

The most important heart of God of War in the Temple of War was snatched by the **** of **** ... The heart of God of War is condensed by the power of each God of War ... The new God of War can absorb the power and practice in it.

Now the heart of God of War has also been taken away.

The Temple of War is over.

Hades, sitting on the throne of bones, with a wicked smile on his face ... It seems that the farther the Western military man in the distance is crying, the happier he is.

This style is very godlike.

The **** of darkness is greedy ... cruel ... arrogant ... this is indeed his style.

Chu Xun learned Hades's expression ten percent.

Hades estimates that he is now healing ... when he returns to the world one day and is being crusked by the gods ... will he spit blood and die.

If these Western warriors knew that Hades was now the Emperor Chuxian of the East ... I wonder what they would think?

Western martial arts originated late ... there is no strong one ... Chu Xun is a bit boring, it is completely unilaterally crushed ... or quickly destroy the temple of the sea and go back.

He had a hunch ... the so-called fairy emperors would not be too honest.

Chu Xun imprisoned several Western warriors ... Asked the location of the Poseidon and headed towards the Poseidon.

But suddenly ... Chun Xun stopped in mid-air ... the mouth slightly raised ... It turned out that this western awakened not only the sun **** and others ... but also the so-called **** exists.

Chu Xunrao looked at a place with interest ... Guessing in his heart ... Who would it be?

Boom ... Void shock ... In the void in front of Chu Xun, a bright golden light suddenly erupted ... There was a door in the golden light ... The golden gate slowly opened ... a slender, Beautiful white legs stretched out.

Chu Xun's mouth slightly raised ... still a woman.

The owner of this leg finally revealed his true colors ... Chu Xun's eyes narrowed slightly ... I have to admit that this woman is beautiful.

The slightly curled blond hair fluttered slowly, wearing a golden crown ... the perfect face has no flaws ... a golden light armor that only covers important parts ... that proud and full whiteness is about to appear ... The weak and boneless waist ... and the white, slender and beautiful legs ... bathed in golden light all around ... holy and holy.

"It is the great goddess of wisdom."

Western warriors cheered ... worshipped ... religious worship.

Chu Xun knew who this woman was?

The goddess of wisdom Athena ... Someone also called her the goddess of the sun.

This is the most outstanding woman in the West.

Chu Xun couldn't admire the Westerners ... I always felt that they all looked the same ... just like the Westerners look at the Orientals ... but Chu Xun couldn't ignore the conscience that the woman was not beautiful.

It's too beautiful.

Of course ... Compared to Athena, Chu Xun still feels shocked and beautiful ... After all, he is his wife.

Athena slowly opened her eyes ... at this moment it seemed as if the world was a bit brighter ... her eyes looked like a layer of mist, a little hazy, as if the tears shed could turn into pearls.

Fortunately, it will not really become a pearl ... if it is true ... maybe Chu Xun will catch her back and raise her ... she cries pearls every day ... for Jinghonghua light dance necklace.

"You are not Hades." Athena spoke slowly.

With just one sentence, Chu Xun's eyes narrowed slightly.

"You are not Hades." Athena spoke again.

Chu Xun silence ... Athena is known as the goddess of wisdom ... Nature is not big and brainless ... It must be extremely intelligent ... but the smarter and beautiful a woman is, the more she will lie.

Chu Xun couldn't figure out ... Is this woman cheating on him?

"You are not Hades," Athena said.

Chu Xun was speechless and laughed evilly, "Are you a repeater?"

This woman is a little dumb ... you say I'm not Hardis ... Anyway, say one, two, three?

"You're not Hades." Athena spoke again, her voice fascinating and very comfortable.

Chu Xunxie smiled: "Why do you see it?"

"You have no evil atmosphere ... Hades will not like the sun **** tree ... nor will he like the heart of the war **** ... he is useless."

Chu Xunwei, it turned out to be like this ... Hades is a **** of filth, a product of filth ... The sun **** tree and the heart of the war **** are holy things ... Hades will never like it.

"Can I get them back and stuff them in that pit?"

Athena's brow frowned slightly ... a little anger appeared on that holy face.
