MTL - The Hunter’s Lucky Little Lady-Chapter 845 King of Zhennan

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In the end, neither of the brothers bought any ready-to-wear and left the shop in a hurry.

After the shopkeeper sent the brothers away, he went to check the two sets of clothes, then put them away, and started to doze off again.

Walking out of the shop, Luo Cheng and Ling Heng went back to the cheapest shop they had asked about before, bought a few ready-to-wear clothes, and then left the capital with a painful look.

As the saying goes, it is necessary to do a full set of dramas. The two of them walk all the way, and they also mutter that money is not easy to earn these days, but it is easy to spend money.

In this way, no one suspects that there is something wrong with the brothers.

After making sure that no one was following behind, Luo Cheng and Ling Heng circled several times before returning to the place where they lived before.

After the brothers removed their disguise, they sat down and drank a sip of tea together.

"Seventh brother, what did you write on that note?" Ling Heng asked after drinking a cup of tea.

"King Zhennan is reliable!" Luo Cheng said the words he saw.

"What I wrote here is that the token can be ordered!" Ling Heng said the words he saw.

Now, two brothers, look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to say.

"Tell me, the royal father didn't know that he had expected this one! That's why the royal father told me the token when I entered the palace last time!" Ling Heng thought about it and said this.

"I think the father emperor is just doing things! It's just that he never thought that the backhand he left behind really came in handy!" Luo Cheng said with a sigh.

"By the way, when I went to the capital, my informant passed a message to me that the eldest princess had turned against King Gefu, so that's why the father and other royal brothers were executed!" Ling Heng thought of something. , said something like this.

After Luo Cheng heard it, he was not surprised.

As early as when the manic incident happened before, he was on guard against the eldest princess.

Therefore, he also let the three Ling Hengs of his own do the delivery of medicine from the secret passage, and he did not participate in it himself.

It now appears that he was right in doing so.

"Seventh brother, you don't seem to be surprised at all. Could it be that you already suspected the eldest princess?" Ling Heng asked in confusion when he saw this.

"Yes, I have long suspected that the eldest princess is not a reliable person!" Luo Cheng said.

In fact, the reason why Luo Cheng suspected the eldest princess so much was Li Xiaoran.

Li Xiaoran has been with the eldest princess for a period of time, and it is precisely because of this time that she feels a little complicated about the eldest princess.

Li Xiaoran suddenly remembered something once, and said something about the eldest princess to Luo Cheng.

"The eldest princess, I can't see through her! No matter what happens, her emotions are very stable, as if nothing can shake her heart! To be able to control her emotions so well, It shows that this person is a person with strong self-control! Such a person has won the trust of the old man. Once this person turns against him, the blow to the old man will be devastating!"

Luo Cheng also listened to Li Xiaoran's words, and became wary of the eldest princess, so he let the third brother Ling Heng and the eldest princess enter the secret passage together and send the antidote to the palace.

That time was actually a test. If the eldest princess did not send the antidote to the palace, then Luo Cheng would definitely keep an eye on the eldest princess.

It's a pity that the eldest princess is too smart, she seems to sense Luo Cheng's suspicion, so she didn't do anything along the way, but sent the antidote to the palace smoothly.

It is also because of this that Luo Cheng didn't pay attention to the eldest princess, but he didn't think that such a negligence would let the eldest princess take advantage of it.

"What are we going to do now? We can't move here in the capital! King Fu is surrounded by all his people, and neither of us have any military talismans. We can only go to King Zhennan according to what the royal father said!" Ling Heng said said.

"What kind of person is King Zhennan?" Luo Cheng suddenly asked after thinking of something.

"Speaking of this King Zhennan, he is really a very low-key person! Although we all know there is such a person, everyone knows that King Zhennan doesn't ask about the court, and only likes to travel around the mountains and water all day. And in ordinary time, if you want to find him, you can't find him! Anyway, we brothers have never met the king of Zhennan!" Ling Heng said.

Hearing this, Luo Cheng pondered for a while.

"That is to say, even if we meet King Zhennan, we may not be able to recognize whether the other party is the real King Zhennan or the fake King Zhennan?"

Ling Heng also thought of this question, and frowned slightly.

"Third brother, it seems that we have to forge a token, so that we can be prepared!" Luo Cheng suddenly made a suggestion.

Ling Heng suddenly understood what Luo Cheng meant and nodded.

"Seventh brother's idea is good, it should be done!"

Just at this time, Zicheng came over with a pigeon, and then handed the note inside to Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng opened it, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Third brother, you and I should act separately! You first make some fake tokens, then disguise yourself and go to King Zhennan. Something happened in Bailu City, I have to go back and deal with it! This time Go back, I will no longer hide the news that I am still alive, so that I can attract the attention of King Fu and the others to me, and you will be even more hidden when you are looking for King Zhennan!"

Ling Heng was very moved when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

"Seventh brother, if you do this, you will bring yourself a great danger!"

"Third brother, don't worry! We brothers always need someone to stand in the bright spot to attract firepower! You can do it, as long as we can fight the King of Fortune and set things right, everything is worth it!" Luo Cheng said.

Later, after the brothers discussed some important matters, Luo Cheng set off overnight and headed back towards Hele Village.

He actually dared to attack his wife's idea, no matter who came, you must be prepared to be revenge by him.

Dragons have inverse scales, and if you touch them, you will die.

Li Xiaoran is Luo Cheng's inverse scale!

Therefore, Ling He is dead!

It turned out that this note was sent by Luo Ziyang with a carrier pigeon, and it was written that Ling He was looking for trouble and Ling He's coveted heart towards Li Xiaoran.

After Luo Cheng saw it, he couldn't sit still.

Anyway, this side of the capital can't move now, so I just went back to clean up Ling He, which can be regarded as a lesson for King Fu.

Regardless of whether it was King Fu or the heir of King Fu who calculated him at the beginning, Luo Cheng put this account on the family of King Fu anyway.

Exactly, eradicating Ling He also let Fu Wang feel the taste of his loved ones being hurt!

Li Xiaoran didn't know that Luo Cheng was already rushing back. At this time, she went to the roast duck restaurant with a dark face.

Seeing a group of officers and soldiers surrounding the roast duck restaurant, Li Xiaoran walked in and saw Ling He sitting inside and nibbling on the duck legs of roast duck.