MTL - The Hunter’s Lucky Little Lady-Chapter 765 What to send?

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Li Xiaoran laughed immediately when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

"Xianggong, you are right, it's like Li Yan didn't come to trouble us before! Don't worry too much, the soldiers will block the water and cover up, let's do our own thing! As for Li Yan, as long as she dares to come, we can She's beaten down!"

Luo Cheng laughed when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

That's right, now they are no longer afraid of anyone's harm.

They have the power to protect themselves, and it is not something that others can easily calculate.

Li Xiaoran didn't take Li Yan to heart, because she knew very well that as long as she had a good life, Li Yan would not let go of her jealousy.

Why bother to make yourself uneasy all day for an irrelevant person, and there is no way to live with peace of mind.

What she has to do is to live a good life, work hard to live a better life, and let herself live a wonderful life.

Only in this way is the best revenge for Li Yan!

She could not ask for, but she has always had it!

So, enough!

As long as Li Yan is not happy, Li Xiaoran is happy!

Therefore, Li Xiaoran went to sleep with a good mood, and slept well all night, but he didn't even have a dream.

A good sleep is a good start. Li Xiaoran woke up early the next day, and followed Luo Cheng for a few laps in the yard, and then exercised.

Seeing Li Xiaoran's high spirits, Luo Cheng asked with a smile, "What's so happy about it that my wife took the initiative to exercise with me?"

Li Xiaoran smiled at Luo Cheng's curious look.

"You also know the reason! Li Yan is unlucky, so I'm happy!"

When Luo Cheng heard that it was because of this, he immediately cheered.

"You'd be so happy if you knew Li Yan was unlucky, I've already made her unlucky!"

"No, no, it's different! Although I'll be happy if you take action against Li Yan, I'll also panic. Just like Li Yan, it's not worth our effort to deal with her, so as not to get our hands dirty. But , If God makes Li Yan unlucky, then I will naturally be very happy! This shows that God sees people as accurately as me!" Li Xiaoran explained.

It was the first time that Luo Cheng heard such a fresh reason, and then he said happily: "Isn't God on your side all the time? Otherwise, who sent your good luck against the sky? Lady? Ah, you and God have been together for a long time!"

When Li Xiaoran heard this, he couldn't help crying.

"I don't know if God and I are in the same group, but my husband and I must be in the same group!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Cheng laughed.

"By the way, Mao Dao and Sisi's are about to get married. What will we give?" Li Xiaoran thought of something, and suddenly asked such a sentence.

Luo Cheng thought about it and said, "Are you ready for the makeup gift?"

"I'm ready to add makeup. I'm going to give Sisi a set of jewelry. When I went to Beijing before, I already bought a lot of jewelry, and one of them is very suitable for Sisi's cousin's temperament!" Li Xiaoran nodded, Say so.

"When we get married, let's send some big things!" Luo Cheng said.

"My parents are going to send the wedding bed! Let's not send any weights!" Li Xiaoran muttered such a sentence.

Luo Cheng listened and thought about it.

"Why don't you ask someone to make a wedding dress!"

Li Xiaoran shook his head, thinking that this is not enough.

"Forget it, forget it, you won't get any good advice if you ask me, I'll just think about it myself!" Li Xiaoran said.

Luo Cheng was relieved when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

To be honest, he is really not good at giving gifts!

His wife finally let him go, it's really good!

After Li Xiaoran had breakfast, he planned to ask Mrs. Jin.

After all, in terms of human relationships, Mrs. Jin is an old baby!

After Mrs. Jin learned about Li Xiaoran's intention, she immediately became happy.

"You! I just want to give your cousin something affordable, so I feel troubled. In fact, for a woman, the best gift is to give her some good life security. Your cousin married a Zhuang family. So it's impossible to send someone, but it's necessary that you can send her."

"All you need is money? Am I sending a bunch of gold or silver ingots?" Li Xiaoran said.

When Mrs. Jin heard this, she shook her head.

"At this time, if you give this away, you will actually hurt her. She brought so much money over there, it will definitely be coveted by others. Money is the root of the disaster, including your gift to the shop, business and so on. It's all the same, It was her fault!"

Li Xiaoran was stunned when she heard Mrs. Jin's words.

That's right, if she sends these things, it seems that she is really causing trouble to her cousin.

"There is a saying that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give a fish. Of course, what you want to give is not the kind of thing that teaches her to do business, but the guidance on how to respond when faced with some things! To put it bluntly, it is to let her She has become self-improving!" The old lady Jin said: "Think about it, the girls of our big family will train her some women who are good at managing the property, good at advising their masters to protect themselves, and stand up. There are also loyal maids and stewards. These things are good things for a girl to live in her husband's house after she is married!"

Li Xiaoran felt a little depressed when he heard this.

"Cousin is going to marry into Mao's house, so she can't give her maid or anything!"

"Think about it for yourself! My old lady has said everything!" The old lady Jin only said this sentence, and no longer gave any ideas.

Li Xiaoran didn't get the answer at this time, but even more confused.

"Hey, why is it so difficult to give a gift?"

After returning, Li Xiaoran repeated Grandma Jin's words to Shu Ruyue again.

After Shu Ruyue heard this, she immediately laughed.

"Xiao Ran, you are on the cusp of a bull's-eye! In fact, you can help your cousin a lot! It's easy for you!"

"How do you say this?" Li Xiaoran asked.

"Think about it this way, if you were Zhao Sisi and you were going to marry into the Mao family, what would you most want to know, what would you be most worried about, and what would you most need?" Shu Ruyue reminded.

Li Xiaoran heard Shu Ruyue's words and began to substitute.

Soon, Li Xiaoran thought of something and laughed.

"I know what to send!"

Immediately, Li Xiaoran went to find Luo Ziyang.

"Ziyang, you send someone to inquire about all the news of the Mao family, especially the characters of the Mao family. I like them!"

After Luo Ziyang heard Li Xiaoran's order, he smiled.

"Sister-in-law, this is also helping Miss Zhao to find out!"

"Yeah! I want to give my cousin a big gift, and simply sending these news is what she needs!" Li Xiaoran said with a smile.