MTL - The Hunter’s Lucky Little Lady-Chapter 762 Something goes wrong

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As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and when Li Yan was involved in the past, Pei Xuanxin became vigilant.

Only this time, Li Yan hid the gold ingot well, and there was no abnormality in the next few days, so that Pei Xuanxin did not catch anything abnormal.

Later, when Pei Xuanxin got busy with his official business, he couldn't care about this matter.

It's a pity that this little negligence has brought him huge trouble.

At first, Li Yan was still very careful.

She didn't dare to tell Pei Xuanxin the money from the gold ingots, but she was also worried that the person who sent the money would find Pei Xuanxin and talk about it.

Li Yan made up her mind, as long as Pei Xuanxin asked about it, she would say she didn't know.

Anyway, the little servant gave her a vegetable basket, and no one saw it.

For the sake of safety, Li Yan took out the vegetable basket and cloth with the gold ingots, and quietly put it in the stove to burn it clean.

As time passed, Pei Xuanxin never asked about this matter, and Li Yan relaxed.

Just when she thought everything was safe enough, she started thinking about those gold ingots.

When they came to the capital, the houses they lived in were all rented, small and inconvenient, not prosperous at all.

However, Pei Xuanxin's previous salary can only barely support their life, and it is impossible to change to a bigger house.

Now that Li Yan has a gold ingot in her hand, she is naturally thinking of changing to a better place to live.

It's just that the source of this money is not easy to explain?

In the end, greed prevailed over reason, and Li Yan felt that she should buy a house and live alone.

In the future, even if Pei Xuanxin finds out that she took the gold ingot, and she is no longer needed, she will still have a place to stay, so that she will not have nowhere to go.

The more she thought about it, the more Li Yan felt that this was feasible, so she took advantage of going out to buy vegetables every day, secretly looking for a house that she could buy.

It was also because of Li Yan's bad luck that she really found a place.

This mansion is said to have been purchased by a merchant.

It took a lot of money to repair it, but before I moved in, it suffered a change, and I had to sell the property to pay off the debt.

Li Yan just came over and met the seller, and then, together with the people from the tooth bank, bought the house.

After getting the key, Li Yan went to buy a new lock and replaced the old one.

After that, Li Yan walked to the house that belonged to her, with a happy look on her face.

No matter what, she is now considered a person with a house in the capital!

The next step should be to buy some fields or Zhuangzi or something, or buy a shop to do business.

I have to say that during this time in the capital, Li Yan's horizons have been opened a lot.

Seeing that many officials and ladies around have their own shops and Zhuangzi's income, Li Yan is envious.

So after she has money in her hand, she plans to get some shops and Zhuangzi.

At the Yaxing side, hearing that Li Yan was going to buy Zhuangzi and a shop, she immediately became enthusiastic.

No, for several days in a row, Li Yan spent a lot of money and bought a lot of shops and a village in one go.

Because she didn't know how to run the business, the shop was directly leased out.

As for that Zhuangzi, after she bought it, she would let Zhuangtou continue to manage it, and she only needed to visit from time to time.

Li Yan did all these things behind Pei Xuanxin's back.

It's just that there is no windproof wall in this world!

Li Yan's every move has long fallen into the eyes of many people.

No, one day when Pei Xuanxin went to work directly, he was called aside by a colleague.

"Pei Xuanxin, I think you are also a real person. Go back and check. Where did your wife get the money to buy the house, shop, and Zhuangzi. If you don't clarify this matter, you will be in danger. !"

Pei Xuanxin was shocked when he heard what his colleagues said.

"Brother Yuan, how do you say this? Please give more pointers to Brother Yuan!"

Seeing Pei Xuanxin's confused look, his colleagues lowered their voices and took Pei Xuanxin aside.

"I ask you, after you took office, did someone come to your house and give you something?"

"No! No one has looked for me, and no one has sent me anything!" Pei Xuanxin said directly.

"Don't answer so affirmatively, go back and ask your family! But if you take something from someone else, return it quickly! Don't you know, the water in this capital is very deep. You don't even know who the other party is. If you dare to accept other people’s things, you won’t know how you will die in the future!” The colleague reminded: “If you don’t accept it, I’m sure your wife will accept it! Otherwise, where does your wife get the money to buy houses, shops and farms? Go back and check it out!"

As soon as Pei Xuanxin heard his colleague's words, there was a "crack" in his heart, and a bad premonition arose.

At this time, Pei Xuanxin couldn't sit still any longer, and thanked his colleagues with his hands, and hurried home in a hurry.

The colleague looked at Pei Xuanxin's back and shook his head.

"Nine times out of ten, I've already received money from others! Hey, a good official, this is ruined! So, marry a wife and marry a virtuous man!"

Pei Xuanxin hurried home, but Li Yan was not at home at all.

Pei Xuanxin poured himself a cup of tea to drink, stabilized his mind, and then went to see his mother.

"Mother, has anyone come to our house during this time, and have they given any gifts?" Pei Xuanxin asked softly.

Mother Pei shook her head when she heard Pei Xuanxin's words.

"I've been sitting at home all the time, and no one has ever come to visit, let alone give gifts or anything! Son, but what happened?"

Pei Xuanxin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that his mother had not said anything.

"What about Li Yan?" Pei Xuanxin remembered what his colleague said, and asked again, "Has Li Yan received anything?"

Mother Pei thought carefully when she heard her son's words.

"I don't know about that! My daughter-in-law has been mysterious during this time. It takes one morning to go out to buy food, and one afternoon to go out to hang out in the afternoon. I often can't find anyone!"

Speaking of this, Mother Pei suddenly remembered something.

"Son, by the way, do you remember the time when my daughter-in-law suddenly bought a lot of meat and came back to eat? It was very strange that day. My daughter-in-law only brought one vegetable basket out, but she brought back two. I ran out and bought a lot of meat and came back. I thought we had two vegetable baskets, but when I went to look for the vegetable baskets, I saw only one, and I didn’t know where the other one went!”

"Later, I asked my daughter-in-law, and my daughter-in-law said that the vegetable basket was broken, and she used it as firewood to burn it! I felt that something was wrong at the time. My family's vegetable baskets were only bought, how could it be broken? How long!"