MTL - The Hunter’s Lucky Little Lady-Chapter 683 Metamorphosis of offspring

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On the vegetable garden side, Zhao Huaishan looked at a stone table not far away, and walked towards it.

This stone table is where Li Xiaoran and the others usually clean up the vegetable garden to rest.

After Xu Xiufang followed, the three grandparents sat down.

"Sisi girl! Have you made up your mind?" Xu Xiufang asked first.

"Although I used to think that Maodao's people are good, but I know my parents will not agree to this marriage! So I have been trying to figure out how to convince my parents. Promise this marriage!" Zhao Si thought about it, and then said all his thoughts.

In the Zhao family, the only people who can help her are Grandpa and Grandma.

Xiao Ran's cousin and aunt, she can no longer drag them down, this time she should bravely fight for her own happiness.

"Today, when I heard Mao Dao's words, I was suddenly moved. Mao Dao knew where he was lacking, and he was trying to find a way to make up for it. Why can't we? Dad? My mother always wants me to go to the high branch and marry a powerful person. But why can’t my parents recognize the reality clearly? What is my good point, so that people from high families will take a fancy to marrying into the door as a daughter-in-law? No , what are the advantages that those people see!" Zhao Sisi said calmly.

"Even if they do, they are interested in the identity of Xiaoran's cousin and cousin's husband! Let me ask, do I dare to marry such a person? Can I marry? When I asked, my cousin-in-law didn't agree to them. The most difficult person was me! Being caught between my husband's family and my parents' family is definitely not a good feeling! I don't want to live like that, I just want to have a husband who loves me No matter how hard or tired I am, I am not afraid, as long as both of us are diligent! We have hands and feet, and our hearts go to one place, are we afraid that we will not have a good life in the future?"

When Zhao Sisi said these words, his tone became more and more firm.

Both Zhao Huaishan and Xu Xiufang can see that their granddaughter really thinks very clearly and understands it very well, but it is not a momentary fever that makes Maodaoshanmen go to propose marriage!

"Grandpa, grandma! You are all taking care of your parents' faces, but you have never broken the reality, making my parents indulge in fantasy, and you can't see your own identity more and more. Come on! You do this in the hope that my parents can see clearly! But there are some things that my parents will never face without breaking the surface. This time, maybe it's me who should be the daughter , let them see what the reality is like!" Zhao Sisi said.

" Filial piety is not just obedience to the parents. If there is something wrong with the parents, we as children should also help the parents to correct them!" Zhao Si thought about it and said that he was very early What I wanted to say before.

When Zhao Huaishan heard Zhao Sisi's words, a gratified smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that in my grandchildren's life, the first person who could think so thoroughly and understand everything was actually you! Sisi girl, you are very good! Grandpa and Grandma are surprised! If your elder brothers, sisters, younger brothers and sisters can be like you, then our old Zhao family will not have to worry about it in the future!"

Zhao Sisi did not expect that her grandfather would say such a thing, and suddenly looked at the second old man in surprise.

"Sisi girl, don't be surprised, in fact, your grandfather saw the problems of your generation early in the morning! Before this, although you children were all good, but they lacked You have a kind of courage and courage. The reason why your grandfather brought you out of Feiying Village is to hope that when you face these things outside, you will be tempered and your tough temperament will be polished!" Xu Xiufang said. .

"Originally, Grandpa thought that your eldest brother should be the first to be polished! After all, he had the best chance, and it didn't take long for him to encounter the Hu family. Even if your eldest brother is decadent At that time, we still didn't make a move, we just wanted to see when your elder brother would wake up completely! It's a pity that your elder brother doesn't have the courage and courage you have!" Zhao Huaishan sighed and said, "Fortunately behind him I also know that going out for a while can be regarded as giving myself another chance!"

Zhao Sisi felt like she was going to lose her mind.

It turns out that grandpa and grandma have never interfered in anything, just want to use things in life to polish them?

"Okay, since you've figured it out! Then grandpa and grandma will help you! I'll let your parents agree to this marriage! But, Sisi girl! You think about it, have you really decided that it is him?" Zhao Huaishan simply said this when he saw his granddaughter looking surprised.

Zhao Sisi came back to her senses and nodded solemnly and firmly: "Grandpa, I'm pretty sure it's him!"

"Since you're sure, it's him! Let's go, let's go out together, let that kid come to propose marriage tomorrow morning at the end of the hour! Then I will decide for you with your grandma!" Zhao Huaishan said: "This matter, don't tell your parents after you go back today, the person who proposes marriage will come tomorrow, and your grandmother and I will handle it! Don't make extra troubles!"

As soon as Zhao Sisi heard what her grandfather said, her face became happy.

"Thank you grandpa, thank you grandma!"

Xu Xiufang looked at Zhao Sisi's happy look, and now she also burst into laughter.

After that, the three came out together.

At this time, everyone looked over and wanted to know the result of the three people's discussion.

"That boy Maodao, please ask the official media to come to the door tomorrow to kiss! Come at the end of the hour, come directly to my old man to propose a kiss!" Zhao Huaishan looked at Maodao who was a little nervous at this time, like this said.

Mao Dao was actually prepared to be rejected. Hearing Zhao Huaishan's words, he was dumbfounded with joy.

"Look, it's silly to be happy!" He Hui laughed and joked: "Mao Dao, don't you express your position quickly, don't you want to marry Zhao Sisi?"

Mao Dao suddenly came back to his senses, the joy on his face could not be suppressed, and he nodded quickly.

"Grandpa, oh no, old man, thank you! Don't worry, I will definitely treat Miss Sisi well! If I don't do it, your old man will come to clean me up! I, I , I let you deal with it!"

Zhao Huaishan laughed when Mao Dao was so excited.

"That's natural. Your village is not far from our Hele Village. If you bully my granddaughter, I will ask my grandson to come and beat you up!"

"I live in Hele Village, I can build a house in Hele Village! I have saved some money, enough to build a house! From now on you can supervise me every day!" Rice said.