MTL - The Holy Lord In the Comic World-Chapter 61 : Means of the Black Organization

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"Huh? What's the sound over there?" Vodka asked while carrying the box containing the bomb.

"It's nothing, it's just that a kid threw coins on the ground..." Tajira said and looked back at Conan.

Although the eyes are full of murderous intent, Conan's excited mood can shield all the murderous intent at this time, only Conan smiled indifferently...

"Finally...I finally found it!" Conan thought to himself.

Afterwards, with the help of picking up coins, Conan approached Tajira step by step...

"Okay, I'll have a round with you later, so let's do this first..." Tajira said and hung up the phone.

"Uncle, my coin seems to have fallen on you, can you move your foot?" Conan asked innocently.

"You stinky brat, get the **** out of here!" Tajira yelled and kicked Conan.

"Ouch!" Conan was kicked several meters away, enduring the pain, and raised his head to aim at Tajira...

There's...the toilet! Conan stood up with difficulty.

"Hehe...Fortunately, the bug and locator have been installed..." Conan clutched his stomach, and pressed the button on the glasses...

Behind the wall outside the toilet, Conan leaned against the wall and turned on the bug...

"Huh? Strange, can't open it? Hmm...can't plug it should be unlocked..." Tajira's voice came from the bug...

Can't open it? Do you mean the toilet door? Conan thought suspiciously.

At this moment, a violent explosion sounded from the toilet...

"What?!" Conan looked in shock at the wind and waves caused by the explosion coming out of the toilet...

"What happened here?" Several people who happened to be nearby hurried over...

"Hurry up and call 110, explosion murder..." Conan squatted next to Tajira's body, feeling his pulse and said.

"Brother, it's ready..." Vodka sat down beside the gin and said softly.

"How long will it take for Tajira to return?" Gin put down his glass, lit a cigarette, and asked with it in his mouth.

"Just now he told me on the phone that the transaction has been completed, and he should be returning soon..." Vodka said and snapped his fingers.

Aside, the waiter at the bar came over and asked, "Sir, what wine do you want?"

"Huh?" Vodka looked at the waiter carefully...

"You...are you new here?"

"Yes... yes, sir, what's the matter?" the waiter asked puzzled.

"It's nothing, give me a glass of vodka, and besides...I advise you to apply for early leave from get off work~" Vodka said with a smile.

"Is that vodka...Okay, come right away..." The waiter turned to get the drink while thinking about what the vodka meant.

"What? Sudden compassion?" Qin Jiu sat aside and laughed.

"Hehe, brother, stop making fun of me..." Vodka smiled awkwardly.

"Sir, your wine is here..." the waiter said and put a glass of vodka in front of the vodka.

"Okay, finish drinking quickly, it's time to leave..." Gin said, pressing his hat.

After hearing the vodka, he picked up the glass and drank it down, then picked up the empty box beside him and stood up.

Watching the two men in black gradually go away, the waiter at the bar remembered what Vodka had said to him...

"Boss, can I apply to leave work early?" The waiter ran to the backstage and asked.

The bar owner glanced at the waiter and nodded slightly...

Outside the cocktail bar…

A waiter who looked like a high school student walked out of it and walked towards the toilet beside it.

In the toilet, the waiter took off his clothes and changed into a set of everyday casual clothes...

At this time, the waiter's phone rang...

"Huh? It's Hongzi..." Kaito took out the phone, looked at the caller, and muttered.

"Hey... Hongzi, what can I do for you?"

"Hello? Is it Kaito? I'm going to Tokyo to do something, can you accompany me?" Koizumi Hongzi said on the other end of the phone.

"Next? I have nothing to do..." Kaito looked at the bar behind him...

"In this case, let's gather in front of Mantiantang Building..." Koizumi Hongzi said and hung up the phone.

Kaito looked at the phone that had been hung up in his hand, and thought: What the hell, I heard that some information about underground organizations can be obtained here, but I didn't expect to be so tight...

Just as Kaito was about to take the elevator to leave, a huge explosion sounded from behind...

Kuai Dou turned his head fiercely, and what he saw was the bar where the second explosion was taking place, and thick smoke had already emerged from the bar...

At this moment, from the elevator next to Kaito, a kid with eyes wearing blue clothes and a red bow tie quickly ran out of it and ran towards the bar.

"Wait! Kid, it's dangerous here, don't get close!"

Just as Conan was about to enter the bar where the explosion was still happening, a man grabbed Conan from behind.

"Let go of me! I'm not..." Conan struggled desperately, trying to break free from the man's hand, but it was all in vain...

"This brat...what made him work so hard..." Kaito behind Conan muttered incomprehensibly.

"Forget it, UU Reading I'd better go find Hongzi..." Kaito said as he walked up the elevator.

At the statue in front of the Heaven Mansion...

"Kaito! You've arrived..." Koizumi Hongko, wearing a black dress, ran towards Kaito.

"Ah~ because I was working nearby..." Said Kaito, lifting the work clothes in his hand.

"Didn't you delay your part-time job?" Koizumi Hongzi asked guiltily.

"No no…"

Rather, I was lucky to leave early, and was almost killed by the bomb... Kaito thought.

Wait... Did the man ordering vodka know the bar was going to explode? Kaito suddenly realized.

"What's wrong with you? Kaito?" Koizumi Hongko looked at Kaito with a dignified expression in front of him in doubt.

"It's okay, it's you, what are you going to do here this time?" Kaito changed the subject.

"It's nothing, I just want to come here for a stroll..." Koizumi Hongzi said without blushing.

At the same time, in Koizumi Hongzi's palm, she was holding something that looked like a compass tightly.

"Where do you want to go?" Kaito asked, looking at the Manten Building next to him.

"This..." Koizumi Hongzi said, taking advantage of Kaito not paying attention, took out the instrument in his hand, and saw little black lights shining in the direction of the sky on the instrument...

"Since we're all here, how about going to Mantiantian?"

"Playing video games?" Kaito looked at it with some disinterest, and then he was stunned...

"What's the matter? Kaito?" Koizumi Hongzi asked puzzledly, and at the same time swept his eyes towards Mantiantang Building, and was stunned for a moment.

"White Horse Detective? Why is he here?"