MTL - The Holy Lord In the Comic World-Chapter 312 : Why did the general laugh?

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The latest website: "General, the lurking team has been wiped out..."

Listening to the adjutant's report, Satu's facial expression did not change much.

"Yeah... as expected."

"Then...General, what should we do next?" The adjutant stared at Satu's face for a while, and asked cautiously.

The adjutant has been working with Satu for a long time. As direct subordinates, the two have participated in hundreds of wars, large and small. It can be said that they already want to have a tacit understanding.

It stands to reason that the relationship between the two should also be very close, but at this moment, the adjutant felt that Satu in front of him seemed very strange.

"Adjutant, do you think we can win this war?" After a long time, Satu calmly looked at the screen and asked calmly.

"General, with the strength of our Gluttonous Legion, it shouldn't be a problem to occupy a pre-nuclear planet like Earth." The adjutant replied truthfully.

"But what about the current situation? Angels and demons have intervened, and now these unknown monsters have appeared on Earth..." Satu said, frowning.

"General, don't lose your confidence!" Seeing this, the adjutant hurriedly cheered.

"If you think you're going to lose, what will the soldiers think? You know the consequences of low morale."

"Morale? Now that you're watching groups of soldiers go to die, you still tell me about morale?" Satu smiled dissatisfied.

"General...I..." The adjutant didn't know how to answer, so he kept his mouth shut.

The scene was very embarrassing for a time, and Nuo Da's command room was surprisingly quiet.

Suddenly, a burst of wild laughter broke the silence.


Looking at the source of the sound, it was General Satu who was in charge of commanding the battle.

"Why is the general laughing?" The adjutant looked at Satu puzzled.

"What a faux pas... I'm so slow, I didn't notice it earlier..." Satu didn't answer, just talking to himself.

"Tune the satellite picture to the screen."

Although the subordinates couldn't understand what the general was thinking at this time, the commander's order was absolute, and they had already formed the habit of obeying orders.

Staring at the screen for a while, Satu nodded in satisfaction.

"General...what the hell..." the adjutant asked curiously.

"Adjutant, haven't you noticed the attack pattern of their Yuanpan?" Satu said with a smile, seemingly in a good mood?

"Rule?" The adjutant looked at the screen blankly.

"Every ten attacks, there will be a five-second pause. Each attack has a one-second charge delay. The target of the attack is a single-target AOE...just use these..." Satu said, the smile on his face became even stronger strong.

"The sacrifices of the soldiers were not in vain, come here, pass the order down..."

Walls of the Shurima Empire.

"Brother, why do you bother to fire the cannon yourself? Can't it be fired automatically?" The Holy Master sat beside Azir and asked in confusion.

Not long ago, he had rushed back with Bogang. Because of helping Bogang forage, she agreed to the Holy Lord's request and decided to come to Shurima to have a look.

The main reason is that the Lord lied to her that there are many delicious things in Shurima.

It can’t be said to be a lie, there are indeed a lot of delicious food, but it’s uncertain whether there is a chance to eat it.

After returning to Shurima, Bo Gang succumbed to Azir's "power" and was sent out to find Zhongsu, the thunder demon...

"What do you know? We need to give them some hope. This thing doesn't understand human feelings at all. It only knows how to attack non-stop without stopping. Facing such a big killer, how do you let the opponent play?" Az Er was talking while fiddling with the virtual magic circle in front of him.

To be honest, the sun disc can attack infinitely in theory, because it is supplemented by endless solar energy, its attack does not need to be delayed or interrupted at all, and it can even lock multiple targets at once...

"I'm ignorant...but brother, they seem to be gathering their troops..." the Holy Master narrowed his eyes, looked into the distance, and said.

"Yoxi... send them an intense message..." Azir naturally noticed the crowd gathered in the distance, and licked his lips excitedly.

During this period of being the emperor, in order to maintain his majestic image, Azir naturally tried his best to avoid this kind of behavior of being exposed on the wall, but today is different... He has a big plan, as long as the plan is successful, these human worldly concepts There will be a big cleanup...Since you don't have to rely on the evaluation of the world, of course you have to be yourself and enjoy yourself!

"Move quickly! According to the instructions above, their attack will soon enter a gap period. Take this opportunity to use the newly developed assault boat to break through their defense line!" The leader shouted.

I saw that every soldier was stepping on a kind of skateboard with blue flames on their buttocks... It should be the assault boat they talked about.

"That...captain, why do I see the sky suddenly so bright?" a soldier said.

"Yeah, it's so dazzling!" Another soldier echoed.

"Huh?" The captain who took the lead seemed to have noticed the abnormality and looked up.

"Fuck! Run!"

I saw thick rays of light shoot out from the center of the solar disk, and flew straight towards them. What's even more outrageous, there were actually three rays of ten meters in diameter!

"What? A ray? What the **** is it three?" Satu was completely dumbfounded when he heard the report from the front line...

"How could it be...impossible..."

"General... this time..." The adjutant's complexion was very bad, but at least it was better than Satu's.

The communication has been disconnected, presumably the entire army has been wiped out.

The command room fell into a mysterious silence again.

Not long after, another familiar hearty laughter came out.

"Why is the general laughing?" the adjutant asked again.

"God helped me too..." Satu stared at the big screen, his complexion gradually turned rosy.

"The backup lurking team sent earlier has arrived at the destination smoothly."

"Standby lurking team?" The adjutant muttered, suddenly taken aback.

"Oh! At that time, just in case, an additional team was sent."

"They are equipped with our newly developed anti-matter bomb... Once detonated..." Satu said with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

At this time, a technician stood up in a panic.

", General, the backup lurking team is completely annihilated..."


"A group of scum... dare to do such sneaky things on our territory..." Di Kui spat in disdain while holding the bruised gluttonous in one hand.

"Fortunately, big brother arranged for the shadow corps to patrol around..." Xiao Feng, who was traveling with him, added.

"General...this..." The adjutant's eyes dimmed again.

For a while, the command room fell into silence again.

Suddenly, a burst of arrogant laughter came.


Looking around, it's still General Satu...