MTL - The Hero Kneels-Chapter 46 Wedding Dress Magic Level 3

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A few days later, everything was fine.

This morning, Ye Dou came to a small forest in Xianlin Park.

It just rained last night, the air was fresh, the dew was crystal clear, and the surrounding greenery was very quiet.

Ye Dou stood in the secluded grove, calmed his body, and activated the wedding dress magic that he had successfully practiced, with full internal energy, and at the same time exercising his left and right hands to infuse his true qi at the same time.

As the infuriating qi revolved, the muscles of his arms swelled and swelled for a full circle. The unruly infuriating qi began to tremble in his arms, causing his body to tremble.

Ye Dou spent a lot of time trying to control this extremely domineering true qi.

With the operation of the wedding dress magic, his whole body muscles were flooded with infuriating energy, and his body also swelled up.

Checking his arms and body carefully, Ye Dou was convinced that his body was stronger and stronger than before.

Standing on the spot, I tried to run the infuriating qi of the wedding dress magic art several times to adjust the output of my internal power. It turned out that as long as the circulation of my true qi exceeded 30%, it would cause a change in body shape. The most special change.

After running the wedding dress magic, his body will be congested and swollen, and all aspects of the muscles are filled with the true qi of the wedding dress magic, which vaguely protects the body, which also causes his body to instantly become larger than the original.

This is also the characteristic of the wedding dress magic, which can change a person's physique. It seems that after practicing to the highest level, his wedding dress infuriating will completely transform his special physique, and he will become a golden body of subduing demons. Hard to shake.

After stabilizing the infuriating movement, Ye Dou's head rose with white smoke, and he slammed his palms forward.

King Kong angry!


The air was completely torn apart under the force of this fierce and majestic palm, and the roaring sound was incessant, representing the unimaginable power and speed of this palm.

"When I'm burning my true qi, I'm going all out. My body can't bear the true qi of the wedding dress.

The infuriating qi of the wedding dress magic is too domineering. With all-out efforts, it is estimated that it cannot be used three times in a row, and the second time in a row is almost the limit. If you use it again, it will directly damage the body's meridians.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Dou once again performed the magic of the wedding dress with all his strength.


The palm of the hand suddenly shot out with a strong wind, and the force of the palm was concentrated on a big tree thicker than a human waist in front of him.


The tree shook violently, and many green leaves fell.

I saw that there was a palm print that was deeply sunken in the trunk, and a white smoke clearly wafted from the palm print, and a smell of scorched wood came out.

This is the infuriating infuriating fire!

Ye Dou was also slightly surprised when he saw the damage caused by the magic of the wedding dress.

This palm is simply insane!

"It seems that the special effects in TV series are just like that!"

Ye Dou murmured to himself: "The true qi in my palm has an unimaginable aura of thunder and fire, it seems to be more powerful than the wedding dress magic recorded in the original work, if it hits a weak ghost, half a palm will do it. Kill it."

He dissipated his True Qi, and looked closely at the palm prints on the tree trunks. He found that the palm prints in the tree trunks seemed to have been struck by lightning.

It seems that it is not a lie that this wedding dress can sweep thousands of troops after the success of the wedding dress.

"I used about 70% of my palm power just now. The third-layer wedding dress magic has indeed improved a lot compared to the previous one. The speed, explosive power, and power are more than twice as strong."

Ye Dou was satisfied: "I don't know if my current strength can kill a monster with one palm."

He is now grinding his fists, and really wants to find a ghost to try his palm strength.

"But I have just stepped into the third floor of this wedding dress magic art. It needs time to consolidate. It is also far from the fourth floor. If I encounter an old ghost, I am afraid that it is not enough." Box of Shiquan Dabu pills.

This box of Shiquan Dabu Pills is not a rare item that cost 180 yuan each, but a box of cheap items bought from Wang Xiao for ten yuan.

Calling out the golden finger, he immediately pointed the golden finger on the box of cheap Shiquan Dabu pills. As expected, the text on the box of Shiquan Dabu pills was changed with a flash of golden light.

Open the lid of the medicine box, and there is a smell of medicine inside.

Ye Dou poured out a handful of bean-sized pills without saying a word, opened his mouth and swallowed all the pills into his mouth.

These pills also melted in the mouth, and in an instant, they turned into a stream of clear streams and entered the limbs and bones.

Ye Dou hurriedly sat cross-legged on the ground, and Yun Gong incorporated the clear stream transformed by the medicinal power into his dantian.

After about a dozen more breaths, the true qi of the wedding dress in the dantian quickly became active. With the operation of the exercise, it turned into a hot air and rushed up, acting on the chest Huagai acupoint, the spine, and the movement. A week, and then headed towards the skull, and spread out suddenly, turning into countless trickles, which filled the entire head like spring wind and rain.


Feeling that the medicinal power was so abundant, Ye Dou was so comfortable that he couldn't help but let out a sound.

It's summer time.

The weather is hot, UU reading www. There are a lot of mosquitoes on Ye Dou, a big living person sitting in the grass, naturally attracts a lot of mosquitoes.

However, any mosquito that came close to his body would be instantly shot down by an inexplicable thunder and fire, and even the weaker mosquitoes would turn into ashes, and Ye Dou was unaware of these mosquitoes.

I don't know how long it took, he opened his eyes and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

He has raised the wedding dress magic skill to the top of the third level, and the strong medicinal power provided by Shiquan Dabu Pills has also been digested. At present, he still has about one-third of Shiquan Dabu Pills left in his pocket.

"No way, I feel like my body is hollowed out." Although Ye Dou felt refreshed and his inner strength increased greatly, he couldn't help covering his abdomen.

This practice made me forget the time, and as a result I was so hungry that I felt like I was about to be reincarnated as a ghost of starvation.

Turning on the phone, Ye Dou couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

It seems that in order to digest the medicine, he has been meditating in this park all day and night in the woods, and now it is the next morning.

"Find something to fill your stomach first, or you will starve to death."

Touching the belly like an African refugee, Ye Dou walked out of the park quickly, opened the APP on his mobile phone while walking, and prepared to find a discounted meal nearby to have a good meal.

He opened the APP and took a closer look. He saw a line of recommendation information push: [Super big bowl of noodles, 88 yuan a bowl, no money after eating within an hour, 88 yuan for the restaurant to pay the diners after eating within half an hour]

Don't pay for noodles?

hey hey hey!

Ye Dou grinned, his eyes lit up.

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