MTL - The Hero Kneels-Chapter 39 A feast of whips of all kinds

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It didn't take long for various dishes and wines to be served.

Taking a closer look, Ye Dou gasped.

I saw some strange things on the plate.

Stir-fried bullwhip, steamed sheep whip, dry cut donkey whip... Anyway, all kinds of whip-like objects are full of plates, and even the wine bottle served has a thick and large tiger whip soaked in it.

Oh my God!

Is this the rhythm to eat people into Optimus Prime?

Mingkai's face was ruddy. As a fat man, he was born to eat, no matter how much, he immediately buried himself in eating.

Ye Dou is not interested in whips at all. At this moment, he still has to bless his senses. He knows that although Tongzi Gong has no restrictions on him, in order to practice the Thirteen Taibao Hengshuo, he must control the power in his body, otherwise It's about to give up.

After eating this meal for more than half an hour, he didn't move a chopstick, just hunched over and took a few sips of wine.

The beauties danced five or six Korean girl group dance songs, their cheeks were crimson, and their eyes were like autumn waves. Anyway, the various movements of touching their legs and twisting their waists almost caused Ming Kai's nosebleeds to be squirted out.

"Two bosses, tonight is different from the past. Originally, we did not provide special services. Today, we will celebrate the first anniversary of the opening of Baihua Huafang, so you can choose any two of these five dancers to provide special services. They will make you feel You will be treated like heaven and earth, and you will be given a 50% discount for the two of you." The welcoming woman who had been observing came forward to inform.

"Special service? Pick two at will?" Ming Kai had big nostrils and covered his nose for fear of a nosebleed.

Ye Dou frowned slightly: "You guys are illegal, aren't you afraid of being reported?"

The welcoming woman smiled: "That's why we left the boat off the shore. We are now in the deepest part of Huashen Lake, and we also blocked the mobile phone signal. If you don't believe me, check your mobile phone."

Ming Kai and Ye Dou took out their mobile phones, only to find that the mobile phone had no signal at all.

Depend on!

This is cut off from the world.

"I didn't think there were high-tech methods." Ye Dou raised his ears alertly and listened.

There were faint sounds of guests punching and laughing around, but the sound was a little less. It seemed that there were only one or two places where the sound was made. It is estimated that there are indeed fewer guests in the boat today.

"Hello, beauty, do you have a bed here?" Ming Kai was a little anxious.

"Yes, yes, in fact, there are beds for us to rest in every room." A beautiful woman smiled.

"There is a bed for you to rest in each room?" Ye Dou asked in surprise.

"Yeah, we slept in these VIP rooms at night." A beautiful woman next to her said with a smile.

After listening, Ye Dou looked directly at the beauty, trying to see if the other party was lying.

Earlier, Xiao Huang and the welcoming lady had said that they would go back to their hotel or home to rest in the evening, which is completely different from what this beautiful woman said, so who is lying?

Just as he was about to ask a clear question, the leading dancing beauty stepped forward and said, "Two bosses, we choose to take a bath, and then change clothes to accompany you. Then you have to hold on longer, don't let us Look down."

"Go back quickly." Ming Kai waved his hand with a smile.

The beauties filed out of the door one by one, and the last one gently closed the door.

There were only Ye Dou and Ming Kai left in the room, and a table of various whip-like residues.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a good thing. Today, I will show my great power and become a seven-night robber!" Ming Kai was arrogant, as if he was about to conquer the entire earth.

"You drank a bit too much tonight, it's better to wake up first." Ye Dou said.

"No, I feel that the prehistoric power in my body has reached its peak, and I can fight against a group army girl at night." The ruddy fat man felt good about himself.

"Just be happy, I'll go to the bathroom." Ye Dou got up and pushed the door out of the room.

When I came to the corridor, it was silent and dark outside. It seemed that except for their room, the doors of other rooms were closed, and no sound came from it. It was estimated that they were the only guests on this floor.

"What's the matter? I was dizzy after a few sips of wine. The stamina of this wine is too much." Ye Dou swayed and walked to the bathroom on the far left of the corridor. He turned on the faucet and started to rinse his cheeks. The dizziness was only slightly relieved.

It wasn't until he started Zhou Tian's breathing that he felt much better, and his groggy head was also much clearer.

Ye Dou took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

Suddenly, I found that the surrounding scenery was not quite right. I saw that the doors in the corridor that were originally closed were all open, and bursts of reddish light emanated from the inside.

"What's going on? It's the same as what happened last night." The red light in Ye Dou's corridor made him nervous.

He noticed that there was endless darkness outside the painting boat. There was no wind, no human voice, and even the sound of water currents and tides could not be heard. Before entering the bathroom, those subtle sounds seemed to disappear in an instant.

how can that be?

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes and took a step forward. He walked to the nearest VIP room with red light, and found a lit red candle inside.


Looking at the burning red candle, he was not surprised.

When he just walked out of the bathroom, he had expected the red candle to appear.

Against the background of the red light, Ye Dou walked through the VIP rooms with red candlelight, ready to find Mingkai.

Now he can't hear any sound, and can't see anyone. The so-called dancers and guests just now disappeared. There was an incomparable silence around him, a dead silence.

Somewhere, he felt that he was being watched by someone.

He walked quickly to the VIP room he just walked out of, Ye Dou found that it was quiet inside, Ming Kai disappeared, and the rest of the wine and meat at the table also disappeared. There were actually two red candles lit in the room, which were more expensive than the other rooms. To have one more, the red light emitted is also stronger.

Ye Dou was not afraid, he stepped into the room to look for it, and shouted, "Mingkai? Mingkai, can you hear me?"

No one answered.

His heart sank, Ming Kai, such a big living person, could not evaporate in a short period of time, so where would he go?

If I had known, I shouldn't have brought him on this eerie painting boat adventure.

He simply sat on the bench in the room and looked out the door, wanting to see what weird things would happen next.

After a while, there was a faint sound of footsteps outside the door.

The footsteps were very light, as if someone was slowly approaching here, but when the person reached the door, he stopped again and did not continue to move forward. It is estimated that he did not intend to enter the house, but was waiting for something outside the door.

"Is it Ming Kai?"

Ye Dou's face was sinking like water, and he asked the other party loudly.

No sound came.

He was suddenly motivated by internal strength, and the magic of the wedding dress instantly turned his whole body to protect his body.

Then he got up and walked towards the door.

When he came to the door, he stepped directly out of the door to inspect the left and right sides, but he didn't see anything.

At this moment, a strange overcast wind blew from the room, and the two red candles in the room went out instantly. At the same time, a woman with water plants wrapped around her head appeared behind Ye Dou without warning.

This woman's head was hidden in the thick water plants, she couldn't see the other's face at all, and her body was also entangled in a lot of water plants. She was silent and followed her like a shadow. She came behind Ye Dou and slowly stretched out. A pair of bloated and swollen hands, as if to grab each other's neck.

Who knew it was at this critical juncture.

Ye Dou turned around abruptly, a pair of sword-like eyes fixed on her, those eyes were very calm and sharp, without the slightest fear.

"Hello, beauty!" Ye Dou grinned, the sun was shining brightly.

The woman who was surrounded by water plants was frightened, and seemed to want to escape.

King Kong looks back!

At the moment when the woman's figure retreated, a windy palm slapped the opponent.

The wind was like thunder, hitting the woman's chest.


The woman felt inexplicably terrified by the thunder-like palm technique, and her figure suddenly faded as she retreated, and she actually drilled towards the floor.


With a cold snort, Ye Dou, like an arrow from the string, suddenly chased after him, a strong wind burst out in his hand, and pressed hard against the floor.

King Kong shoots the case!


The floor was slapped with a fierce palm and a big hole was made, as if it was made of paper.

At the same time as he fell to the next floor, Ye Dou, who was dressed hunting, chased after the woman again and waved away, like a lion fighting a rabbit.

The top of her head was shrouded in palms, and the woman trembled all over. She chose to sink again and crossed the second deck.


There was another loud bang, the floor was smashed to pieces again, and Ye Dou once again rushed down at the woman who was covered in water and grass.

At this moment, his muscles were bulging, his forehead was bulging, white smoke was rising above his head, his clothes were bulging, and the whole figure seemed to be inflated.

This is a symbol of the perfect operation of the wedding dress!