MTL - The Hero Kneels-Chapter 24 My daughter-in-law is a ghost

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"Of course, he turned out to be from our village, and everyone knows about him."

The boss sat down beside Ye Dousheng, blew a smoke ring, and opened the chat box: "This old man's surname is Liu, and ten years ago we rebuilt the land in Xianlin, and their Liu family divided a house of several hundred square meters, it's a pity Liu Laotou's two daughters-in-law had a falling out over the property rights issue, and the eldest daughter-in-law didn't know what to do, fell over in the quarrel, and died like this."

"Later Liu's other daughter-in-law, his wife and two sons, either tripped over the table or fell down the stairs. Anyway, they all fell to their death within three months. Old Liu also went crazy and said yes. The dead eldest daughter-in-law turned into a ghost and came to harm his family. Since then, he has been wandering wildly around the university town, sober and confused, often using some martial arts secrets as money, eating and drinking for free..."

The owner of the ramen shop told in a few words what happened to the crazy old man.

Saying this is unintentional, the listener has a heart.

Ye Dou looked at the old man Liu who finished the ramen with super fast speed, and asked again: "Senior, do you still have martial arts secrets here?"

"Secrets? No... no more!"

Liu old man finally opened his mouth to speak.

"No? Where can I find martial arts secrets?"

The old man Liu turned on the mind wandering mode again, his eyes became illusory again, and then he continued to eat noodles and soup, as if he didn't hear anything.


Talking to the mentally ill is tiring.

Looking at the owner of the ramen shop next to him, the other party opened his mouth and looked at Ye Dou, his eyes were deeply betrayed. It was the look in the eyes of a mentally ill patient.

"No wonder this young man complimented me on my knife skills and wanted to learn martial arts with me. After a long time, it was not a provocation, but a mental patient like Madman Liu!" The ramen owner's heart was indeed broken.

I really fell blood mold today, and I didn't expect to encounter two mental illnesses at one time.

If this is beaten by a mental patient, he really has nowhere to reason.

Immediately, the cold sweat on his forehead fell.

Ye Dou was too lazy to explain because of the cheats. As long as he could get the cheats, he would be mentally ill.

He stepped forward and pushed the old man's shoulder and asked, "Senior Ouyang Feng, I'll treat you to some noodles, even if you don't have any martial arts secrets, tell me where those unparalleled martial arts secrets come from, otherwise we must have them. Come to a Huashan sword argument."

The old man suddenly raised his head and said with food in his mouth: "Huashan Lunjian? Well, who is afraid of who? Of course, my western poison's peerless martial arts are hidden in the White Camel Villa!"

"White Camel Villa? Is that in your house?" Ye Dou asked.

Liu old man nodded.

"Take me to your house now, I can kill your daughter-in-law." Ye Dou said directly.


The old man with his bulging cheeks widened his eyes, and suddenly spewed out a red, white and green three-color object from his bulging cheeks. The red was chili oil, the green was garlic flowers, and the white was noodles.

Fortunately, Ye Dou's reaction was fast enough, and he immediately moved his feet, his **** left the bench, and turned to avoid the spray.

The owner of the ramen shop sitting next to him was not so lucky. He was sprayed on his face, the cigarette on his mouth was extinguished instantly, and his face was covered with garlic flowers, red oil and noodles. The whole person turned into an oil painting by Van Gogh, so abstract that People want to laugh.

But the boss's facial muscles were twitching, and his calloused right hand was twitching. It was estimated that this person wanted to stab someone.

"Boss, I'll give you the money, let's go!" The owner of the ramen shop didn't react, Ye Dou took a fifty-yuan bill and pulled Old Man Liu up to flee the scene.

More than half an hour later, a taxi stopped near Xianlin Chenghu Yayuan.

Two people got off the rental car, one of them was a young man in a black shirt, the other was a little old man with messy hair and tattered clothes,

The taxi driver frowned, pinched his nose and took the banknotes in the young man's hand, his face was very ugly.

He was really choked up on the way, and he resisted all the way to not vomit. Only then did he complete the journey. If he knew it earlier, he would refuse the ride and not accept this business.

Ye Dou shrugged his shoulders and pulled out the two paper **** stuck in his nostrils.

Along the way, he was also suffocated by old man Liu's body odor, and he didn't know how long he hadn't bathed. It was estimated that there was more dirt on his body than Jigong Buddha, enough to rub a few pounds of dirt pills.

All right!

In the future, I will definitely not ride in the same car with this old man.

However, when he came to Chenghu Yayuan, old man Liu regained his sanity a little bit. He was a little excited while walking on the road.

The two walked for about ten minutes on the green and verdant community avenue. Old man Liu finally brought Ye Dou to a small two-story western building. He kept talking about his daughter-in-law along the way.

"I'm not going forward, I'll never go forward, she... she's in there, she's going to go by yourself." Old man Liu was 100 meters away from the building and shook his head into a rattle.

"Wait for me here." Ye Dou ordered and went alone, walking towards the small western-style building.

The style of the small western-style building in Xianlin area is more Western-style. It is a two-story duplex building. It is divided into upper and lower floors and a loft. All kinds of weeds and garbage fill the courtyard. It is in stark contrast to the small western-style buildings around.

It is said that demolition can demolish people's lives, but also can demolish rich people.

Hence the birth of the "demolition upstart".

The land acquisition reform ten years ago failed to cause any fatalities. Instead, many farmers in the surrounding area of ​​Xianlin made a fortune. Many farmers lived in standard duplex houses, and the housing prices in Youshi kept rising again and again. The rise is the envy of the people in the city.

Liu Laotou's house is one of the typical demolition upstarts.

Walking into the small western-style building, you can see that the mottled door is bound by a thick and rusty iron chain, and the lock is very dead. There are many revelations about looking for pets outside. The attic window at the top of the second floor has been hidden. com~ It looks like you can enter through the roof.

According to Old Man Liu, he actually went back to this western-style building several times in the past ten years. At that time, it was a small building that he climbed into the attic window to enter during the day, and took out valuables and sold them, including those martial arts secrets.

But old man Liu didn't dare to go to the second and first floors of this small western-style building, because that was where his daughter-in-law once lived. If he dared to disturb his daughter-in-law, he would surely die.

"It seems that old man Liu's daughter-in-law has become an earthbound spirit." Ye Dou knew it.

In his spare time these days, he has read a lot of materials, and he can be considered to have some understanding of ghosts and ghosts.

Most of the so-called earthbound spirits are not easy to mess with.

The scope of activities of people or other animals after death is limited by geographical areas, and the undead bound in that area often have resentment and become evil spirits.

Generally speaking, those who have grievances during their lifetimes, and those who have unresolved grievances will not ascend to heaven after death, but will remain in the world to fulfill their wishes, which are called earth-bound spirits.

Generally speaking, the earthbound spirits will dissipate naturally as long as their wishes are fully understood, and most of the earthbound spirits will not hurt people, nor have the ability to hurt people, but the situation of Old Man Liu's daughter-in-law is different.

If all four members of Liu's family fell to their death within three months, then his daughter-in-law must have turned into a Specter, and she was still a fierce Specter.

I don't know if the Chunyang Boygong, which has already reached the realm of achievement, will work on a ten-year-old ghost. Next, he will see how powerful Old Liu's daughter-in-law is.

Anyway, the Earth Spirit can only be active in a certain area, but we can still run.

Ye Dou jumped up to the window of the small attic above the second floor. Who would have guessed that as soon as he entered the small attic, he gasped...

I fuck!

what's going on?