MTL - The Great Conqueror-Chapter 594 dominate

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(The ten strongest masters of Kudos in Kyushu existed, and they won the first artifact of Kyushu, Yufeng n Yangding ... but did not expect that at the time of refining, 13 voids nyang destroyed the sky and destroyed the earth, letting the Kyushu There is an unexpected rebirth of the top ten Dandao masters.

Moreover, he was born again in the body of a prince who claimed to be the top four evils of the empire. The emperor's capital was the first to meet the young and the young. What, he attempted, the other party was a princess ... [Search for the latest updates in]

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"Where is William?" Nebelo asked suddenly.

"Ah, yes, I haven't seen him for the past two days, this old boy ... Damn, will he run away ???

Greg then remembered that, when he encountered such a thing, William jumped up long ago, how could he not see anyone.

Nebeiro ordered, and soon the results came out. William did go and took 50,000 people. After all, he was the commander of the Third Army, and these 50,000 people were also under his control.

"Nǎinǎi, this old immortal, I will take someone to chase!"

"Forget it, it's a good thing that he's gone. Our enemy is not Arthur, but Hannibal. Now that he has become the new pope, it's a good thing for Xuanzang."

Nebeiro smiled, "But the emperor can't go back. The province of Shenmang is my base camp, and then we have to control the site as much as possible."

"Ah, the Emperor just ignored it?" Greg swallowed.

"Whoever gets the imperial capital is the eye of the world. With the current strength, only Xuan Zang can do it, and he will give it to him if he wants it. But he can take everything, which is our future counterattack. capital!"

"Understood, I've let the people in the family ng!" Greg laughed.

Méng's defeat is no value to Greg at all. The key is that he feels good. Compared to a former idle guy, he is now the number two person here.

That feels different.

Fighting for others is not the same as fighting for yourself.

Nebeiro was not worried about the situation at hand, but was full of excitement ... if there were no external problems, he could certainly fight step by step, but now Hannibal ’s momentum is clearly unstoppable. This is another thing, the emperor is wrong. Luàn There are many noble forces, even if he is difficult to balance, especially in this case, this is the same as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... For the rotten stuff of the imperial capital ... It is really unbreakable.

The emperor has to pay for the extravagance of these years. This cannot be stopped by manpower.

Therefore, Nebeiro has no intention of marching into the capital.


O Tojo was also shocked by the news, and Odonna and Selly called for an emergency meeting.

The Glorious Legion now has 200,000 people. It is a small group. The Pope died in the battle. I am afraid that Hannibal will be unblocked at one and a half. The Glorious Legion will have to choose where to go.

The idiots who stand on their own feet can be ignored, and Odonna and Selly's minds are still very clear.

"Nebeiro is a faction. At present he has the support of most aristocrats ... and Arthur, what does the Pope ask him to take over as the new Pope, Lord Odonna?" Sailey said.

The generals also have this intention. Méng Jia now has two heirs ... One is Nebeiro, which has a relatively large influence in the noble class, and the other is Arthur ... The influence is relatively large in the civilian class. The current strength of the two is also The strongest, the Shining Legion does not have such a character, so you must choose between the two.

"Master Sailey, can you tell us the pros and cons, this matter is related to the future of the soldiers, I want to hear everyone's thoughts."

Odonna didn't take the easy stand.

"Let's talk about Nebeiro first. Everyone also knows his strength, the behind of the consul system in terms of advantages, and the support of the Nicholas family. He also has considerable details in the aristocratic circle. The legion strength is complete and powerful, and the disadvantages He hasn't solved the threat of the country of wind, and he is not the successor designated by the pope. "Selton paused.

"The second one is Arthur. Arthur's rise was very rapid and amazing. In terms of advantages, due to the miracles and the designation of the Pope, it has a very high voice among the people, and there is no worries about the defeat of the wild. And because it ’s just the Red High Priest, it ’s not always clear what the Shaman ’s response will be. In addition, the noble class is more optimistic about Nebeiro. ”

Both have their own characteristics. The generals also look at me. You look at Odonna. The main component of the glorious legion is the méng tower, the Aris family, the adventurer's guild, and the professional guild. But now the Titans are killed. The rank of the generals of Taerris is going to be lower, but the méng Taerris family is still the strongest, but they also know that with the call of Peloponnese, these people may leave, this is also Instability of the Shining Legion.

Sure enough, the leader of the dark seven stars, Tianshu méng Tai Aris, said suddenly: "The méng Ta Aris family can only obey the arrangements of the owner."

General Méng Taerris, who was present, nodded at the same time, which meant that they must follow Arthur.

And Sailey is clearly biased towards Nebeiro.

Odonna nodded, "I add that the Cavaliers are now very complete. Although the country of the wind is now the enemy, I am afraid that the relationship between the enemy and us has changed due to the huge strength of Hannibal. Now, this worries will probably be resolved soon. Although Arthur's foundation is not strong, but as far as I know, there is tremendous unity. Everyone who works is step by step by their own strength. I am not a noble myself. The Saron Empire will soon be killed. I am afraid that there is Hannibal's legion. We can't resist it, so I decided to save our strength, but the choice is yours. I choose the new pope Arthur. "

O'Donnell also knew that forcing at this time was useless. Rather than make a difference, it was better to part ways.

"I chose Nebeiro's side," Sailey said.

There was a silence in the conference hall for a while, and the generals chose a follower in their minds.

It quickly became clear that Odonna and Selly looked at each other, fighting together for so long, and finally had to part ways, but they didn't contradict each other, except that the people selected were different and everyone had the right to choose .

The army was divided in two, and Odonna and Selly each led one, and they shook hands.

"Master O'Donnell takes care."

"Mr. Sely, we are méng nobles everywhere!"

Sometimes stupid is really not saved.

Nebeiro was right. Feng Tuo saw Hannibal's true strengths. He knew that Hannibal was very strong, but he didn't expect to be so incredible that there were a lot of captive Hannibals. The Legion of Legion has become even more amazing. It can almost compete with the entire Beast God continent. Feng Tuo is not stupid. Although he is the reincarnation of the Wind Demon King, his consciousness is more inclined to the orc's way of thinking.

The Pope is dead ‘and the grievances of the Holy See are over’ Now the enemy is Hannibal.

But the Fire Demon King seemed to be caught in a blind and powerful side. After the Fortress of Sighs was attacked, the Fire Demon King was very happy, thinking that this was his offense, so he had to score more points.

Xuan Zang naturally agreed to this, it would be a làng fee for such a stupid person not to use it.

The sigh fortress was conquered, Méng Jia was basically finished, and the two army commanders drove straight to the imperial capital. Obviously, the Fire Demon King had no time to care about ordinary provinces. The goal was to point to the imperial object of the imperial capital. Whoever occupied it first was his.

Most of the residents of Méng Chia were able to move away to places controlled by Nebeiro or to places controlled by Arthur.

No one has changed.

Wherever the Saron Empire and Hannibal's army went, it was quite restrained to withstand the weak Hannibal. The military took over wherever they went, but did not burn and plunder. Xuan Zang will become the emperor, and he will be here in the future. Yes, but the Saron Empire is different. Burning is the pleasure of the Fire Demon King. The Saron Empire is a mess.

"His Royal Highness, if we let Long Mo go on like this, it will be very detrimental to our future rule, and once he is first entered into the capital, then ...".

In the conference hall, the generals said that the mén family of méngjia had been opened, and neither the country of the wind nor the saron empire needed.

Seven days had passed, and Hannibal's vanguard was making rapid progress.

For Arthur and Nebeiro's army, Xuan Zang ignored it. The thief captured the king first, and the emperor Méng Jia was destroyed, and the others could be slowly cleaned up.

In the face of the country where Nebeiro is blocking the wind, there is one less force to destroy.

Hannibal now regards méng Jia as his own.

"His Royal Highness, as far as the Saron Empire is concerned, the problem can be solved as long as the national division Longlong is eliminated. The army of the Saron Empire is equivalent to the rogue."

Xuan Zang ’s chief military star, Old Fox, specializes in military research, and he writes sixteen Star soldiers. The rhythm of this war also rejected his shadow. Although he was not strong, he was deeply affected. Xuan Zang is heavy.

"The strength of the dragon demons is no less than that of the pope. To deal with him, you must first set up a round, and secondly you must prepare enough troops. Star, what can you do?"

"Her Royal Highness, Wei Chen has a plan, but it needs a condition."


With a big wave of Xuan Zang's hand, a good strategy has thousands of troops, and Xuan Zang himself is quite heavy, and he likes to accept good suggestions.

"Conquer the capital before the dragon demons, and then inform him to discuss the méngjia distributor."

Star said.

"He will come?"

"Your Majesty, you see, Feng Tuo apparently reached some tacit agreement with Nebeiro. They are afraid. Only Rongmao is so arrogant. It seems that he is the most powerful. He is very strong against the capital. After the imperial capital, he will certainly be impatient. The pope is dead, and the diamond-level fighters have not stopped him. Now I am afraid he has considered himself invincible. Such an inflated existence will not let go of this opportunity. "

Star said.

Xuanzang nodded, "Méng Tower, how many soldiers do you need, and how long can you capture the capital?"

Méng tower dark gold peak armor warrior, Xuan Zang's Mighty General.

"Her Highness, give me 100,000 people, and within ten days I can win the capital!"

"One hundred thousand? Enough?"

"His Royal Highness is enough, a group of black people, 100,000 people have looked at them high."

"Her Royal Highness, General Méng Tower makes sense. Now Méng Jia has no resistance. Basically, the troops have been divided up by Earther and Nebero. General Méng Tower and the cavalry hit a surprise by the end of the night, and the Emperor must be caught. , And Rongma certainly did not expect this. "

Star smiled and nodded ~ ~ The old fox's wrinkles were all wrinkled together.

"Okay, méng tower, I'll seal you as a vanguard general now, take the capital for me!"


"Star, how many people do you think we have to prepare to deal with the dragon?"

"The Fire Demon King is good at flames. To deal with him, he will use the coldest thing. There is a thing that can restrain him. With the warrior of Hannibal, he must be cut to the first level."

The pope died, and the thunder king Aioria also died. This shows that they are not immortal, but they are relatively strong. As long as they are proper, they must also die.

"Very well, let ’s do it. For the other two things, give Starry a little money to get him to work at the borders of the country of the wind. The second thing, ghost shadows, pick the manpower you want. I want Asia. Arthur's head! "

At this point, Xuan Zang was in the big picture, and it was only a matter of time to dominate the world.

Hannibal's grandparents' dreams are about to come true.