MTL - The Great Conqueror-Chapter 591 Pattern gradually

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When killing another Dark King Bismarck, the Pope sighed, Hannibal's strength was beyond imagination, and he will stay here as he goes on.

The Pope had to fly to the middle of the Beast God Legion and return to his own camp. When the Pope retreated, Hannibal immediately gained strength, some yelled that Benedict XV escaped and the like. Yes, disturbing the army. [Search for the latest updates all in]

The victory is just a moment, if Benedict XV can really maintain such a strong day, even if the Beast God Legion can't win, it will not lose too much. It was a **** battle in the dark until it was dark.

The two sides retired, but personally knew that in this battle, the Beast God Legion suffered severe injuries and numerous injuries. Although Hannibal also suffered a lot of injuries, it was definitely not as serious as the Beast God Legion.

This was undoubtedly a great victory for Hannibal. He already had an advantageous force. After the beast **** legion was severely damaged, the situation has begun to fall to the side.

However, inside Mengjia, the news of the Pope's victory came, and Hannibal's defeat was just around the corner. The veterans would immediately recruit new troops to support the city of Puerto, and they would block the army of the Saron Empire.

At this time, Dolan City was full of enthusiasm, and important figures from the new students of God's grace, including the surrounding provinces, came to Dolan City to meet the leader of Arthur's Army.

If you fail, you do n’t need to say anything, you win. There is no doubt that in this large area in the south, Arthur is the most important speaker. No shaman or governor has any army.

In this war, Zou Liang completed control of the Burning Legion.

Here the savage was looted, basically all the wealth that Ioria had searched back, and a large number of savage slaves, which made Zou Liang's strength unprecedented.

Moreover, the atmosphere of the entire writing team is very strong, confident, and victory is undoubtedly the most convincing.

With the return of Murphy and Silo Qininissa leading the army, the Burning Legion can celebrate victory.

Failure, no soldiers, no soldiers, no food, no food, now winning, piles of money and money.

This is the status quo of Meng Jia. The front is anxious, but the rear is unable to give power. The nobles and landlords everywhere can save their strength. Zou Liang is also very moved, but the frozen three feet is not a day cold. To change can only bring myself into it.

At this time, Zou Liang will not reject the surrender of these people and the idea of ​​seeking asylum. The Burning Legion needs to grow and be stronger. It is not enough to rely on the support of Dolan City and Subaru.

Now Dolan City has become the center of the southern provinces. The other three major battlefields are either in the middle or north, and they have not reached the south.

Nobles and landlords are accustomed to needing a leader, especially in the case of continuous war in other places, they need a strong person to speak, they are used to obeying the strong.

And Arthur is this well-deserved powerhouse.

The city hall is lively and extraordinary. This victory is of great significance. It can be said that since then, the wildness has been done, and it will be good for Dolan not to trouble them.

This is also the post-war province of meritorious deeds, and the ministry stick has never won much praise.

Murphy and Peloponnesian needless to say. In addition to the masters brought by their brothers like Balot, Zou Liang naturally expressed that their help was so crucial in this battle that they were willing to stay. Naturally, he entrusted a heavy task, but only to help, of course, a reward. Of course, people may not help at this when they come here to help, but Zou Liang cannot help expressing it.

If Zou Liang is just a little Mao child, even the shaman can't let these masters stay. They are still the favor of Augustus, but after they came here, they found out how rich Meng Jia was. Secondly, over the years, many experts have joined Hannibal because Hannibal has a good system and the strong can take the lead, but Mengjia has done a poor job in this regard.

It's just that everything has changed here. Of course, the most important thing is that Zou Liang killed the thunder **** Aoria in the First World War. Only then did everyone feel that following Zou Liang could really do something.

Including Barote, when I first saw Zou Liang's so-called "burning legion", I almost lost sight of it. These goods can also resist the barbaric army. However, the original "waste" in the battle has shown people Impressive courage, they have transformed into true warriors.

In the Burning Legion, there is not only discipline, but also courage and trust.

Arthur set an example, and the influence from top to bottom, followed by the priestly raspberry war, lived and died, making the Burning Legion strong.

In this aspect of distribution, Bran is a good hand. Zou Liang need not worry. As a leader, victory is already a past tense. Zou Liang is most concerned about the reform of the Burning Legion.

This battle with the wild, two major gains, on the one hand, is financial, and on the other hand, war horses. The large number of war horses captured has enriched the combat effectiveness of the Burning Legion.

In order to make the Burning Legion stronger, Zou Liang began to refine.

As the trump card in Zou Liang's hands, the Burning Legion became 200,000, Murphy's second

The legion was named by Murphy himself 150,000 gold lion legions. Peloponnese was also called the roaring ice devil by the soldiers. In the battle, he showed the cruelty of the Montaris family. His legion was called ice roar Legion, 120,000 people.

In the battle, Zou Liang ’s military strength in his hands has not decreased, but has increased. The quantity has not decreased, and the quality cannot be whispered. Although the casualties are large, many people come to fight in victory. Zou Liang is also gradually being mythical. The soldiers think that Arthur is the future pope. Obviously, following the heir is more promising than following the pope, and most importantly, Arthur can win the battle.

Compared to Nebeiro's huluwuwu and Titan's defeat, the head of Arthur's legion blessed by God is more reliable.

The barren captive Zou Liang did not let go. Generally speaking, they were killed directly or turned into slaves, but now Dolan City does not need so many slaves, but requires soldiers. Barbaric warriors are able to conquer good wars. There are two ways before the captives, one is to be killed and the other is to become a soldier. As long as the brain does not twitch, there will be normal choices.

The five wolf kings became more prestigious in the first battle, and the war wolf army also expanded to 50,000. Led by the five wolf kings, the uniform wolf warriors can adapt to any difficult conditions in any environment. It is also the ace vanguard in Zou Liang's hands.

Zou Liang became busier with the end of the battle. Now preparations are for a bigger battle in the future. Zou Liang is not just staring at the three acres of the two acres of Dolan City. He has greater responsibility, but the Ministry of God also Not at the mercy of others.

The news of the Titan's death still reached Peloponnese's ears. In fact, Zou Liang was down. The army needed Peloponnese's leadership in the most critical adaptation process, but it should be known after all. know.

In the hall, Zou Liang and Murphy both seemed relatively silent. At this time, they could only change their grief, obviously, this would be a great blow to Peloponnese.

Zou Liang was mentally prepared, and he would support Peloponnese even if he was going back.

"Peloponnese, now Odonna is leading the Brilliant Retreat back to the city of Porto, and the situation is really bad. If you want to go back, you can bring the Ice Roar Legion over."

Zou Liang said that it is dangerous to poke in the current uncertain situation, but Zou Liang remembers how he did it at his most difficult time.

Belsonisa didn't speak, his lips twitched a little, but his expression didn't change drastically.

Suddenly, he stood up, "Arthur, it's too late even to get over now. I'm the owner of Montaris now, and I won't take it easy!"

The words of Belsonisar did calm Zou Liang and Murphy

Borodessa was very calm and apparently recovered from his father's death. "Father begging for kindness, and fighting the battlefield is his greatest wish. Since Rongmao can defeat his father who has entered the diamond class, his strength is extraordinary, and he hastily rescued It will only make the enemy cheaper. "

The Montaris family had a different understanding of death, and from an early age they had abandoned sadness.

"I will definitely report this revenge, but it cannot affect the overall situation!"

Zou Liang and Murphy looked at each other, Peloponnese's calmness was beyond imagination. I am afraid that this reaction can only be achieved by the Montaris family in the entire beast **** continent.

The current situation is no longer a house. From a friendship perspective, Zou Liang certainly hopes to help Odonna, but the problem is that Dolan City is too far away from Puerto, and the enemy has no idea where to go. Now, the most realistic way is for the veterans to find a way to rescue.

This is also the responsibility of the imperial capital.

Zou Liang organized the army, arranged supplies, and waited for a bigger battle. Nebeiro was not a problem ~ ~ But he was worried that the Pope was there, but the power in Zou Liang's hands was too much less.

More than half a million corps, 10,000 war songs, this configuration is also unique in Mengjia, but can this resist Hannibal's powerful army?

Zou Liang was not sure, and he did not receive a pope's order for rescue.

Taking advantage of this time of rest, it is very important to start military control of the four southern provinces. Subaru expressed support. Sablanca had to support it. The other two shamans were half-pushing. On the one hand, it was for the overall situation. At this time, if you don't take orders, there will be a day after the fall.

For the overall situation, Zou Liang really has no choice. He is also looking for opportunities for victory. Where is it?

The copywriting was piled up, and Zou Liang dealt with them one by one. Unconsciously, it was too late. In the past, this kind of thing was handled well by the City Hall. It is up to him to decide for himself.

Avril Lavigne can't help him. The situation of the capital is more complicated. The patriarchs are accustomed to the era of peace. The pope leads the army, and the patriarchs are very floating. (To be continued),