MTL - The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady-Chapter 2755 Ending (8)

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Shen Yanxiao wakes up from the chaotic clock, and the light in front of her eyes makes her eyes sour.

She has fallen into a familiar embrace before she opens her eyes.

Her whole body froze, and after a moment she reached out and held the other tightly.

This taste is so familiar, everything is like dreaming.

"Repair? Are you still alive?" Shen Yanxiao looked up and looked at the face of the handsome, full of shock.

He nodded slightly and kissed her forehead.

"Look again."

Shen Yanxiao looked awkwardly and looked around. The figures that had fallen down were all sitting up. They looked at each other strangely, as if they were not awake from shock.


They are all alive!

Shen Yanxiao couldn't believe her eyes. She confirmed each person's death a moment ago, but she waited until she opened her eyes.

They turned out to be...

Are you alive?

Is she dreaming?

"Cough, minor repair, don't you tell me about it?" A strange voice rang from the top of Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao raised his head and saw a holy figure bathed in the sun.

The golden scorpion is so eye-catching.

"The Lord God, this is my lover." Xiu holding Shen Yan Xiao got up and bowed slightly to the man.


Shen Yanxiao was hugged in his arms, widened his eyes and looked at the main **** who had been missing in front of him!

Shen Yanxiao’s head completely died.

"Your lover? I really didn't expect it, Xiao Xiu actually has the function of loving others." The Lord God's answer to the repair was quite strange. He touched his chin and looked at the sorrowful Xiaoyan.

The people who were awake from the shock, the "main god" that was repaired, was once again dumbfounded.

Donna took a swallow and wondered if he had an illusion.

"Brother, we are not dead." Donaghy was stupid.

"Yeah." Li Xiaowei looked a little embarrassed.

"Then, I also saw the Lord God! Haha... I am not dreaming." Donnazhi’s mouth began to twitch.

"We are not dead, you are not dreaming, what you see is true." Qi Xia sat up and was very surprised at what he was still alive, but when he noticed the Lord God, he seemed to understand something.

The eyes of the people are now concentrated on the Lord God. For the ultimate leader of the Protoss who has been missing for more than 10,000 years, everyone’s reaction is a bit sluggish.

"However, the child's body seems a bit strange, eh? Protoss? Human? Elf? Mozu? Mermaid? Dwarf? Undead... I left this time, have all the races been so open? Even the eight races There are a lot of mixed blood? Your ancestors must have experienced a lot of hardships.” The Lord God did not understand the world’s view of the mixed blood. The abnormality of Shen Yan’s body made him think that the world was already the same, and all the races were open and free.


Not like this!

"You are the Lord God?" After Shen Yan Xiao Xiao took a while, he reacted.

The Lord God smiled and nodded, and the warm smile was brighter than Shen Siyu, the bright god!

Shen Yan Xiao mouth twitches slightly, and the emotions brewing in her eyes have already erupted!

"So... you are the one who lost a lot of mess, I don't know where to go to the happy god!" Shen Yanxiao was completely angry!