MTL - The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady-Chapter 2702 Magic emergency (2)

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"All the priests who have the magic bottle, give your pharmacy to the second ritual, and the devastated priest immediately returns to the city to take the pharmacy." The sleeping wolf immediately issued an order, and the priest's constitution is much weaker than others. The priest without magic is not as good as the ordinary soldiers. The magician is the most lethal force in the entire coalition. Their instantaneous bottle can not be borrowed anyway. The totem of the second ritual can give the group a shield. Focus the Instant Bottle to ensure maximum protection.

The priests took action, and the priest who had the inventory immediately gave his instant bottle to the second ritual, and the demon-stricken man immediately summoned his own Warcraft to sprint in the direction of the sun.

At the end of the day, the master pharmacists did not leave their refining room even during the war. The consumption of the drugs in the battle was terrible. If it was not replenished in time, it would be a waste of drugs. net.

A large number of priests quickly rushed back to the day without taking medicine, and the pastors temporarily retreated, making the shield on the knight became thinner. In just a few minutes, a large number of knights fell, and the resurrected knights immediately went up. Those who have been resurrected by the Resurrection Faction can get a second life, but if they die again, they will no longer be able to enjoy the resurrection effect brought by the Resurrection Faction.

Feeling the pressure of the pastor, the resurrected knights rushed to the forefront, they have already died once, even if they die, there is nothing to fear, but those living comrades have a better future.

A large number of resurrected undead knights rushed to the forefront of the battle, using their own bodies, the current Mozu violent attack, some knights just resurrected, and instantly attacked by the Mozu to become fragments, but until the moment they died They did not regret it. Those attacks, if they were not blocked, would fall directly to the comrades behind them.

They are already dead, without any scruples.

"All the resurrected people, rush with me! Block this attack of the Mozu, and fight for the priest!" The undead knight roared and raised the rifle in his hand. The people who resurrected they have lost the magic used as human beings. And vindictive, although they got the second time, but the combat power has dropped very terrible, instead of hiding behind them, using their unfamiliar death, it is better to rush to the front of the battle, for those who are still alive, fight for More opportunities.

The soldiers who had just lived for a long time, rushed to the Mozu like crazy, and countless injuries were on them. They fell silently, but no one retreated.

Their resurrection is for victory, then let them use this hard-won second life to fight for more time for their comrades!

The magicians looked at the comrades who rushed to the Mozu, and the tears of the beans fell from their eyes, but they did not stop for a moment.

When the magic is exhausted, they use the least-consuming flame bomb to attack.

The depletion of the priest's magic also indicates that the magical depletion in the magician camp will soon come. A large number of magicians have squandered all the instantaneous bottles, and they have exhausted the last trace of magic. They have not released a single flame. .