MTL - The Girl in the Iron Cage: Lazy Little Beast Fei-v2 Chapter 2141 good stuff. you will like it

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The palm of her hand has not yet arrived, her hair is fluttering, her skin is almost blown by the palm wind, and the emperor's feathers are clicked by him. Really, I'm afraid Di Yuyu's beautiful head will be flattened by him!

The palm stopped at the moment when Kan Kan was in contact with Emperor Yu's face.

The hair rose and fell, and Di Yuyu reopened her eyes, but saw that Mo Tianya's palm was less than a centimeter away from her face, but she did not shoot it down.

Mo Tianya's eyes were a little unpredictable, and after looking at her for a moment, she suddenly laughed: "You want to die so much? This seat doesn't let you die! It keeps you alive!"

Emperor Yu: "..."

She found it difficult to understand the Lord's thinking, and she did not even understand. She has always been too lazy to figure out the thoughts of those who are not interested.

Moreover, in her eyes, the demon is moody and nervous, and his behavior cannot be inferred from common sense.

The injury to her chest was not so painful, and Mumu's feeling was not to say what was going on.

The pill she was forced to eat just now has melted in her stomach and she can't vomit.

"What did you eat for me just now?" Di Yuzhen secretly gritted his teeth, and his instinct was definitely not a good thing.

Mo Tianya finally removed her hand from her wound, glanced at her, and smiled coolly and abhorrently: "Good thing. You will like it."

poison? Emperor Yuyu secretly guessed.

The problem is that without poison, he would have died if he hadn't treated her, right? Need to rescue her and poison her to death?

However, it is definitely not a good thing for anyone who passes this master! Emperor Yuyu is extremely certain about this.

She was unwilling: "What the **** is it ?!"

Mo Tianya smiled again. He was beautiful, but there was always a dark and cold atmosphere between the eyebrows that made people chill. With this smile, the gloomy and cold atmosphere suddenly dissipated, looking like the elder brother next door, and his voice softened: "Qixiangsan, a seasoning, it will make every piece of your soul a flavor, eat it It ’s wonderful. "

Emperor Yudi: "... wonderful girl, absolutely your girl!" It turned out that he had made her seasoning like pickles, and he still wanted to eat her! This pervert!

Mo Tianya laughed, the laughter broke immediately, and he coughed.

The cough was intermittent, he seemed to be breathless, and his face was worse than before.

Emperor Yu gave him a sideways glance, and it seemed that he had been seriously injured by the few thunder strokes that he had just made, but unfortunately he was almost successful.

She clenched her fist secretly, hum, as long as she didn't die, there was a chance to cut him again!

Even if she is dead, she will take him to be buried!

She was fierce in her heart.

Mo Tianya flicked her sleeves, and actually unlocked the acupuncture points on her body.

As soon as Emperor Yu was free, she wanted to get up with a joy in her heart, but her body seemed to be drained of all her strength. She just moved her arm slightly and couldn't sit up.

Mo Tianya didn't know what thoughts had moved. She actually stretched out her arms and held her up. "If you want to live, you can do your own healing."

As soon as Di Yuyu untied her acupuncture point and sat up, she saw that there was a spring light on her chest, but the flesh-wound wound was now showing signs of healing, and the black needles that made Di Yuyu sore to death were gone.


Recently, many readers have asked about the group. For some individual reasons, Mumu has left a group. If you are interested, you can add it. Group number: 40926562 However, this group only recruits genuine readers. There are also management and examinations to enter the group. Haha, the small mind is too fragile to strengthen the protective cover. 40926562