MTL - The Fugitive White Moonlight of a Powerful Minister-Chapter 16

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  Chapter 16

  Back in the mansion, Wen Ning administered medicine to Linglan again.

  Linglan was in a fog, there were too many things she didn't understand, but she didn't ask.

  Whatever her girl told her to do, she followed suit.

   "But girl, judging by Mr. Shen's appearance today, the imperial examination is about to take place. Would you like... to see him again? Or go to write a letter?"

  Linglan still didn't give up on Shen Jin, especially after seeing Wen Ning and Wang You's strange way of getting along today...

  Cough, it’s still normal with Mr. Shen in the past...

  Wen Ning put down the plaster: "No need."

   In her opinion, it is a good thing for Shen Jin to get the same results in the palace examination as in her previous life, but the premise is that she does not have anything to do with her.

   No matter how brilliant the results are, no matter how bright the future is, what is the use of dying?

   "By the way, you must not mention anything about today's matter to the eldest brother, including the second brother." Wen Ning warned again, "If they ask, you can say that I sent you away, and you don't know what happened."

  The slap marks on the face should not be visible in the morning after taking another dose of medicine at night.

  Linglan is a blind follower to her, she believes everything she says. But her two elder brothers are not stupid, and they must not tell them the truth.

  Linglan nodded, expressing her understanding.

   "You must also keep the matter from them in the next few days."

   "Huh?" Linglan was surprised, "What else is there to do?"

  Wen Ning raised her eyebrows slightly.

   What she is facing is Dayin's first minister ten years later, how can he be so easy to fool.

  But before today, she was really nervous. When he was splashed with tea and walked out of the wing, the sweat on her hands almost soaked the sachet.

  But when he was coldly saying goodbye behind the screen when she was so angry, those tensions turned into secret pleasure.

   Yes, she was delighted to be able to fool him.

  Although she lived an extra lifetime, relying on the experience of her previous life to barely win this small lottery, there is actually nothing to be proud of.

   But she just felt happy, who let her be suppressed by him for a lifetime.

   "Starting tomorrow, you will deliver the letter to Wang's house for me." Wen Ning said, she had already sat down at the desk and took out the note that she had prepared long ago.


  Wang Qinsheng was not seriously injured. Born in a poor family, he can't bully others, but he is good at avoiding bullying.

   Those strong men caught him and beat him up, telling him to avoid key parts, and only suffered some skin trauma.

  But this appearance made Wang Fu lose his temper and ordered Wang You not to go out no matter who invited him before the palace examination.

  That night, Wang Fude hurriedly went to Wang Qinsheng's room and asked him who Wang You had met.

  He is a person who has been bitten by a snake. The closer the days are, the more he will be unable to sleep well. In his dreams, he is afraid that Wang You will repeat the same mistakes and fail.

  Wang Qinsheng told the truth, he really didn't know anything, he didn't even see the corner of the other party's clothes.

  Wang Fu didn't seem to be lying when he asked and met him, and Wang You kept silent, no matter how he asked, he only said "don't worry, father, I know how to measure", so he had to give up.

   It's just that I didn't expect that a crisp girl came to the door the next day, saying that she was delivering a letter.

  He didn't allow Wang You to go out, and Wang Qinsheng was still lying on the bed yesterday, so he opened the door and received the letter himself.

  The rare pink paper, smelling the incense that only my daughter would use at home.

  Wang Fu's forehead twitched as he held it in his hand.

  Although something was wrong, but thinking about the palace test a few days later, I opened the paper by myself and took a look first.

  Delicate lower case script, it looks like a woman's handwriting.

   "Put the skirt untied, and ask eyebrows out of the front window.

   Luo Chang is easy to float, and Xiao Kai scolds Chunfeng. "

  Wang Fu's face flushed instantly.

  Wang Fu never imagined that at such a time, it was the affair between his son and daughter that held Wang You back. And still...

  Thinking of the poems on the paper, it's simply unrestrained! Shameless!

   With half of his face flushed and half of his face pale, he entered the back room angrily. I wanted to go directly to Wang You and ask him if he went out yesterday to meet the girl's house, otherwise why did he keep silent after he came back? Persuade him again, at such a critical moment, there must be no love between children.

   But halfway there, it stopped again.

   Wang You is 21 this year, and has never been close to any woman. He went there alone yesterday, could it be that he is really interested in that woman?

  Although the woman’s behavior is a bit embarrassing, but...

  The imperial examination is coming soon, if this matter is put on the table hastily, it will lead to disputes, which will disturb his mood instead.

   That's all, let's pass this time first.

  He just put away this letter, how could he distract his mind from this kind of charming spring thoughts before the exam.

  Wang Fu stuffed the note into the armhole, adjusted his expression, and went back to the room as if nothing had happened.

  He thought that if he had concealed this incident, the matter would be over. After the palace examination was over, he would naturally find a chance to hand over the letterhead to Wang You.

  Although this woman's behavior is a bit superficial, she has always been open-minded towards Wang You, and if he likes it, he won't make it a hindrance.

  But I didn't want the girl to deliver the letter the next day.

   It is still a pale pink paper note, with incense floating in it.

  Wang Fu choked his breath in his throat, and his gray beard was trembling. He didn't want to delay for a long time and was seen by others, so he still accepted the letter and only looked at Linglan a few more times.

  Seeing that she behaved gracefully and dressed appropriately, I was slightly relieved.

   At least it shouldn't be a firework girl of unknown origin.

  When Linglan left, Wang Fu still opened the letterhead, glanced at it hastily, and covered his eyes with his hands with a headache.


  See no evil.

  He coughed lightly, received the letter as usual, and didn't mention it to Wang You.

  That evening, after much deliberation, he went to Wang Qinsheng's room and told him to rest for a few more days.

   "Master, I'm well!" Wang Qinsheng scratched his head, puzzled.

   "You rest for a few more days, and you won't go out again before the Examination of the Palace of Shu." Wang Fu shook his beard and said.

  Wang Qinsheng thought that Wang You had been staying in the study for the past few days, and he didn't need him to be an eyesore, so he agreed in a daze.

  Wang Fu has his own considerations.

The girl's letter will probably be delivered, and if it is delivered to him, it will be withheld, but if it is delivered to Wang Qinsheng, this kid will be Wang You's dog leg, even if he gives him orders, he will definitely not disobey Wang You's wish, to help him hide it from him.

  In any case, there is nothing more important than Wang You Palace Examination in the past few days.

  Looking at Wen Ning's side again, she didn't know that the letter hadn't been delivered to Wang You, but she didn't care about it either.

   On the day she returned from Yuntinglou, she wrote all the "love poems" to be sent in the remaining days.

   Of course, that letter was not really "written" by her. Most of them are copied from the love story book.

  She asked Linglan to deliver a letter every day. As for who it was sent to, she never asked again.

  In the past two days, she has been planning another matter.

  She had to completely eliminate the possibility of him checking her details before Wang You recovered her identity.

   And right now, there is a perfect opportunity.

  When Ri Linglan came back from delivering the letter this day, she saw Wen Ning packing up her dowry, not only the dowry, but even some sets of hair masks and jewelry that were hidden in the room.

  Her girl, could it be...

  Thinking about getting married Thinking about organizing your own dowry?

   "Girl!" Linglan hurried over, "Girl, what are you doing? Naturally, someone will take care of these things for you in the future, so you don't need to come here yourself."

  Wen Ning saw Linglan come back, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said with a smile, "It's a good thing you're back. Come on, find a less conspicuous bag."

  Linglan didn't know, so: "Burden?"

  Wen Ning nodded: "Let's take some jewelry out of the house and fold them into cash."

  Linglan: "???"

   "With the skirt untied, ask eyebrows to go out the front window.

   Luo Chang is easy to float, and Xiao Kai scolds Chunfeng. "

   From Jin · Midnight, "Midnight Song"



  (end of this chapter)