MTL - The Fine Food Broadcaster-Chapter 1827 Sell ​​steamed buns, steamed buns ~

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Chapter 1820 Selling Buns, Hot Buns ~

Ye Fei's heart is really mixed.

I can see a bunch of old faces returning without incident, and each one has evolved. I am happy for these people from my heart.

But when I saw the ability of the old guys who evolved turned out to be a pile of pots and pans, the goods were depressed again, and my heart said that the whole pile of these things is useless? I don't lack pots and pans.

So this guy wanted to see how well the old people could do, and wanted them to show.

However, the old Mo's group of eggs hurt. They originally thought that they would be arrogant after the evolution. When they knew how they had evolved, they would not be arrogant.

No way.

How cattle

Xing Chong rushed to the front of others, and then Tian told his face that I had evolved, I was overwhelmed, and I had a magical power.

Others will be surprised to ask you what magical powers have evolved into?

Then you told people to evolve into pots and pans?

Still have to laugh at the big teeth?

So now Ye Fei let them show, they are just twitching one by one.

"What's wrong? Show it, I can rest assured knowing your capabilities." Ye Fei said.

Several people from Lao Mo looked at each other, and finally all gritted their teeth.

Damn, isn't it patience? Show on show, who is afraid of whom?

"Zero 01, you come first." Lao Mo said.

01: "I ... Lao Mo, would you let Lao Shi come first? After all, he was the first to evolve."

He hurriedly opposed it, saying: "I was burned as soon as I showed Pearl Island, and there was no place for you to show it, so I ended up better."

Old Mo nodded and said, "The old ten makes sense, and in the end, he starts with you first, then the second and third."

001 is depressed, but he is a pressure cooker, how can this be displayed?

"Cough, Ye Shen, in fact, I don't know how to show it, so I'll just do it twice?" Ling Ling said bitingly.

Ye Fei laughed, "OK."

Everyone saw 001 came out, looked at the goods around, and looked at the sky. Suddenly, his feet slumped on the ground, his body slammed into the sky, and when he was in the air, he saw 001. His body twisted quickly, then ... and then turned into a pressure cooker.

Ye Fei's group of people looked at the bottom of the face twitched, and said that this ability is also no one, it's strange.

After turning into a pressure cooker, I saw that the pressure cooker is like a magic weapon in a myth. It directly rose to the storm. At first it was an ordinary pressure cooker, but it turned into a huge pressure cooker in a blink of an eye. There are no problems in entering dozens of blue whales, it's that big.

After the pressure cooker swelled, it saw that the lid of the pressure cooker flew up automatically, and then a white light appeared at the mouth of the pressure cooker. Suddenly, numerous boulders in the sky were sucked down and fell directly into the pressure cooker.

With a click, the lid of the pressure cooker was closed, and it was rotated a little, making it fasten tightly.

Immediately afterwards, a huge pressure cooker spun up quickly in the air. At first, it just turned. People slowly found that the air around the pressure cooker began to distort, and a hot energy burst directly out. This temperature was high. Scary.

It didn't take long for hot gas to come out of the lid of the pressure cooker, and more and more, and finally everyone saw that the pressure valve of the pressure cooker began to sound.

嗤嗤 嗤嗤 ~~

The air valve was beating constantly.

After more than ten minutes, the huge pressure cooker gradually became smaller, and then fell from the air.

After waiting on Pearl Island, the pressure cooker made a sound.

"Yes, you just keep away. This is the first time I've tried this stuff. Don't blow it up in a while."

Ye Fei: "..."

He hurried everyone back.

When Ye Fei's group of people were far enough away, the gas valve of the pressure cooker started to spray a large amount of white mist. After a while, the mist reduced, and the lid of the pressure cooker was rotated and opened.

As the lid of the pressure cooker was opened, everyone saw a cloud of colorful light emanating from the pot.

Ye Fei's group of people were curious, hurried to run over to see, and then everyone was dumbfounded.

I saw that there are half pots of multicolored diamonds in the pressure cooker, all of them are shining brightly.

"I'm on, zero one, you're rich!" Zero zero was excited.

Lao Mo also murmured: "Fuck, you have to know that Lao Tzu has also become a pressure cooker. This mother-in-law can turn a stone into a diamond, which is awesome."

Jialan was also very curious. This product quickly reached out and took out a diamond from the pressure cooker and looked at it, saying: "This fineness is definitely the highest level I have ever seen, and it should be with the Diamond Mountain I gave you. same."

Ye Fei: "..."

Emma, ​​this is really getting rich. This item is a money-making machine. No, it is a money-making pressure cooker.

Although the quality of these diamonds is the same as that of Jialan, it is definitely more expensive than that. This is a colored diamond!

The pressure cooker was tilted one by one, and all the colored diamonds in the pot fell to the ground, and then changed back into a human shape. The goods blushed and said, "I ... I'm just so capable."

Ye Fei hugged him, and said excitedly, "This patience is perfect! I like it so much."

Jia Lan said with a smile: "Your ability is completely beyond my imagination. Meteorites can be refined into colored crystals. If the general demigod falls into this, only the flying ash will end."



In 2001, Jia Lan said that she could stew ordinary demigods. This product was extremely exciting, and she did not feel that she was a pressure cooker.

Ye Fei's eyes looked at Zero Two Two.

2002 has a bit of a toothache, and the 2001 pressure-changing pressure cooker can turn ordinary stones into colored diamonds. What do you do with this cooking pot?

"I guess I don't use his pressure cooker well."

Ye Fei laughed: "Maybe it will surprise us. Try it."

After looking at a few brothers in 2002, he flew up as soon as he gritted his teeth, and turned directly into a huge wok in the air.

Like 001, the wok just appeared, and the mouth was flashing with light. Then a group of Ye Fei saw countless birds and beasts who did not know how far they came from the stars, and then all of them fell Inside the wok.

As these things fell into the wok, I saw a blast of fire rising from the wok into the sky, and then I saw the wok moving and occasionally twitching.

It didn't take long for everyone to smell the smell of a red nose.

Although the aroma is not as delicious as Ye Fei's, it is also savory enough.

After a while, the huge wok came down from the sky, and a group of Ye Fei saw that some of the ingredients that had just been put in the wok had all changed and turned into a pot of miscellaneous stew.

The wok quickly became smaller, and the ingredients in the wok also became smaller.

When it became the size of a normal wok, Ye Fei hurriedly squeezed a piece of meat from the inside, tasted and nodded, and said, "Original, tender and juicy, most people can't do this. Planting point. "

A group of tyrant messengers all came over and squeezed a piece, and then they nodded.

"It tastes really good. Except for the food made by Ye Shen, this pot is counted."

"Perfect texture, don't have a flavor in your mouth."

"I think it's better to put some salt. It's a bit light."


A pot of stuff, a bunch of people, you and I ate it together, it did n’t take long for me to eat it, and when 2002 changed back, I was embarrassed and said, "Yes, I'm just a little smarter."

Ye Fei nodded with satisfaction and said, "Yes, we don't need to bring a wok in the future."

Jia Lan laughed: "You can fry the world in one pot. You can say that your ability is extremely powerful. You can use the enemy as a food ingredient, and you can cook thousands of troops in one pot."


Although I know that Jialan is boasting of herself, Zero 02 is really unhappy.

Zero and three scratched his head and said, "Yeshen, I'm a burning stick. I think that my ability is the most useless."

"try it."

Looking up at the sky in 2003, his body rose into the air, and the person became a burning stick in the air.

As soon as this burning stick was formed, the flames were lingering on the stick, and the clusters of flames were like jumping orange red elves.

Boom ~

Suddenly, the burning rod was rapidly enlarged in the air, and there was a winding pattern on it, and a flame above it was burning.

The burning rod became bigger and bigger, and finally ran across the air like a huge bridge.

The sky's flames illuminate a starry sky over the bridge, and many meteorites quickly flew past it into liquid.

Huh ~~

The huge firewood stick was spinning sideways in the air. The starry sky was almost shaking, and the space around the firewood stick was violently turbulent, as if it was about to collapse.

This scene is so shocking, everyone has a little spit, everyone knows that this is definitely a super invincible weapon.

And Ye Fei looked at the burning stick, his mouth twitched, and the shape of the golden hoop stick popped into his mind. He said that this is the golden hoop stick. It can be big and small and can ignite. Is the golden hoop reincarnation impossible?

After spinning in the air for a moment, Trinidad fell down and changed back to human form and said, "Yes, in fact, I'm still very proud of my ability, and I feel very cool."

Ye Fei nodded with a smile: "It's really cool."

Isn't this good intention cool? The golden hoop is synonymous with cool weapons.

But what is going on here?

One hundred and three is definitely not a golden hoop, it only shows that the ability of this product after evolution has been amazing.

Lao Mo laughed aside: "My third son, come here."

Zero and three: "What?"

"Let me hold it."


He came over, then quickly lifted off, a kitchen knife appeared in the air, and then the kitchen knife suddenly became large, like a door panel.

Uh ~

The large kitchen knife cut in the air, and a dazzling daoman appeared out of thin air. At this time, a meteorite flew over the front. After being chopped by the daoman, the meteorite was halved from the middle, like tofu.

The large kitchen knife fell down and stuck on Zhuguang Island severely, and the whole Zhuguang Island shook a few times.

Ye Fei almost scared his urine, and hurriedly shouted, "No. 4, don't mess around!"

He reverted back to humanoid form, hehe laughed, "Yes, can't I?"

"Drag your sister, you split Pearl Island in half. Where are we going? Get off."

Zeros and fours run away.

After coming out, this product is a large spoon, but this product is a direct illusion after being deformed in the air. This is not a spoon at all, but a huge hammer!

One end of the spoon is like a planet, with a long handle behind it.

A spoon dropped in the air and the huge meteorite smashed directly!

This item is a wine jar. After being transformed, the jar mouth has a huge attraction to the sky. I don't know what water on the planet was directly sucked by him. After it fell to the ground, Jialan was a little dumbfounded. .

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei asked.

Jia Lan pointed to the jar of wine and said, "This ability ... Do you know how much water is in it?"

Ye Fei shook his head. How could he know?

Jia Lan pointed to the guide sea and said, "If I read correctly, there should be at least ten times more water in this jar than in the South China Sea."

"ten times?!"

Ye Fei was startled. He did n’t know how much sea water there was in the South China Sea. He believed that no one would know, because there were too many, but now one of the wine jars in 2006 was filled with more water than the South China Sea. ten times! This is a bit exaggerated, right?

"Yes, you think about it, what kind of scene would it be if so much water was poured into the enemy's camp at the same time?" Jia Lan laughed.

Ye Fei didn't dare to think, because I really couldn't imagine it!

Ten South China Seas fell into the enemy's camp. This is not just as simple as the Three Waters. The Nima can drown half a small planet, OK?


Ye Fei raised his thumb towards 2006. This ability was really great. He didn't have to fight with others exhaustively. He poured water directly over a pot of water, and Da Luo Jinxian could be drowned.

The 2007 item is also a spoon, and it is still a colander. This girl's depressed is not good. After deformed in the air, he felt a wave of cool wind blowing from his body, no way, no airing.

After falling down, 2007 went upside down.

What attracted Ye Fei was the ability of the large water scoop, which turned into a wooden water scoop and grew directly in the air. Numerous vines appeared on his body, twisted toward the surrounding space and took root. past.

It was just a blink of an eye. The entire sky was shrouded in a layer of turquoise, and it was endlessly vibrant.

Ye Fei was a little silly to see, this product really can't imagine that a thousand wooden water scoops are so awesome, this is an invincible existence.

No matter how many people there are on the other side, an vine is entwined directly and then grows on the other side's body, and the best person will be sucked to death.

"Fuck, fortunately this item is a friend, or else it's really a headache." Ye Fei muttered in his heart.

The 09 09 bowl of the sea also exceeded Ye Fei's expectations. After it became large, it could almost swallow the positive starry sky. It was so crazy. According to Jia Lan, this is simply a bowl of swallowing sky!

The ability of zero and ten can only be displayed on Zhuguang Island. As a result, Ye Fei did not let it. As soon as this product was displayed, there was absolutely no burnt hair on Zhuguang Island. Knowing Niubi was enough.

Finally, Lao Mo.

Lao Mo is really depressed ~ ~ He is the captain of these people. It stands to reason that his ability should be the strongest, but everyone is so great, how can you return to a steamer thing?

The goods reluctantly flew to the sky, everyone saw a steamer appear, and then quickly zoomed in.

Before long, white smoke appeared on the steamer, and it gradually increased.

After a while, Ye Fei's group of people were all speechless, because they even smelled a scent of buns.

"Uh ~ do you need to be so strange?" Ye Fei muttered.

As a result, he just murmured before realizing that there were more strange things.

The big steamer that old ink turned into more and more white smoke, and the aroma of the buns became more and more intense. Not only that, everyone also heard a sound that came from the depths of the endless starry sky.

"Steamed buns, hot buns ~"

(End of this chapter)