MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 275 : Devil? One of the seven top executives.

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Chapter 275: The Monarch? One of the seven top executives.

The leader in the room is not an idiot, otherwise it is impossible to establish his own base on this last day. Although Qin Xiao erased the blood of the corner of his mouth for the first time, his sudden three steps of retreat and the screams that occurred between the next door made them Suspicion, the original eager to move, they immediately took the footsteps of the Chu Sitian, and chose to go on and make a decision.

Therefore, in addition to several base leaders who had reached a tacit agreement with the Qinling base in advance, other base leaders swindled their hands, or deliberately slowed down. On the other hand, the awakening guards of the Qinling base, who saw the sneak attack by the deputy leader, did not need their chiefs to order, and they pulled out the well-preserved military blade and pounced on Xiaoziling, preparing to kill the person. This is what their chiefs commanded at the beginning.

When I saw six or seven people rushing to him, Chu Haotian swept away with a cold eye and screamed: "Let's go!"

With this sound, Chu Haotian's own powerful eighth-order energy suddenly broke out, centering on his body, slamming through the surroundings and welcoming the base leaders who flew. I saw that those people were not close to Chu Haotian, and they were confronted with this energy, and they were directly shaken back.

Those people can't resist, the more powerful the counterattack is, the more powerful they are. They fall in front of everyone, and some even hit other people, but the people present were originally opponents. The undergrowth hand is already very good. When I want to go to the rescue, I have to dodge it, so that the few people will squat on the seat floor, the injury is not light, and the blood is not vomiting. The seats in the conference hall were also splashed around, and the entire magnificent venue became a mess.

Everyone was shocked when I saw the tragic situation in front of me. At one time, the conference hall became silent. The faces of the base chiefs became pale. Although they did not shoot, they planned to look at the situation and make a decision. However, they still thought that so many people could not take this person at once. However, after entanglement, they will be able to come to the scene. I did not expect that these people would have been shocked and fell to the ground without being close to the opportunity. They stared at the horrible man in front of him. Who is he? Which base will give this humanoid beast? Does this still have to live?

In fact, Chu Yutian was able to shake the heads of these bases in one fell swoop, and using this kind of strength to directly shock the leaders of these bases has certain objectivity and luck. first. These people didn't pay much attention to Chu Haotian. They thought that so many people had shot, and the young man in front of him had no direct room to fight back, so they even rushed to the basic defensive skills. Second, it is also because these people's level of ability is not high. After all, the measures that are willing to let go of the Qinling base are relatively small bases in the west. These bases are not strong, and all their leaders are not very high. Most of them are fifth-order top-level, and only two are comparable to the sixth-order primary. Chu Haotian, who has been infinitely close to the eighth-order, has no pressure to deal with these people.

On this side, Chu Yutian got the awakened person trying to kill him. On the other hand, Xiao Ziling did not keep his hand. When he saw the guards taking out his weapons and trying to kill him, Xiao Ziling’s eyes were more cold. In recent years, the Ministry of Construction and Security was established. And sit in it. He also had a traitor who was in the same place, who died in his hands and outside, and other secret agents who were sent by other bases. His heart has long been cold, and murder is never soft.

He had a sword in his left hand, and the Thunder was too late to pull it out. To deal with these small fish, the basic swordsmanship taught by the master can be done, and Xiao Ziling will certainly not be able to make a big killing such as the moon.

Xiao Ziling is a speed variator. The speed of the seventh order is not the speed of human beings. His reaction nerves and the reaction speed have reached a level of inhumanity. Perhaps in the eyes of everyone, he just stands there and only sees it. His hand swayed, but he couldn't see the sword of the sword in his hand. Maybe it was faster than Chu Haotian. The guards around him who tried to slash him fell to his feet, and the blood flowed to the ground. However, this scene was too shocked because Chu Yutian’s counterattack was not noticed. There were only a few guards who were slow to shoot, but they died because they were the partners who first acted. They could only look at Xiao Ziling with fear and never again. Dare to shake.

Qin Xiao’s attention was also attracted by Chu Yutian, and he did not find the situation of Xiao Ziling’s side, but even so, his original calm expression disappeared, and his face could not help but twitch. How could he not think of why the person who was originally judged to be a garbage hunting team turned into a terrible existence. He is very clear that he could not do it at the same time.

Did he steal the chicken this time without eclipsing the rice? Inadvertently offended a super strong? He is very clear about the identity of the so-called Lingtian base secret agent, but he is **** them. At this time, Qin Xiao felt that his mouth was bitter and awkward, and he could not wait to give the adjutant who gave him the team a corpse.

"Who are you?" Qin Xiao was silent, or asked the confusion in his heart.

Chu Yutian mouth reveals a sinister smile and ridiculed: "Don't you say that I am a Lingtian base? Now I want to know who I am?"

Qin Xiao’s face was distorted. Of course he couldn’t make his own face, so he smacked his head and said: “I just want to know which one is Lingtian’s base?”

Chu Yutian looked at him, and the sneer of his mouth became more and more thick. This made Qin Xiao’s heart very panic. He was afraid that Chu Haotian would reveal his lies, but he would like to know this super silent and super-existing in his base. Who is the master? Why do you pretend to be an ordinary awakened person, to mislead them, let him make a wrong decision, and even let him spend a lot of effort on the board.

Qin Xiao wanted to understand, so he still asked the question he wanted to ask.

Yu Hua, who was standing at the end of the show, had a splendid look. He watched Chu Yutian, who had already controlled the audience, and couldn’t help but admire: "He is really strong, maybe..." He smiled at his mouth. Maybe you have found an object that you can work with.

Lei Yunzhang saw the lover around him look at another man with a look, and his heart was full of mischief, and he couldn’t tell the taste. No way, Chu Haotian's performance is too domineering, so that he is a little lost, if he is not a man of Xiao Ziling, Lei Yunzhang will definitely drink vinegar to death. However, even so, he is still very upset, he secretly clenched his fist, decided to go back and practice hard, and must not let his Yu admire other men, everything he can only be his.

After Chu Yutian, the original uneasy, Huo Zhenyu, who was armed with weapons to prepare for a desperate struggle, was horrified at this moment. They stared at the straight, hands-on, arrogant, domineering men in front of the station. Some couldn't believe their eyes. Is this powerful and terrifying man really their vice team?

They rubbed their eyes and found that they didn't look at the eyes, and then subconsciously looked at the other side. The awakened person who had tried to kill him all killed the ground, and slowly he did not know. When the sword that appeared in his hand slowly fell into the scabbard, the whole person seemed calm and calm. It seemed that the blood flowed into the river, and the corpse did not exist everywhere. Sure enough, the captain of his own house was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Three people sighed.

A crisp "噌"! This is the sound of the sword into the sheath card.

The sound was very light, but in the quiet space, I still woke up the horrified awakened people. They looked at the sounding place reflexively and took a breath again. At this time, they found Xiaozhao’s side. The masterpiece, although Xiao Ziling's killing is basically the third-fourth-order guards, but they can't help but kill more people, and they just lost a little, and the other party sneaked away people, this unpredictable ghost trick Let these people be scared, where is this monster coming from? One does not say two more?

Qin Xiao saw the familiar sword. It seemed to have been seen on a certain drawing. A horrible name suddenly hit his heart. He shouted: "The devil."

Xiao Ziling heard the name and looked up and smiled: "I didn't expect to know my nickname here too!" His smile didn't come into the eyes, but it made people feel chilly. What happened to the demon king, these base leaders It is very clear that it is blood flowing into the river.

(In fact, many of them are rumors. A few years ago, Xiao Ziling hunted a certain base traitor. Of course, he was willing to accept the traitor’s base and sent a lot of master guards. By the way, he wanted to solve the stalking Ling Tian high-rise, and prepared to weaken Ling. The strength of the base. I did not expect to pay the price of all the lives, but still did not leave Xiao Ziling, and did not leave the life of the traitor. And the scene of **** killing was accidentally seen by a team of soldiers going out to hunt. Xiao Ziling didn't want to kill the hunting team that came unexpectedly. He said that he was wearing a makeup trip and would not reveal his true body. So he didn't see anything to leave. So under the promotion of this team of hunting teams The name of the demon is officially on the stage of history.)

Qin Xiao gritted his teeth and said: "Lingtian base!" I did not expect him to grab a team of substitutes, actually caught the real body, and is one of the seven high-level bases of Lingtian base, his luck does not know whether to say good or not good. .

To know the seven top executives of Lingtian Base, each is not easy to provoke. The most powerful tyrant Chu Yutian does not have to say, it is recognized as the first strongest player in the dragon country, no, it should be the world's first strongest person, no one alone can dare to compare with him.

Ranked second is the leader of the army, Dong Haozhe, the absolute horror of the violent strong, the legend must not let him first shot, otherwise the battle will be lost.

Chen Jingwen, the third-ranking administrator, is the most incomprehensible person, but he can't go anywhere with Chu Haotian Dong Haozhe.

And then the God of War, Fengshen, listening, the Monarch can not be ranked in detail, but the legendary Monarch is the most **** and killing one, mastering all the dark forces of Lingtian base, the legend provokes who must not provoke Monarch. And his mark is a sword that cuts iron and mud. He once saw the survivor of the murder of the lord. Although he could not remember his appearance, the sword was painted and spread. Basically, there is one copy of each base leader. This is a must. Generally, each base has a list of other bases, but the strong base of Lingtian base is a little more.