MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 4 Serve bed

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Fang Li's pitiful eyes fell on the water monster. The biggest problem with cannon fodder was that he couldn't tell whether his opponent was strong or weak.

As a high-ranking monk at the peak of distraction, Xie Huai has a rare innate Taoist body, even if he is imprisoned and his cultivation is temporarily sealed, he is not a little girl who doesn't even have a foundation and can only rely on her beauty to survive. Demons can be offended.

The water demon knelt on the ground with her wrists in her hands, her face turned pale from the pain, her face full of disbelief.

Cannibalism and disturbances are strictly prohibited in Demon Lord's backyard, so even if everyone has some disagreements, at least they are peaceful on the surface, but this person dares to be so rampant in front of His Holiness...

The water demon's downcast eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness, so it's a good idea to take this opportunity to get rid of this person!

From the first time he saw Xie Huai, he felt a strong sense of crisis.

The water demon turned around and walked towards Fang Li, with tears in his eyes, so pitiful, he choked up and said: "Your Majesty, not only does he have no respect for His Majesty, but he dares to hurt others in public, please be a slave and be the master!"

Xie Huai didn't know how to take pity on the fragrance and jade, but Fang Li did. He didn't want to see the beauty get hurt, so he said softly, "Don't cry."

The water demon stared at Fang Li's face in a daze, and couldn't help being in a daze for a moment. His face, which was always cold and stern, actually showed a little tenderness and pity at this moment, and even his voice was bewitching... His heart was pounding, and his face was full of tenderness. God treats him so differently, could it be, could it be...

Fang Li appeased the perfect person, then turned to look at Xie Huai.

Xie Huai had already put down the chess piece in his hand, and looked at him calmly, his black eyes were deep and unwavering, as cold and indifferent as when he first saw him, as if he didn't care at all, what might happen next...

The corner of Fang Li's mouth was raised slowly, and the tone was drawn out: "As for him—"

The water demon and everyone around him held their breath, the water demon was trembling with excitement, waiting for the order of the emperor to execute this person!

Everyone else thinks the same way. There was someone who made a fuss in front of the venerable before. The lord didn't care about indiscriminateness, right and wrong. The two of them were thrown into the Meteor Sea to feed the fish. Since then, everyone has restrained themselves a lot. He didn't dare to go too far, at least he didn't dare to make trouble in front of His Majesty.

His majesty cannot be violated. This person is not only rude to His Majesty, but also dares to hurt others in front of His Majesty.

Fang Li raised the corners of his lips, and said in a slow tone: "Tonight, send him to the deity's room."

Everyone: "...???"

The water demon looked dull, and Nuonuo said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this is..."

Fang Li smiled slightly, lowered his eyes and said: "Since he wants to seek death, this deity will not allow him to make his life worse than death, so you are satisfied?"

The water demon suddenly choked, forced a smile and said: "...full, satisfied." If he dared to say that he was not satisfied, he would be the one to die.

Fang Li persuaded the victim with reasoning, successfully comforted the victim, waved his sleeves in satisfaction, and left.


The system finally felt relieved after seeing Fang Li leave after saying that.

According to the plot in the original book, at this moment Xie Huai was seriously injured and his body was broken. Although he was hanging for his life, he was still half dead, but he couldn't pinch the water demon's wrist, so this plot did not exist in the original book.

Because the host changed the plot, there was a deviation here, but fortunately, the host adapted to the situation and performed smoothly.

Fang Li strolled back to his bedroom, but he was thinking about another thing.

Xie Huai, as the highly respected Yuyi Lord in the fairy world, eliminates demons, guards the way, punishes the strong and helps the weak, and protects the common people with a sword. His good name is spread everywhere in the fairy world. Everyone says he is a gentleman, so A person, logically speaking, would disdain to attack the weak.

But when he broke the water demon's wrist, he didn't show any compassion, only indifference. Fang Li even felt that... if the water demon dared to go further, it would not be the wrist, but the neck that would be broken.

Such a cold-blooded and ruthless existence does not seem to fit well with the legendary gentleman.

But after Fang Li thought about it, he understood the reason. It wasn't that Xie Huairen set up a was himself, who wasn't used to this world enough.

This world is divided into two realms of immortals and demons. Righteousness and evil have been incompatible since ancient times. Immortals and demons have always been immortal. Xie Huai can be tolerant to mortals, can lend a helping hand to the weak, and can go through fire and water for the common people... But evil spirits and crooked ways are not on him Within the scope of protection, not only will they not be merciful, they will even punish everyone if they get it.

The words "killing demons and eliminating demons" are not just empty words in this world, but **** facts.

In his eyes, the water demon is not a weak person, but a crooked demon who is in the same league as himself, the big devil.

The souls of monsters who died under Yuyi Jun Xueqing's sword, regardless of strength or weakness.

What's more, the water monster is not a good monster at all...

Fang Li looked down at his hands, which were as pale as snow and looked extremely clean, but he had killed countless people, no matter who they were, no matter what the reason was... Since he chose to fall into the devil's way, he should be responsible for his choice Responsible.

To the common people of the Li people, Xie Huai is naturally a benevolent and compassionate person, but to demons like them, Xie Huai is a cold-blooded and ruthless killer.

After all, killing them is considered a good deed, eliminating harm for the people.

Demon Defender...

This is the way to eliminate demons and defend the way, and it is also what Xie Huai always insists on, the way.

Thinking of this, Fang Li has the bottom line in his mind. Even if he releases water and does tasks casually, it will not affect the key plot. Just what he did before is enough for Xie Huai to kill him 10,000 times.

If it is sentimental and indecisive, it is not the hard-hearted Xie Huai in the original book.

What's more, now that I still kidnap him as a prostitute, with such humiliation and the blood feud between master and family, it is not an exaggeration to say that we cannot live together, I am not afraid that Xie Huai will be shaken.

Fang Li walked back slowly, and saw Wu Yimei standing at the door from a distance, obviously waiting for him, it seemed that he had something to report.

Wu Yimei looked respectful as always, with downcast eyes, and said: "The right envoys were ordered to attack the other immortal sects in Linxian Prefecture. Because of the divine power, Yun Jianque surrendered, and the other immortal sects in Linxian Prefecture did not resist much. Surrender, and the right envoy will lead the branch of the Jitian Sect back to the mountain in a few days."

Fang Li nodded, Du Meng is one of Yan Sui's main rivals in love in the book, it seems that this drama will soon become lively.

Wu Yimei finished talking about Dumeng, and then reported the more important things in the past three months. In the past three months, the number of spirit stones enshrined by all the demon sects under him was 280,000. There are a lot of spirit stone resources, so there is not much surplus.

There are also how many demon cultivators have been killed and killed recently, how many Zhengdao have been killed, how many Zhengdao have been captured, and so on.

Fang Li listened casually, he didn't care much, and said indifferently: "You are responsible for these things."

The lord has always been like this, he doesn't care about anything, Wu Yimei sighs secretly, but if the Fuqiu Mountain is not properly managed, there will be too many hidden dangers... These lords don't care, and he is the only one to take care of it.

After Wu Yimei reported these things, her eyes moved slightly, she hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I heard that Your Majesty went to the backyard today, and ordered Yuyi Jun to sleep tonight?"

Fang Li raised his eyes, "Yes."

Wu Yimei pursed her lips tightly. He shouldn't have asked or cared about this kind of thing, but that person is Xie Huai... Your Majesty really wants to...

Fang Li didn't know what Wu Yimei was worried about. It was nothing more than the fear that he would become obsessed with sex, and become a dead soul under flowers... as if he was a loyal minister who broke his heart for the faint king.

Fang Li thought for a while, finally sighed softly, looked at Wu Yimei and said slowly: "You don't need to worry, I have my own reasons for keeping Xie Huai."

Wu Yimei stared blankly at the person in front of him, and saw that his eyes were clear and indifferent, and his expression was open-minded. When he mentioned Xie Huai, he did not have the slightest intimacy, let alone the slightest hint of indulging in lust. Suddenly, he thought, could it be that His Majesty did not really like him by doing this? Xie Huai, but have other plans?

Wu Yimei hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, this is..."

Fang Li's tone was slow and unpredictable: "You don't need to ask about this, you just need to know that you are the person I trust most, so I won't hide you."

The most, most trustworthy person...

Wu Yimei couldn't help but look moved.

This is the second time His Majesty told him to believe him, although His Majesty also said he believed him last time in Yun Jian Que... But he always felt unreal in his heart, but today, this feeling couldn't be more clear, Your Majesty really trusts him, and is even willing to confide in him.

Wu Yimei closed his eyes, he followed this person for ten years, because when he was most desperate, this person stretched out his hand to him...

But is he doing this to repay the grace of saving his life?

No, probably because at that time he had nowhere to go, and the humble one could be trampled to death at will. It was this person who gave him a goal and a hope, so he just stayed by his side and accompanied him Walking from the mud step by step, now ten years have passed... It has become a habit to overcome obstacles for this person.

But Wu Yimei has always been very clear that this person has no feelings, he will not give him what he shouldn't have, and he has never thought of asking for anything else, because he doesn't need it either.

They are actually the same kind of people who crawled out of the abyss and hell, abandoned all human emotions, and lived like walking dead.

But it turned out that before he knew it, he had already obtained more than he imagined, and this person was not completely emotionless. So this is the feeling of being trusted...

And I don't really seem to care.

Wu Yimei clenched her hands tightly.

For people like them, the word trust is so extravagant that it is even more precious.

Fang Li said again: "Remember not to treat Xie Huai harshly, and don't provoke him, so as not to spoil the important affairs of the deity."

Wu Yimei said in a deep voice: "Yes, this subordinate understands."

His Majesty was planning a strategy, and it really wasn't because he was fascinated by Xie Huai's beauty, so he was relieved... But he didn't know what the plan was, Wu Yimei couldn't understand it, but His Majesty trusted him so much, if he didn't know what to ask, Didn't he betray His Majesty's trust?

Seeing that Wu Yimei was intimidated, Fang Li smiled and nodded, "Go down."

Watching Wu Yimei leave, Fang Li pressed his forehead. Since just now, the system has been chattering in his mind, and his head hurts from the noise.

[The system is anxious: host, what are you doing? Why did Wu Yimei not deal with Xie Huai? These words are not in the plot! 】Wu Yimei is an important vicious cannon fodder, if he doesn't deal with Xie Huai, how will the following plot go?

[Fang Li said leisurely: There are many things that are not written in the plot, and there is not a lot of this one. Could it be that when the plot is not written, I just do nothing but sleep? 】

[System anxious: Is this the point? 】You might as well just sleep and do nothing!

But Fang Li ignored the system, closed his eyes, and the past of Sui Sui and Wu Yimei flashed in his mind like a floating shadow.

This young man who was picked up from the pile of corpses by Yan Sui had no concept of right and wrong, he was neither a human nor a demon, he was a strange creature with nowhere to go, only Yan Sui was willing to take him in... With his persistence and Tenacity, he followed Yan Sui through the mountains of corpses and blood. No matter what it was for, he had never done anything to be sorry to Yan Sui, and even the repeated attacks on Xie Huai later were all out of loyalty to Han Sui.

Wu Yimei was indeed cold-blooded and cunning and murdered countless people. From Zhengdao's point of view, death deserves more than guilt, but Fang Li thought, it's just that no one can guide him... If someone can help him and stop making mistakes, he is not hopeless.

But Yan Sui can't give him these things... In Yan Sui's eyes, Wu Yimei is just a subordinate, that's all.

In the book, Wu Yimei is an insignificant cannon fodder. Even without him, he can continue the plot. As long as he doesn't deal with Xie Huai, won't end in that way.

Fang Li wants to give him a hand, maybe it's not too late.


The system found that it couldn't convince the host, and couldn't control the host. It was afraid that the host would be unhappy, and the important plot would not go away at night, so it had to shut up.

Fang Li was also happy to be quiet, leisurely and elegant, picked up the book and looked, there are quite a lot of books in this palace, but there is no trace of flipping through them, it can be seen that Yan Sui doesn't read very much, but Fang Li reads it with great interest, I didn't expect such a small world in a book to have so many details.

How is it different from the real world?

It would be a pity if it disappeared, Fang Li thought.

Time passed quickly, when the sky darkened, the demon servant lit the candle cage outside the hall, and the luminous pearl in the room emitted a soft halo, Fang Li knew that it was time to see Xie Huai.

Tonight's plot is very important, I just wanted Xie Huai tonight, and since then it has been out of control, and I have started to live a life that is nothing but ups and downs...

The pets who serve the bedroom are usually sent to the side hall, Fang Li walked leisurely to the side hall, and saw a light in a room.

It must be where Xie Huai is.

Fang Li calmed down and pushed the door in. The room was warm and mellow, dispelling the coldness of the night. On the couch facing the door, tulle poured down. There was a faint figure behind the gauze curtain. Fang Li closed the door casually. Cut off the coldness outside, and walked step by step to the front of the collapse.

He wasn't embarrassed at all, he opened the gauze curtain frankly, and looked down at the person lying in front of him.

The other party was also awake, and their eyes met for an instant.

Xie Huai was dressed in clean and elegant white clothes. His black eyes were narrow and deep, and his black hair covered the bed. He was as handsome as a **** and seemed inviolable. A sense of unattainable.

Fang Li, who had read the original book, was not surprised. If he hadn't had a mind that was different and detached from ordinary people, how could he attract people like Yan Li?

He is tired and not afraid of death, he has seen many people who are not afraid of death, there are many righteous monks, once captured, there are not a few of them who commit suicide and seek death. Life, is it not also an act of cowardice.

Death is never the scariest thing...the scariest thing is to live to face everything.

And Xie Huai Ling was attracted by Yan Sui, and what Fang Li admired was that he would never seek death.

To live is to have hope.

Even though the world may be more like **** than death.

Fang Li lowered his eyes slightly, his clothes fluttered, and he turned around and sat down in front of him.

On the low table is an exquisitely hollowed-out bronze incense burner.

Fang Li gently held the incense burner with one hand, and within a short while, the incense burner was hot as a branding iron, and the incense charcoal buried in the ashes ignited, Fang Li lifted up his sleeves, and used a white porcelain spoon to pour the incense powder in the porcelain bottle beside it. Scooped a little out, poured it over the mica flakes, and put it lightly in the incense burner.

When the fragrant mist rose, Fang Li propped his forehead comfortably with one hand, and looked sideways at the person on the bed.

Look generously and unscrupulously.

It is human nature to appreciate beauty, and Fang Li is no exception. In his world, even the most dazzling stars are far inferior to Xie Huaiwanyi.

But Xie Huai's beauty is not femininity, on the contrary, it has a very cold fierceness, and a high sense of distance, let anyone know that if you get close to him, you will get hurt, but you still can't help it, you can't help but want to reach out and touch him, even if you are caught Will cut blood dripping...

He was supposed to be a **** above the nine heavens, but he was dragged into the mortal world, and fell into **** together with Yan Sui...

The disgusting possessive desire is crazy, everything he did to Xie Huai is not worthy of forgiveness, if it were him, he would also want to kill him, Fang Li felt a little lost...

Such a beauty is indeed fatally attractive, and it is easy to make people make mistakes... Fortunately, I don't like men, and Xie Huai doesn't like men either.

Since they are both straight men, it's not awkward to get along like this.

The intoxicating fragrance filled the room, making people intoxicated. The atmosphere was enough, but the system began to wonder, why didn't the host act?

[The system hints euphemistically: host, are you going to start? What I can avoid is that our systems are professional and will never violate the privacy of the host. 】

【Fang Li: It doesn't have to be. 】

[The system turns pale with shock: ...] It was the first time he saw such a bold and unrestrained host, and he was willing to be looked at by others. Is this some kind of obsession? But do I really want to watch it? No, I am a little curious... No, no, I am a system with integrity and a bottom line, so I can't watch this kind of thing!

While the system was hesitating and struggling, Fang Li suddenly got up and stood up, step by step to the front of the collapse. At some point, Xie Huai had closed his eyes, and the beauty fell asleep, and the sense of coldness and indifference to strangers was less.

The system was about to run away, but it heard Fang Lishang speak.

[Fang Li sighed: It is indeed stunning in the world, unmatched by anyone, but do you know where the most difficult part of this matter is? 】

[The system hesitated: Good...conscience? 】He is a little embarrassed, forcing the host to do this kind of thing, the host can understand if he is not happy, but the plot must go...

[Fang Li: No. 】

【system:…? 】What's the meaning? Is the host saying that he has no conscience? ? ?

[Fang Li: The biggest difficulty is getting a straight man to force another straight man... I can't be hard. 】


Fang Li lowered his eyes and stared at the person in front of him, the corners of his lips slightly raised. The incense made by the thousand-year-old mandala can fascinate even the refining period, but Xie Huai lasted a full stick of incense. He almost thought that this incense would not work on Xie Huai.

Fang Li leaned over to approach Xie Huai, stretched out his hand and pulled the other's skirt, and pinched a purple mark on his neck.


The author has something to say:

Messages in this chapter continue to drop small red envelopes~~

Fang Li: I will never have **** with a man in my life.

Xie Huai: It’s okay, you don’t need to come.

Fang Li:?