MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 124 arrogant priest

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The show was over, Jiang Haixi pointed out a few shortcomings, Luo Xuange quickly understood, and when he came again, he cooperated perfectly with An Ruoshui, and Jiang Haixi claimed that he did not watch it wrong person.

So the identity of Luo Xuange's female supporting role was finalized.

"But I only have three days off at most, and I have to go back to shoot this evening or tomorrow morning." Luo Xuange looked at An Ruoshui and asked: "You are here to help me again. I agreed to the role, how will I arrange the time?"

"Of course it's your side that is the most important, here the female supporting role is at the back, and our overall progress is slower than yours. You can come back after you finish filming that drama." An Ruoshui helped her calculate the time.

Luo Xuange nodded thoughtfully: "I understand, do you want to inform Sister Xu?"

"..." An Ruoshui smiled at her embarrassedly: "Go and speak for yourself."

Although she doesn't know Xu Xiu's temper very well, Xu Xiu has some ideas about helping Luo Xuange arrange work without permission. Xuange to deal with it.

Master Luo called Xu Xiu in confusion.

The Right Protector, the Holy Maiden and others, she always had to hesitate for a while.

"I was with Director Jiang Haixi, and there was one less female supporting role in the crew. Director Jiang Haixi asked me to play a part temporarily, thinking that I quite fit the image of the female supporting role, so he let me play that female supporting role. supporting role."

"No?" Xu Xiu was silent for a long time before asking her.

Luo Xuange was stunned for a while. She didn't understand what the question behind Xu Xiu was referring to. She shook her head and found that it was a chat on a mobile phone. She shook her head and Xu Xiu couldn't see it.

"No more." After Luo Xuange finished speaking, the whole person was much more relaxed. No matter what the result was, she came to inform Xu Xiu, not to discuss.

Xu Xiu said excitedly: "It's a good thing. To be able to take a role in Director Jiang's play, this is the pie that people in the circle want to get by burning incense and worshipping Buddha. Where are you now? Stay well, study hard in the crew, and I'll handle it from the company."

However, Luo Xuange's identity is there, and she will report directly to An Junfeng, the company will never embarrass Luo Xuange.

After hanging up, Luo Xuange hurried to An Ruoshui.

At this moment, An Ruoshui was having a meal. After Luo Xuange went, she put down the tableware and chopsticks to help Luo Xuange prepare the food.

Luo Xuange took it with happiness and said with a smile: "I told Sister Xu, she asked me to study here."

"Yeah." An Ruoshui guessed the result, but in the end, Luo Xuange had to say it herself. Although she had an unusual relationship with Luo Xuange, she came forward to explain to Xu Xiu, There is always a feeling of giving an order notification in it, and Luo Xuange can only say that it is helpless to cut first and then play, Xu Xiu will not leave a pimple in his heart.

"Go back tomorrow morning. I think it's not easy for Senior Zhang to come here once, so let her stay for a while."

Luo Xuange frowned slightly, if Zhang Yiyun came to help her weakly back then, the director might not know how to get angry.

An Ruoshui looked in the direction of Xu Qian and Zhang Yiyun, neither of them looked very good, but they were both tense and did not show it directly.

She chuckled: "When you go back, Senior Zhang will definitely be very calm."

This trip, her heart is dying, how can she care about Luo Xuange's Qinggong.

No matter what time, insist on listening to the wife's words, this is the inertia of the Luo sect master, is the standard of the Luo sect master to favor his wife.

While the young couple were having fun while eating and chatting, Wang Gaoyi came over with the script.

"I didn't bother you." Wang Gaoyi asked with a smile.

An Ruoshui rarely put on a smile and replied, "Don't bother."

My heart is full of 'Who sent you here? ' 'Xiao Luo is leaving tomorrow. It's not easy for me to be alone with her. What are you doing here? ! ' 'If you have something to say, hurry up if you have a fart, and get out of here. ' 'You are very unwelcome here, hurry up and hurry up. ’

Luo Xuange didn't have as much heartache as his wife, she raised her head slightly, looked at Wang Gaoyi and said calmly, "Sorry, you disturbed our meal."

"..." Wang Gaoyi just listened to An Ruoshui's words, and was about to say his intentions with a polite and gentle smile, but the thousands of words in his stomach were blocked by Luo Xuange's words died.

The smile on her face gradually became embarrassing, and at the end it was almost impossible to hold back.

There are rules in the circle. The newcomer does not respect the seniors, and speaking out is a stain that cannot be erased.

Someone in the crew began to discuss Luo Xuange's practice.

Luo Xuange raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Wang Gaoyi and asked, "Is there any business for Mr. Wang here?"

"Let's talk about it later. You eat first, I'll come back later." Wang Gaoyi also heard the whispering voices of the group of people, and laughed in his heart that Luo Xuange was overthinking his abilities.

An Ruoshui also sweated for Luo Xuange, and was about to say a word or two to Luo Xuange, so that she could restrain herself in front of others in the future.

But after thinking about it carefully, Luo Xuange usually treats some seniors in the circle very respectfully, why did he suddenly change his temper today? Could it be that this surnamed Gao provoked Xiao Luo in private?

The An family is all about protecting the short, and the generation of An Ruoshui and An Junfeng has brought the word "protecting short" into full play.

Guessing that Luo Xuange may have been bullied by Wang Gaoyi in the dark, An Ruoshui's anger has turned into a volcanic eruption without anyone else's fueling.

At this time, even if An Ruoshui knew that Luo Xuange was not the kind of person who would suffer in the dark, she would automatically ignore it. Yes, and the person who made her aggrieved must be Wang Gaoyi.

The voices of the people around her became louder and louder, and An Ruoshui's face became more gloomy.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was angry. At this moment, her An Ruoshui seemed to be a walking bag that would explode at the slightest.

Luo Xuange didn't seem to notice, she finished her meal obediently.

"What's wrong with you?" Luo Xuange noticed something was wrong with An Ruoshui, but she couldn't understand why An Ruoshui suddenly felt wrong with her brain circuit.

You can only ask her carefully and with questions.

An Ruoshui shook her head and asked Luo Xuange in a low voice, "Why did you treat Wang Gaoyi so much just now? Did you and him have any secret affair with him?"

"No, it's just a coincidence. He's been looking at me more and more recently." Luo Xuange replied straightforwardly.

An Ruoshui was stunned for a while, then his anger was subdued, and said to Luo Xuange: "The circle is very chaotic, even if you know that he doesn't like you, you can't be in front of so many people. I brushed his face. There are rules in the circle, he is your senior, you should..."

"But he is also an outer disciple of the ancient martial arts faction. As a senior disciple of the ancient martial arts, I am also the next heir to the clan's default clan leader. No matter where I am, I can't face the younger generation. Keep your posture low. This is the usual rule of ancient martial arts. If he refuses to obey, he should get out of ancient martial arts, but when he debuted, he was born in martial arts under the name of ancient martial arts disciples, and if he fell out with me, the public opinion could also be suppressed. Break him."

Maybe the atmosphere of the entertainment industry brought by the crew was too strong, and An Ruoshui ignored the identity of both of them as disciples of ancient martial arts.

But seeing the reactions of others around them, they must have forgotten about this, and even Wang Gaoyi himself ignored Luo Xuange's identity as an ancient martial arts disciple.

"Okay, whatever you say makes sense." An Ruoshui's dangling heart was completely let go. Although the An family was powerful enough for Luo Xuange to be 'overbearing' in this circle, when the time came If something happened, it would be very painful for Luo Xuange to suppress the public opinion. At least the group of keyboard warriors on the Internet, it is impossible for the An family to clean up one by one. And more often, words are the weapon that can really hurt people.

An Junfeng always wondered if someone had set a curse recently. When he came home from get off work every day, he wanted to get close to his little wife, but the other party was always holding his mobile phone and brushing the news headlines. Choose a few more interesting things to share with him.

At first, An Junfeng would be happy to talk to her, but after a long time, An Junfeng began to doubt life.

I am not a gossip person, but I am really tired of watching all kinds of false and exaggerated scandal news on the Internet every day.

But his wife likes it, so he endures the tiredness to accompany him.

Today, I saw an explosive news, An Junfeng frowned slightly: "I'll go and ask if this news is true."

An Junfeng saw the news that Luo Xuange was disrespectful to his senior in the crew, he called the secretary with great concern and asked him to arrange an investigation immediately.

When An Junfeng was about to blame Luo Xuange for not knowing how to restrain herself, Feng Qianling looked up at her and asked, "Xuange is an inner disciple of the ancient martial arts, and Wang Gaoyi is an outsider of the ancient martial arts sect. Sect disciple, Xuan Ge's attitude towards him is normal. If he behaves too respectfully, it's not in line with the rules."

An Junfeng suddenly realized that although the two are in the circle now, Wang Gaoyi is a disciple of ancient martial arts while urinating. Gu Wu took in.

rules to deal with.

Online news quickly spread.

All kinds of passers-by or fans are pointing at Luo Xuange's attitude towards seniors.

Many of them came out and said that Wang Gaoyi took up other people's rest time. Can't others have the right to refuse?

The powerful believers also supported the leader, but a few people said that they recognized Luo Xuange and planned to turn their fans around, and inexplicably fans turned black.

Wang Gaoyi, who learned about the online news in the crew, was very scared on the face. After all, Luo Xuange's position in the An family is not ordinary now. God knows whether An Junfeng will do anything to protect her. What an incredible move.

But subconsciously, I hope that my fans can accuse Luo Xuange more, it is best to let her be ruined.

The author has something to say: I am happy, I will update a chapter tonight. The content is written about the daily life after Xiaobaozi, haha, I can't wait.

This article has written ancient articles, but it is some self-liberating works, put it in another article, the article name: "Fanwai Collection", friends who are interested can take a look.

I would like to recommend the sweet text of Jiyou's carbonized entertainment system: "Plastic Love with the Heroine [Quick Pass]"