MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2252 Katsugami

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! Taia did not answer the question, but stepped closer to the snow without pity, the slender eyebrows picked up, and looked down with a condescending look. He said, "You are the master of this movement! If you still want to live, Just tell me the secret about detachment."

"The secret of detachment?" Snow smiled coldly. "I am sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Don't pretend to be stupid!" Taia took the first two steps again, getting closer to the snow without pity. One hand has become a claw of the shape of a hedgehog. The whole hall is full of horror, and the tone is full of threats. "Don't think I can confuse me here, I have already calculated it, and you know a lot about detachment."


Taiana has only claws and has been photographed to the snow without pity.

For a moment.


The violent explosion caused the palace to be broken, and the golden air transport of the large group of large groups wrapped the untidy body of snow and held him up to the sky.


"Ang!" "Ang!"

The high-pitched dragons screamed, and the dragon-shaped air transport rushed out from the air transporting the ocean above, intertwined, entangled and clustered together.


A golden air transport was smashed, and Tai’s figure flew out.

"A good and powerful air transport, with the power of these air transport, can you fight with the true God? Unfortunately, you met me!" Taia decided not to keep their hands, before she was afraid of controlling the power, Directly killing the snow without pity, but now it seems that snow is not so easy to die, she will be able to give up the power of the Lord's level, in order to surrender it.

At this time.


The space crack was torn open, followed by a burst of sound.

call out!

call out! call out!

Five figures in succession, appearing in the snow without pity.

For the first person, the white robe silver armor, the hand with a narrow sword, and the other four, all covered in black armor, from the gap of the armor, sticking out their claws, tail, sharp corners, wings!

It is the snow sorcerer Marshal "Snow Knife" and the four zombie ancestor inheritors who assisted the Snowy Sage!

Nowadays, the four ancestors of the zombies, relying on the origins of the thorns from the hedgehog, each has a realm of real gods, the strength is comparable to the peak of the four zombies ancestor!

"Hey, snow is no pity, have you got such a strong presence?" Zombie "will be" from Taia, feeling great pressure, could not help but shout, "However, it is also my intention! Her body, there will be More source power?"

The marmots stretched out a pair of claws, and the scarlet tongue slammed down on the claws, cold and cold. "Well, you don't want to grab prey with me."

The zombie won the hook and took the double horns on his head, holding it in the same way as a double knife. After the zombie, he held two groups of green flames on his hands.

All are ready for the battle!

"Hey, a few real gods, I want to use my arms as a car?" Tai A looked at the sight and found that there were six true gods in the Great Snow Sect. Some were unexpected, but she didn't care too much. "Give me all to die!"


Taia first rushed to the front of the weakest breath, and fell a paw!

After Qing, he was immediately arrested for several deep wounds, and his body was about to split. However, Hou Qing was still the green flame of the hand, hitting Tai’s body and suddenly retreating. Far away, began to repair the body.

"And she consumes!" Snow said with no pity. "Although she is the Lord of God, she is not as suppressed as the Hedgehog by the power of the world, but the power of the source is consumed, and it cannot be replenished in time. A little bit of grinding, total Can kill her!"

At the same time, Xue has no control over the weather, and turned into a golden dragon, and entangled with Taia.


boom! boom!

Over the snowy sacred sect, six true gods fight and fight with a god.

The vibrations that were triggered, the area where the entire snowy sect was located, the people of the Great Snow Sect, all looked up and looked at the sky with horror, not knowing what happened.

The longer the battle lasts, the more I am worried.

"Damn, these guys, the body is harder than the ordinary gods, it is hard to destroy. The snow is pitiful and has been protected, I can't attack. And those airpower forces have been enhancing their strength... It’s really hard to deal with.”

She did not expect it anyway, in the snowy dynasty, will encounter this kind of trouble.

The Lord God has always crushed the true God.

However, when she came to the lower bound, she had to keep her body surface stabbed, and in the state of hedgehog, some of her magical powers were restricted and difficult to display.

As long as I knew this, I would not support my companions.

If there are two gods here, it is estimated that the Great Snow Singer has been killed for seven hundred and eight.

This way down.

Even if you can win, it is a tragic victory.

It is estimated that by the time, it is not always possible to catch the snow without pity!

"Pick a hand, completely hedged!" Taia made up his mind, followed by a green glow around the body, and then turned into a huge green hedgehog!

Her hedgehog is more thorough and complete than the eternal god, the purple night god.

after all.

The power of the dead Hedgehog mother was divided by her and two other gods.

After a complete assassination, Taia will soon be the queen, win the hook, the two weaker zombies, the body torn into pieces, thrown into the distance.

Before the two zombies recover, Taia goes to pick up the snow without pity!

Snow has no eyes, and the eyes are shining, and the claws are stretched out.

"Dragon, get up!"


A giant golden dragon, suddenly appeared in front of the snow without pity, crashed into a collision with the stinging Taia, both stumbled and quit a distance.

Snow without pity, there is a golden seal.

"Air transport, suppression!"

Snow has no pity, and this golden dragon has gathered the entire national movement of the Great Snow Saga, and through the hand of the country, you can exert all the power.

The national movement of the Great Snow Sect was extremely prosperous.

The power exerted is much better than the Lord!


The golden dragon, hovering, hit the stinging Taia.

Snow knife, will be Chen, drought, and also besieged!

"Take me off!"

Hedgehog Tai A, the body shape shook, the power shocked, and they all shook a distance.

At this time.

It is a sword, falling from the sky.

It is the first artifact of the Snow Saga, the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao, Longquan sword!

The golden dragon directly joins the Longquan sword, and the dragon's sword is surrounded by the sound of the dragon.


Longquan sword is straight down, and it is the thorny Taia.

The strong explosion almost swayed the ocean of most of the big snow sacred dynasties. In the rolling clouds, the body shape of the Tai's wolverines was moved.

Her eyes, with a strong unwillingness, resentment!

The lord of God, even defeated by a group of ants! It’s too shameful.