MTL - The Dead Cycle-Chapter 12 Wait for the rabbit

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The so-called guarding the rabbit is to find a pillar and wait for the rabbit to hit it.

Because Yin Yin's plan was too simple, so after everyone found the pillar, they had nothing to do.

Yin Yin and Linglong are ambushing the corner of Uncle Zhang's backyard, which is the "strain" they guard.

As for why Uncle Zhang was selected, Yin Yin revealed that because of the fact that in addition to Xueer and Yanyan, Uncle Zhang is the only surname in Shigu Town, it must be an important NPC.

Du Qianchan, Yanyan, and Sang Ze ambush another corner. The grouping was decided by a lottery. Sang Ze should have drawn a lot with Yin Yin, but under the referee's whistle, he was assigned to another group.

The referee is Yin Yin.

"Sister Yanyan, what do you say the two of them say?" Sang Ze's eyes widened, staring at Yin Yin and Linglong who were whispering.

Yan Yan smiled and said, "Let's not worry about adults and children."

Sang Ze refused to accept: "She is my master!"

"I know." Yan Yan nodded. "But you are not her master."

Sangze: "..."

Du Qianchan also looked at Yin Yin and Linglong on the other side, and a gleam of cold light gradually appeared in his eyes.

No matter what Yin Yin has become, after all, she killed her own life in the last life. She swears that she has suffered and suffered a lot, and Du Yin will have to taste it all in her life.

The audience is concerned about Yin Yin and Linglong.

Yin Yinzhuang asked casually, "Do you know Yanyan?"

Ling Long glanced at Yin Yin with a surprise, "Why do you think so?"

Yin Yin cut her face and said, "When you saw her, it seemed like ... there was a bright light in front of her? No, it seemed dark."

Linglong smiled helplessly, "Vaguely observant."

Yin Yin felt a little upset, "So you really know her?"

Linglong asked without answering, "Do you know what Yanyan's full name is?"

"Did you know?" Little unhappy turned into big unhappy.

"Gu Chenyan."

"Gu Chenyan?" Yin Yin frowned for a moment, thinking that this character was not mentioned in "The Prosperity". It seems that he came to Jia Qing with Linglong in advance, and it really let the plot enter other branches.

"You don't know her?"

Yin Yin snorted coldly, "Is she famous? I must know her?"

Linglong froze for a moment, then lowered her head and smirked, "She is not famous, but Mo Lingya is famous."

"Mo Lingya ?!" Yin Yin covered her mouth in surprise, "is that Mo Lingya in bloodstains?"


Mo Lingya founded bloodstains in one hand, which is a strong mysterious assassination organization on rivers and lakes. There are only seven individuals in the entire bloodstained organization, all of whom are highly selected. To join the bloodstain, he had to kill an incumbent and replace him. And Mo Lingya stipulated that once a member did not complete the task, he would not have to stay on the world.

So as long as he is a bloodstained member, it means that he has never missed.

In Mo Lingya's "The Prosperity", he only appeared by name, but God generally gained super popularity.

Of course, this is closely related to the author's setting him as the best master and best man in the world.

Because of this, Linglong fans and Mo Lingya fans smashed into a comment, but when it reached, they became the authors who devoted themselves.

The next day, Mo Ling ’s pair of CPs swept the entire comment area with an unstoppable momentum, and Mo Ling ’s humanities popped up like mushrooms.

Twisting a romantic essay into a essay, the reader is really very good and powerful.

Yin Yin has always disagreed with this matter, because-Linglong obviously should be the attack! How about CP?

Therefore, although Mo Lingya didn't make an official appearance at all, Yin Yin had already made his name known to him.

She suddenly discovered that maybe her real opponent was not Du Qianchan, but ... Mo Lingya?

This discovery made Yin Yin a bit messy.

Yin Yin swallowed his mouth, lowered his voice and asked, "So, Yanyan is on the Molingya Blacklist?"

Linglong didn't quite understand the meaning of the blacklist, but roughly guessed what Yin Yin wanted to say, "He is not trying to kill Gu Chenyan, but to find her."

"Of course, **** if you don't find it." Yin Yin felt her mouth twitched.

Ling Long looked at Yin Yin and smiled vaguely, "Do you know what she and Mo Lingya have to do?"

"Blood in the sea of ​​blood?"

Linglong thought for a while and said, "Love and hate."

Yin Yin: "..."

She felt that Linglong was suddenly bursting in emotional intelligence.

"Gu Chenyan and Mo Lingya almost married."


"Gu Chenyan escaped from marriage."

Yin Yin: "..."

This can't blame her, after all, who wants to marry a murderer?

"This Mo Lingya not only kills people like hemp, but also robs the people!" Yin Yin tried to smear the image of Mo Lingya's spirit in order to prevent trouble before it happened.

"As far as I know, they should be in love with each other."

"Nonsense! Why are two lovers escaping marriage! It must be Mo Lingya's rogue!" Yin Yin continued to discredit.

Linglong glanced at Yin Yin silently, "You have a grudge against Mo Lingya?"

Yin Yin had a guilty conscience after being caught for doing bad things, but still said in a righteous manner: "Of course, this big devil is everyone's favor!"

"With you and him martial arts, he is likely to hit you."


So righteousness was vented.

Linglong stared at the backyard of Zhang Dabo's house, saying quietly: "It is not necessarily appropriate to fall in love, Mo Lingya is proud, he has always been in a high position, he is used to giving orders, but Gu Chenyan is a strong self-esteem. Do you really know Gu Chenyan?"

Yin Yin shook her head, "I really don't know."

Linglong's eyes flickered, and amber eyes fixedly looked at Yin Yin. "Why do you not know something originally, you know very well; and some you know, you don't?"

Yin Yin's heartbeat increased, and she once again read the story of "The Prosperity" again. The mother of the egg did not mention any Gu Chenyan! Q 口 Q

"Gu Chenyan is a small and famous perfumer in Beijing. She will participate in the Jingyan competition every year. Several perfumers can stand out every year, but Gu Chenyan has not been able to tune out these years. Amazing fragrance.

Mrs. Yin loves fragrances. The fragrances used by Yin Jiazhuang are selected by Mrs. Yin herself. Most of them come from the top competition in the annual banquet. Gu Chenyan also prepares fragrances. Mrs. Yin brought her eldest daughter in her hand, but she had never heard of Gu Chenyan, which was unreasonable. "

Yin Yin: "..."

I'm just a reader! I only know the plot when the author writes it. Where does this system automatically complete the plot? ┭┮﹏┭┮

Yin Yin felt very aggrieved. She laughed twice and said, "Think carefully, it seems that I really heard my mother mention it."

Linglong's eyes were a bit obscure in the darkness. He looked at Yin Yin for a while, but didn't speak again.

After being quiet for a while, Yin Yin could not bear but asked lonely: "Why would you save Xueer today?"

It's not like your style.

Linglong swept Yin Yin with a light, with a calm expression, "Even if I don't save, you will save."

Yin Yin knew for a moment, can I think cheekily, this is what we do not distinguish between each other?

This idea made Yin Yin feel a touch of sweetness.

Linglong frowned suddenly, staring at a house not far away.

"What's wrong?" Yin Yin looked curiously along Linglong's eyes, but only saw the darkness.

"Someone followed us along the way."

"Ah? Isn't Du Qianchan?"

Linglong shook her head. "In addition to her, there is another person."

"Is there another person?" Yin Yin frowned, showing her contemplation.

"You ..." Linglong just said a word, a white figure in the distance flew over suddenly, really flying!

Yin Yin almost didn't point at him and called Superman.

The snow-white figure fell lightly into the courtyard of Zhang Dabo's house. The poultry in the yard grew restlessly, and the exquisite enclave got up and swept towards the yard.

Sang Ze was ready to knock on the gongs and drums, and shouted, "Come here! Catch the ghost!"

White figure froze. Although he had long noticed people ambush around the yard, he did not expect them to come out.

The townspeople gathered to the uncle Zhang's house. Bai Ying grabbed a chicken toe and prepared to retreat, but was stopped by Linglong.

Linglong stood quietly in the moonlight, without speaking or moving.

Bai Ying looked at Linglong, grinning suddenly, then shot like lightning.

Because he was still holding the chicken in one hand, he could only fight with one hand, but Rao was like this, and Linglong pulled out with all his strength.

When everyone rushed to Zhang Dabo's backyard, they had no time to see a white figure rising up from the ground, and then instantly disappeared into the boundless night.

"Are you okay?" Yin Yin surrounded him anxiously.

Du Qianchan also encamped to Linglong, expressing his concern, "Is the Prince Lin injured?"

Linglong looked at where Bai Ying disappeared and shook her head gently.

"Did you see clearly?" Yan Yan looked at Linglong with a look of eagerness.

Linglong glanced around and said, "I'm a man, and I'm still a master."

There are only a handful of people who can do such a job as a ghost.

Xueer and Mr. Wu stepped out of Uncle Zhang's house, and beside him, Uncle Zhang looked slightly embarrassed.

"Xue and I have been staying in Zhang Dabo's house, and now it can be proven that she is innocent, right?" Mr. Wu looked at the leading Guozi face, his tone was always cold.

Guozi face trembled silently in his heart, then looked at Uncle Zhang.

Uncle Zhang glanced at the Guozi face and nodded embarrassed.

Guozi put his thick lips on his face, silently for a while, then said, "Well, we blame Xueer wrongly."

Xueer just buried her head and kicked the small stones on the ground without saying a word.

Linglong said: "You say that the whereabouts are erratic and the speed is extremely high, because this person has a very high level of power. As for Ru Mao drinking blood, it should only be passed on by maggot.

Yin Yin asked strangely, "But what is that person doing? Just to steal a chicken?"


There was a weird silence at the scene.

Master world, they don't understand.

In short, regardless of the person's eyes, Cher was considered whitewashed.

The crowd yawned and walked back, Linglong walked beside Yin Yin, and whispered, "That man is Jia Renyi."