MTL - The Dead Cycle-Chapter 1 Please enter

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"Xin'er, you're falling off the cliff again." Ji Ting watched Lin Xin'er fall off the sofa with a flash of inexplicable light in his eyes. "How many times is this?"

Lin Xin'er sat up from the floor and rubbed his back a little.

Have that dream again.

Dreaming is not very appropriate, because it only flashes a few sporadic pictures from beginning to end.

A bottomless abyss, a rough puppet doll with workmanship, and another standing on top of a cliff, blurry.

Lin Xin'er's eyes were still a little hazy, apparently not fully awake yet, "how could I fall asleep on the sofa?"

"You were already up when I came out of the room." Ji Ting replied without squinting while packing.

Lin Xin'er sat blankly on the floor and looked at busy Ji Ting, "Are you going out?"

"Well, I'm going to get my last dry-cleaned clothes."

Lin Xin'er's face flashed with doubt, "You haven't taken it yet?"

Ji Ting finally turned around and looked at Lin Xin'er with a smile, "Xin'er, are you confused to sleep? You should have taken it today."

Lin Xin'er frowned slightly and didn't speak.

"Don't sit stupid, aren't you going to make an appointment in the afternoon? You won't be able to do it anymore."

Appointed? Lin Xin'er tilted her head and thought, yes, she still has "work" in the afternoon.

Climbing up from the ground, Lin Xiner also began to prepare for the next outing.

"Then I'll go first." Ji Tingji said these words, and went out with ease.

Ji Ting is Lin Xiner's tenant. Lin Xiner originally lived in this two-bedroom apartment, but the house of more than 9 square meters lived in Lin Xiner alone, which always made her feel a little empty.

So she tossed out the original pile of debris and posted a renting message online.

Lin Xiner has simple requirements for tenants, with only three.

Single women have a legitimate job and no bad habits.

Ji Ting came to the door very soon, due to Lin Xiner's "work" nature, originally not suitable for living with others, but Ji Ting is undoubtedly an ideal tenant for Lin Xiner.

After graduating from a domestic key university, Ji Ting, she finished her post-doctoral research in an institute and spent her whole day researching that she rarely stayed at home and would not ask Lin Xin's affairs.

There is only one point that has always pleased Lin Xiner.

The perfect tenant had only one requirement from the landlord-not to enter her room without permission.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiner glanced at the closed door again.

People are like this, the more you are not allowed to do things, the easier it is to arouse your curiosity.

But curiosity turns to curiosity, there are some things Lin Xiner has a sense of.

So since Ji Ting moved in, she has never been in that side lying again.

Lin Xin'er also had a chat and asked Ji Ting what research she was doing, but Ji Ting just smiled mysteriously and left her four words-state secret.

This guy, shouldn't he study nuclear weapons in secret?

Lin Xin'er shook his head, left himself behind, and then went out.

Just one thing, Lin Xin'er always ignored.

That is, why do national elites like Ji Ting come out to rent?


Xingyao Jewellery, VIP Guest Room.

"Actually, I am getting married."

Lin Xin'er whispered this, and she bowed her head shamefully.

The woman sitting across showed a standard professional smile and said to Lin Xiner, "Congratulations to Miss Chen."

Hearing this, Lin Xiner's eyes darkened, "But my father didn't agree with my marriage. He thought my boyfriend's career was not mature enough." Lin Xin'er said that he looked up and looked expectantly The woman opposite, "So Miss Zhang, you must choose a diamond ring that will impress my father in the name of my boyfriend."

She had already practiced as an adult lady, and she realized it instantly. She smiled professionally at Lin Xiner and said, "Relax, I will definitely choose a diamond ring that is worthy of Miss Chen."

Lin Xin'er nodded assuredly, and said, "Thank you. If you have chosen, please contact me in time."

Miss Zhang nodded, took out her business card and handed it to Lin Xin'er, "This is my business card. If Miss Chen is in trouble, you can contact me at any time."

Lin Xin'er looked down, Zhang Yue, manager of Xingyao Jewelry Marketing Department.

Lin Xiner's mouth was slightly invisible, but he looked up but was grateful. "Thank you so much, Miss Zhang."

Out of the VIP reception room, Lin Xiner always maintained a gentle smile like a young lady, and walked out of the gate of Xingyao Jewelry, Lin Xiner hit a taxi.

"Piaoxiang Cafe."

Lin Xiner sat down casually in the back seat, completely without the style of Miss Qianjin.

The driver was instructed to drive the car to Piaoxiang Cafe.

Lin Xiner took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone. The tone is exactly the same as Zhang Yue just now: "Hello Mr. Wang, I have contacted Zhang Yue before. Um, yes, I have kept you waiting so long. Sorry. OK, I will Here. "

Hanging up the phone, Lin Xin'er looked at the mobile phone and smiled.

When she arrived at the cafe, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon. Lin Xiner saw her target, Wang Wei, in an obscure corner.

Wang Wei is a young man, wearing a black suit and meticulous hair.

Lin Xin'er sneered in his heart, looking like a human being, but a beast in a suit.

"Mr. Wang? I'm Zhang Yue."

Lin Xiner and Wang Wei sat down on the sofa opposite to him and handed Zhang Yue the business card just now.

Wang Wei took the business card and looked at it for a while before nodding to Lin Xiner.

Lin Xin'er said, "As I said before, if this time it wasn't because I was in a hurry to spend money, this ring would not have been sold to you at such a low price."

Wang Wei did not answer, but took a cup of coffee and took a sip, and asked, "I have a distant relative who also works for Xingyao Jewelry, and it happens to be your marketing department. Her name is Li Qian, I don't know what she is doing now? "

Lin Xin'er's eyes flickered, and she looked at Wang Weidao: "Mr. Wang may have misremembered that our marketing department didn't call Li Qianren."

Wang Wei smiled at Lin Xiner, put down the coffee cup in his hand, and said, "Maybe I remember it wrong."

Lin Xin'er also smiled at him, and all the names of Xingyao Jewelry employees were in her head.

"You can raise the price. I can accept it, but I want to see the goods first."

"No problem, I'll prepare all the procedures before I contact you."

When Lin Xin'er left Piaoxiang Cafe, it was exactly four o'clock. She went out of the way and took a taxi to go home.

The taxi stopped in front of an ordinary residential area. On the 21st floor of Lin Xin'er's house, she opened the door a little bit tired and entered the room. There was no one in the room, but Ji Ting's piece was put on the sofa for dry cleaning. What happened after she came back?

Lin Xiner opened the refrigerator and found that only one can of beer was left alone.

She stretched out her right hand for a moment and hesitated, still picking up the only can of beer.

Into the bedroom, put the phone on the table, there are seven or eight different models of different brands of mobile phones.

Sitting in front of the computer and drinking a cold beer, Lin Xiner sighed with some comfort.

After casting the net for so long, it is finally about to be closed.

Lin Xiner is certainly not Zhang Yue, the manager of the jewelry store, nor is it Miss Chen. She is not going to get married, and she does not even have a boyfriend.

Everything is just a scam.

Lin Xiner did not know who her parents were since she was a child, and her adoptive parents only said that she was picked up on the road. Poor family made her drop out of junior high school, and her adoptive parents disappeared overnight.

But Lin Xin'er didn't blame them. After all, they had no relationship with them. They had supported themselves for so many years.

Can't continue reading Lin Xin'er can only make money to support herself, but what can she do? This problem bothered Lin Xiner for a day, and she found that she was talented in some aspects, that is, deceiving people.

Therefore, when other children were studying Chinese mathematics, Lin Xin'er specialized in deceit and acting; when other children's moral, intellectual, and physical development was in full swing, Lin Xiner's pitfalls made rapid progress.

Although it is also known that deceiving is detrimental to Yinde, Lin Xiner will do nothing except deceive.

This time, Wang Wei is also a liar, or a scum ignorant girl.

Lin Xin'er heard that he had been doing this for a long time, and finally formulated this plan, ready to teach Wang Wei a lesson.

After turning on the computer, the junior high school class group kept flashing.

Alas: First love, you have n’t woke up yet?

Cuihua: Can it be normal?

Alas: Last night you called someone Xiao Tianxin, and now you ask them to be normal. . .

Cuihua: → _ → Sack, you see how many patients you have, are you happy?

Pouch: Dr. Ye, seek treatment, I just hit an arrow in my knee.

Ye Long: You give up healing

Ah Ye: Dr. Ye is a dentist, he has no cure for arrows in your knees.

Cuihua: Ye Ye is a dentist?

Ye Long: No, Lao Lin is.

Alas: What about you? Andrology?

Ye Long: Gynecology.

Ah: I often feel like a woman. When do you show me?

Ye Long: Don't give up for treatment when it's empty.

Looking at these chat records, Lin Xiner smiled helplessly. This group of people have graduated from college for a year, and they are even poorer.

Lin Xiner tapped his fingers on the keyboard.

Lao Lin: I'm here. Who is looking for me?

Pouch: Report to Dr. Lin, there is a deep well ice there, how to deal with it?

Lao Lin: Humane destruction.

Pouch: Get orders!

Alas: You can't do this to me, I still have a baby in my stomach!

Ye Long: ............... Drag it out for ten minutes! !! !!

Cuihua: Xiner, what time do you go out to work every day?

Lao Lin: Am I going to work?

Cuihua: Do you have to go to school?

Lao Lin: ... No, it's just that I don't have a fixed time at work.

In the circle of junior high school students, Lin Xiner is a doctor.

When she graduated from junior high school, she told everyone that she was going to high school abroad, and no one knew she was dropping out.

Over the years, she "completed" high school and university with everyone and successfully became a dentist.

She has always played this role well, even in class meetings.

Closing the dialog box, Lin Xiner drank the beer in his hand, and then clicked in and pursued a romance novel.

Lin Xin'er never reads romance novels, but she has been following this article, because this article called "The Prosperity" is too interesting.

This interesting course does not mean how interesting the storyline is, but that it is interesting to comment on the author with countless readers every day.

This has also become a required course for Lin Xiner to relax every day.

However, when I clicked into the "Prosperity and Prosperity" today, I found that its status has changed to "Completed".

Lin Xiner sucked at the corner of her mouth. She looked at the word count in the upper right corner of the screen and wrote more than 113,000 words. The author finally can't stand the end of the hassle of fans. !!

This made Lin Xiner a little hard to accept. How could the author deprive her of the only joy in her life!

Thinking like this, Lin Xin'er clicked in as usual, and patiently finished the next chapter.

Then Lin Xiner could only hehe.

The heroine and heroine haven't had time to ignite the flames of love, so the heroine jumped off the cliff because of a female partner? !!

Lying down! Have you considered the feeling of the male lead? Is he just coming out to make soy sauce?

Lin Xiner held back a anger in her heart and was ready to talk to the author about life.

However, no matter how the mouse slides, Lin Xiner has no response. After that, the computer simply goes blank.

Lin Xiner was dazzled by a dazzling white light, and she closed her eyes subconsciously.

When Lin Xiner opened his eyes again, he stood in front of a fierce strange strange man.

This is not a thriller. The thriller is that the man is still holding a dagger, and the tip of the dagger is buried in his body.

Lin Xin'er looked down at the dagger submerged in his abdomen, and blood dripped from the wound.

Lin Xin'er finally couldn't help but had tossed into his throat and exclaimed in horror.

"Help !!!!!!!!!!!!! Kill !!!!!!!!!!!!!