MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 54

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The monks who want to be close in the distance, who were shocked by these two words, could not stand the pressure and trembled.

Gu Yunqi also smashed his eyebrows. He had the protection of the soul and the bells, and the impact would be less, but Mu Chen’s reaction was more interesting.

Mu Chen, who has been reduced to the other two realms, seems to have not noticed this pressure. Instead, he is pulled back by the other party's words, and a sword pierces the throat of the Nebula.

The nemesis of the nebula stunned Mu Chen, did not expect that Mu Chen was not affected by the monks of the Mahayana period, and finally he realized what, his mouth opened Zhang, silently said two words, Mu Chen did not wait for him to finish, Directly cut the other side of the sword.

The white-haired man saw Mu Chen’s movements and reached out to him with anger. He tried to save the spirit of the Nebula, "Bold!"

When Mu Chen heard this anger, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He placed the ninth yang fire on the body of the nebula, and found the soul hidden by the other side. He stepped on it.

The other party was anxious, and a palm shot to Mu Chen, Gu Yunxiao laughed, the sword shot, the two magical forces collided together, Gu Yunhao stepped back a dozen steps, took the opportunity to pull Mu Chen, put people behind The sword tip provokes the last sacred soul of the nebula, and the sword makes the other person die.

Then he hugged Mu Chen's waist, and he smashed it, and the sorrowful sorcerer's bell came out. He slammed, and the faint golden glow shrouded Mu Chen. Gu Yunxiao smiled and took a palm. Chen pushed in.

Mu Chen reacted and wanted to come out, but the result was bounced back by a formation. He screamed at the sword with anger, and the result was still bounced back. Immediately he understood it. The gangster dared to lock him up!

Gu Yunqi felt the anger of Mu Chen, just smiled and did not explain. He is aware of how dangerous people are in front of him. Mu Chen’s spirit is too special. If it is discovered by the other party, it will definitely be dangerous.

Killing his most powerful assistant is still killing in front of his own eyes. Demon has not felt this kind of anger for a long time. This kind of stimuli made him angry and laughed. Looking at Gu Yunxiao’s eyes is like watching a clown who doesn’t know life and death. “You dare, dare...won?”

Suddenly inducted the blood of Gu Yunxiao's body, the devil stunned and surprised, asked not sure: "Seventeen?"

These sons, few of them can remember the name, the first few, he called the first few, just like a number. Anyway, what he wants is not family fun, just a qualified container.

I couldn’t think of it. The little pity that he sent to the fairyland grew like this. The demon looked at Gu Yun’s body. “The age of sixteen years old, the magic of the beginning of the fit, the width of the pulse is three times that of ordinary people. The body is baptized by the gods, and the poison is not invaded!"

The more the devil is said, the more happy he is, and even the things that Gu Yunzhen ruined the nebula of the nebula are left behind. A pair of black scorpions gradually turn into red, and they look at Gu Yunxi excitedly. "Seventeen, go back with the father. The deity does not care about your unreasonable.

"No!" The first thing to refute is not Gu Yunqi, but Mu Chen, the cold voice is uncharacteristic, and the angry and refusing in Gu Yun's mind refuses. "He is the one I raised, my person!"

Mu Chen squatted on the glare and shouted: "You are a gangster! Let me go out!"

The most important thing may have to be taken away. It is undeniable that Mu Chen is panicked.

Gu Yunyi felt the tension of Mu Chen and comforted with the gods: "Don't be afraid, I will not go."

The demon statue did not sense Mu Chen’s breath. He knew that Gu Yunqi hid him. This performance made him suddenly laugh. "Seventeen, if you want him, take it away, there are countless beautiful people in the devil world. ”

Gu Yun blinked his eyes, and the look at the bottom of his eyes was dark and unclear, as if he was really considering feasibility.

Mu Chen stunned the halo and thought about it!

Gu Yunzhen saw that Mu Chen was really angry. He smiled and picked up his mouth. He did not dare to tease him. Unfortunately, he said: "I will take him to the Devil World in a circle, but not now."

"That will take you away!" In the empty air, I grabbed it, and Gu Yunqi’s figure flashed. It has already appeared in the air, and the long sword in his hand can’t stand the spiritual infusion. It has been squeaking and it seems to be destroyed. .

Devil Zun sighed, did not expect Gu Yunzhen dare to directly compete with him.

After the magical collision, Gu Yunxiao looked at the sword in his hand and couldn't help but scream. This sword is still not as good as the one he used in his last life. Still should look for opportunities to bring the sword out of the sword.

"You are like me." The demon eyes flashed a satisfactory look.

Gu Yun’s mouth looked at the demon statue with a smile, no fear. “That’s too unfortunate.”

"Go back with the father, what do you want, the deity is for you."

"The three circles are in front of me, not as good as he smiles." Gu Yunqi is very serious, and Mu Chen, who is trying to get out of the way, couldn't help but have a hot face. The ear tips are red, this counter! It’s time to say something!

The demon snorted and looked at Gu Yunxi with disappointment. "In this case, the father can only take you back to make a good adjustment."

Gu Yunxiao smiled when he heard this, and pointed his finger at the sky.

Just listen to the sky, a purple giant thunder fell from the air, squatting between Gu Yunhao and the demon statue, a blue figure appeared from the thunder and lightning, holding Yue Mingze in his hand.

The people dropped Yue Mingze and swept around. After seeing Gu Yunxiao, he waved his hand. "Hey! The little brothers met again!"

Gu Yunxiao smiled slightly and said to Yue Mingze: "You are too slow."

Yue Mingze took a deep breath and smothered Gu Yunyi with a murderous look. Don't be content!

Since receiving a letter from Gu Yunwei, he has patiently waited for this Tsing Yi people, and then he has resorted to various means to leave each other.

Five days ago, I suddenly received a message from Gu Yunwei, and let this person rush to here to save Mu Chen. I don’t know how Gu Yunyi calculated it. After listening to this person, he is eager to see him coming. Save people, tear the void like the play. It’s a pity that I lost my mistake a few times and finally came over at this time. He didn’t rest on the road!

"Mu Chen? Which is Mu Chen?" Tsing Yi people are still looking for Mu Chen.

Yue Mingze pointed to the opposite demon respect. "He wants to kill Mu Shishu, he can only solve him first." Although he does not know the identity of this white hair, in short, it is not so good, Yue Mingze wants to ask Gu Yunxi this person. The identity, I did not expect to look back, where is Gu Yunying's figure?

Since you can escape, why should you rescue the soldiers?

Yue Mingze's gnashing teeth, trying to maintain his own image, he also understood, and Gu Yun was pitted.

This younger brother is not honest at all!

Demon Zun is too lazy to take care of the two, continue to explore Gu Yunxi's position, his body can only last for half a day, then it will become weak, Gu Yunqi is his new body, how to give up?

The Tsing Yi people grabbed an innocent hair and instantly blocked the way of the demon statue. They asked impatiently: "You want to kill Mu Chen?"

Demon statue, I did not expect someone to chase his speed, then a palm shot to the other side, angered: "Roll!"

Mu Qing did not see the fluctuation of spiritual power, simply reaching out to block each other's moves, the temper looked particularly violent, the black hair was faintly blue, the thunder flashed, and the domineering side of the leg lifted, "You dare Bullying our Mu family!"

The demon statue was slammed into the chest and flew out.

Mu Qing smashed his sleeves and continued to rush up. The fight was like a rogue. He opened the bow left and right and punched his fist. "Several Xianjun saw the surname Mu, and they must bow their heads. You are a few old! The three circles and six roads have not seen you yet. Arrogant!"

The demon statue was taken out of a blood, and looked at Mu Qing with horror. With his cultivation, there is no rebellious ability. What is this person coming from!

Gu Yunqi looked at the picture on the water mirror in his hand, and the twilight sank. He guessed it was true. This person is not a person from the Three Realms. Look at this repair, it should be from the realm of God!

If the other party wants to take Mu Chen away, he can't stop it now.

Mu Chenxi looked at Gu Yunqi, and then looked at his own Mu Qing, his face stunned for a while, then snorted, his voice was deeply exhausted. Nowadays, he doesn't want to say anything, and he doesn't want to think about it. There is only a blank left in his head, and he feels tired even if he breathes.

"Master." Gu Yunyi put the water mirror on the table and walked over to hug Mu Chen from behind.

"Let me go out," Mu Chen was too lazy to resist. At the beginning, he gave him a sorrowful guardian bell. I did not expect that today he became a barrier that he could not break.

"Where is the teacher going?"

Feeling that the arms on his waist were tightly wrapped, Mu Chen sighed. If Gu Yunzhen was only the owner of the Wangchen Pavilion, he only needed him to explain whether he was coerced or not. . Up to now, Gu Yunyi has been a magician, and he has even been even worse than him. These years have been quiet, and there are so many secrets that he has no longer wanted to pursue it.

The heart is tired, too lazy to ask.

On the water mirror, the demon must have torn the space and escape to the devil.

Mu Qing took the sleeves down and looked around and asked, "Mu Chen?"

Yue Mingze’s mouth was pumping, and he had lost his traces just now. He couldn’t detect it at all. How could he know? However, this also made him suspicious. When he saw Gu Yunqi, where is Mu Chen?

Gu Yun said that Mu Chen did not let go, "Do you want to talk to them?"

Mu Chen's cold face was not snoring, and his disappointment made people feel sad.

Gu Yunxi sighed and could only tell Yue Mingze: "We will go back to Chongyun, and the masters don't have to look for us."

Yue Mingze: "..." Lost after using it?

Gu Yunxiao's heart moved, the picture on the water mirror flashed, and he saw Gu Yunjin hiding in the distance.

I found that the demon statue has returned to the devil world, and has been injured, the nebula of the nebula has also been flying away, Gu Yunjin is difficult to conceal the sternness of the eyes, waved to the people around him, decisively said: "Back to the devil!"

Gu Yun rubbed his eyes, his mouth twitched, and provoked a malicious arc, and Gu Yunjin’s eyes were meaningful.

Mu Chen smashed his head and saw Gu Yunqi’s expression. He raised his hand with no expression and blocked Gu Yun’s eyes.

"Master." Gu Yunxi covered Mu Chen's hand with his palm and whispered: "Tell me a chance to explain, Master wants to know what, you ask, I will never lie."

Mu Chen shook his head, tired and didn't want to listen.

"Master, don't go." Gu Yunxi buried his face in Mu Chen's neck. There was a bit of pain in the voice, so that Mu Chen's apex trembled and his mouth opened. After all, he did not speak.

"I originally established the Wangchen Pavilion for self-protection. I know that my fate is in the hands of others. I don't want to betray the teacher's door and I don't want to betray the teacher. Only my own power can protect myself, and I can protect my master. I didn't expect to let the Master misunderstand, my past." Gu Yunxiao's voice is very low, just like the fear of stimulating the sensitive nerves of Mu Chen, one word and one sentence, slowly speaking in his ear, slow words It seems that with a magical force, Mu Chen’s nerves are eased and listened quietly.

Gu Yunyi looked at the appease and continued to use it. He continued: "The Master also knows that my fairy is the same body, only cultivates the immortal, does not repair the demon, and the physical strength cannot be balanced, and it is easy to get mad."

Mu Chen's brow wrinkled, as if thinking about something.

Gu Yunxi saw his expression, no longer spoke, quietly giving Mu Chen time to digest this information. He knew that if the explanation is not clear now, it will be more troublesome in the future.

Misunderstandings are generally caused by one less explanation, so that the two have a gap, and gradually drift away.

Or if there is a lie, it will cause a rift in the relationship of trust, but it will become troublesome when it is repaired, and it will be painful.

Therefore, Gu Yunyi never thought about cheating Mu Chen. Some things may not be the right time. He will not say it, but the one that comes out must be the truth.

After a moment of silence, Mu Chen suddenly said: "Who is your magical power?"

The author has something to say: The occurrence of misunderstandings is generally one less explanation, so that the two have a gap, and thus gradually drift away.

Or if there is a lie, it will cause a rift in the relationship of trust, but it will become troublesome when it is repaired, and it will be painful.

Black 喵 soul chicken soup time: "So girls, if you have misunderstood people who care about yourself, remember to ask clearly and understand. Feelings should be less routine, more sincere, perhaps a recovery of feelings is a heartfelt explanation Of course, if the other party is going back and forth in your world, you will be arrogant, and you will be polite. The three-legged 蛤|蟆 is not easy to find, the man with two legs is too much, and whoever you are still beautiful, the sun Still illuminate your world!"

————The dividing line of our sweet return tomorrow————

Thanks to the little angel who threw thunder~~

The small fish secluded into the water and threw a mine to throw time: 2017-01-1213:21:44

The blank small transparent throws a mine to throw time: 2017-01-1214:56:12