MTL - The Crazy Forensic Doctor Consort-Chapter 87 Let Liu Wei be too good

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Liu Wei didn't say anything, just looked at Yang Lan and suddenly asked him: "My cousin told me that you asked a father in the government to know my mother's name. Who are you asking?"

Reading the child heard no words, blurted out: "It is Yang Lan."

Liu Weixin said that this was the case, the lips slammed, and looked at Yang Yang deeply.

At this time, the child added another sentence: "I heard that Yang Lan had served the Ji Yuniang."

“Hmm?” Liu Wei raised an eyebrow: “How do you say that?”

Read the child: "Yang Lan is the old man beside the old lady. It seems that at the time, Ji Yanniang was pregnant with her child, and there was no decent squatting around her. The old lady sent Yang Lan to serve. Later My mother gave birth to Missy, and Yang Hao came back. It seems to be in contact for a few months, but Yang Lan is a good heart. Miss you forgot? When I was young, Yang Lan was the best for you, sometimes I went. The main hospital is eating, you are not full, all of them are sent by Xiao Yan and sent a snack box."

These memories are a bit fuzzy, and the original Lord was also very small at that time, and many things were not clearly remembered.

Liu Wei does not know who Yang Lan is, but Yang Lan does seem to care a little about himself. Probably because he is born to Yang Lan, he is somewhat emotional.

Liu Wei thought, to check the mother's things, probably the first one would start with this Yang Lan.

Liu Wei was thinking about it. At this time, a group of people came out of the Daxiong Hall.

The first thing Liu Wei saw was Lu's. Unlike the last time he met, Lu's today is full of radiance and spirit. It is like the disappearance of Liu Feng. The impact on Lu's has not been so great.

On the left side of Lu's, followed by a woman with a cloud of flowers and a toothed moth, the woman seems to be sixteen or seven years old, with a beautiful facial features and a sweet smile on her lips.

Liu Wei recognized this person at a glance, even after five years, but Liu Yao’s appearance did not change.

And walking in front of the two people is a spirited, pretentious old man.

The old man was covered with savvy and deep, wrinkled eyebrows, and it was a pair of blind scorpions.

The scorpions are already a little muddy, and they can shine, but they are unexpectedly swearing.

Xiangfu old lady, Xiao!

Whether it is Liu Wei after the crossing, or the former original owner, the old lady is actually not in love.

The old lady’s temper is quiet, she will not come out in her yard all the year round, and the size of the house is handed over to Lu’s disposal.

When the old lady is more, she only likes to worship the temple and copy the scriptures.

Every time the family's juniors go to please, the old lady always nods deeply, and then rewards me with fruit and candied fruit.

The old lady seems to be unconcerned to anyone, and the attitude towards which child is the same.

But Liu Wei knows that the old lady just doesn't like her daughter and likes men.

Because the granddaughter asked Ann to have a different time than the grandson, so the few ladies saw the cold side of the old lady, but Liu Yan or Liu Yi, Liu Yi, no matter what, as long as it is a male, But I can get the care of the old lady.

After seeing the old lady for five years, Liu Wei was subconsciously cautious, because compared with Lu, Liu Yao, and the old lady, it was the most difficult person to deal with.

The old lady came over step by step with the support of Lu and Qin, and Liu Wei just looked at the old lady calmly, her eyes narrow.

When I got closer, the first one to talk about was Liu Yao: "Big sister, you can come back."

Liu Wei looks at Liu Yao, and the opposite is the bright smile on Liu Yao’s face.

"Big sister, you know how many days your father and mother miss you these days? And the old lady, I am thinking of you every day, how can you bear to leave us so much, and leave."

Liu Yao said, taking a step back and holding Liu Wei's arm.

Liu Yao’s strength in death, I do not know whether it is really a big sister, or want to tighten the big sister, do not give her the opportunity to escape.

Liu Wei looked at Liu Yao and did not speak.

Liu Yao approached this time, but vaguely saw the traces of the potholes under the veil of Liu Wei, and suddenly the corner of his mouth was turned upside down, and the hand turned in vain. Huo’s veil of Liu Wei was unveiled!

When Liu Wei moved in Liu Yao, he knew what Liu Yao wanted to do, but Liu Wei did not move, nor did he stop, just waiting for Liu Yao to disclose his appearance to the world.

And in the next second of the veil falling, a burst of cool snorting sounded around.

Today is the day of the incense, the people outside the Daxiong Hall, in addition to the people of the government, there are many other pilgrims, Liu Yao suddenly this, not only scared the people in the Xiangfu, but also scared those innocent people who happened to pass by.

Lu's face turned white, and looked at Liu Wei's horrible, disgusting burned half face, his hand on his chest, almost smashing past.

The old lady turned her eyes and looked at Liu Yao, yelling: "The veil is wearing!"

Yang Lan was busy going forward and snatched the veil of Liu Yao’s hand. After wearing it for Liu Wei, she pulled Liu Wei and walked to the old lady.

Liu Yao knows that she is smashed, and the old lady has always had a good face. The so-called ugly family is not arrogant. In the end, it is Miss Dafu. This kind of remnant color leaks. In this blue sky, it is not plain white to give people a joke?

However, Liu Yao is not convinced, she just does not like Liu Wei, just want to use all methods to make Liu Wei better.

Liu Wei was taken to the old lady. She lowered her head, her eyes were red, her throat swallowed, and she called: "Grandmother..."

The voice is very small, I don’t listen carefully, I can’t hear it.

The old lady looked at Liu Wei, this angle, just to see the corner of Liu Wei veil, the leak of burns leaking out.

Taking a breath, the old lady calmly said: "Go to the Zen Room."

When the words fell, the old lady turned and left.

Lu looked at Liu Wei, and the shock on his face had passed. The rest of this was a cool and contemptuous look, and he raised his eyes and called Liu Yao.

Liu Yao is a crisp and fluent person. When passing Liu Wei, he deliberately smiled at Liu Wei. The smile, the beautiful and beautiful, also set off Liu Wei is even more ugly.

When the three people walked away, the other people went with them all the way, Liu Wei was heard, and Yang Lan around him sighed very lightly.

Liu Wei took the lead and looked at Yang Lan. Yang Lan had already pulled Liu Wei and followed up.

In the Zen Room, Yang Lan was with the old lady, Liu Yao and Lu were sitting at the table, and Liu Wei stood in the middle of the room.

Liu Wei still bowed his head and did not put a word.

The room was quiet and no one spoke.

Liu Wei knows that Liu Yao was the most wanted to talk at this time, but Liu Yao was only blamed for acting because of Lu Xun, but he did not dare to speak easily.

Lu also wants to talk, but Lu is always cautious. Before he can figure out the old lady's mentality, he will not rush to express his opinions, lest he should bring trouble to himself.

The old lady has been silent, and a pair of old eyes always look at Liu Wei, not instantaneous.

The old lady is in a bit confused now.

Liu Wei appeared too suddenly, and his appearance became like this. He was caught off guard, and the old lady was also thinking.

I thought a lot, I wanted to ask a lot, but I was not on the idea, so the old lady is still thinking. 2k novel reading network