MTL - The Crazy Forensic Doctor Consort-Chapter 69 This is a girl

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When Liu Wei had not responded, he saw that the fist of Yueguo had already reached her eyes, but before the fist, he had a big palm with only strength! Blocked the attack of the fist!

"Yong Ling, you give away to the prince!" Said, the more the country's anger and anger, even kicked directly to Rongling.

Rong Ling avoided, dexterously turned the arm of the country more than once, said: "Yan Shu, martial arts has regressed."

"Hurricane children!" The more the country is provocative, and fight with Rong.

Rong Ling took him farther away, and the two played the world, and used this cemetery as a school field.

Mrs. Hou’s wife has already returned to the rescue under the rescue of Liu Xiaoli. While Yan Qin’s mother took care of her mother-in-law, she was full of joy and the whole face was huddled together.

Lin Daren, the traveler, and Tan Daren are also face to face. Today's things have reached this point, they are not expected, but what is right now, they have no charter.

Mrs. Hou’s wife was relieved, and her mind was clearer. She heard the snoring of her ears, and she was upset and confused. She wanted to speak something, and she heard a soft, sweet voice: “Grandma You don't talk, don't move, I will press you again."

This "grandmother" heard the old lady's heart shocked, and thought that her grandson had returned, and turned around and looked at the little face that was cute but different from Qiuer.

Liu Xiaoli was no matter how uncle Uncle and the black-bearded uncle played. He was a medical child, and he only treated people.

Xiaoli squatted on the hand of Mrs. Hou’s hand and said, “Grandma, you are mad at heart, and I only see your body is not very good, there is rheumatism, and there are some stomach upsets recently. You are old, but you are old. You can't be so capricious. You have to listen to your doctor's advice and take a rest. Otherwise, it is easy to have small lesions."

Mrs. Hou’s wife opened her mouth and said nothing.

Yan Qin was also attracted by his words. He turned to look at this little beanie and said: "You are young and know a lot."

The little guy snorted and said, "I will be a man in the future."

Yan Qin's screaming, was teased, looked at his little face, could not help but also thought of his son, then smiled and passed away, and turned into sorrow.

Liu Wei stood in the same place and thought for a while. When he looked up again, he found that the two men had not finished playing. She turned her head and saw that Mrs. Hou’s wife had woke up and simply walked over.

When she first moved, the people of Houfu were wary, but Liu Wei had to leave, they could not stop.

Liu Wei walked to the old lady and kneeled down and asked her son, "How is it?"

Liu Xiaoli proudly said: "Grandma is fine."

Liu Wei looks at the old lady.

Mrs. Hou’s wife remembered this person, her face was not good at the time, and Yan Qin’s expression was not good, and her eyes were faint with anger.

Liu Wei, regardless of their feelings of hatred, only asked: "Old lady, I want to ask, is Xiaogongzi really your grandson?"

The old lady stunned, and Yan Qin’s reaction came over, and suddenly his face was angry: “What do you mean by this?”

Liu Wei reacted to them and they probably misunderstood, and said: "It’s not the meaning of the next, just want to know, is the son of a small father, who is really raised as a scorpion?"

"What are you saying, my sister is naturally intensively raised." The old lady frowned, apparently did not understand how this person asked questions such as plain.

Liu Wei said: "It is strange. The bones of Xiaogongzi are underneath. The hand bones are broken three times, the feet are broken more than twice, and there is a real recess in the back of the head. Obviously it was caused by the impact. The owner of the bones, who had been treated as a child since childhood, did not look like Houfu."

The old lady’s expression was a meal, and Yan Qin’s time was also awkward, half awkward, and both of them covered their mouths at the same time, and they cried.

"My sister has been subjected to such abuse, and the murderer is simply not a person..."

Liu Wei knew that they misunderstood and said: "From the bones, the child's first hand fracture was caused by a collision injury behind the head before the age of half, but it was caused by less than one year old."

As soon as this statement came out, the cry stopped.

Yan Qin shook his head: "Impossible, I have never broken my hand bones! I don't even mention my head! He is my own, and his every move is in my eyes. How can he be hurt like this?"

The old lady also said: "It is Junqi who has personally checked the whole body every month and has never heard of any bruises and bruises."

"That's it." Liu Wei's mouth slammed: "I said, "Which korea is used, it turns out to be the case."

When I finished, I stood up and looked at the two men who had already hit the outside of the mausoleum and asked for help from the old lady.

"Old lady, let them rest first, there is something to say."

It seems that the old lady found that someone was fighting. She asked Yan Qin: "Is it a shock?"

Yan Qin nodded.

The old lady was furious: "In the ancestral mausoleum, he is fighting! Yan Zhenli, you give me down!"

The old lady roared, although the volume was not large, but the more the country still heard, he was a body, and immediately was caught by Rong Ling, a cross, facing the country's head!

When the country was waiting for the emperor to avoid it, although it was free from injury, it also fell, and it was two steps backwards and it was difficult to stand.

Rong Ling arched his hand and the number of rituals was excellent: "Yan Shu, offended!"

The country stayed cold and went to the old lady.

Until this time, Lin Daren, the tour master, and Tan Da, who had been hiding from the old age, had come out and stood behind Rong Ling, as if they were looking for a sense of security.

When the people arrived, Liu Wei said: "Coffin, or trouble Hou Ye sent people to carry it up, the light in the grave is not good, I am afraid that what I see is unclear, when it is wrong, it is trouble."

"You still want to hit me Qiuer's idea? Ben Hou tells you..."

"Hou Ye, let him see." Yan Qin's pulled the Rafjun sleeves, out of the channel.

Looking at the country, look at the lady: "Yose, are you confused?"

The old lady also said: "Come to come, to carry the coffin out, please ask me."

"Mother, are you not sure?" The country is completely confused, what happened? Is it difficult to make this little skinny tender meat, and give his mother and wife a drug?

No one explained to Yueguo, Yan Qin’s mother-in-law, and the two women were nervously watching the brown coffin that was gradually lifted out of the ground. They had a conjecture in their minds, if the truth is as true as the Mr. The skeleton of the coffin, if it was abused from childhood, does that mean...

The two took this expectation and watched Liu Wei go to the coffin. They were daring and went up.

When the country was left behind, his brows were crumpled tightly. He looked at Rong Ling and said coldly: "What is going on?"

Rong Ling did not answer, followed the past.

The Vietnamese country looked at the three adults.

But the three adults can only hide away from each other. They only see what Mr. Liu said to the old lady, and then they become like this. They don't know the details.

Over there, Liu Wei stood in front of the coffin.

This time in the sunshine, she saw more details, Liu Xiaoli also covered the coffin cover, want to go up, but he is too short, and finally Rong Ling picked him up and hugged him.

As soon as she saw the white bones of the yellow hair, Liu Xiaoli’s eyes lit up. After watching it for a while, he said, “How do I feel that this is a girl.”

When the words came out, the old lady and Mrs. Hou, who stood in three steps, were shocked. 2k novel reading network