MTL - The Cold Prince Dotes On His Wild Wife-Chapter 981 Afraid, not your brother

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Feng Chen Jue suppressed the anger in his heart, calmed himself, and sounded a lot softer, slowly approaching Bai Zhuo, "Zuo Er, this palace is Feng Chen Jue, it is your father. Look, you see, this palace! "

Bai Zhuo froze, his gaze fell on Fengchen Jue, when Feng Chenjue thought Bai Zhuo was calm down, Bai Zhuo smirked suddenly, "ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ... dad? How can I have a dad? Dad ... No, my child, my child! "

He shouted incoherently what Feng Chenjue didn't understand. When Fengchen Jue saw this, his eyes dimmed, and a flash of light came to Bai Zhuo, and a knife hand knocked her out.

Waking up again, Bai Zhuo has arrived at the Aqua Palace, looking at the surrounding environment, Bai Zhuo smirked, "Where is this, where is this ... My child? Who took my child away! Give it back to me!"

Fengchen Jue stood outside the palace and heard Bai Zhuo's voice, but frowned. The entrance of the Fox clan to the earth was forcibly sealed by human beings. If the seal is not untied, he will have the heart and cannot send this girl back! I don't know if Yin Tianyao knew about it.

Feng Chen thinks that he can do everything, however, in this case, he can't even comfort him. I feel very distressed about the girl inside ...

Just stare blankly and listen.

During the night, there was a change outside, and Bai Zhuo's back was choked. Fengchenjue also heard the movement and hurried to the outside.

Someone panicked the report,

"Not good, not good! Fox seems to be in trouble!"

Bai Zhuo got up sharply and turned to look outside. The blurred eyes became clear instantly. Her throat tightened, and she thought of "Father, Queen ..." a moment later, she recovered her stupid look.

When Fengchenjue heard what he said, he asked,

"What happened? Such a big move!"

"It seems that someone has forcibly broken the fox's seal leading to the human world. The fox is about to usher in a catastrophe! Prince, our aquarium may also be implicated ..."

Fengchenjue led people out of the palace with a solemn expression.

At this time, the White House of the Fox clan was shaking, and the White Emperor and Shen Shuzhen hurriedly left the hall to check the situation.

Bai Yin passed by and asked,

"Father, mother, what happened!"

Bai Di returned with anxiety, "I am afraid that the seal of the Fox clan to the earth was forcibly broken. If this continues, the Fox clan ..."

The light of Bai Yin's eyes dimmed instantly, regardless of the obstruction of Baidi and Shen Shuzhen, and ran to the fox family forbidden.

Northern Underworld, Wu tribe.

Yin Tianyao broke Xuanyuan Rattan's crystal ball and forcibly broke the seal set by Xuanyuan Rattan. Looking at the entrance where only one person can enter, Yin Tianyao jumped in without hesitation!

When Xuanyuan Teng arrived, there was still the figure of Yin Tianyao. Looking at the spar that was broken to the ground, Xuanyuan Teng was bewildered and beating up and down, hoping that Yin Tianyao would return safely.

Yin Tianyao broke into the Fox family again. When seeing Bai Yin heading straight to the forbidden area of ​​the Fox clan, Yin Tianyao angered,


Bai Yin stopped and looked up at Yin Tianyao. "You made a ghost!"

Yin Tianyao's deep and narrow phoenix eyes added a hint of color, "What's my king, what about you! You hurt my king's Zhuoer! This king will never let you go!"

Bai Yin sneered, and gave a sneer glance at Yin Tianyao, "In the territory of this palace, how can you allow a human to make trouble!"

The words fell, and a golden light ball condensed in his hand and flew towards Yin Tianyao, and Yin Tianyao quickly avoided the shadow.

Bai Yin snorted, "Your skills are getting better every day! But ... in this palace, it's useless!"

Said, once again attacked Yin Tianyao!

The two battled in midair, making it difficult to separate the two. At this time, Fengchen Jue took Bai Zhuo out of the Fox clan to see Yin Tianyao and Bai Yin during the battle.

Bai Zhuo froze, Feng Chen Jue softly said, "Why the **** boy is here now!"

Bai Zhuo didn't say a word, Yin Tianyao and Yu Guang glanced at the petite figure in the distance, his heart was tight, and he was struck by Bai Yin's ball of light. Landed on the ground. There was a sullen pain in the chest, and the bright red dazzling blood spewed from the mouth.

Bai Zhuo ignored other things and shouted from the distance,


Feng Chen Jue looked at Bai Zhuo's back, with a deep stroke in his eyes, this girl was not crazy! She was all pretending to be!

When approaching Yin Tianyao, Bai Yin blocked the way.

"Zuoer, you are not crazy!"

Bai Zhuo's scarlet eyes stared at Bai Yin, "It has nothing to do with you! Keep away!"

"Hahaha ... Let ’s go? If this palace doesn't let it?"

Bai Zhuo raised his eyes with a layer of water mist in his eyes. "Bai Yin, I hate you! I hate you for confining me to the fox family, hate you for killing my child by the royal doctor, hate you for being right! In this life, think of nothing Let me forgive you! "

"Zuoer, do you hate this palace so much?"

"Yes, I hate it! I love Yin Tianyao, why each of you is blocking it! Why don't you believe me! I just can't live with him, I'd rather die with him!"

Having said that, he slammed Bai Yin fiercely and walked towards Yin Tianyao.

Bai Zhuo leaned down and looked at Yin Tianyao, wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth, and cried and laughed, "Uncle, why are you here so late? Zhuo misses you so much."

Yin Tianyao's fingers trembled slightly, falling slowly on Bai Zhuo's eyes, covering the tears on her face, pursing her lips,

"I'm sorry, Zhuoer, it's the king here to eat! I'm sorry ... keke"

"Uncle, don't say anything stupid, Zhuo Er knows you are in trouble, knows that you are connected to Zhuo Er, knows that you have come to Zhuo Er desperately, and Zhuo Er is satisfied. Uncle, sorry, it is Zhuo Er who failed to protect our children ……Sorry……"

Leaning slowly against Yin Tianyao's arms, he was holding his waist tightly, the corner of his mouth with a happy smile, but tears could not stop falling.

Yin Tianyao was pale, hugged Bai Zhuo tightly, pecked in her ear, and said to her with a low voice,

"Zhuo doesn't cry. In the future, we will have another child. One is not enough, two or two are not enough. We will have a litter! In the future, the king will not let anyone bully Zhuo, and never again!"

Bai Yin's red eyes were staring closely at the two affectionate people, and a somber voice asked, "You've said enough!"

The two looked at each other, raised their eyes to Bai Yin, Feng Chen Jue kept an eye on Bai Yin at any time, and was ready to shoot at any time.

Bai Zhuo Road,

"Bai Yin, please let go! My brother will never force me to do what I don't want to do!"

"I'm not your brother!"

Bai Yin growled. Bai Zhuo's throat tightened, looking at Yin Tianyao, and clutching Yin Tianyao's arm tightly, "Uncle, he is no longer the gentle and sympathetic brother before. Zhuoer is afraid ..."

"Don't be afraid, my king is here."

At this moment, the surrounding turbulence was severe! Even under their feet, they started to crack like an earthquake.