MTL - The CEO Is Cold During The Day, And Wants Kisses At Night!-Chapter 449 may be pregnant

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  Chapter 449 May be pregnant

  After the meal, Su Ciyan was about to go out to buy things, and took a note to Wen Qing: "You write the daily necessities you need on the note."

  Wen Qing took the note, briefly wrote down a few daily necessities needed, and handed it to Su Ciyan.

Su Ciyan looked at the note, took the pen from Wen Qing's hand, and added some. At the end of the addition, she thought about it, opened the drawer next to it, and saw that there was only half a pack of sanitary napkins left. The strip was supplemented with a tampon.

  Wen Qing saw the tampon, and suddenly remembered belatedly that her aunt had been delayed for a few days.

   Needless to say, it must have been too anxious during this period, leading to endocrine disorders.

  Su Ciyan saw Wen Qing's expression and asked, "Is yours coming?"

  Wen shook her head lightly: "Not yet." She said casually: "This month has been delayed by seven or eight days. I have to adjust my schedule and mood as soon as possible."

  Su Ciyan was silent for a few seconds without speaking.

  Wen Qing looked at Su Ciyan: "What's wrong?"

   "Are you sure it's your endocrine disorder?" Su Ciyan asked her.

   This question made Wen Qingwen dumbfounded.

  In her opinion, endocrine disorders lead to late menstruation, which is a normal phenomenon for many girls, and it is not surprising.

  So Wen Qing didn't think much about it.

  But Su Ciyan's rhetorical question just now made Wen Qing a little confused.

  Su Ciyan said something that shouldn't have been said: "You have a husband, and you should consider two possibilities if your menstruation is late."


  Wen Qing heard the meaning of Su Ciyan's words, and immediately retorted: "I fell into the sea that night on the Tu Nan, with such a big impact, if I was pregnant, I would be gone as soon as I fell into the sea."

Su Ciyan couldn't help laughing when she heard this: "You're thinking about the most likely outcome, but in fact, there are many pregnant mothers who go to disco or ride roller coasters and other exciting amusement facilities before they know they are pregnant. When I found out that I was pregnant, I was more shocked than accident, because I was so pretentious before, and the little bean sprouts were still firmly nested in the placenta."

  Wen Qing: "..."

  She raised her hand subconsciously to touch her lower abdomen, and said while touching, "It's flat and flat, without any ups and downs. I think the chance of this is too small."

  Su Ciyan also looked at Wen Qing's lower abdomen, and said, "Scratch your clothes up and have a look."

  Wen Qing did as he did and scratched.

  After seeing Wen Qing's belly, Su Ciyan smiled and said, "It really doesn't look like it at all."

  Wen breathed a sigh of relief: "I'll just say yes."

   "Did you feel loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting recently?" When Su Ciyan asked, she had already added a pregnancy test paper to the note.

  Wen Qing naturally also saw the pregnancy test paper added by Su Ciyan. At that moment, she felt as if her heart was being strangled by two hands, and her mood changed a thousand times: "No, I didn't have these reactions."

  Su Ciyan thought for a while, and then asked: "What about lethargy? Is there any?"

   Wen shook his head lightly.

  Su Ciyan: "Seeing greasy food or smelling some strange smells makes me feel very uncomfortable."

  Wen Qingnana: "I don't feel well right now."

  Su Ciyan looked up at Wen Qing: "Then you..."

  Wen pointed lightly at the note in Su Ciyan's hand: "I was shocked by the pregnancy test paper you wrote."

  Su Ciyan: "..."

  She didn't cross it out: "Then do you think I should buy it?"

   After hesitating for a few seconds, Wen Qing finally let out a sigh of relief: "Buy it, to make yourself feel at ease."

  Su Ciyan couldn't hold back her laughter, "Well, don't worry."

  Wen Qingxin said that she was about to cry, but this person was still laughing. She pushed Su Ciyan's arm: "Don't laugh, I'm here to escape, not to raise a baby."

   It’s okay not to say this.

As soon as Su Ciyan said this, Su Ciyan laughed even more heartlessly: "My place is quite clean, although the living and accommodation are far inferior to Dijing Manor, but I don't have much to do here, and it's good to have a baby with peace of mind .”

  Wen Qing: "..."

   It was just speculation and suspicion at first.

  It's all right now, and after a few words, it's almost confirmed.

  After Su Ciyan left, Wen Qing started all kinds of anxiety at home alone.

  There are all kinds of troubles. I was worried about running for my life, but now I'm fine, and I was almost confirmed pregnant by Su Ciyan's few words.

   Having been with Uncle Wu for so long, it's not that there are measures.

   Later, there were no measures for many times, and she was not pregnant.

  At that time, she thought that she should be infertile, so she didn't take it to heart.

  Now, my whole heart is raised.

  If the pregnancy test shows yes, in such an unstable situation, can she protect the little bean sprouts in her stomach?

  Wen Qing didn't know, because she struggled even to protect herself, let alone Little Bean Sprout.

   It is lucky to be able to escape once, it is also lucky to escape twice, and it may not be so lucky the third time. Once Fez finds out that she is still alive and chases here, she may really be Barbie Q!

   Somehow, Wen Qing thought of something, and immediately rushed into the kitchen.

  She first opened the cooking oil that Su Ciyan usually used for cooking, and smelled it closely. The smell of the oil was very strong, but she didn't feel nauseous or vomiting at all.

  She searched and searched, found the lard jar, opened it and smelled it, but she still didn't feel anything.

  Finally, there are seasonings. After sniffing them one by one, I still don't feel anything.

   Now Wen Qing's mood is much more at ease.

  She went to the small living room, turned on the TV, and found a boring TV series to watch. She wanted to see if she would feel sleepy. It turned out that the more you look at it, the more energetic you are, and you are not sleepy at all. In the early stages of pregnancy, there is no sign of lethargy at all.

   Now Wen Qing feels relieved.


   Wen Qing called for the Snow Mastiff.

  The snow mastiff walked towards her, and squatted down obediently in front of Wen Qing. As usual, as long as Wen Qing was also sitting, Tata would put her head on Wen Qing's legs and rub her furry head against her body.

   After waiting for a long time, Su Ciyan did not come back.

  Wen Qing was a little anxious at first, but she quickly convinced herself that Su Ciyan had a lot to buy, so she didn't come back so soon.

  She rubbed the furry head of the snow mastiff, watching TV and waiting in peace. At this time, Tata in front of her suddenly stood up, and Wen Qing jumped slightly: "What's wrong with Tata?"

  Snow Mastiff ignored Wen Qing, and quickly ran outside.

  Afraid that something might happen, Wen Qing hurriedly chased after him and shouted softly, "Tata, don't run around."

   Fortunately, she locked the door, so Tata couldn't rush out. She knelt down and pressed the snow mastiff's head: "Hush, keep your voice down. If Su Ciyan comes back, you will scare her like this."

  Snow Mastiff doesn't understand what Wen Qing said.

  I could only understand her booing gesture, so I sat down obediently and became quiet.

  Wen Qing got up slowly, moved a few steps, and looked out the window next to the door, wanting to see if Su Ciyan was back.

   At first glance, it was really Su Ciyan who had returned.

  Wen Qing was overjoyed, but when she saw the man standing in front of Su Ciyan, Wen Qing was shocked!

  (end of this chapter)