MTL - The Captivating Crown Prince-v4 Chapter 22 warm

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殇 inadvertently looked at the five men standing there, the cold Leng Yufeng, the gentle magic Mo Che, the cold Ye Yizhe, the enchanting Han Xuanhao, the overbearing Nangong Qian, five men, her man, this For a moment, the unconscious heart warmed into a spring.

看着 looked at them indifferently, the beautiful cheek was just a faint smile, but as if the snowdrops on the iceberg were in full bloom, it was a soft touch in the cold, an elegant touch in the refreshment, and a tender touch in the cold!

A few men who were still a little nervous were relieved when they saw Uncle ’s unsmiling smile. This time, they did not disclose the matter in advance. Although they now know that Uncle ’s heart has several of them, but such a beg for marriage Let a few men be afraid of being rejected, not for losing face but for disappointment.

"The wedding gift was accepted by the palace!" Wu looked at several men indifferently, then smiled and said, "People, this palace also accepted!" In a sentence, the five men smiled, but everyone was surprised. After all, Wu Wuxin did not accept one person but five people.

Some people want to speak, but they dare not see the five men above, and no one dares to bear the anger of these people.

The Emperor Huang also smiled. He was married at the age when he was unintentional, but it was delayed because the woman was dressed in men's clothing. Now I see that so many excellent men have become their son-in-law. Already.

An annual banquet confirmed the identity of Prince Donggong who would not change, and exposed the identities of several people to the world. In the future, they will have an inseparable connection. They are the closest people in the world.

At the end of the annual banquet, the emperor who was supposed to be in the palace left the palace and went to the Prince's House. In the Prince's House, a table of delicious dishes was set up early. Yi Yin stood in the hall and waited for them to return. .

"Returned?" Yiyin looked at everyone's eyes, and looked at the unconscious woman's dress still a little dazzling. You must know that Yiyin's clothes today are made by Yiyin himself, that is, Yiyin picked up her hair in person Yes, Yi Yin has a feeling of growing up her own daughter.

殇 Some people nodded their heads. Although Yiyin was not particularly enthusiastic about the other men, but also regarded as children. So everyone likes that there is such a mother in Prince Edward, and they are worried about them. This is a home.

Yi Yin glanced at Ye Yizhe and looked at her son who hadn't seen him for many days, and found that everything was in good mood and followed her well. Ye Yizhe came to Yi Yin, her voice was sober and calm, and she respected "Mother!" Discourse is indeed a way of holding peace.

Everyone followed Yiyin into the hall, and the emperor walked at the end, but he was happy without any discomfort, because the feeling of this kind of life made him feel the peace of heart for most of his life.

Xi Huang and Yi Yin were sitting at the top, while Wu Wuxin and others were sitting around the table in turn. They didn't eat anything at the annual banquet, and now they only felt that it was the Chinese New Year.

The steaming meal started, and the emperor realized that it didn't matter what he said, so he directly said, "Since Xiner's identity is now in daylight, your relationship has been settled, and you will find a happy birthday. Do it! "

As soon as the Emperor Huang's words fell, except for the unintentional who was still eating, everyone else on the table stopped and looked at the unintentional, waiting for the unintentional answer. Yiyin is the most complicated. She feels that she has married a daughter-in-law and a daughter, but several other men are full of longing.

"It's too early!" 殇 inadvertently answered, but the atmosphere on the tabletop was a little stagnant. Xi Huang and Yi Yin looked at him and did not respond. He also had a few complex-looking men. The two old men left in this way, leaving time for them to solve.

Now there are only six of them in the lobby. I can't help but see a few men's puzzles. I just put down the chopsticks and leaned on the chair. "Are you unhappy? Since I have you in my heart, then getting married is inevitable. ! "

"Why not get married now?" Nangong Qian said dissatisfied, what is he asking for relatives, isn't it just getting married? Although their relationship is now no different from that of marriage, having such a ceremony is always reassuring.

殇 Wuxin can see Nangong Qian's dissatisfaction, and she will not explain it according to her temperament, but today she does owe an argument, so 殇 Wuxin said directly, "Well, I admit, I am nervous!"

Although this is an impossible thing for Wu Wuxin, she is really nervous because she knows that she is going to marry or that she is going to marry someone she loves, so she is like a real woman Generally nervous and overwhelmed.

殇 Unintentional explanation made five men stunned, and then laughed! In their minds, Wu Wuxin is a woman who is not afraid of death, but now they are nervous because of getting married. They laughed just because they knew that Wu Wuxin was nervous because that Wu Wuxin cares.

"Xin Er, rest assured, we will be ready for all things, then you only need to marry us back to Prince's House!" Han Xuanhao lured, as long as his identity is determined, let alone marry is to wear Wedding dress Han Xuan Hao made it out.

"Yeah, even if it is a marriage, we will arrange it, don't worry about it!" Hunmo Che advised with a smile, but now their front is very unified.

Ye Yizhe also said, "Yashi's wealth, whatever wedding you want! And even if the time is short, it will not be rushed!"

Seeing a few men are persuading themselves, I also feel that I am a bit arrogant, so I take it for granted that "Since this is the case, then I will do a good job of the Wu country and the Nangong country, and the Western Regions ..." After finishing, but everyone understands the meaning of 殇 unintentional, with such an enemy, 殇 unintentional will not really feel at ease to get married. Although Nangong Qian and Han Xuanhao said at the annual banquet that the two countries were used as engagement gifts, that is, they became part of the Lao country, but if they really want to achieve it still takes time and deployment. After all, not everyone likes to do this. Sacrifices.

"You can rest assured that we will deal with these things!" Nangong Qian took the words of Wu Wuxin with determination, "But after these things are resolved, you must marry us! There is no time to hesitate!"

I looked at the eyes of the five men innocently, and knew that even if I wanted to hesitate in the future, I was afraid there would be no chance, but looking at these men, I didn't feel that I didn't have any hesitation. Several men looked like they were under weight.

What happened today made several men very happy, so of course there was more wine on the table, and the men had a good amount of alcohol, but they did not let Li Wuxin touch the wine, but Li Wuxin was also very happy and excited today. So I took the jug directly and poured a glass of wine for myself.

"Come!" I lifted the glass with no intention, smiling brightly. Several men also raised wine glasses at the same time, six wine glasses collided at the table, some wine splashed out, several people smiled at each other, and then drank the wine into their heads. Of course, several men were watching the unintentional reaction .

After drinking a few glasses of wine, I felt that my abdomen was beginning to heat up, because someone with trust around me could let myself be confused.

At this time, Wuxin's complexion was slightly red, his pink lips were crimson because of the wine's stain, and his cold eyes were hazy on average, and his raised eyebrows were charming, and the men who watched "grumbling" With a swallow of saliva, the men looked at each other and understood each other's minds.

He smiled inadvertently, walked out of the hall with the wine box in his hand, and several men followed, of course. There was white snow like goose feathers outside, and I didn't care and walked directly into the open snow outside. A few men wanted to stop but looked at this look of I am unwilling and reluctant.

Throwing the jug in her hand to Leng Yufeng, Leng Yufeng smiled and took a sip of wine to suppress the hotness in her heart, but found that instead of suppressing the heat in her heart, she felt more heated.

殇 Unconsciously raised it slightly, and hummed in his mouth. She was dancing a bizarre dance, her voice and movements were not on the same beat, and she didn't know how to dance, but today she doesn't know why she wants to be willful.

殇 Unconsciously, the light body jumped up into the air, and between the turning and turning, on the cold and beautiful face, a pair of dark eyes, dark eyes were lifeless, with a few black men have never seen before. Although the dance is not soft enough, the songs have never been heard, but I have to say that these dances are not beautiful, but they are very beautiful, but a few men looked at the black in the eyes of Wu Wuxin, and they always felt wrong. .

殇 Danced chaoslessly, the music in his mouth was just humming randomly. There was a picture floating in my mind, with the sadness, helplessness, despair, and hatred of my previous life ... but jumping and jumping, the blackness in Wuwuxin's eyes slowly faded, which made a few men follow with a little relief After all, they all know that there is something wrong with Wuxin, such as during a thunderstorm.

殇 Unconscious eyes faded and filled with warmth. There was an individual floating in her mind, with these five men around her, her father, Yiyin, her subordinates, and the lost Qingmu Garden ... at this moment, Wu Wuming is obviously confused, but she is sober because her heart has never been so calm.

At the end of the song, I stood in the snow unconsciously, and laughed sillyly. This unintentional unintentional was not seen by them. It was too pure, as if the disguise of the whole body appeared like a baby in front of them.

"Does it look good?" Wu asked with a smile, like an elf in the snow, but in the eyes of these men, this was not an elf but a goblin, specifically to deceive their goblin, to **** their life goblin.

"Good-looking!" Nangong Qian said, only to find that his voice was a little hoarse.

殇 Nodded inadvertently to express satisfaction, he walked to the sleeping hall step by step. A few men didn't want to follow the hot woman into the belly, but they all looked at each other, so there can only be one man.

"Better than one?" Han Xuanhao said secretly, wanting to know that the five of them are not weak in martial arts, but they haven't really competed. Now, in order to eat meat at night, they have to take it out. Click true skill.

"Victor ..." The folding fan in Hun Mo Che's hand has appeared.

"Warm the heart!" Leng Yufeng said that she had already attacked the past, and Leng Yufeng's first attack was Nangong Qian. The martial arts of the two belonged to the situation of opening up and closing together, and they also played freely. .

Huan Mo Che and Ye Yizhe and Han Xuanhao played together. They have to say that the martial arts of the three are very tricky. Ye Yizhe's light work is the best. Han Xuanhao's martial art is strange and unpredictable. It's fancy but there are traps everywhere.

殇 Wuxi was drowsy in the bath, just as 殇 Wuxin was almost asleep, someone entered the bath.殇 Opened his blindfolded eyes unconsciously, and looked at the man in the water mist hard, then laughed out the voice "You won?"

As soon as Ye Yizhe came in, she saw the beauties half-covered in the bath water. Ye Yizhe's heart tickled and he tried to control himself and nodded, "They all lost!" Of course, Ye Yizhe would not Admit it, he won the medicine.

"So?" 殇 inadvertently stretched out her white arm, and the water drops on her arm rolled down.

"Come to warm the heart!" Ye Yizhe said as he approached Wuxin, bowed his head and kissed Wuxin's lips, and the sound of blushing and heartbeat was heard in the bath.