MTL - The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman-Chapter 323 take him away

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"What do you use for washing? Water? Then you will have to pay for the 160,000 yuan..."

Nan Jun laughed secretly in his heart, this Chen Lin was greedy, and he was not willing to take out any money in his hand, but she wanted to see, Qiao Yun couldn't get a penny from her, her own daughter did something wrong, Doesn't Chen Lin care about it?

"You brat, you really beat you lightly on weekdays. How dare you mess with your brother's things? Huh?"

Seeing that Nan Jun was unwilling to let go, Chen Lin could only vent his anger on Chen Chang, scolding and pinching Chen Chang's face, seeing the red marks on Chen Chang's face, Chen Lin really had a hard time hand.

Qiao Yun moved to Nan Jun's side, and just about to open his mouth, when the words came to his mouth, Nan Jun gave him a look and forced him to go back.

Chen Lin beat and scolded, Li Li stopped, and Chen Chang cried loudly...

The family of three over there is playing a good show, Nan Jun only feels extremely happy.

Qiao Yun has no position in this family, how can they live happily?

"Brother Yun, your sister didn't do it on purpose. You see, I beat her up and scolded her too. Just ask your classmates to let her go this time!"

Chen Lin was still scolding Chen Chang, but Li Li rushed to Qiao Yun with red eyes, asking him to intercede for Chen Chang in front of Nan Ye.

Looking at his father who was half hugging him, Qiao Yun suddenly felt powerless.

Such a man who has no idea and a wimp can raise him so much, I'm afraid he must have exhausted all his strength!


Qiao Yun's trembling lips still parted under Nan Jun's disapproving gaze, but after saying these two words, he no longer had the courage to continue speaking.

Because his mobile phone hidden in this clothes is missing.

"Mobile phone, Nan Jun, the phone is gone!"

Qiao Yun groped carefully for the down jacket in his arms, only to believe that the phone he had hidden inside was really gone.

"Hand over your phone, and forget about it. Otherwise, you won't even lose a penny of the money for your phone and clothes."

Nan Jun stood up, took the down jacket from Qiao Yun, and shook his head at him.

"What phone?"

Chen Lin looked at Nan Jun in bewilderment, then turned his gaze to Chen Chang, and kicked her hard.

"If you don't live up to your expectations, if you don't take out all your brother's things, I'll see if I don't beat you to death!"

Chen Lin's kick was deadly, Chen Chang rolled on the ground in pain, Li Li cried and rushed over, holding Chen Chang to dodge Chen Lin's foot, while reaching out to touch the inside of her clothes.

The cold mobile phone is hidden on the body of the child, and it is easy to find.

Qiao Yun trotted over to take the mobile phone handed over by Li Li, and finally he was relieved.

Although this mobile phone is valuable, it is not the most important thing. The things that Nan Jun told him in it are what he is most reluctant to part with.

"I always thought that a family that could give birth to a child like Qiao Yun would have such an upright family tradition. Seeing him today is really eye-opening."

Nan Jun took Qiao Yun's arm and led him to the west room without looking back.

Chen Lin was worried that Nanjun, the cash cow, would run away, so he hurriedly got up and chased after him.

A piece of clothing is worth hundreds of thousands. If Qiao Yun married such a family, wouldn't she have nothing to worry about in the future?

A large part of the reason why Chen Lin was willing to do such a cruel thing to his precious daughter was because he wanted to curry favor with Nan Jun.

But now Nan Jun is obviously unhappy, so she has no choice but to persuade her.

In Chen Lin's eyes, Nan Jun and Qiao Yun are both children, and naturally they don't have as many thoughts as hers, but they don't know that Nan Jun's mind is not comparable to that of a mere peasant woman.

"That child was spoiled by her father. I told you to read the joke. I will discipline her well in the future and never let her get into trouble again."

Nan Jun stood there watching Qiao Yun pack the box, while Chen Lin was beside him with a smiling face.

"I don't care if she causes trouble or not, but Qiao Yun is my classmate, so I can't just watch him being bullied. As a younger sister, I should become Qiao Yun's reliance in the future, not a burden."

The disdain at the corner of Nanjun's mouth was full of sarcasm, and she didn't know if Chen Lin understood, but she kept nodding her head, thinking that what Nanjun said was right.

"I'll take Qiao Yun away first. As for your family affairs, the people of Nanjun are very light-hearted and can't take care of them."

Nan Jun put the clothes in his hand on Qiao Yun, took the suitcase in his hand and went out.

"Then be careful on the road!"

Chen Lin didn't say anything, but the smile on his face never disappeared.

Li Li never came out to see Qiao Yun off from the beginning to the end. As his own father, his son left home years ago, so he shouldn't have said nothing, right?

Now Nan Jun finally understands why Qiao Yun in the book finally chose to jump into the river. After dropping out of school, Qiao Yun can only go home, and how does such a family tell him to live?

"I shouldn't have let you back that day."

Nan Jun leaned over to fasten Qiao Yun's seat belt, and said with displeasure.

Qiao Yun bit his lip, all his dignity was trampled to pieces by his family today, and in front of Nan Yan, he was already humbled to the dust.

"Don't be afraid, I will take good care of you in the future."

Nan Jun took out a box of warm milk from his arms and stuffed it into Qiao Yun's hand. He hadn't eaten anything all afternoon, so he must be hungry now.

"Nanjun, you...why are you..."

"Why are you so nice to you?" Nan Jun interrupted Qiao Yun and said with a smile, "Because I like you!"

Qiao Yun's face flushed, and he hurriedly turned his head away to look out of the car. The car was driving slowly in the snow, and the home that had nothing worthy of his nostalgia had long since disappeared.

"Yun'er, do you believe in love at first sight? I am right to you. I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were mine!"

It can only be mine!

Qiao Yun suddenly lowered his head, his long eyelashes flickered, his slightly chapped lips trembled, and he choked out three words: "I'm not worthy..."

"In the world of love, there is no match or not, only fit or not. The rest of life is very long, and life is life if you walk with the person you like, otherwise it is torture. Do you think I will be tortured by other men for the rest of my life?"

In Nan Jun's view, the elders of the Nan family are not such pedantic people, as long as she likes them, they will definitely not object because of the prejudice of family status.

As for whether they would doubt Qiao Yun's purpose of being with Nan Jun, she would let them know that it was she, Nan Jun, who insisted on being with him with shamelessness.

"The milk is getting cold, drink it quickly, I warmed it up for you with my heart."

Nan Jun said without a formality, and finally Qiao Yun gave him a supercilious look.

She didn't know whether she should blame Chen Lin or thank her. If she hadn't harbored ill intentions towards Qiao Yun, Qiao Yun would not have left without a word of objection today.