MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 911 Will spring be far behind?

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Sun Zhiming's speech made the employees very motivated!

In recent years, with the popularization of Pangu Technology's micro-nuclear new energy batteries, Xia Guo has fewer and fewer gas stations. In cities such as Shanghai, Yanjing, and Jiangcheng, where the penetration rate of micronuclear new energy vehicles is very wide, gas stations are almost invisible.

The development of society and technology has made Xia Guo's energy and chemical companies very uncomfortable, losing money for five consecutive years.

In fact, this is not true, because Xia Guo's energy and chemical company has been losing money since its establishment. The five-year loss mentioned earlier is a true loss.

Xia Guoren no longer need gasoline, should these energy chemical companies close down?

Of course not, they should have more important tasks to completely change their business methods and make high-end products.

Sun Zhiming's speech today sounds the clarion call of corporate reform-gradually abandoning civilian gasoline and diesel businesses, and using the most professional strength available to overcome important technologies in all aspects of petrochemical products.

Oil people nature's most precious resource left to mankind, if it is only used for burning, it is really violent.

Two days later, when Pangu Technology ’s freight ark delivered the purest crude oil from Yilang State to the Jicheng Petrochemical Plant, practitioners in the Xia Guo Energy Chemical Industry knew that Pangu Technology was not kidding!

The raw materials are delivered directly to the factory door, instead of being transferred at the port, and the transportation is fast and the price is low! This is saving the lives of Xiaguo Energy Chemical Company!

Three days later, the prices of downstream chemical companies such as synthetic plastics and synthetic pharmaceuticals, which are connected to the Jicheng Chemical Plant, have further decreased. Low-priced chemical products will stimulate the vitality of the old industrial city of Jicheng.

Xiao Ming has set his sights on the Rockefeller family, but is not in a hurry.

When Xia Guo's chemical industry technology is perfect, when more and more crude oil is transported by freight ark to all parts of the world, it is time to close the net.

To complete this closed loop, Xia Guo's large shipbuilding enterprises are essential.

Jinhai City, Zhang Yongxing's Northern Shipbuilding Group was very uncomfortable.

Days without orders are not much different from waiting for death.

The Northern Shipbuilding Group has tens of thousands of people to raise, and there are no orders but wages must be paid as usual.

Zhang Yongxing is waiting for a reasonable explanation from Pangu Technology for Xia Guo's shipbuilding industry, but week after week, when the cargo ark transported oil from West Asia to Xia Kingdom, Pan Gu Technology still did not explain to itself.

Minister of Personnel Cao Gang couldn't sit still. In this way, the Northern Shipbuilding Group had to go bankrupt.

Cao Gang came up with a contingency plan and said, "I just talked with Director Liu of the marketing department and think we only have three ways to save the company."

Cao Gang handed the plan to Zhang Yongxing and said, "First, we will resume accepting orders for small and medium vessels, including fishing vessels."

This plan has always been rejected by the Northern Shipbuilding Group. It uses high-class shipbuilding equipment from around the world to build small fishing boats.

Moreover, it is very difficult to make fishing boats to deal with those private fishing enterprises or fishermen.

Zhang Yongxing didn't interrupt Cao Gang in a hurry.

"Article 2 ... layoffs. At present, our group has a total of 30,000 employees. I think that according to the current situation, it is probably too much to lay off half. Our proposal is to lay off 50% of all shipbuilding subsidiaries. Ten thousand people, the International Department can cut it off. "

"Whew!" After hearing this, Zhang Yongxing was sweating coldly, and finally he couldn't help but say, "All old employees! Everyone is behind a family!"

Northern Shipbuilding Group is not the same as other enterprises. This is a state-owned private enterprise.

There are a large number of employees in the company who work for their parents and even their children and grandchildren for three generations. They grew up in the family area of ​​the group. After studying the group's technical school, they came to work in the shipyard. Without other skills, if When fired, he will soon face a family and life crisis.

"Mr. Zhang, this is not the time for women. According to this situation, we will not be able to pay wages next month."

Zhang Yongxing sighed and said, "You go on."

Cao Gang said: "Sell equipment! Taking advantage of the fact that the freight ark has not had a great impact on the foreign shipbuilding industry, we will sell our equipment to South Koreans and shipbuilding companies in Southeast Asia. The cash will be available as soon as possible. Cash can find a way to transform. "

Zhang Yongxing looked at the plan and said with a bitter smile: "Ten years ago, we competed with Hyundai Heavy Industries of South Korea and snatched a billion-dollar ocean freighter orders. Our Northern Shipbuilding Group defeated Hyundai Heavy Industries in one fell swoop because of its excellent technology and cheap prices. Our position as the global leader in the shipbuilding industry. For the past ten years, we have been trembling, hoping to continue to be competitive with Hyundai Heavy Industries and not to lag behind it. Unexpectedly, ten years later, even if we are not our old rival Hyundai Heavy Industries, Pangu Technology! "

Very ironic!

Zhang Yongxing said: "I didn't expect that defeating us would not be a ship running in the sea. What special meow is a ship flying in the sky!"

Zhang Yongxing wanted to swear, he said: "No, I must write to the relevant department, and we must give us a way to live!"

Cao Gang reminded: "There is specific news that the relevant departments have already built air and space carriers based on Pangu Technology's supply ark. Do you think the cargo ark will stop?"

Zhang Yongxing stood up and said, "It's only the case now, so let's hold the board of directors right away. We're thinking about it."

The shareholders of Northern Shipbuilding Group have long wanted to withdraw. The shareholders are not thinking about making money, they are alive, so the board of directors approved Cao Gang's proposal.

It is now waiting to be announced to the group.

The layoffs will also be based on employees' ability and peacetime performance, but anyway, 15,000 people are about to lose their jobs.

Just as Zhang Yongxing was about to announce this to all employees, the secretary rushed in and said, "Mr. urgent notice!"

"What urgent notice?" Zhang Yongxing's brain was messed up at this time ~ ~ An invitation from Pangu Technology! "

After hearing this, Zhang Yongxing's meeting was also closed and he returned to the office urgently.

The invitation letter of Pangu Technology is an electronic invitation letter. The content is very simple, with less than 100 words.

"Invite Northern Shipbuilding Group to send relevant persons and technicians to Jiangcheng to discuss with Pangu Technology a new way of shipping in the future of Xia Kingdom."

In the attachment of the invitation letter, there are several keywords that Zhang Yongxing likes to see most—the consultation of Xia Guo's large shipbuilding company transformed into a freight ark manufacturing company.

"Come here! Finally come!" Zhang Yongxing had been waiting for the call of Pangu Technology, almost desperate, and finally came!

"Northern Shipbuilding Group has been saved!"

List of chapters in the era of black technology with high-speed text