MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 5 Open treasure chest

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Xiao Ming has little time left on this day. The remaining courses are either liberal arts courses or self-study courses. Xiao Ming has no chance to express himself.

Like the past few hundred days, he snored on the table, his energy saving is secondary, and the most important thing is to open the treasure chest. He now has 402 surprise values, which is enough to open two primary wooden treasure chests. There are still two points left. Surprise value.

"Xiao Ming, why don't you go up to lecture?" Chen Lin, who was at the same table, didn't open the kettle. "Aren't you the favorite to go to lecture, why don't you get confused? Did you finish the subject of staying up late last night? Let's talk. "

Chen Lin's performance is a little better than Xiao Ming. He is ranked 66th in the class and the second last. He sees that Xiao Ming's performance is very jealous today, and he can't help but undermine Xiao Ming's enthusiasm. Chen Lin had just thought about it for a long time, and felt that Xiao Ming, the penultimate student, was absolutely impossible to get his head around. It must be that he had memorized the topic of the examination paper today, so he did so.

But why did Xiao Ming do this, Chen Lin didn't think much about it, his brain could only think about this step.

I answered Chen Lin with Xiao Ming's amazing smelly fart. I just drank the cold nutrition fast line. My weak stomach didn't accept it much anymore, and my lower abdomen was uncomfortable for a long time. After ventilating, I was much happier.

"Smelly! Smelly!"

"Who fart!"

The people around were upsetting like cats.

Xiao Ming covered his nose with a loud voice and pre-emptively said, "Chen Lin, the taste is very big!"

Suddenly the students in the class covered their noses and stared at Chen Lin, as if they could smell the smell.

"Not me, not me! What do you stare at me!" Chen Lin kept embarrassingly explaining, but unfortunately the **** basin was already clasped on his head, and the explanation was unclear.

History teacher held up his glasses, patted the table and said, "Chen Lin, go farting outside, don't affect class discipline!"

The whole class laughed.

Xiao Xiaoming continued to close his eyes, thinking whether to open the treasure chest. According to the current progress, it is not easy to get a thousand surprise value, so open two treasure chests to see the situation before talking.

Xiao Xiaoming redeemed two junior wooden treasure chests with a surprise value of 400 points.

Open the first wooden treasure chest.

"Obtaining Psychotropic Agent X4. Explanation: Panshaxing's cheapest psychic agent has the functions of satisfying the energy required by the body, activating the brain, and improving memory and thinking ability."

Xiao Xiaoming's heart was excited!

Sure enough, Pan Shaxing's technology products appeared!

的 The fuzzy memory of my sudden death is real!

"Psychotropic agents are the cheapest and most popular drink for Panshaxing. The function of the reagents is exactly as described above. Poor people often do not have the money to buy high-level energy reagents or energy blocks, and they use low-level psychoactive reagents to fill their hunger."

In low-level products, here is also a baby! Better than Zheng Xuanyu's drink blended with flavor and color.

Xiao Xiaoming opened the second treasure chest.

"Get one low-level technology product exchange currency. Note: Low-level technology exchange currency can be exchanged for any of the same low-level technology products of Pan Shaxing, please use it when you need it most. Attachment: List of low-level technology products."

Xiao Ming flipped through the list of lower-level technology products, which are the lowest technology products of Panshaxing, such as a signature pen that never needs to change the refill, can collect water molecules in the air and collect them into a drinking glass.

Xiao Xiaoming does not intend to use the exchange currency, as the description says, to use it when it is most needed.

As for the energy reagent, Xiao Ming chose "take one."

A psychoactive agent actually appeared in his own hands. This is also the biggest surprise! In other words, the items in the game can be actually taken out.

Xiao Ming is already weak and needs to use psychoactive agents to improve his physique.

After class after the self-study the following evening, Xiao Ming rode his rusty bicycle home with the flow of people.

At the gate of the school, Xiao Ming saw Zheng Xuanyu's car driving to pick her up. Zhu Haolun's car also drove him to his home. It was a Peugeot-like car that looked expensive.

Students with cars at home in this era are better off.

Xiao Xiaoming also knows why Zheng Xuanyu, who is doing well in grades, didn't go to the first middle school with the best quality of education but to the third middle school? It is because Vice-Chancellor Zheng of the Third Middle School is Zheng Xuanyu's father, and she can be better taken care of here. However, Zhu Haolun returned to No. 3 Middle School because of an accident at an international school in Shanghai.

Xiao Xiaoming's home requires half an hour's ride from the school, and is located in a paper factory in Dongcheng District, Jiangcheng City.

The old paper factory affiliated courtyard was built in the 1980s. It houses most of the employees of Jiangcheng Paper Mill. The building of the family courtyard is a small six-story brick-concrete structure. The gray frosted stone on the exterior wall has begun to fall off, revealing the red brick wall inside.

After a wave of corporate reforms in the late 1990s, people who had the courage and knowledge in the paper mills went to sea to do business or moved to other companies ~ ~ After the economic foundation, everyone also sold or resold the houses in the family area. Or rent it to low-income people who live in nearby cities.

The greening of the Liquor District has long been replaced by weeds or silt. It is full of chickens and ducks fed by the residents here. The garbage and chicken and duck droppings everywhere seem to tell Xiao Ming that this is not a residential district, but a vegetable market.

Xiao Ming arrived home at 9:30, his father Xiao Jianqiang has not yet returned, and the paper mill's production workshop works three shifts as the first-line technical staff in the factory. Xiao Jianqiang has to work eight to ten night shifts a month. His monthly salary is 1,200 yuan, which is the absolute pillar of his family.

The house of Xiao Ming, located in the one-bedroom and two-floor rooms on the ground floor, was left by Grandpa Xiao Ming, who used to make a middle floor in a paper mill. Xiao Ming also has an aunt and an uncle, both of whom have residences in Jiangcheng City, so this shabby house will be temporarily taken care of by the family of Xiao Jianqiang, the grandfather of the Xiao family, but the property rights of the house are still inconclusive and the conditions in the home are relatively inferior. The good aunt and uncle did not give up ownership of the property. The three have quarreled about this a few times, and now their relationship is very rigid.

昏 The dim lights in the living room seemed to herald the poverty of the Xiao family. The mother He Hui saw her son return and quickly got up from the sofa to set off for Xiao Ming's hot supper.

After entering the senior year, being able to have supper every night is a special care for Xiao Ming.

Braised cabbage with braised bone and a bowl of white rice is the best food He Hui can come up with.

"I'm hungry for self-study in the evening. Eat and then do my homework."

Xiao Xiaoming's heart flashed a warm current.

He hurriedly planned two meals, and Xiao Ming returned to the dormitory. He couldn't bear to say to He Hui, "Mom, thank you for a bowl of bone soup a day. Your son's penultimate exam this time."