MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 209 : Celebration Party

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Still trying to get a shot with Zhang Yifan, saying that the helmet was afraid that Wang Beibei could not sell any amount, and suddenly received a call from Xincheng Electronic Business;

Wang Beibei never thought that once his smoking cessation helmet was launched, it took only a few days to get a municipal order, and all of a sudden it was tens of thousands ...

And the requirement is only to be able to connect to the intercom system, and the color is also the required white;

Now Wang Beibei's ambitions suddenly ignited. There are more than 600 cities in the country. If each city uses this smoking cessation helmet, it will be a huge order. Come....


Shenzhen City, one of the four first-tier cities in the country;

It has the lowest starting point and the fastest development. Although it has taken advantage of geographical advantages, the modernization process is far beyond that of developed countries in the world;

And this city has many characteristics, for example, the penalties for traffic violations are the most severe in the country;

For example, in other areas, the penalty for violations is a three-point penalty and a fine of two hundred yuan;

In Shenzhen City, three points are deducted and the penalty is 500 yuan. In some specific areas, the penalty is even 1,000 to 2,000 yuan;

Shenzhen City is also at the forefront of the nation ’s ban on smoking bans, and is the first city in the country to implement indoor and public smoking bans;

The purchase of smoking cessation helmets was passed after repeated discussions at the senior level of the city, and it is not a matter of which one decides by tapping his head;

It is mainly based on the integration of southern cities that outdoor law enforcement is indeed under high temperature conditions in the summer, and this smoking cessation function is in line with the trend of smoke-free cities in Shenzhen.

Moreover, Yifan Technology also occupies a convenience, that is, they belong to the military-civilian cooperative enterprise and have the military endorsement;

Signing a procurement agreement with them does not require large-scale inspections and audits. It can even directly use the military's audit mechanism and documents. It can also be regarded as a procurement project to support private enterprises;

However, in fact, such procurement capabilities are only available in Shenzhen and other large cities, and are not as optimistic as Wang Beibei imagined;


When the military's wing tiger research and development relied on a paragraph, the police Xiaoqing has also begun production, Zhang Yifan plans to fight back to the house in the near future;

As for the civilian version of the robot, he didn't feel the need to be hasty;

At this time, Beibing and the final assembly jointly held a celebration dinner to celebrate the successful mass production of the product;

Of course, the staff of Yifan Technology is indispensable, and even Lexus flew over from the city of Zhu to pay attention to it ...

The dinner was indeed a purely celebratory character. Except for a few leaders who did not know Zhang Yifan before the dinner, there was almost nothing related to business;

This made Zhang Yifan a little bit disappointed. What big business could have been made since, or to start promoting the operating system based on Chinese programming ...

I didn't expect to say something about rewards for merit, so no nutrition, it is better to give more money ..

On the contrary, Li Qiang and Zhao Yi, the interns, were so excited that they seemed to have contributed much to national defense.

In fact, even if they were sent to the Beibing side to help them, they were only responsible for Xiaoqing's part, and they did not get involved with the wing tiger at all;

Being able to appear here is just the idea of ​​Wang Beibei, taking them to sip rice, and by the way also strengthen the company;

It doesn't make sense for such a large cooperation project, Yifan Technology sent three people to participate in the celebration party, which seems too non-existent;

For this reason, Wang Beibei also specifically asked Zhang Yifan for tens of thousands of yuan of funds. When he arrived at the garment factory in Quancheng, he urgently ordered the work clothes with the Yifan technology logo-in fact, it is a winter clothes that are not warm, and summer A hot-sleeve jacket

However, before attending the banquet, Wang Beibei had trained the employees who participated in the company, saying that this represented the company's image, and also the quality of the Hua Guo military industry practitioners;

So, even if it's hot again, the ‘staff’ are wearing this work clothes honestly, and then all the buttons are tightened tightly ...

Originally, the personnel of the research institute headed by Expert Li and the personnel of the Beibing were not considered regular active-duty military personnel, and their dress was not as strict as the requirements in the army;

But now, when I saw Yifan Technology, all of them were dressed smartly, covered tightly, and sat tightly ...

So there was a heart of comparison: it doesn't make sense that our regular military industrial soldiers can't compare to the employees of a private enterprise ...

Some people have rivers and lakes, and when there are rivers and lakes, there is fighting. This is true.

The people of Yifan Technology think that they should take the soldiers as an example. The soldiers think that they can't lose to these people ...

The atmosphere of the dinner party became very weird. Nearly ten tables were quiet and orderly. Don't say things like sitting in indecent or chatting, even the actions of serving the soup are uniform. Let the waiter serve the dishes. They all feel a little scared ...

The dishes are not too rich, and I do n’t know if it is because of the prohibition order, or do not want to drink in front of outsiders like Zhang Yifan. The imaginary Maotai is not there, just a few bottles of juice on each table;

Lexus was a bit embarrassed, and it was his intention to ask the company to buy this order, which was a good relationship with the military ~ ~ When he quietly proposed with Zhang Yifan, he was firmly opposed;

"They can get reimbursed, who do we ask for reimbursement? Besides, isn't this in their face? This is the dinner they organized," Zhang Yifan said very uprightly;

"After all, they are customers, and if you do n’t order wine for such a dinner, everyone will not eat very well," Lexus said;

"Then Northern Weapons is still our supplier. They treat customers like this, don't you react?"

"However, it is easy to have a relationship at the wine table, and it is convenient to cooperate later," Lexus said. He has never seen such a boss who does not know how to be flexible, but he is now his own boss. For tens of thousands of dollars, it might be 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in this way. After all, people's northern weapons are big companies. "

"The basis of our survival is products. Without products, nothing is possible," Zhang Yifan said. "You also know Beibing University. Are there few people who want to invite Beibing to eat?"

"How much good looks did the Bei Bing give them? Or how many orders did they give?" Zhang Yifan said again: "Furthermore, it's as if I invited everyone to dinner. You think that the place I go to is low-grade, or that the order is too small Stand up and say you have to change places. You pay for it. Do you think I'll be happy? "

"This is not like this. This is a celebration feast, not a private feast. We can save them a lot of trouble by paying this money, and it will not involve bribery and the like. We can also order some good ones. Drink, tell their leaders to make an exception and bring up the atmosphere. This is something they can't do. This is a good opportunity to win over the relationship. "Ling Zhi said, looking at Zhang Yifan still indifferent, he had to give up.

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