MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 204 : Weight Loss Diary (2)

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Korea, a small clerk in the office, has been working for some years, and there is no longer any ambition, marriage and childbearing will affect her development;

Might as well just mix!

The company is not large, and there is not much staff turnover, so everyone's relationship is also good, even if there is a little tangled in the mind of a colleague, it is not easy to make it too obvious;

A group of text-controlled women in an office must have some common topics, such as some shocking news, and some other ways to keep healthy;

On this day, Koreans walked into the office as usual, and weighed on the electronic scale they bought, and then wrote the date on the printing paper. They wrote down the number 52 under their name, and then returned to themselves. On the position

This is a recent daily behavior or activity in their office, which is to look at the SPC curve of each person's weight;

In short, it is to manage the weight by means of quality management, so as to find the abnormal points;

Korea is not fat, and it does n’t seem to be fat even if she eats it, so she often welcomes the envy of her colleagues, no matter whether it is sincere or hypocritical, it always makes her a little bit fluttering;

Today, however, she noticed that someone had lost a particularly heavy weight .... that was Monica;

The head of the office is the supervisor named Monica Liu in English, because she has the highest position and the strongest ability;

However, in the office, the popularity is also the best, with a strong affinity, including Korea itself, but also particularly admire Monica, not because she is her direct supervisor;

Therefore, she may not be very cold about the weight data of others, but she still pays attention to the weight of Director Liu from time to time;

"Sister Liu, you lost two pounds today, are there any new tricks?" Gaoli Yang asked with a smile;

For a Korean who was in her early 100s, there were a lot of two pounds. She was skinny when she lost two pounds for a few days, but Monica Liu was different. She had 180 pounds, so she lost two pounds. Playful

"What ’s the trick? Just be **** yourself!" Because just after work, Monica kept burying her eyes in front of the laptop and said without looking up, "If you do n’t work hard, then you wo n’t even be a pig. Up ..... "

Korea didn't dare to take any more talk, but it could be said with respectful words, but if this is not as good as a pig, then it is not easy to take it. In case it is considered provocative, it may be necessary to wear small shoes. This job can be returned. I want to continue.

I was quiet for a few seconds in the office ...

"I've already ordered the weight-loss helmet, and I don't believe it, I'm not even as good as a pig!" Monica said angrily there again.

"Sister Liu, what helmet? What is not as good as a pig? How can I hear a fog?" The clerk Xiao Yang asked curiously;

She has just graduated less than a year, and does n’t know much about the winding roads in the workplace. Besides, her position is the lowest level in civil affairs, and she has no plans to get married in a short time. To put it plainly, you can find one after leaving here. A suitable job;

"It's the weight-loss helmet on Douyin. I saw it last night and there were more than a thousand orders," Monica explained. "This is also a net red, it seems like a dumb, this is the first time she brought I feel pretty good. I used to think that buying things on Douyin was n’t reliable, but I searched the Internet as if they only had it at home. I thought about buying it. ”

At this time, some people started to look down at the mobile phone silently, and some people stared at Monica's position, but were embarrassed to ask questions;

"Will you have to wear a helmet to lose weight? How troublesome? And what if you mess up your hairstyle?" Another colleague said that her big wave was also spent hundreds of dollars and dyed. ...

"This can only be chosen by yourself, you can grow your own melons, you can grow your own peas. There are not so many good things in the world after all, which can make you do the best," Monica said calmly. " If the fat pig raised in the Shui Hanbing was put on the weight-loss helmet, in a few days, I could lose two or three pounds of meat a day ... "

"Really use fat pigs to lose weight?"

"It's too much for a pig to wear a helmet to lose weight, right?"


"Yeah, that Douyin really had a fat pig wearing a helmet, and it really didn't dare eat too much ..." Gory shouted happily.

In the office, many people suddenly have a black line ..... pigs do not want to let pigs eat too much, what is this?

Do n’t you feed it less? Could it be that it can fly out of the circle to find feed to eat?

It ’s just that someone took a look at the Korean phone and understood it within two clicks;

It turned out that the pig wearing the helmet always had food in the trough, but as long as it came up and ate it, it was as if it had been powered up, and then it retracted back ..... it did n’t eat much at last

After a while, it is estimated that I can't get hungry anymore. I took a bite to die, but it was fine at the beginning, and I ate more. It was like before ...

The most important is the voice prompt: "Please note, please note that you are about to exceed the maximum amount of diet, please stop overeating immediately, or you will be punished immediately ..."

Then ~ ~ The pig didn't listen to it, and was knocked so stupid that the whole pig was moving around in the circle, but he didn't dare to approach the trough even a little ... .

"Actually, a pig is also a wise creature. See what it shows in the video? It also knows fear and how to avoid these things, but humans have not given it a sufficient growth period. Kill without wisdom ... "A colleague came forward, seems to want to calm down the atmosphere, and finally aggravated the tone:" I have an idea, if there are some, these pigs can generate enough wisdom , Then, human beings are butchers in their eyes ... "

"It's as if she isn't a butcher now," said Gao Li, who interrupted her directly. "People who sell meat have a lot of folks. On the Guangdong side, they are usually called pork guys. Some areas are called butchers! Where the pigs are killed, they are called slaughterhouses; "

"But they are just animals. If they can only be raised because of the law of nature, and then killed to eat meat, then this ending may be bearable. At least they want to eat and sleep, but they only "The pig has no right to be raised and fattened, and even killed. It has even passively lost weight. It has been deprived of all happiness," said the girl.

"An animal that can't even grasp the right to survive, what qualifications are there to say what happy rights? If the company opened you, it should be paid, and what qualifications do you have here that you have five insurances and one gold? Power? When do you think the company is indispensable to you? "Monica said with a sullen look, and then she calmed down again:" I want to say that the same situation, a pig, it can do , Why can't we do that? "

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