MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 14 : Don't try your head

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Depressed Chen Li opens the browser and enters ‘Guarant Checker’ with an unfamiliar input method ....

However, what he found disappointed him.

Either something incomprehensible, or what kind of melon technology promotion that may pay the ranking bid ...

If I hadn't seen the girl's vibrato, Chen Li also suspected that there was no such thing in the world.

I do n’t mean that I ca n’t do it. Chen Li is convinced that with such advanced technology now, I really want to make such gadgets in minutes.

Of course, I did n’t do it, just because there was no market demand,

Someone made it now, and it looks fun.

Chen Li felt that it would be promoted soon, but he just wanted to take the first soup before others found it.

Suddenly disappointed, Chen Li suddenly realized that he seemed to be missing something.

He struck his head immediately.

The girl said in the video that the melon checker was bought online,

However, I did not go to the largest online shopping site, Taobao search.

Now Chen Li finally got his wish, he found the only search result: a humble little shop named Yifan Technology.

After watching the demo video for half a minute, Chen Li felt that this thing was what he wanted, and from the appearance of the demonstration, it even exceeded his expectations.

The most important thing is that it only costs more than 50 yuan for free shipping, which is simply cheap home.

An electric toy on the street also costs tens of dollars ...

To place an order, you must place an order!

And you can't just buy one, just in case there is a spare.

However, when Chen Li chose to purchase a quantity, he found that there was only one left.

I bought one!

The net red thing is selling well, so only one thing is left so fast.

Chen Li rushed to place an order, for fear that the last one would be robbed.

After completing the procedure of filling in the address and confirming that he has successfully placed an order, Chen Li was relieved.

Later, he discovered that there are only two guava artifacts sold in this shop. In fact, he is the second customer.

This is not so coincident, right?

This shop sold one of these things, and they took it to shoot a vibrato that wasn't hot at all, but also got it by myself?

This chance is not worse than the five million sold in the lottery ...

Alas, it ’s better this way. You do n’t have to worry about others using the same method to grab business with yourself.

As for the long-term ...

This thing can only sell a gimmick. If you want to do long-term business, you still have to have good fruit quality and good service attitude. Otherwise, it ’s useless to pretend to be Sun Wukong to sell pork.

Chen Li thinks his business attitude is quite correct.


The housewife's life is not only boring and boring, but also sometimes adjusted.

Like door to door next door.

In cities with many towers and houses, it is not necessarily that they meet each other next door, but there are also neighbors in harmony.

For example, next to Li Ling's family, the relationship with Li Ling's family is good.

This has to be said from the time of moving in;

Due to the brain pumping design of the developer, there will be interference when the two doors open, especially when everyone goes out at the same time;

When we closed the building, everyone didn't notice this. We waited till we checked in ....

事情 This matter has been contradictory on several floors, some of them went to the community management office, and some even scolded each other from time to time ...

At that time, Li Ling was still pregnant with a big belly. After a slight collision, she said nothing and apologized to each other.

I didn't expect the next day to change the inside door;

Li Ling felt uncomfortable, and it would cost two or three thousand yuan to change another door, and according to the location, it should be that Li Ling's house was changed to open.

I bought a piece of fruit and went to visit with my husband, which is also a kind of thank you in disguise;

Later, the two sides also had a relationship with each other. It happened that the next-door sister Yan was also a full-time wife. Sometimes she could meet together, go shopping in the supermarket, buy something or something.

I usually make something delicious and give each other something. If you need any help, just call or ring the doorbell.

Distant relatives are worse than close neighbors, which is about the same situation.

Li Ling just received the artifact to inspect the melons, and even bought a watermelon in the market to make a vibrato.

Because there is no dedicated mobile phone stand, this video took a long time to shoot, and the effect was not ideal.

But, the next sister Yan knocked on the door, so she uploaded it and went to the door to prepare shoes ...

Sister Wu Yan's child is also a regular customer, and the kid with Li Ling's family is also able to play, as soon as the two children met, they went to play together.

Turning on the TV, cooking flower tea, and getting snacks are all basic operations. I do n’t know how many times Li Ling has done the same thing.

After a short period of busyness, the two women sat on the sofa and the parents chatted for a short time.

"Lingzi, why didn't you take the watermelon off the ice? Did you come here?" Sister Yan looked at the watermelon on the coffee table and couldn't help asking.

"Oh, no, I used to play Douyin," Li Ling laughed.

"Jiuyin, I usually brush when I'm bored," Sister Yan said, and asked with a curious expression: "You can show me what you took, and I'll give you some attention."

Li Ling unlocked the phone directly and handed it over, saying, "Just play around, sister, don't make fun of me."

"Laughing, I haven't filmed it myself, I can't dance or anything," Yan Yan took the phone with a smile.

Then handed her phone to Li Ling and let her open it.

I don't mean that she won't open the vibrato, but that she doesn't want to turn to something that others don't want to see, which will easily make people disgusted.

After ten seconds, Yan Yan handed the phone back: "It's very interesting, but the rhythm is a little bad, and the angle of the shot is not very good."

“I do n’t have a mobile phone holder. I used two boxes to hold the phone up. After I started recording, I had to go to the watermelon side. Time was not enough ...” Li Ling said.

"Oh, no wonder," Sister Yan nodded, and then said, "The next time you want to record, tell me, I'll help you record, maybe we can make a vibrato."

"Uh-huh," Li Ling nodded again and again, it is not easy to record vibrato alone.

"That melon inspection artifact is that?" Sister Yan asked, pointing to the small box on the coffee table.

"Yes, I only received it in the morning. You can play it if you want. The box is under the coffee table." Li Ling said, standing up, "I almost forgot, the tea is cooked, I'll pour it."

Sister Yan picked up the humble packing box, except for some wrinkled newspapers used for pads, there was only one piece of paper, which looked like it was torn from a notebook, and wrote a few words with a ballpoint pen on it: "Please Use melon tester on your head ... "

Why can't I use it on my head?

怎么 样 What if I want to use my head?

Then, Yan sister ghostly lifted up the little black box and followed the usage method just seen on Li Ling's mobile phone.

Stick the melon tester on your head and press the button.

Humming ~~~

At the same time, Sister Yan Yan had golden eyes and heard an electronic sound:

"Please note, this may not be a melon!"

玲 Li Ling came over with two cups of scented tea, saw Sister Yan rubbing her head there, and asked with a smile: "Sister Yan, did you try it on your head?"

Sister Yan Yan smiled with embarrassment, rubbing her hands on her head. This thing really hurts.

Alas, what does she mean?

"That seller is too bad," Li Ling put down the tea, and said, "If he didn't write that sentence, I might not have thought of trying to get it on my head. As soon as I saw that, I would try it directly. . "

"No! I guess people who buy this will try it every time they see it," Sister Yan agreed.

不过 "However, this thing looks a bit magical, it even knows whether it is a melon," Li Ling said.

Sister Yan Yan picked up the melon inspector again. This time, she inspected the watermelon on the coffee table ...

Then ~ ~ she picked up a ball on the ground ...

Then, she checked the rice bowl, bottled water, even the floor, coffee table, sofa ...

Apart from the rotten watermelon which is not recommended to be eaten, which is mistakenly judged to be 5 points in a bucket full of water, basically everything that has been tested will be recognized as a watermelon.

The sister Yan who turned around almost in the living room said innocently, "Lingzi, this thing is very interesting. You can buy one for me, and I'll give you the money back."

"If you don't have any money, just a few dozen dollars, I'll place an order for you," Li Ling quickly picked up the phone.

"Do n’t, one yard at a time, if you are willing to ask for money, I dare not ask you to help," said Sister Yan, thinking of something as fun as I thought: "I think of a vibrating vibe, just See if you will sacrifice ... "

"What's the matter?" Li Ling buried her head there, preparing to place an order again, and said her words without raising her head.

"That is, you first test the watermelon with a melon tester, and then test your own head. I think it can definitely be fired, I will help you shoot."

"I don't want this kind of fire," Li Ling said, then looked up with disappointment: "Sister Yan, the melon inspection artifact is sold out. If you want to play, take this to play, when I see Buy another one ... "

"Whenever you buy one for me, just use it as a toy. By the way, pit my husband ..." Yan said, and then the topic turned: "Lingzi, you don't need me to help you shoot Is that vibrato? "

"It doesn't matter if you check your head, it hurts, and it will look silly. We can check some **** and so on ..."

大 The vibrato plan for two home women begins ...